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Postby Confessions » Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:01 pm

It's probably because of a few things.

Ender's Game is old and the fan base is slowing down. What can be said about it has been said about it. Even with new books, it just doesn't have the widespread reading-fanbase that LOTR has, for example. A movie would no doubt help out, but I very much doubt the movie will ever happen. On top of this, the universe isn't exactly that extensive, on the surface, so there is very little desire for one to search out more information.

Two: Typically on forums, while your post count might be low, you can quickly become a familiar feature. You can quickly become known among even the oldest members, and you soon feel welcomed in to any thread and your posts are a welcomed addition. This is because, while the older members are all very familiar to each other, they're just co-members of the same forum. There are no inside-inside jokes. There are very little if any at all emotional attachments.

Pweb, however, is quite the opposite. Pweb is the group of close friends that have known each other since childhood. The ones that keep in touch with each other, go out for drinks when they all meet up, and all have very fond memories of each other. Newcomers to this forum are like the new guy in this group. While the group may welcome you with open arms, you're not one of them. You don't have the stories, the inside jokes, and the emotional base that they have had since the beginning. You are very much an outcast, even if the group doesn't realize it.

With pweb, the oldest members, the oldbies, are all good, close friends. They've met each other a number of times. They call each other often to keep in touch. They've relied on each other for emotional support through the years. Gone to each other for advice and sympathy in many of life's hardships. Spend some time here and you'll come to realize that some of these friends have at one time or another been more than friends with many of each other here, forming even closer a group.

This is the problem. The oldest members, the "oldbies", are simply too close. This is a group of friends more than anything else, and it is one that is simply too difficult to become a part of. They create a rift - a divide in the member base. They are the oldbies, and everyone else are the noobies. Unfortunately, since both groups age together, one never stops being a noobie. Sure, with a few years and some thousand posts these oldbies may get to know you, and welcome you, and miss your posting, but since both groups age together you're never going to become an oldbie.

This is why the core group of people doesn't really change. A few new members might come along, post a bit, but they soon realize that they feel more welcome elsewhere.

This place is dying, and there is nothing you can do to save it. You might spike activity with a clever your-day-in-pictures post, or a new thread, but the fact of the matter is your "oldbies" group is moving on. They are becoming adults, getting jobs and families, and no longer need to post to keep in touch with their long time friends. This group of oldbies is moving on, and because this group was so tight knit and distancing, there are no newer, younger members to sustain the community. You unknowingly shooed them off. You've been killing this community for years without even knowing it.
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Postby Jayelle » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:56 am

Pweb, however, is quite the opposite. Pweb is the group of close friends that have known each other since childhood. The ones that keep in touch with each other, go out for drinks when they all meet up, and all have very fond memories of each other. Newcomers to this forum are like the new guy in this group. While the group may welcome you with open arms, you're not one of them. You don't have the stories, the inside jokes, and the emotional base that they have had since the beginning. You are very much an outcast, even if the group doesn't realize it.
That's absolute crap. I've been on forums where they are friends- where they all ACTUALLY meet up for drinks, because many of them live in the same town.
Pweb is not special in that.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:27 am

I am sick and tired of this "oldbie" crap. Yes, this is a tight knit community and always have been. Has there always been the older member vs noob dynamic? Of course. But there is on every forum. Everyone one here (except for maybe Luet and the site creators) has gone through the noob stage. Hell the majority of people that joined around the same time I did, don't even post any more. A good number of the people that are considered oldbies, joined 4 or 5 years after I did. This completely debunks the argument that the same people have been excluding people since the beginning of time.

Throughout Pweb, new members have always come in waves. Members would usually join, post in the Ender stuff, then either make there way to Milagre or stop posting after a short while. Members simply aren't making the transition to Milagre. This isn't because oldbies feverishly keep the noobs out. It is because this part of the forum has gotten stale. The same topics are usually at the top and they really don't change. There are almost no interesting discussion topics. Discussion topics are what can draw new members into Milagre. Interesting topics draw you to the forum, then you stick around because you enjoy the people. There is no draw right now.

Not to mention that this is just a forum hanging out with no main site to back it. So not only are new members not making the transition to Milagre, but fewer members are joining to begin with because there is no content to this place. If there is one fault of the older members, it is they forget that this is supposed to be a website about the Ender universe. There just isn't any content to draw people to this place. I really don't understand what would make any new member join at this point.

There are also parts of this forum that are already dead. Movie club = Dead. Book Club = Dead. Religion Forum = 2 threads with activity in past two months. Science Forum = 4 threads with activity in the past two months. There really isn't a point for these to be separate anymore because there is little or no activity there. Maybe having all of these topics in one place will promote more posting.

But the fact remains that until there is something going on here to draw new members, this place is going to continue much of the same way. I think this starts with getting the main site up and running again. Sadly I don't see this happening.

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Postby Luet » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:29 am

Pweb is the group of close friends that have known each other since childhood.

They call each other often to keep in touch.

They are becoming adults, getting jobs and families, and no longer need to post to keep in touch with their long time friends.
A few points of contention for me. I joined pweb the day after it first launched and I was a 23yo adult, not a child or teen. I was already grown, had a job and was married. I became a part of pweb and loved it. I drifted away for about a year but came back and have no plans to leave. Also, I have only talked on the phone to one pwebber on a regular basis and she is no longer even a regular poster.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:42 am

Pweb, however, is quite the opposite. Pweb is the group of close friends that have known each other since childhood. The ones that keep in touch with each other, go out for drinks when they all meet up, and all have very fond memories of each other. Newcomers to this forum are like the new guy in this group. While the group may welcome you with open arms, you're not one of them. You don't have the stories, the inside jokes, and the emotional base that they have had since the beginning. You are very much an outcast, even if the group doesn't realize it.
That's absolute crap. I've been on forums where they are friends- where they all ACTUALLY meet up for drinks, because many of them live in the same town.
Pweb is not special in that.
Double shoot me. [ETA: Not a double post so HA!]

Since when is this true? Have a number of Pwebber met up in real life? Absolutely. But it is not as if everyone is hanging out all the time and no new members are invited. I mean that majority of members over the history of Pweb have been spread out over the US and Canada, with a handful of members being from overseas. Exactly how are these people meeting up for drinks? I know a number of members used to talk on the phone all the time, but I don't think that happens anymore. I have never met someone from this site or talked to anyone I met here on the phone, but I have never felt like I was being forced out of this place. Most of the inside jokes used to come from the nightly Pweb chat, to which all members were invited. I never understood how people didn't feel included.

On a side note, how many inside jokes are still present on the site? I can't seem to think of too many.

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Postby wigginboy » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:02 am

I guess I am one of those people who never really fit in here, but I post regardless because people listen. To me, the best thing about this board is that most who post here are of a similar intellect and are able to engage in intelligent conversation. I guess that is the reason I have stayed for the last five and a half years. I don't feel a connection with any of you, but I don't have to, as long as I have people to bounce ideas off off and vice versa. I have had some of the best debates on Pweb, this one and the last. Even though I would not consider anyone a friend here, I have gotten to know at least one side of a lot of you and I know when I post something who the likeliest responders are going to be. Like I have said, I don't post as often as many of you, and this may be because I don't partake in the games or other daily visited threads like Bob or Randomness very much, but I post regularly enough that I have an idea what is going on. I would be interested in developing some ideas for some site features such as were on Pweb II: The Encyclopedia, Chronology, Art, etc., but I don't want to be the only one doing it. If anyone else is interested, this might be a way to breathe some life back into this forum.

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Postby Wind Swept » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:38 am

Whatever happened to the wiki? That would make as good a site to be attached to as any, and then any of us could keep it up.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:56 am

I just wanted to say...

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Postby buckshot » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:12 am

As a newby I offer nothing useful here , but Syphon's got it ! there would be lots of new activity out here if P-web offered "ZOOSEX"!!! : :shock: :P [/quote]"Buck Up Buttercup"

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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:11 pm

I guess I am one of those people who never really fit in here, but I post regardless because people listen.
you know, i don't recall ever seeing you post before this thread. this doesn't mean a whole lot though because i don't read every thread, and i'm not on every day or anything. but perhaps you'd fit in better if you made yourself known to us a bit more. we're nice people, we'll be happy to talk to you.

i also don't know why we get the reputation of being such a tight knit group. or that noobs have a hard time fitting in and all that bulljive. i think that pweb is actually much more accepting of noobs than any other forum that i've been a part of. we don't eat our noobs anymore. if you post and your not a complete f*** then we'll let you in.

i'm an oldbie. been a part of this forum since like 3 months after it started. and while i've been here for so many years, i've never met and probably will never meet anyone, or even talk to anyone from pweb on the phone. i wouldn't consider that tight knit.

i think that anyone that comes here. whether they have been here since the first day or since today, if they are young or old. if they come here, follow the rules, and post they will be accepted here. they will be a part of that "tight knit" group. and remember, the more you post, the more we will all have to say, the more alive the board will be, and the easier your acceptance will be.

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:39 pm

I would say that I feel like I pweb has been an incredible support structure for me over a long, long time. However, I feel like now talking to pweb is like yelling into a room full of crowded people and not getting any response. It seems like most of my posts just gloss by.

And I have little time to spend when I don't feel like I'm getting anything back from it. So pouring my heart out in text isn't worth it without feeling like I'm getting something from it anymore. I am going to try to post more, though.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:55 pm

Dead horse or broken record, which to compare this to?

There are almost no interesting discussion topics.
So start some. That goes for any and everyone. Don't like what you see, why not start it instead of assuming someone else will and staying quiet?
I know a number of members used to talk on the phone all the time, but I don't think that happens anymore.
Not that this is helping your theory, but there are a small handful of us who speak multiple times a month, sometimes multiple times a week. But we also spent time in the chatroom getting to know each other first; you get out of Pweb whatever you put in.
On a side note, how many inside jokes are still present on the site? I can't seem to think of too many.
I can't think of any in-jokes , unless you'll allow for the rare transfer from IMing to the board.
I would be interested in developing some ideas for some site features such as were on Pweb II: The Encyclopedia, Chronology, Art, etc., but I don't want to be the only one doing it.
Pretty sure you'd need Amy to okay putting it on here and that would require she pay attention. If she paid attention, she could just, you know, put the stuff from 2.0 back up since it's the only thing that did survive the crash of '06 from what I hear.
However, I feel like now talking to pweb is like yelling into a room full of crowded people and not getting any response. It seems like most of my posts just gloss by.
I'm more likely to invest in someone who seems to be investing in the board; kind of circular, isn't it? You invest less in posting, I invest less in what little you do post, and so on. But rest assured, I do read and care about and enjoy practically everything you post. Some just goes over my head, is all. ;)
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:01 pm

Well, then I'll just keep posting to keep spark your interest. :)

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Postby Wind Swept » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:16 pm

How hard can it be to get in touch with amka? This is her, is it not? I'm not terribly certain, so correct me if I'm wrong. If it is, that blog is active, commenting on a post should get her attention.

I'm thinking a wiki is the way to go if we're restoring the main site. There's much less worry of whoever's in charge losing interest and not updating anymore if everyone can update. Who started that old one up? My first guess is locke, but I really don't remember. Was it on Wikia? Hmm...
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Postby Mich » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:32 pm

I thought it was some newb a long time ago, which is why I doubt we'll be able to find it again, but I could be completely wrong.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:36 pm

There are almost no interesting discussion topics.
So start some. That goes for any and everyone. Don't like what you see, why not start it instead of assuming someone else will and staying quiet?
I know you are responding to everyone, but it has never been my style. I think I may have started like 5 threads during my time here. It was merely an observation. Most discussions I like having are about sports and that has never been a fan favorite on the site.
I know a number of members used to talk on the phone all the time, but I don't think that happens anymore.
Not that this is helping your theory, but there are a small handful of us who speak multiple times a month, sometimes multiple times a week. But we also spent time in the chatroom getting to know each other first; you get out of Pweb whatever you put in.
I think the key word here being small. It isn't everyone. And seeing as how I didn't pick up on it and am on here almost everyday, it doesn't seem to be appearing on the board.
On a side note, how many inside jokes are still present on the site? I can't seem to think of too many.
I can't think of any in-jokes , unless you'll allow for the rare transfer from IMing to the board.
Yeah. Except for the occasional person shouting ZOOSEX!!!, while bringing nothing to a topic (albeit a dead horse) that is actually sparking some interest.

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Postby Janus%TheDoorman » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:41 pm

I've been mostly lurking for the last two years, and I have to say the "oldbie" factor, while apparent, is far better here than a lot of places. The biggest "hurdle" to get over was realizing that most people were on a first name basis, which seemed a bit unusual, but it keeps this place familiar in the most literal sense. The chat made it a lot easier to get to know people as well.

P-Web's struggling because our ostensible subject is fading. Most people who are going to read Ender's Game have read it, and of those who do, only a few are going to notice the mention of P-Web in some of the editions (It was the third time I read the series before I noticed it), or go searching for a forum of all things. A "main site" component would be great.

I think, if P-Web really wants new members, we can either expand to be receptive to new and non-OSC works - All SciFi Literature, SciFi/Fantasy, etc., on up the latter of less-specificity. Without getting into pseudo-business concerns of competition and market segmentation, we've essentially hit, as far as I can tell, the limit of how far being Ender-only will bring PWeb - in terms of membership and activity, without new Ender media being released that grabs a wide enough audience to bring new people in. That, of course, can only come from OSC or a related source, so if we're going to do something about it, it's not a matter of adding new function to cover the same material, as much as it is adding new material to cover by widening the focus.

If we just want more activity, then Alea's right, and it's simply a matter of us who are here doing more, and I don't want to draw any sort of line in the sand, but it'll have to come from both newbies and the more familiar members, in our own way.

The last bit, though, and I hope I'm not pointing fingers where they don't belong, but what's with the admins? I remember the attempt to change the ... I'm forgetting the word for that picture in the corner, but as I recall everything was good to go, until the actual swap was to happen. If it is a matter of changing PWeb, and not just what we do here, we'll need to actually be able to change PWeb.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:46 pm

I would say that I feel like I pweb has been an incredible support structure for me over a long, long time. However, I feel like now talking to pweb is like yelling into a room full of crowded people and not getting any response. It seems like most of my posts just gloss by.
first of all, there's no reason it can't be both the support structure AND the recent let down.

secondly i know exactly how you feel. for a while there i felt like either my posts were ignored or they ended a conversation. i hated that. but then again this forum has been a part of my life for far too long for something like that to get the better of me. i kind of just got over it. plus i feel that now that i'm posting more i'm getting more conversations. actually since the last crash of the pwub i've had a lot more to say, and gotten a lot more replies. being active helps. lurking doesn't.

perhaps the lack of activity has left people hungry enough for conversation to actually talk to me. or maybe the fact that i've been here forever has something to do with it.

on an unrelated side note, i'd like to add that i've been posting a lot more since i got married. that and whenever my jobs don't get in my way.

i really miss a lot of the people that i got to know so well way back when. (what is HA doing nowadays?) but while i miss them, i know that i've since met a lot of newer folks on here since the last crash that have kept this board alive. and i'm thankful for them and their contribution to the forum.

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Postby wigginboy » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:46 pm

Brain, I used to post a lot more on the second version of Pweb as beans_shadow7. When that crashed, i felt I needed a name change. I was posting quite a lot on this version when it started and for about a year after that. Since we had our daughter, I have been much too busy. I honestly dont think I have posted in a thread with you. That is why you've never seen me post. ... =wigginboy

EDIT: From the member list it looks like HA has never posted here.
Last edited by wigginboy on Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:54 pm

why do people think that just because a book is old, that nobody new is going to read it?

the book was written long before i picked it up and it's not like i will be the last person to read it. it's still in classrooms, it's still on the shelf. i didn't read it because of a movie. and i'm sure most of you didn't either. i think most people don't even KNOW about the movie until they get so obsessed with the books that they have to find out more information about it. and that's when they find pweb.

there will be new generations of OSC readers every year. and that's part of the reason that this site will never die. (unless someone stops hosting it anyway, and i bet someone else would take up the torch if that happened anyway.) ya'll need to stop worrying.

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Postby wigginboy » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:55 pm

I don't want to draw any sort of line in the sand, but it'll have to come from both newbies and the more familiar members, in our own way.
This is basically what I was trying to say in the first place.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:01 pm

for a while there i felt like either my posts were ignored or they ended a conversation.
That's easy (for me); you scared the living bejesus out of me. Me responding to your posts would be like me spreading BBQ sauce all over myself and hopping onto a giant plate in the proximity of a starving T-Rex.


It made sense when I started typing it. It stays. Basically, I didn't want to draw your attention.
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Postby Janus%TheDoorman » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:03 pm

Even if relatively the same number of people are reading Ender's Game, I'm saying they aren't likely to find their way to PWeb as often anymore. I wasn't here, but I'd bet PWeb was getting the highest influx of members was when EG was new enough that it hadn't been discussed and deconstructed to death, and when the internet was at a point where people went looking for places to discuss a piece of media.

With Web 2.0-era internet megalopolii like Facebook, people go there or YouTube or wherever they're most comfortable and look to see if there are groups, etc. relevant to it there - they don't come to series or subject specific sites like PWeb as often as the did when that's all there was.

Unless PWeb becomes a source of information as much as it is a place to discuss it, it's thoroughly outclassed by wide-scope forums and social networking sites in terms of attractiveness to new members.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:06 pm

The last bit, though, and I hope I'm not pointing fingers where they don't belong, but what's with the admins? I remember the attempt to change the ... I'm forgetting the word for that picture in the corner, but as I recall everything was good to go, until the actual swap was to happen. If it is a matter of changing PWeb, and not just what we do here, we'll need to actually be able to change PWeb.
sometimes it seems as though the mods are too busy to come on, and the admin is absolutely missing. i remember when amka was posting quite often as herself and as jane. but then i remember a lot of things.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:09 pm

I think the position of Mod is cursed. Every time someone becomes one, they get too busy to stay.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:17 pm

me spreading BBQ sauce all over myself and hopping onto a giant plate
i think i have a new fantasy.

on a serious note, was i really that intimidating? i must have been a major a******. i'm sincerely sorry.

janus, the book is from 1985, it was well old when this website was established and people still flocked here. and they still come here, they just don't contribute enough.
also i've seen the comments portion of youtube, i don't know that we want a lot of those people on here!

you're right though that forums like this aren't going to be the first place people look for on the internet.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:23 pm

was i really that intimidating?
To me, yeah. But I was frightened of quite a few people who I shouldn't have been frightened of.
i must have been a major a******.
Nah, not at all. See above. Who's the biggest wimp I can think of on Pweb?, I was scared of zero, and he's not bad at all.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:28 pm

well nevermind then.

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Postby Janus%TheDoorman » Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:00 am

As my last act of the night, though, I've gone ahead and created The Philotic Web Wiki

It is, of course, completely blank at the moment, save for Templates and whatnot. I, at least, plan to start filling it up with Enderverse material, and, I hope, with the blessing of the mods/whoever would like to condone it, information about the community here, as well - if nothing more than links here on the main page, and an article about the forum.
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Title: Guilty

Postby Confessions » Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:30 am

Give control of the website to a new administrator. Someone who is active, willing, and capable of handling any administrative tasks set forth. On top of this, move it to a new host - one less prone to "farting" (even if this one hasn't been too awful lately). A wiki on another site will not work. The idea here is to draw people to /this/ website, not to a wikia.

Make the site seamless. The wiki should seamlessly integrate in to the forums and viceversa. Set up a unique chat room using the IRC protocol. One that is always around and easily accessible at any time, for any member. Hopefully, even though it is unlikely, a few core members will be able to keep the chat active until it remains active on its own. New members tend to like instant gratification, and an easily accessible chat gives them this.

The forums should be upgraded in both forum software and in the way it is ordered.

Discussion Areas
Enderverse novels and short stories.

The Movie
News, Speculation, Insight

Other OSC Works
Other works by OSC, from Alvin Maker to Wyrms.

Science (Fiction)
Real and imagined, physics to philotes.

Religion and Moral Philosophy
A respectful place to discuss life's quandaries.

The Jeesh Lounge
Milagre Town Square
Talk about anything under the sun or stars, but keep it civil.

The Foyer
Introductions, Farewells, and Limeade

The Library
(Here would go book clubs, movie clubs, etc)

The idea is to get rid of pointless forums, make each forum have a distinct purpose, and better organize the layout. For example, there is no need to have two separate forums for the movie. The Science and Philosophy forums can go up with the discussion forums as they all tie in together. The Foyer becomes primarily a hello and goodbye forum as FAQ's, history, and other such things go to the Wiki. Create forums as desired.

If it were a desired feature, for example, newer forum software can be made to have a forum where a member can create a topic, others can read the topic, but only the member who created the topic can post within that topic. For those worried about people replying to things they wish to write about but do not want feedback on, this may be a more desirable format. You could call the forum "Dear Bob", and stick it in the Lounge.

Finally, I put together a few concept designs just to illustrate my point.

Image Image

My two cents, except it is more like "two fiddy".
The password is "guilty"

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:35 am

Active, willing and capable? Good luck finding that. You might want to throw in and has enough time as well. I think the leading candidate would be you, whoever you are. I'm not really sure why people are posting under the confessions name here.
I think the position of Mod is cursed. Every time someone becomes one, they get too busy to stay.
Could be. But the way this place has been lately, there really hasn't been that much reason for modding. I mean before it was like a mod needed to be on here at all times, because something controversial was always going down.

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Title: Ozymandias

Postby Syphon the Sun » Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:55 am

Could be that his username is banned.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:32 am

I think the position of Mod is cursed. Every time someone becomes one, they get too busy to stay.
I am here every single day. I don't always post, but I do read most of the threads. I'm busy, but Pweb still has my attention. Plus, I don't always have anything to say. I'm sort of in favour of re-integrating the religion and science forums, myself. I think it would bring renewed interest in the topics to a wider set of people.

We can talk about that, I suppose.
EDIT: From the member list it looks like HA has never posted here.
There are external reasons for that. But for a long time, he was an active and valued member, and a decently prolific poster. I can add him in as one of my pweb-friends-to-RL-friends.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:18 am

i think that it's not so much about needing mods to keep everyone in line right now. but to simply show a presence of someone running things. perhaps if a mod knows they're going to be absent they should seek out someone else to fill their place while they're gone. even if they are simply in lurk mode.

i'm all for reintegrating some threads. it'll give us some new activity in the more popular threads.

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Postby locke » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:26 am

ahh Confessions, I say Ami should continue to be Admin considering she's paid all costs associated with the website since its inception, and continues to pay for those, even though she's not active on the site, and all that remains at the time is the forum.
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