Things To Do

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Postby Ithilien » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:01 am

1. Wuthering Heights Essay
2. Ester lab report
3. Bath bomb lab report
4. Discrete ISP
5. Discrete homework
6. Data management homework
7. Data management ISP proposal
9. School newspaper article
8. upload pictures from camera

Why do checklists always look so much shorter than they feel?
"You can't dig a hole and then hide the dirt in the hole you dug. Then it wouldn't be a hole anymore!"

- on secret tunnelling, Empire

"I cannot eat these two eggs. They are completely different sizes!"

- Hercule Poirot

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Title: I know Photo-fu

Postby ender1 » Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:51 pm

1. Buy a few ounces of Rhodium on the commodities market when the price per ounce drops substantially.

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Postby Rei » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:38 pm

We have rhodium in our shop. Mind you, it's usually in the form of plating. But it's there.
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.
~Blaise Pascal



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Postby Gravity Defier » Fri May 02, 2008 2:13 am

1. Figure out how to get magazine subscription forwarded to new address.
2. Figure out how to pay for magazine subscription when it runs out in a few months. And mom's car.
3. Go through my room, which resembles a small storage warehouse since adding my classroom belongings to it, and try to decide what are absolute, can't live without essentials (hello, redundancy) and what I can stand to not have at hand for an indeterminate amount of time.
4. Pack the essentials.
5. (?) Hang out with my friends for the last time for an indeterminate amount of time. Or spend the time with my dog. Sort of leaning towards dog time.
6. Do last minute laundry on darks.
7. Decide if I want to be passive aggressive to my stepmom and take a s***** of pictures of my mom, and my mom and dad when they were together.
8. Find a better way to vent my frustration because I'm being a bitch to certain undeserving people (stepmom deserves it).
9. FIND A JOB - preferably one I don't hate.
10. Oops, almost MVD to get signed up for that stupid class.
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Fri May 02, 2008 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Fri May 02, 2008 3:20 am

-Study for C.S. huge test (mui importante)
-Complete Grammar homework (and there's lots of them)
-Complete Citizenship (yes, there's such a subject) homework

In conclusion, school takes up a LOT of my time.
Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Who leaves Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do! We do!
Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?
We do! We do!
Who robs cavefish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do, we do!

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Postby locke » Fri May 02, 2008 3:37 am

wait for direct deposit to show up in bank account
transfer money to savings (it's payday!)
buy two dvds from amazon (it's payday!)
pay off credit card from getting new tires (it's payday :( )
make payment on student loan (it's payday :( )

figure out new way to find next job.
look for a studio apartment
look for craigslist roommates

happily 26 hrs of overtime take some of the sting out of the new tires ouch.

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Postby Jayelle » Fri May 02, 2008 11:32 am

Things to do before the baby is born:

-take prenatal classes
-get a tour of the maternity ward
-meet with doula a few more times
-make sockmonkey (CHECK)
-see as many movies in theatre as possible:
-Ironman (CHECK)
-Prince Caspian (CHECK)
-Indiana Jones (CHECK)
-Dark Knight

-clean closet
-rearrange furnature to fit crib
-get rid of massive amounts of clothes I don't wear anymore
-make meals to store in the freezer
Last edited by Jayelle on Tue May 27, 2008 4:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Mon May 12, 2008 2:02 pm

Things to do this week:
-Find two brave souls willing to write a letter of recommendation for me
-Write a basic cover letter
-Complete the application to the job I am actually interested in getting Almost Check
-Comparison shop for a GRE study guide
-Grow a bigger and better spine
-Use said spine to reject offer for a great (paying) job that should go to someone who actually wants it and is cut out to do it Check
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Mon May 19, 2008 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby starlooker » Tue May 13, 2008 11:18 am

Things to Do Today or Sometime Thereabouts

-Practice Piano (Check)
-Email my site training director (Check)
-Fill out application for master's level psychologist license ON HOLD PENDING REPLY FROM SITE SUPERVISOR
-Fill out insurance application (Check)
-Ask three people to fill out references for me for licensure. (Check)
-Renew APA membership (Check)
-Work on dissertation
-- double check that all questions are included in the online version and in the IRB form (Check)
-- find suitable rewards for participants
-- begin the less controversial IRB questionnaire and run it by Cindy
-- Run the whole IRB thing by Cindy and SEND IT IN.
-Do the dishes for at least half an hour.
-Clean the living room for the same amount of time.
-One more chapter in The Brothers Karamazov (Check)

Overall, I've done pretty good today. Getting all the dissertation questions together took longer than expected. I still may clean and read tonight. Also, here's a list of things not on the list I've done:

-Take a walk and play in the park with a good friend and her two year old.
-Eat dinner with a different friend from the department.
-Finished alphabetizing his massive CD collection

Alphabetizing his CDs and DVDs is soothing and fun for me for some reason. I don't quite know why. Overall, I feel if the rest of my week goes like this, it will make-up for having lost Monday to Guitar Hero.
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
There's another way to lean
into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Tue May 27, 2008 4:27 pm

1. Find a new job. Preferably a good one with decent pay and decent hours. Not treating your employees like crap is a plus as well.
2. Find insurance to cover me until new job's insurance kicks in. I have medical stuff coming up and I doubt I can make it wait until I have free insurance again.
3. Get car fixed. Preferably before it blows up in the middle of the street.
4. Get a haircut. I'm getting a bit shaggy.
5. Get a new cell phone. The one I have now sucks and doesn't get a signal in my apartment half the time (though everywhere else it works fine and other phones work fine in my apartment).
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Postby Rei » Tue May 27, 2008 8:51 pm

1. Photocopy, photocopy, photocopy...
2. Get a bus pass for next month.
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.
~Blaise Pascal



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Postby Eaquae Legit » Tue May 27, 2008 8:57 pm

I think I need this thread right now. There's too much going on.

1. Submit my post on medieval disability.
2. Write this stinking Margery Kempe paper.
3. Go to the library!
4. Write one hella good research summary.

Everything else can go hang till these tasks are done.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby starlooker » Tue May 27, 2008 10:54 pm

Yes, Ali. Write the Margery Kempe paper! I'm rather interested in her, now.
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
There's another way to lean
into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby wigginboy » Wed May 28, 2008 3:16 am

Wow, this week can not get anymore hectic.
I am only writing this down (or rather, typing) because I need to know what I have to do and for some reaosn typing it is easier than writing a list.

1) Pack the rest of the house
2) Call Shaw to transfer my phone and net subscription to my new address
3) Call post office to forward my mail for the next six months to my new address
4) Clean my place according to the (impossible) specifications set by the landlord
5 Start staying awake less and sleeping more as I will need it once the baby comes
6) Call to arrange placement for prenatal courses for Kris and I
7) Tell my boss I hate my job (only going to happen if I find a better one)

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Wed May 28, 2008 8:11 am

Today, before noon:

1. Let apartment in College Station know when I'm moving (August 9!)
2. Set up online stuff for College of Veterinary Medicine.
3. Fill out book and supply order forms.
4. Get order forms and checks into envelopes.
5. Accept (generous) financial aid offer.
6. Eat lunch.

After noon:
7. Work from 12:30-5:30.
8. Make sure Adam doesn't ruin the spaghetti.

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Postby Young Val » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:35 am

To Do:

-pay bills [done]
-bake bread [done]
-one load of laundry [done]
-clean bathroom [done]
-go food shopping [done]
-dig out extra chairs from the closet and rearrange living room for optimal Super Bowl viewing [done]
-prep all food before guests arrive
-have snacks out by 6:00 and food out by 7:30
-open a beer and enjoy. [done]

ok, so I was still cooking when people arrived. but that's ok!
you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:54 pm

Things To Do

1) Call/text Mom, Dad and little brother [Check]
2) IM Brat [Check]
3) Schedule appointment with HR (this should have been first but they were busy) [Check]
4) Tell Pweb that I was offered a position as a Youth Services Library Assistant and start next Tuesday [Check]
5) Worry until the contract is agreed to, signed, and approved [in progress - completed on Monday]
6) Pull my work clothes out and dust them off
7) Reward myself with a movie and then prepare to save like crazy and pay off car(!!)
8 ) Re-break in my comfy-once-they're-broken-in shoes
9) Enjoy my last 4 days of sleeping in and my somewhat restricted freedom (I know, sounds like a contradiction)
10) Enjoy my last free Saturday for a reasonably long time
11) Report to work first thing Tuesday morning
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Se paciente y duro; algún día este dolor te será útil.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:52 pm

- take photos of the Manuale sacerdotum because heaven knows, you can't get it in Toronto
- go through the Panormitanus again, take pictures if necessary
- find that dang case in the York Cause Papers and take photos (if they'll let you)
- email Wendy to beg for the chancery rolls
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby Young Val » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:45 am

Things to Do Today:

-bake bread [dough is on its first rise now!]
-clean room
-sort and take out recycling
-take out trash
-clean out the fridge (anything past expiration date goes, even if it belongs to my roommate)
-finish chapter and email to send to writers group. then SEND.
you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby locke » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:11 am

1. pack
2. change lease to start on saturday, not friday
3. get cashiers check
4. sign lease and pay deposit/rent etc
5. ask about turning on power/water/gas
6. go through the debate about not getting television and internet again
7. decide, hopefully, to not get television and internet at apartment
8. pack
9. budget stuff will need to acquire for new apartment
10. ask friends to help me move
10a. ask friends for help on fixing door frame to bedroom
11. set up exit walkthrough at current apartment
12. see about building a storage locker over parking place
13. see about building more bookshelves for apartment
14. see about getting a coffee table on craigs list
14a. think about how much you still want to build that walnut oval coffee table you saw at a show but don't have the tools or space to build it.
15. ???
16. continue to add to list as see fit.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Postby Mich » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:36 am

1. Make the rain stop so I can mow the eight-inch-high lawn. Stupid being gone for a week...
2. Mow the lawn again, with the mower on a lower height setting.
* 3. Find a working camera for "Day in the Life of Jeff". [Done!]
4. Have an actually notable day for "Day in the Life of Jeff" that doesn't involve the death of a relative.
5. Start a "Megan Fox is Very Attractive but Probably Makes for Boring Company" club.
6. Stop playing so much Sims 3. Or maybe... play more?
Shell the unshellable, crawl the uncrawlible.


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Postby Gravity Defier » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:06 pm

* 3. Find a working camera for "Day in the Life of Jeff". [Done!]
4. Have an actually notable day for "Day in the Life of Jeff" that doesn't involve the death of a relative.
5. Start a "Megan Fox is Very Attractive but Probably Makes for Boring Company" club.

Okay, okay, I take it back. You exist and you're awesome, Jeff.

And *big hugs*
Se paciente y duro; algún día este dolor te será útil.

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Postby locke » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:31 pm

1. Make a list of things to do with Megan Fox that would not be boring to me.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Postby Mich » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:47 pm

Okay, okay, I take it back. You exist and you're awesome, Jeff.

And *big hugs*

And yay for existing! But seriously. I was just going to single you out and reply to almost anything you posted if you didn't take it back quickly.
Shell the unshellable, crawl the uncrawlible.


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Postby Gravity Defier » Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:41 pm

That wouldn't have worked if I only posted in Bob. :P
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Postby locke » Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:33 pm

1. Sign lease (check)
2. schedule turn on power (check)
3. schedule turn on gas (check)
4. refuse to get telephone or cable or internet (check)
5. change of address at post office (check)
6. reserve u-haul truck for saturday (check)
7. mass email requesting help moving saturday (check)
8. remember to get cupcakes and or creampuffs or other pastry for saturday morning moving
9. change of address on amazon (check)
10. change of address on DVD clubs (check)
11. change of address on magazines
12. change of address on credit cards (check)
13. change of address on student loans (check)
14. change of address on bank account (check)
15. price dry erase & peg board online and at local office/school supply stores
16. pack remaining dvds (check)
17. pack kitchen non essentials
18. pack pantry non essentials
19. pack bedroom non essentials (partial check)
20. bring in stuff from storage locker for easier moving
21. pack clothes non essentials in suitcases. (check)
22. pack bathroom non essentials
23. move boxes to living room
24. pack up electronics in living room
25. purchase plunger and dish drainer
26. videotape condition of apartment before anything is moved in
27. I feel like I'm forgetting something important
28. notifiy landlords of new address (check)
29. change of address on netflix (check)
Last edited by locke on Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Postby ender1 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:34 pm

1) Create a book of cyanotypes studying local plant life

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Postby Jeesh_girl15 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:50 am

I don't know if this goes here, or in the other list...

Thing I Want to Do When I Grow Up
Become a marine biologist and move to Australia
Star in a hit movie
Join some kind of military, and save people
Travel the world
Get married and have two kids :)
You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

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Postby lyons24000 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:07 am

Finish my novel and get it published

Finish my short stories and get them published in a single volume

Get a new job that I actually enjoy

(Obviously, these are long term)
"This must be the end, then."-MorningLightMountain, Judas Unchained

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:47 pm

The rest of this week (July 1-5):
Finish immunoblot
wash filters
autoclave filters
make 2L of brain-heart infusion plates
Journal club presentation
clean apartment
go home for holiday (take cats)

Next week (July 6-12)
First 6 bacteria matings for variation study
wash filter, sterilize filters
Remaining 4 bacteria matings for variation study
Plate 10 isolates for Rifampin (Rf) resistant generation on BHI
Make stocks of Rifampin to add to media
lab meeting
make 32 ug/ml Rf plates (2L)
make 5 ug/ml Rf plates (1L)
write abstract
transfer isolates to 2nd BHI plate
transfer bacteria mating to Rf plates
make 10 ug/mL Rf plates (1L)
refridgerate bacteria mating plates
transfer isolates to 5 ug/mL Rf plates
Leslie's and Bryan's wedding reception
6 Flags with Nate, Leslie and Bryan

Week after (July 13-20)
Start blot
Finish blot
data analysis
transfer isolates to 10 ug/ml Rf plates
make 20 ug/ml Rf plates
transfer isolates to 20 ug/ml Rf plates
make 40 ug/ml Rf plates
ask someone to transfer 30 ug/ml Rf plates to fridge
field trip to texas heart institute
4 day vacation with Nate's family

Week after that (July 21-July 26)
last day of vacation
dentist appointment
lab meeting
transfer isolates to 40 ug/ml Rf plates
make 80 ug/ml Rf plates
transfer isolates to 80 ug/ml plates
finish writing poster
turn poster in to printers
make 100 ug/ml Rf plates
transfer isolates to 100 ug/ml plates

Week after that (July 27- August 2)
transfer isolates to new 100 ug/ml plates
have isolates tested for Rf resistance at TVMDL
write manuscript results and discussion
submit manuscript to mentor for editing
turn in manuscript to program coordinator
make Rf resistant isolates beads

Week after that (August 3 - August 9)
lab meeting
practice presentation
program banquet
symposium in north carolina

After that (August 9-18)
Go home!

August 19-20
Orientation for new students
mentor mixer

busy busy busy!

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Postby human. » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:56 pm

Geez, that's some list. I was totally thinking about you when I passed this place yesterday!

My To-do List for the summer:
Fill out CommonApp and supplements
Nervously check colleges' sites daily until applications are up
Spend time with army friend
Spend time with Qatar friend
Spend time with boyfriend
Work on and complete at least two scholarship essays
Read my physics book
Complete English summer assignments
Sign up for SAT 2 for October
Get at least 20 hours of play time logged on my PS3
Get in contact with sponsor about next year's budget
Have a meeting with new officers
Finish PowerPoint and Notebook for Robotics
Paint a sheet
Finish Writing Project

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Postby Wind Swept » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:41 pm

busy busy busy!
I refuse to believe the life you have portrayed over the years to this community is not actually possible within the limits of the so-called laws of physics. You'd need several more hours in a day and at least nine days to a week to even come close.
"Roland was staring at Tiffany, so nonplussed he was nearly minused."

* = Phoebe (Discord)

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:31 am

busy busy busy!
I refuse to believe the life you have portrayed over the years to this community is not actually possible within the limits of the so-called laws of physics. You'd need several more hours in a day and at least nine days to a week to even come close.

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Postby Jayelle » Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:16 am

I gotta agree with Chris here. Kim is actually Kim IMpossible.
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Wind Swept » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:46 pm

Off the top of my head:
  • Finish the website I've been paid for.
    Finish the website I might get paid for.
    Finish the website I won't get paid for.
    Resolve summer class issues.
    Create reenactment of trip to Tanzania using Flash and/or After Effects.
    Recreate several more Star Trek episodes in Spore Galactic Adventures.
    Expand bobble head collection.
    Write/Film/Edit silly movie, preferably in 3D.
    Create Xbox LIVE Arcade game from scratch.
    Lose thirty pounds. Minimum.
    Read the rest of Pratchett's books, then start on Gaiman.
    See the new Harry Potter film.
    Learn PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python and C#.
    Remaster piano skills.
    Find clarinet.
    Found local Star Trek club.
    Found Web 2.0 company based on a super secret social website idea.
    Fly to Japan.
    Visit England.
    Live in a lighthouse.
    Fly to the moon.
    Live on Mars.
    Learn to like Bloody Marys so as to enjoy a Bacon Mary.
    Mix a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
    Found a small game design company.
    Find my notebook.
    Find time for fencing.
    Play more basketball.
    Finish transcribing the Theme from Up.
    Remember that bacon grease makes my back hurt.
    Find excuses to sing.
    Be in more plays.
    Finalize plans for the Halo 3 tournament at the Cinema.
    Stop drinking soda, eat fewer sweets.
    Order new contacts.
    Buy blank DVDs.
    Pressure my mother into purchasing the embroidery machine she's been looking at.
    Submit a design or three to Threadless.
    Pick up a few jobs on oDesk.
    Draw more.
    Build a new PC.
    Acquire more hard drives.
    Buy a camera or two.
    Get my great-grandfather's comic strips translated and online.
    Get my grandmother's mountains of books cataloged and her paper's scanned.
    Convince the Historical Society to get their documents scanned.
    Find a woman to spend the rest of my life with.
    Move to the West Coast.
    Learn to cook.
    Ride a tortoise.
    Fight a bear.
    Write a novel.
    Learn to fly.
    Eat more spinach salads.
    Get iceberg lettuce outlawed.
    Run for office.
    Drive an ice cream truck.
    Invent slacks that are more exciting acquire.
    Punch Dan Brown.
    Visit Turkey.
    Cheat death.
    Build a time machine.
    Replicate my brain in digital form.
    Run in the rain.
    Become a rain god.
    Help create a video game based on the Hitchhiker's Guide universe.
    Work for Pixar.
    Work for Double Fine.
    Meet Bill Murray.
    Convince a English Literature student to switch their major.
    Drink more tea.
    Go camping.
    Plot world domination.
    Visit the 1920s.
    Build a high tech tree house.
    Learn to swim properly.
    Eat more cheese curds.
    Die, and be surprised by what comes next.
The list goes on. So much to do... And yet here I sit, procrastinating.
"Roland was staring at Tiffany, so nonplussed he was nearly minused."

* = Phoebe (Discord)

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