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Postby starlooker » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:22 am

I don't eat particularly well but I also don't think I eat entirely awfully, either, and food is one of those personal things that I get strangely defensive about when people tell me how to do it better or how I should be thinking of it. It doesn't matter if they are likely right, I just don't want to hear it.
I am so 100% with you on this one.

Granted, part of that is my own insecurity -- the lousier I'm feeling about how I eat, etc., the more defensive I get.

But still. Even when that's not the case, I hate listening to people talking about their latest diet, Weight Watchers, South Beach, whatever. My especial pet peeve is Atkins. Thank God it's gone down in popularity. I remember one SNL fake news sketch where they were talking about how much weight people lose on Atkins and the punchline was something about how they all lose weight from the extra exercise they get from constantly yammering about being on Atkins. I laughed so hard at that, because with people in my life who have done that damn diet, I have found that to be so incredibly, ridiculously, nauseatingly true.
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Postby Young Val » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:38 am

I don't eat particularly well but I also don't think I eat entirely awfully, either, and food is one of those personal things that I get strangely defensive about when people tell me how to do it better or how I should be thinking of it. It doesn't matter if they are likely right, I just don't want to hear it.
I am so 100% with you on this one.
I struggle a lot with this from multiple angles. Especially this part: It doesn't matter if they are likely right, I just don't want to hear it.

When David and I first started dating he very casually mentioned an article he'd read about the dangers of High-Fructose Corn Syrup and I. Lost. My. s***. I mean, I FREAKED OUT.


In reality, we had just started dating, and David thought the article was interesting, and wanted to have something to talk about with me, and that article was the first thing that popped into his head. It was not about me AT ALL. I just took it that way. He very wisely dropped the subject completely and stayed out of my path while I seethed. Now, since things have obviously worked out betweeen us, he teases me about that completely uncalled for temper tantrum all the time.

And, full disclosure, I DID eventually change my mind about HFCS. But not because of that article, and not because of David in any way. I came to it on my own, probably two full years after that incident, after reading a lot and watching documentaries, and a lot of self-exploration.

I don't think jabbering on about your diet and your food beliefs is going to convince anyone to come over to your side. In my experience, it usually turns me into a stubborn, loathesome shrew who immediately digs her heels in and decides to do the exact opposite of whatever is being reccomended.

And it's difficult for me, personally, because I feel like food is such a visible topic in my life. I cook a lot. I eat a lot. I go to food-centric places, like the farmers market and pick-your-own orchards. When I don't have an intimate relationship with someone and we're not going to talk about some of the more fragile and personal aspects of my life, food and my joy in it is a pretty safe topic. But I'm always wary that my enthusiasm will be misinterpreted as an attempt to foist my lifestyle off onto someone else. I won't lie, if you come to my house for dinner, you're probably eating organic food, because that's what I buy. But if you want me to make you organic mac and cheese (or girl scout cookies, or oatmeal cream pies, or any junk food under the sun) then I'm only too happy to oblige you. And when I go to someone ELSE'S house for dinner, and the food served isn't organic? No sweat. The food is good, it was cooked for me by someone whose time and effort and care I greatly appreciate. I don't expect everyone to live the same lifestyle I do. (My father is TERRIBLE for this. Every time I come home and eat with him, he makes half-apologetic, half-sarcastic comments about the food not being organic and therefore I must not be enjoying it. No matter how many times I tell him this is not the case, the comments persist. I let it go, because I know it's coming from a complicated place within him, and all I can do is try to show my genuine appreciation for what he's done for me).

Although I do think (as someone who plugs her ears and shouts out "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" at more or less every opportunity) that there comes a point when we MUST face that which we do not want hear. At this point, I just think that point is personal, and different for everyone.

Anyway. Sorry for the insanely long ramble.

Nomi, I watched the first season of Food Revolution and was touched by it. I haven't had a chance to watch this go round, but I'm looking forward to it.
Last edited by Young Val on Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Young Val » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:41 am

*Double Post*
Honestly, I'm ready for the show to be finished and concluded. Not going to happen, of course. Maybe it's time for me to finally watch all of Lost.

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Postby Luet » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:46 pm

Even when that's not the case, I hate listening to people talking about their latest diet, Weight Watchers, South Beach, whatever. My especial pet peeve is Atkins.
Oh, do I understand. My mother is obsessed with body image and dieting. Like, it's clinical in some form. It would take an hour to type up all of the diets she has tried and surgeries she has had. And she is still miserable. And she is not fat, though she is not thin. She is slightly overweight, maybe Oprah sized. I have made the topic of food, calories, diets, body image, etc. completely off-limits between her and I. Otherwise, that is what she would talk about the majority of the time. And it upsets me a lot because I know how unhappy it makes her.

My post about the Food Revolution was because I love that it raises awareness of the food related health concerns in this country, especially among children, and the school lunch programs. It doesn't promote any diet other than moderate, reasonable eating. I know that I don't do as well as I should or exercise enough. But I would rather be informed than not.
Nomi, I watched the first season of Food Revolution and was touched by it. I haven't had a chance to watch this go round, but I'm looking forward to it.
The four episodes that have aired so far this season are available on Hulu. I hope you can watch them. It's on Friday nights. :)
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Postby Petrie » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:17 pm

Although I do think (as someone who plugs her ears and shouts out "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" at more or less every opportunity) that there comes a point when we MUST face that which we do not want hear. At this point, I just think that point is personal, and different for everyone.
Yeah. I don't know that I'll ever make any sweeping changes but if I get to a point where I don't automatically dismiss everything out of hand, it's an improvement all the same.

Food, for me, has never been a concern beyond: 1) Do I have enough to eat? (With the exception of some lean times in college, this has always been yes) and 2) Does it taste not-like-s***? 9/10 times, I don't get any particular joy out of making it and the whole process of cooking is a huge hassle and waste of time, as far as I'm concerned. I don't know if I'm as bad as the kids in that show but I can't identify quite a few vegetables or fruits. Not because my mother didn't provide it but because I've always been a picky eater. I have always, always needed to come into foods on my own timeline.

I also am now making it a point to be concerned about portion sizes, not eating after 8 if I can help it, and trying to achieve some semblance of a healthy diet but all that last thing means is snacking on fruit or nuts or toast instead of on chips, desserts, etc.

I'll never be a twig, so I've mostly not concerned myself with dieting-dieting. I drink water now instead of milk as my main drink. I don't, as a rule, drink any soda or caffeinated beverages. I get no less than 40 minutes of some sort of exercise daily. I don't think I get so defensive because I think I'm doing all that terribly, I think I get so defensive because everyone is lacking somewhere in the "take care of myself" department and food is an important aspect of that but not the only. At the end of the day, I think I'm doing fine, I'm healthy, I feel good and all that is good enough for me and hearing some people talk about it a certain way feels really hypocritical.

I am okay with enthusiasm and hearing other ways of doing things but some people cross the line and make it all about how their way is the Only Way or the Right Way. Enlighten me, don't lecture me and we're cool.
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Postby Luet » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:20 pm

It sounds like you are doing pretty darn good. :)

Please feel free to tell me if I ever fall into the lecturing category. I really hope I don't. Especially since I don't espouse anything in particular (except to my husband, who I nag because of his risk of diabetes).
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Postby Petrie » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:28 pm

Nah, no lecturing vibe from you (or Kelly). I think it's been a nice case of being informative and understanding without resorting to lecturing or condescension. If only more people approached food that way, ya know.

It's just a knee-jerk reaction type fear, whenever I hear about food things, that I'm opening myself up to being subtly or not so subtly ambushed by some agenda.
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Postby steph » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:06 pm

Nah, no lecturing vibe from you (or Kelly). I think it's been a nice case of being informative and understanding without resorting to lecturing or condescension. If only more people approached food that way, ya know.
I have a friend who is totally the lecturing/condescending type. Instead of saying "I love greek yogurt so much! I don't even buy sour cream or regular yogurt anymore" she said "I don't know why anyone would ever still by sour cream or regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is SO much better, there is just no use for the others! You get TWICE the protein!" She finds one idea that she likes, takes the facts that fit her story the best and then preaches it to people like they need to be "saved." She leaves out the facts that aren't important, like regular yogurt has almost twice the calcium of greek. Or that some easy research will show that agave nectar has twice the fructose of HFCS, so it's not manna sent from heaven. There is a right way to talk to people about stuff you're interested in and she hasn't figured it out yet!
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Postby LilBee91 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:16 pm

My roommate is obsessed with Greek yogurt. I've never tried it, but it smells awful when she eats it so I'm kind of put off by the whole thing. She's funny. She refuses to buy butter and swears she doesn't eat sweets, but then she sneaks brownies whenever the rest of us have them.
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Postby VelvetElvis » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:47 pm

I'm thinking of getting cable again. Might be fun.
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Postby starlooker » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:30 am

I don't eat particularly well but I also don't think I eat entirely awfully, either, and food is one of those personal things that I get strangely defensive about when people tell me how to do it better or how I should be thinking of it. It doesn't matter if they are likely right, I just don't want to hear it.
I am so 100% with you on this one.
I struggle a lot with this from multiple angles. Especially this part: It doesn't matter if they are likely right, I just don't want to hear it. ...

Although I do think (as someone who plugs her ears and shouts out "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" at more or less every opportunity) that there comes a point when we MUST face that which we do not want hear. At this point, I just think that point is personal, and different for everyone.
Perhaps I should clarify, I probably don't want to hear it from that person, at that time. When I reach the point where I'm interested or ready to face whatever it is, food or other problematic topics of life, I'll look into it on my own or, you know, ask about it if I know it's an interest of someone's.

Anyways, agree that I have not felt lecture-y vibes from you, Kelly.
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Postby GS » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:51 am

Did anyone else watch the first season of The Killing? It is based off a European show (Danish, I think) that follows the murder investigation of a teenage girl. Each episode follows a day in the investigation. All of the advertising, as well as what I read about the original series, insinuate that at the end of this season, you find out who the killer is. I enjoyed the show, although the pacing left a little to be desired, but they left it with like two cliffhangers? WTF? It was like a swift kick to the jewels. I don't know if I am going to watch next season.

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Postby Petra456 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:06 am

I've been watching The Killing. I knew it was based on another show, but never thought that it would be a one season thing, so the cliff hangers were no surprise to me. The show drives me nuts though, I love it! I can't wait for the next season!
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Postby Mich » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:51 am

Honestly, I'm ready for the show to be finished and concluded. Not going to happen, of course. Maybe it's time for me to finally watch all of Lost.

Instead I'm watching The Wire. It seemed like everyone was suddenly coming out of the woodwork and telling me to watch it even though it's been over for three years. So I borrowed the first season and was successfully hooked by the fourth episode. Now I'm on the second season and it seems a lot more scattered, but we'll see how it shapes up. Cannot recommend the first season enough, though.

Who would have thought that giving a police procedural a season-long arc and treating it extremely realistically would make people love it even more?
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:13 pm

Okay, Bones people: I know you said there was a lowpoint somewhere in the series. Where is it? (I'm in the middle of Season 2.) I feel like I won't be as let down when I get there if I know where the (alleged) lowpoint is. And also: does it get better?
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Postby Young Val » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:34 pm

It's Season 3. The low point is Season 3. Kirsten would know better what happens after that, I only got through season 4 so far.
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Postby starlooker » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:32 pm

The Season 3 finale and pretty much all of Season 4, with a couple of exceptions. Also, Season 5. Season 6 is an improvement, but not as good as Seasons 1 or 2.

Kelly, was Season 3 as a whole the low point for you or just the finale? And what did you find redeeming about Season 4? I'm very curious.
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Postby megxers » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:07 am

Bones pretty much never recovers from season 3. Though, the only large chunk of episodes I never watched is in the most recent season.

I remember the 100th episode lost some people too. Or at the very least, my ex.
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Postby CezeN » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:07 pm

I'm looking for suggestions of comedy shows to watch in order to fill the void that Community left in my heart when I finished the the latest seasons.

I gave the Big Bang Theory a try. While it is decently funny, it doesn't come close to filling the shoes.


Same thing goes for Game of Thrones in the epic/cool plot category. Though I'm about to finish the latest season of Fringe and watch No Ordinary Family - they both fall short by far.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:09 pm

How I Met Your Mother is hilarious.
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Postby CezeN » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:40 pm

Ah, yes it is. It doesn't full my comedic hunger, though. :wink:

Same with The Office. (These are the two shows I watch on tv every night)

Notable comedy shows I've also seen include Scrubs, other ones immediately stick out in my mind.
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Postby Claire » Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:27 pm

Have you tried Modern Family?

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Postby CezeN » Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:56 pm

No, I haven't. But I think I've heard good talk about it amongst friends.

Thanks :)
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Postby Mich » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:13 pm

I'm currently 100%ing Seinfeld. If you haven't ever had the pleasure, I highly, highly suggest.
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Postby Luet » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:54 am

It's rare that I watch an episode of Seinfeld that I haven't seen at least a half dozen times. But I still can watch it and find it hilarious. I love that show.
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:11 am

Everybody Loves Raymond is hilarious. Probably more so for me because they so closely resemble my actual family. My dad's mom hated the show. She claimed ignorance, but I'm pretty sure she knew she was Marie.
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Postby CezeN » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:30 am

Hmmm I've seen both.

Seinfield is okay. I've seen a few brillliantly funny episode, but most were simply alright. It's a different type of humor than what I'm looking for.

Everybody Loves Raymond is the same. I personally like the King of Queens better than both, though.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:39 am

I very much dislike Everybody Loves Raymond.
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Postby Petra456 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:46 am

I just can't get into Seinfield, it's usually on right before Frasier (which we used to watch every night) but it just never interests me.

I miss Community too, and the only new comedy i've been watching lately has been Bob's Burgers and American Dad.

I usually put on American Dad when I need to go to sleep, it's easy to fall asleep to I guess.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:33 pm

i'm gonna go with that 70's show.
and MASH but it's not for everyone. and it gets less funny as the seasons go by.
i kinda like the middle. though i wouldn't purchase it on DVD, it has moments that make me laugh.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:42 pm

Am I the only one who dislikes: Fraiser, Seinfeld, American Dad, Friends, The Office, Everybody Love Raymond, King of Queens, and I'm running out of steam here.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:59 pm

You might also try Arrested Development and The League. (Eastbound & Down has some good moments, but isn't necessarily always funny and definitely isn't for everybody.)
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:11 pm

Am I the only one who dislikes: Fraiser, Seinfeld, American Dad, Friends, The Office, Everybody Love Raymond, King of Queens, and I'm running out of steam here.
yes you are.

but don't feel bad, i'm the only one that doesn't find modern family funny.

i mean AT ALL.

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Postby megxers » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:24 pm

Am I the only one who dislikes: Fraiser, Seinfeld, American Dad, Friends, The Office, Everybody Love Raymond, King of Queens, and I'm running out of steam here.
I did like the Office Seasons 2 & 3, but count me out for the rest. (Though, I did watch Friends as a pre-teen who had never really watched television before and I found it SO scandalous & awesome, heh)
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Postby Petrie » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:38 pm

I chuckled at Modern Family, because I was expected to love it and I felt bad not loving it, but I found it to be entirely underwhelming and trying way too hard.

I never saw whole episodes of Frasier, Seinfeld, American Dad, Friends, The Office, Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, etc. but the snippets I saw did not entice me to try, either. Well, with the exception of Seinfeld. I very much intend to give Seinfeld a fair chance at some point but I'm not rushing to make that happen.
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