Dear You 2.0

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:12 am

Dear You,

I will never, ever use you to ship a package. I cannot express how much I have come to hate your service.

-- Dissatisfied
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby starlooker » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:42 am

Dear You,

You know what? We've NEVER been solid on that tag. Not the ENTIRE time we've been singing the song. The tenors have had issues ever since the beginning when you made that asinine key change just to make the basses happy. For the past two months prepping for show we sing the song, f*** up the tag, you make a face to show how bad it was (which we know) and then we don't fix it. So, maybe, possibly, I'm just saying, THE TECH REHEARSAL IS A LITTLE LATE IN THE GAME TO START WORRYING ABOUT IT!!!!!

I know, i know. I have some responsibility here, too. But really. That's been off and so off that you should have noticed there's a problem. We're really usually a pretty responsible section. So, seriously, week after week is a problem.

And I've been singing it with the f****** learning tape all morning and STILL can't get it. So, yeah. So now I'm gun shy.

Doo-wah, doo-wah, dowahdowahdowah do wah do wah doo wah.

The Fifth Tenor

Dear You,

Wow. Thank you so much. Seriously. You know how our director talks about mental blocks and negative self-talk? That song is it for me. I've always been so terrified of that last note. The song is so lovely up till that point and then there's this post and I just feel all this pressure to get it right and I keep choking. Sometimes I flat it, sometimes I don't sing it, whatever. And then at competition I did sing it in the party afterwards and flatted it badly. It just got worse from there. It's like in baseball, you know when fielders get a mental block up and start flinching away from the ball instead of catching it? So I realized in dress rehearsal that I was spending the whole of that lovely song just dreading that last note. Instead of enjoying any of it. For tech rehearsal, I made up my mind that I would enjoy the song and sing that note my best, and then let the director or section leader correct me if it was wrong. And, thank God, it was lovely and warm and right! But I still wasn't certain about whether it was really right or not. And then you turned to me and said that I should sing out just like that all the time, because that was just so beautiful, and I need to do that every time. That was just exactly what i needed to hear, at exactly the time I need to hear it. My confidence is coming back, I've worked out a way to remember the note and have quit avoiding it, and I'm even hopeful about that song in the show this weekend! So, thank you much.

The Tenor Who Stands Beside You
There's another home somewhere,
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into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby Jayelle » Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:57 am

Dear You,

I will never, ever use you to ship a package. I cannot express how much I have come to hate your service.

-- Dissatisfied

....I know that you probably posted this while upset, but it made me laugh.
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:38 am

I figured if I didn't keep things very understated, I'd end up typing something that would get me warned.

I cannot explain the nightmare my day turned into because of Purolator. Any company that makes me cry for a half hour while they bounce me from phone to phone loses my business permanently.

And now they're doing it again. I can't believe this.

Edit: Crisis averted, no thanks to Purolator. But props to the woman who tried for a half hour to help me.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby anonshadow » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:25 pm

Dear you,

That's really stupid and immature. I'm sorry, but it is. Organizing a (bad) knockoff of NaNoWriMo so you can be in charge of it is stupid, especially since it seems to largely be because you want to be able to say, "I did this!"

I think it's stupid, and I think calling it "Boom Crash Die" is stupid.

You're not a bad kid, but...


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Postby Virlomi » Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:36 pm

Dear you,

I know it's silly, but I was thinking about you today, and I miss you. A lot.


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Postby Miss Abbie » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:18 pm

Dear you,

I wrote you a poem today.

It is concrete evidence that I am out of my mind.

It goes like this:

math to me is
Lewis Carroll s***
some of you might see, some of you might nazi.
eye squared
they don't tell you that
they're not proving any of the things, they're just
telling you.
too plus three I. this is really...
if you worked it out
you're spinning faster. the answer should be
what is
conjugates have the funny property
that was a previous
step to divide you, do this.
plus one I
nine I. this is what I'm claiming that?
is one can I have my gums back, please?
minus for I why equals ex squares
we've only told you this part
of it--
we don't sea it.
If you ever find yourself reading a book entitled The Bible, you will find yourself reading the story of Adam and Eve, whose daring lives led them to put on clothing for the first time to escape from the snake infested garden in which they were living.

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:26 pm

Dear You,

I'm not sure you guys realize how long it takes to drive from Houston to New Orleans. It takes a minimum of 5 and a half hours in a car with no traffic at all. You have budgeted 6 and a half hours to get there. That is good. We might be on time. You have budgeted 5 hours to get back.

Wait. Hold on. 5 hours from New Orleans to Houston on a bus with a potty break? I don't think so.

I know that it takes a long time and you don't want us obsessive-types to freak out too much about how long we'll be gone. But, did you really not think we'd check your math?

By the way, Google maps has our trip clocking in at 7.5 hours.

--annoyed, land ied to, 1/3 PR&R

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:03 pm

Google is usually a bit on the long side though, but I agree that does seem like poor planning.
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Postby liquifiedrainbows » Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:22 am

dear you,

I won. I beat you at your stupid game. I hoped you learned something from this. Don't ever mess with someones boyfriend or you will lose a friend. And, don't ever cross me. People who cross me end up like you... extremely extremely emotionally tired out. Hopefully you will take this lesson and go ahead in your life a smarter happier person, but I doubt it. If you continue to treat guys like meat and friends like crap this will keep happening and you have no one to blame but yourself. You have no idea how you made me feel by doing what you did. You are not better then me, you are not prettier then me and you are not smarter then me. We are different that is all. You need to accept this and keep it with you in your friendships with any girls you know. You are disrespectful and it is that which caused you to lose my friendship. So stop playing the victim. I tried to forgive you and you continued to make me feel bad.


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Postby Miss Abbie » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:48 am

Dear you,

I don't even know what to say to you.

You disgust me.

I don't think you were listening to Steve at breakfast this morning but if you were, he's good at speaking for me because I can't. And then you told him that I told you I hate you. You make me worry and you make me cry and I didn't sleep at all last night or concentrate in class because of you. I talked to the school counselor for a half hour because of you. I almost cried in front of the entire lunch table because of you, but I don't hate you.

I always try to make you understand, guide you as well as I can, and you never listen. My opinion is worthless to you, except now you're telling me that you want me "beside" you and you need me to make it through this crap. You're telling me that if you get kicked out and I'm not dating you you'll commit suicide. Then when I told Steve that, you said you wouldn't have the courage. I still remember what he said on the topic six months ago. "Suicide isn't about being brave," but today, he said something colder because he is so far beyond disappointed in you and he hates you for hurting me like you do. Today, he said that yes, you do have the guts to do it.

It's really hard for me to care, right now.

You're a manipulative bastard and now I am at school and have so many reasons to not date you again. The thing is that now you've said what you did, if you actually do kill yourself I won't be able to handle it. It really will be all my fault. How do you get to be so terrible? How do you get to be so f****** cruel? And somehow I don't hate you, still.

Screw it, maybe I do.

If you ever find yourself reading a book entitled The Bible, you will find yourself reading the story of Adam and Eve, whose daring lives led them to put on clothing for the first time to escape from the snake infested garden in which they were living.

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Postby liquifiedrainbows » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:21 pm

dear you,

If there is anyone I wish would sponataneously combust you are that person. I saw it on mythbusters and it can happen it is not possible even remotely but it can. So please just spontaneously combust already.


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Postby Petra » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:01 pm

Dear You,

Last night was too much fun.
"I seem to remember that when I was younger, overly sugared brats were sent down into the basement to fend for themselves, like Lord of the Flies."

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Postby Mahatma » Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:05 pm

Dear You,

That was not fair. That was not nice. I hope you did not do that because of me. And I hope you realize that I am pretty upset.



Dear You,

I know it's not your fault. I forgive you. I miss you immensely.

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Postby peterlocke123 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:58 pm

Dear You,

You wanted to talk to me about the relationship you think I have, that I really DON'T have. Thanks, but it would be great if we could talk about the relationship WE COULD have. Once you break up with that other guy you barely see. What do you see in him?

Let's talk sometime.


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Postby Young Val » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:01 pm

Dear You,

So, what, that's it?

We go to a bar, and some old guy corners us with awkward conversation about our non-existant relationship, and I just... never hear from you again?

If it's really over, is that honestly how you want it to end?
you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby Petra456 » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:20 pm

Dear you,

I know i've been saying this for almost a month now, but i'll do it this week. I swear.

- me

Dear you,

It stopped being funny a while ago. Catch on.

- me
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And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

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Postby RandomMaker » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:28 pm

That was rude and uncalled for.

Dear You,
Come on, come on...
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Postby Petra » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:32 pm

Dear you,

I hate your organization. I'm doing a horrible job as your assistant because I am completely useless to what you're doing, and I kind of wish I had quit weeks ago.
"I seem to remember that when I was younger, overly sugared brats were sent down into the basement to fend for themselves, like Lord of the Flies."

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Postby shadow-petra » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:40 pm

Dear you,

I'm sorry i did that to you. i know you keep saying it's not my fault, but i still feel bad. i didnt mean to. I've never seen or thought of almost making you cry. I'm sorry


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Postby starlooker » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:08 pm

Dear You,

Really, how the f*** does one become a professor with a specialty area of cognitive psychology if you don't even understand the fairly simple concept of serial exhaustive vs. serial self-terminating short term memory searches? YOu f****** clueless idiot. I f****** hate that department. I'm dumber than when I f****** started this.

A Pissed Off Student from the Department Across the Street
There's another home somewhere,
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into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby v-girl » Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:05 pm

dear you,

i'm not surprised that you don't notice.

i was always there for you. you've never been there for me. you are all empty promises. so, i'm not surprised that you haven't noticed how emotionally withdrawn i've been from you. well, this is it. i can't take it anymore.

we are roommates, but not friends. we are aquaintances. we can talk about classes and weekend plans. but i can't confide in you anymore.

maybe i don't mean that we can't be friends and i'll take it back later, but i am so unbelievably irritated with you and hurt that you never look past the end of your nose to see anyone's struggles except your own. you don't think about how anything you do could possibly affect anyone else.

i am done. i can live with you, i can be nice and friendly to you. we can even do things together. but sharing any part of our lives together? i just can't.

but... you won't notice. so i am the only one who ends up hurt here. lucky me.


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Postby Miss Abbie » Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:06 pm

Dear You,

I think you are wonderful. You are compassionate and patient and you get me. You are so intelligent and respected and liked by everyone that matters. You are so very much yourself. You make me happy every time I talk to you.

She tells you that you're stupid and worthless a lot and she talks to you about all the other boys that she has fallen in love with so quickly when it took her such a long time with you. She is rude to you as she calls you rude and she'll not speak to you for days and she's loud and obnoxious and generally nasty. And you're not even dating anymore. She uses you and she tells you constantly that you're fat and ugly.

I think you're beautiful.

If you ever find yourself reading a book entitled The Bible, you will find yourself reading the story of Adam and Eve, whose daring lives led them to put on clothing for the first time to escape from the snake infested garden in which they were living.

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Postby Virlomi » Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:40 pm

Dear You,

You're sending every signal, you're giving out every clue, and I get it. And you have no idea how much I'd love that right now. And you give fantastic hugs. And you make me feel safe and protected and wanted, and you smel like cinamon. But go there would be to go around that mountain one more time, and I just don't think I should go there. I know where all of this is going to lead, I've lived it all out before, and it's just not worth it, andabove all it's not fair to you. At all. So as much as I want to at this current moment in time, I'm not going to message you. And the next time you come by, I'm not going to be available for hugs like you give them. At this moment, I truly and completely wish I could, but this moment is going to pass, and I'm going to remember all of the things I'm trying to convince myself of now.


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Postby Petra » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:32 am

Dear You,

You are not what I expected. The fact that you're still here is amazing. Most men would've packed up and bolted after this weekend. I might've packed up and bolted after this weekend, if I were in your shoes. You passed the best friend test, and that's rare. I usually don't even put boys through the best friend test, because no one can stand my best friends. And I think I passed your friend test, too.

I'm scared of this relationship. You're a darling, but to quite honest, you're sketchy. If we've told you once, we've told you a dozen times: not only are you the kind of guy who would get someone addicted to drugs, you look like it. Don't know how I will ever be able to take you home to my conservative Mum and brother... even if you are pre-med and a registered Republican.

You're bad for my health, too. Well... bad and good, I suppose, since you are the catalyst for my visit to the infirmary tomorrow. But my lungs hurt from smoking two cigarettes a day. I used to smoke two a month, maximum.

But damn if you aren't funny, and incredibly smart, and adorable in your own sketchy way.

I need to stop extolling your virtues and vices and go to work.

Thank you.
"I seem to remember that when I was younger, overly sugared brats were sent down into the basement to fend for themselves, like Lord of the Flies."

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Postby Luet » Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:48 pm

Dear you,

Please don't start smoking! You know it's bad for you and your lungs are trying to tell you so. If you really start, it'll be so hard to quit.

your pweb big sis
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Postby Petra » Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:24 pm

Dear You,

I'm trying, I promise.

Your pweb little sis
"I seem to remember that when I was younger, overly sugared brats were sent down into the basement to fend for themselves, like Lord of the Flies."

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Postby anonshadow » Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:00 pm

Dear You,

Sarah has a nice point. I'm not sure if her nice point is made nicer because we're both having manic episodes. I'm sure it is. But her point is nice.

What. The. f***. Did. We. Do?


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Postby starlooker » Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:49 am

Dear You,

To steal lyrics from Kasey Chambers that I've been singing all morning:

Light up a candle and let it burn out. You say forever and I say for now. It's not wheeling and dealing it's just feeling you out, and baby, I don't need you around. No, baby, I don't nee-heeeed you around.

I'm a heartless bitch. I'm terribly sorry. I'll call you this week.

Your, um, friend.
There's another home somewhere,
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into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

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Postby Petra » Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:30 am

Dear You,

Stop trying to fix me. I'm not broken.
"I seem to remember that when I was younger, overly sugared brats were sent down into the basement to fend for themselves, like Lord of the Flies."

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Postby Young Val » Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:33 am

dear bob,

something very veyr bad has happened to my lower back in my sleep, and now i cannot move. unless i want extreme pain. this is a problem, as part of my job invovles picking up and holding small children all day.

you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby Virlomi » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:11 am

Dear You,

Methinks you meant that to go in Bob. :)


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Postby Young Val » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:13 am

dear you,

you're a moron.

you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby Virlomi » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:50 am

Dear You,

But you're a wonderful sort of moron. And if you are then I probably am too, since we seem to pretty much be the same person anyway. So that has to count for something.


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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:16 pm

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Se paciente y duro; algún día este dolor te será útil.

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