A day in the life of Steph - revisted

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A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby steph » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:45 pm

Sorry there are so many pictures of such mundane things. Everything is pretty mundane for us. Things I spared you from: diaper changes, baby feedings, lot of computer browsing (it's my 5 min break from the kids!), lots of texting with Brian (helps me keep my sanity to be in touch with him), some fights with the kids.

Also, sorry about the quality of some of the pictures. With kids around, i never know what setting my camera will be on.

Not pictured: Brian leaving for OT at 5:45am.

My day started out WAY too early with K waking up around 6. I fed her in my bed and then got up.

Did my morning internetting.

Brayden woke up next. You can see him with his new Grover that I got for him, since he had stitches.

A close look at his stitches.

Texting with Brian.

Tyler sneaked in my room and "surprised" me.

Watching the "on my nose" video.

Eating breakfast. Tyler is not with us, since he freaked out about the color of his bowl and I sent him back to bed until he could behave.

Brayden being spoiled with chocolate, since he got stitches, while I got dressed.

Getting ready to take Tyler to school.

Getting Kinley dressed.

Packed T's lunch.

Made T pack his backpack.

Caught the boys reading to K.

Got my HUGE cup of ice water. I'm trying to get 2 of these down a day to aid milk supply and weight loss.

Grandma stopped by to bring B a bear that great-grandma made him, since he got stitches.

Brayden with his bear and Grover.

Grandma stayed with the younger ones for me while I ran Tyler to school. Here he is waiting in line for the bell to ring.

There was a storm brewing over the mountains and it was beautiful! My camera didn't cooperate for a good picture, though. It didn't like the bright morning sun behind us and the dark mountains in front of us. It made for seriously awesome mountain views, though!

Turned a movie on for B while I fed K and put her down for a nap. (He's watching a garfield and friends dvd from the library. It's got a Thomas preview on it, which he loved.)

After K was down, I took a shower.

After showering, I got out my scriptures and journal and continued on day 2 of an activity that's been sitting in my drawer for a long time called "A walk with Christ."

Hopped online and saw on Bargain Blessings in my google reader that e.l.f makeup was having a $0.25 shipping sale. Since I was planning on ordering some stuff soon anyway, I went ahead and ordered myself a christmas present. I mean, Brian ordered me a christmas present. :P

Updated the purchase and added some more ideas to my Christmas gift list for the family.

Lunch time! K had pears.

We had minestrone soup (from a can) and Kraut burgers (homemade, but from the freezer.) I tend to not cook a lot when I'm going through a rough time. (Hence no posts in the cooking thread lately.)

Brayden took a picture of himself. I swear his middle name is "with a dirty face."

Switched the laundry that I started before I took T to school. You can tell it's K's from all the pink.

Heard rain on my window.

Fed Kinley, put her down for a nap. Then Brayden and I napped, too. He usually sleeps in his own bed, but I wanted to cuddle my poor injured boy. So I did!

Alarm on phone said it was time to go get Tyler.

Looked out the back door; saw the first snow of the season!

Picked T up from school and drove to the airport to visit Daddy on his lunch break. He hadn't seen the kids since sunday, since he'd been working so much OT. Brayden hadn't even been able to show him his stitches or hospital band yet. We were all going crazy.

Daddy's work!!

Dinner with Daddy!

Got home in time for Glee. The boys played upstairs while Mommy watched.

Kinley standing up. She got there all by herself! It's a newly acquired skill.

Bedtime! Pajamas on! Teeth brushed! Talking, singing, praying on the list.

Boys in bed.

Kinley burrito.

Lindor Truffle for Momma. Yum!

Cleaned up the living room, with the TV on for noise.

Cleaned out the garage so I could park my car in it.

Put my pjs on.

Internetting. Again.

Yay!! Brian's home!! Time to sleep!
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Postby Jayelle » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:55 pm

Wow, presents and chocolate for getting stitches? Brayden is going to start falling down all the time! :)

And to (hopefully) make you feel like not like a bad mom, here is a photo of Ginny's recent injury in the exact same place (no stitches, but lots of blood and a scab that's been there for a week).

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:04 pm

Aw, Steph, your kidlets are adorable! And they look so happy (no, really!). I loved the pic with the boys reading to Kinley. She's so big! It hasn't been all that long, has it?
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:02 pm

What the hell are you apologizing for? Your mundane is pretty cool.
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Postby fawkes » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:24 pm

Steph, I want those pj's. <3 Your day was more interesting than mine ;) Looks like Brayden's doing just fine.
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Title: GD in Disguise

Postby Petrie » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:33 pm

Brayden took a picture of himself. I swear his middle name is "with a dirty face."
Well, that's not what he told me it was.

Good grief, will I ever stop missing your family? I loved this.

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Postby locke » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:09 pm

wow, lucky brayden, that is one awesome set of stitches. I'd be showing it off to everyone I could at that age. :)
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby zeroguy » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:10 pm

Did my morning internetting.
*squints* I think I recognize that printer. Is that an HP Deskjet 812C or 810C, by any chance?
Kinley burrito.
This made me laugh more than I would have thought.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby ender1 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:13 pm

Did my morning internetting.
*squints* I think I recognize that printer. Is that an HP Deskjet 812C or 810C, by any chance?

This made me laugh more than I would have thought.
Looks like it to me.

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Postby steph » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:32 am

Thanks, guys. It feels nice to have other people think your life isn't the most boring thing ever.

How cute that Brayden and Ginny match! I'm glad you think it's a cool injury, adam!

Ali, Kinley is 8 months old already! It does not seem even close to that long.

I'll have to check for sure on the printer when I get home tomorrow. We're staying at my mom's house tonight, since it's much closer to the surgery center and we have to be there early.

Alea, no. You'll never stop missing us. I think an annual trip is in order.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:40 am

Eight months??

Wow, it totally seems like, 3 or 4 at the most! What a big girl she is! I wish I could come on that annual pilgrimage and snuggle her. Except by next year, she'll be even bigger!
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Postby Luet » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:08 am

I really enjoyed seeing your day, Steph. Not boring at all. :)
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Postby Oliver Dale » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:12 pm

A beautiful family! Thank you for sharing, Steph.

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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby steph » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:41 pm

What my life is like these days:

Waking up

Checking the phone

What I did while Brian took Tyler to his class

I love seeing these faces! (Even if they are dirty with messed up hair.)

Waiting to leave to pick Tyler up from his class

Kinley blowing my cup o'noodles so it's not to hot for me to eat

Scenery while driving to Boulder to pick up Tyler

Tyler is pretty excited about his class. It's a partnership between the school district and IBM called Innovation Academy for a Smarter Planet. Only 3 kids from each elementary school are selected, so we're pretty excited that Tyler got a spot! (He's excited he got the mod of his choice: Transportation Systems.)

Free lunch for kids every weekday at the church in our neighborhood

Brayden pretending to be a lunch server

Post-lunch nap

Afternoon snack and internet

Stomach didn't like my snack choice

Brayden got hit in the head with a hat, but he doesn't normally goose egg like this

Kinley got into the markers while Brian was cooking dinner

BLT with CSA tomatoes and local bacon from our 1/4 hog stash in the freezer

After playing outside for a bit, the kids were ready for bedtime

Brian and I settling in for doing nothing...the only thing I'm capable of these days

Not pictured: Brian working on cooking and dishes and vacuuming and laundry and kids wrangling since it was his day off today. (He's pretty much the best.)
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:59 pm

I'm seeing more and more of a resemblance between Tyler and Brayden, the older Brayden gets.

How long has that storage unit been by the door? I like what I can see of it!

Lastly, I love that last picture of you and Brian. You guys are seriously adorable. :love:
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby LilBee91 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:08 pm

Aw! I love your family, steph. Your kids are adorable.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:15 pm

Stomach didn't like my snack choice
Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Sleeping a lot. Not holding in food all that well. Not cooking...

I think you're baking something.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby LilBee91 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:23 pm

I think you're baking something.

You make some bold declarations, Madame.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:33 pm

But...she threw up! That's Baking 101, isn't it?
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby starlooker » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:02 am

I've been suspecting that, too!

Kinley looks SO MUCH like you! Oh my gosh!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Luet » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:26 am

I've been suspecting that too but waiting for official confirmation. :wink:

And awesome post and pics, Steph. Thanks!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:21 am

NO WAY is that enormous toddler Kinley!

And congrats if congrats are in order!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby steph » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:22 am

Thanks, everyone. I think my kids are pretty great.

And I've been waiting for someone to notice. ;)
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Young Val » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:23 am

Count me among those who suspected!

And congratulations!!!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:32 am

Yay! :frolic:

Congrats, Steph and Brian!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby LilBee91 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:35 am

Woo! Congrats!


I'd bust out the big stamp, but that's your shtick so I'll abstain. I highly approve of more Pweb babies, especially the cute steph/eggbalancer versions thereof.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby starlooker » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:03 am


Congratulations! When is the new family member due?
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Jayelle » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:34 am

I love that your phone has tons of fingerprints. It looks exactly like mine.

Congrats on baby #4-on-the-way!! I am so happy for you (though not for the throwing up, that's not so happy).
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Petra456 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:47 am

I suspected from the Crafty thread, congratulations!!!

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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby GS » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:32 am

Congrats Steph!

Also, does Brayden always sleep with a gun in his hand? If so, that is awesome.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby eggbalancer » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:49 am

Thanks, everyone! I'm glad the word is finally out so Steph will stop asking why no one has said anything. Ha ha! I should have suspected that there might be some suspicious people out there, suspecting things. No one wanted to guess wrong, though. Anyway, this will be our last baby, so Pweb shall not have to wonder about us again! We'll keep you in the loop!

And no, Brayden doesn't always sleep with his flintlock pistol, but that was a pretty typical Brayden scene, cuddling stuffed animals, sleeping in his pillow case, and armed with a toy.
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby steph » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:50 am

Thank you, everyone!

Baby will join us January 14th. We'll find out at the end of August whether we'll be even in numbers or not.

And Brayden often sleeps with a gun in his hand. Brian and I just chuckled at that picture because it's so perfectly Brayden in just about every way.

ETA: Haha! I guess Brian and I were posting at the same time!!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Cassandra » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:02 am

Congrats! :)
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby Young Val » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:09 am

Exactly what Brian said: no one wants to guess wrong! I would never want to comment on an assumption like that, knowing that if I were wrong it could cause annoyance at the least, and pain at the worst.

But so glad it's out in the open so we can all love you up properly!
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Re: A day in the life of Steph - revisted

Postby GS » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:22 am

...sleeping in his pillow case...
This makes it even better, I thought it was a blanket. At most, this kid is my new personal hero and at the very least, he has inspired a new sleeping position.
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