Questions you've wondered about your fellow pwebbers

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Questions you've wondered about your fellow pwebbers

Postby Jayelle » Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:03 pm

I'm sure, like me, you've wondered things about the people on this board. Here's a place to ask them. If someone asks a question about you, you can answer it...or not.

Here's mine:
-What's the deal with Janus being a Doorman? Is the god Janus some sort of guarder of doors, or are the two parts of your screenname unconnected?
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Postby Janus%TheDoorman » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:04 pm

Janus is the Roman god of Beginnings, Endings, Gate, Doors, and Doorways. Our modern month of January is named after him because it's the beginning of a new year. The second part holds more significance because my father was a doorman for the first ten or so years of my life, and for some time before that, before he became a lawyer around the turn of the millenia. The significance doesn't end there, however.

Between then and now, I began learning from a man named August Turak, who, in describing his ideas about taking people to new levels of enlightenment in all things, suggests that we can only show people the door, and on occasion even hold it open to show others what lies on the other side. We are never the keepers of knowledge, no matter how learned we are, merely it's humble doormen.

With all that, it's hard for me to find as much significance in any other pseudonym. Also, I very much like the symbolism of a two-faced diety, though not so much now for the cynical, anti-religion reasons I did initially.
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Postby Jayelle » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:18 pm

Wow... I had hoped this thread would be more popular. :(

Okay hmm.... I guess I'll have to get the party started.

Luet: What is it you do for a living again? Nurse?

Young Val: Met any cool writers yet? Anyone up and coming that we should all know about?

Jebus: Where the hell do you keep going?

Jani: Same question.
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Postby neo-dragon » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:36 pm

I just wanted to say that I like the idea of this thread. Unfortunately I can't think of any questions at the moment, but I hope that others will come up with ones that hadn't occurred to me.
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Postby Ela » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:31 pm

So, Jayelle, tell us what you do. Cause I can't remember. :)

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:07 am

Zero, what's your name?

And I'd like to add John to Jan's where the hell are you? list.
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Postby zeroguy » Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:38 am

Wow... I had hoped this thread would be more popular. :(
I really do like the idea of the thread, but I just can't think of anything for some reason. I thought I would when I saw the title, but... I got nothing.
Zero, what's your name?
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Postby Derwyddon » Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:31 am

I have a question for everyone - Does anyone remember me or do I just look like some random rude newbie? lol
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Postby Borommakot_15 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:01 am

I have a question for everyone - Does anyone remember me or do I just look like some random rude newbie? lol
I remember you...

But, I am never around, either, so...

Not like it matters.

BTW, I do love the idea for this thread.. but, like so many above me, I can think of no good questions to ask...
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Postby Young Val » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:20 am

I echo everyone else: I like this thread, but it's hard to think up questions off the top of my head.

In answer to yours, Jayelle, I've met MANY cool writers. But most of them actually, I've met through college master classes.

Those include: George Saunders, Carolyn Forché, Phillip Lopate, Joyce Carol Oates (I'm sure you've all heard THAT tragicomedy by now), and Lucille Clifton.

Through work: I speak to Alan Arkin on the phone quite frequently. I once hung up the phone on Neil Gaiman and lost an advance check for Nora Roberts. I regularly speak to and edit for Susan Patron, Susan Beth Pfeffer, Rafe Martin, Lois Metzger, and Tony Johnston. I occasionally email Ken Follett regarding his audio books. I'm in the acknowledgments of Keli Goff's new book, and I was also at the helm of the Stephanie Meyer iTunes Disaster Relief of '07. It would take ages to name them all.

As for what to be on the look-out for, unfortunately so much of that is confidential until the publisher officially announces the deal. I CAN tell you that my co-worker Jane Berentson got a book deal! It will pub with Penguin this August and it's excellent (I read the MS already!).

Susan Beth Pfeffer's sequel to LIFE AS WE KNEW IT is coming out soon. It's called DEAD AND THE GONE, and if possible I think it's even better than the first.

Susan Patron also just delivered the MS for her follow-up book to Newberry Award-winning THE HIGHER POWER OF LUCKY. Amazing.

If YA isn't really your thing, I've got several projects in the pipeline to recommend that are BRILLIANT--but that, unfortunately, I can't talk about yet.
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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:21 am

There have been over 5 admins over the incarnations. Where are they now? I recall seeing Hegemon post a couple of months ago, but the rest (like Taalcon and such) are nearly non-existant.

Also, suminonA, do you ever post in Milagre? 'Cause I've never seen any of your posts here.
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Postby Borommakot_15 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:43 am

Now that I have had all day to do almost nothing, I have been able to think about it... So, I retract my previous statement about not being able to think of any questions...

Young Val: What is your writing background?
Ratesjul: Same question.

Between the two of you, I don't know if I have ever seen more beautiful writing. I am fairly certain I have said that to both of you, but...

Kimmie: Are you ever planning on more kittens?

Borommakot_15: (In Strong Bad's voice) I was wondering if you could teach me to be as awesome as you...

Sorry.. I couldn't help it...

I have more questions that I am wondering, and have wondered... but, I don't think I could ask them without ticking someone off... much to the delight of most everyone else, though...
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:00 am

There have been over 5 admins over the incarnations. Where are they now? I recall seeing Hegemon post a couple of months ago, but the rest (like Taalcon and such) are nearly non-existant.
Jayelle and myself are still quite active. locke/Adam has been more active of late (nice to see you around more!), Ollie mostly seems to lurk, Steve/boothby is around, Taal is on his mission, and Hegemon/John is MIA and I'm not sure when he'll be around again.
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Postby Young Val » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:52 am

Thank you, Dan! Comments like that are always tucked away close to my heart.

Although, you've posed a tricky question! I don't know quite how to outline my background but I'll do my best.

I wrote my first play when I was seven, and my first short story when I was nine. From the age of ten on I was writing plays regularly and enlisting (read: bribing) my cousins to help me produce them. I studied theatre very seriously for eight years and believed that I was destined to be an actress (I was wrong). Many people would argue that this has nothing much to do with writing--but it does, in fact, have everything to do with story-telling; I'd argue that story-telling is one of the essential building-blocks of successful writing.

I took my first formal writing class in Middle School, when an English teacher of mine took a particular interest in me. I was pulled out of class once a week and met in the library with said English teacher and two other students--both boys--for an intensive, improvised writing course. I was still very enamored with writing plays at the time.

In High School we only had one Creative Writing course, and I took it my Junior year.

I entered college as a double major in Acting and English Education (which is technically a triple major) and very quickly realized that I lacked the will-power and discipline to make acting my life--suffice it to say that this is where my body image issues kicked in for the second time in my life). After dropping Acting, I found I was also dissatisfied with my English Ed major. I took a class on the history of oral storytelling and then on the performance of oral storytelling. And I got a little hooked on stories.

So second semester freshman year, I decided to take a class purely for enjoyment. And that's how I wound up in Jason Ockert's Personal Essay class. Which is to say, that's when my entire life changed.

Jason became my personal mentor. I talked and studied with him extensively, far beyond the confines of the classroom. Switched majors to Writing with a creative focus, and applied and was accepted to a series of Master classes taught by the writers I mentioned up-thread, which is how I was fortunate enough to have studied under such talented people.

I've been published a little over a dozen times, although I've only been paid for my work twice. I was chosen by Yi Ping (a remarkable exiled Chinese poet) to translate a collection of his works into English. I won lots of prizes and awards through my college. I co-founded and co-edited an alternative literary magazine for my college as well.

Oh, and I read. A lot.

I mean I read a LOT. I average 2 manuscripts and 2 non-work books. A day.

I feel most comfortable writing short stories, I'm tackling a novel (and finding it difficult), and now that I've finished my degree and no longer am forced to I shall never write another poem again!

I have a collection of finished essays about my quirky, tragicomic life that I've considered shopping around, but I'm not quite willing to part with them.

I founded one successful Writers' Workshop, and joined one that ultimately failed.

I've had two publishing internships, and now have a real-live career in that industry.

But mostly I think all of the above can be discarded.

Well, perhaps not the reading bit. But the rest.

Writing is a talent and a craft. You've either got it or you don't. I've learned a lot through both formal and informal study and gained quite a lot of polish as a result.

But I don't write because I learned how, I don't even write because I have a gift or a knack or a talent for it. I write because long before I even understood that books were written by someone and didn't just spring fully-formed onto bookshelves, and long before I ever began to take my own writing seriously... I still wrote. I always wrote. I couldn't not write. And I do it because there is something inside me that I am desperate to communicate to other people. Some need to make people feel what I feel so that they can understand.

...this was ridiculously long! Did it even answer the question? I hope so.
Last edited by Young Val on Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:39 pm

I have a question for everyone - Does anyone remember me or do I just look like some random rude newbie? lol
I remember your username, but I can't remember anything about who you are and what you do. :)

Why don't you enlighten us? :)

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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:41 pm

There have been over 5 admins over the incarnations. Where are they now? I recall seeing Hegemon post a couple of months ago, but the rest (like Taalcon and such) are nearly non-existant.
Jayelle and myself are still quite active. locke/Adam has been more active of late (nice to see you around more!), Ollie mostly seems to lurk, Steve/boothby is around, Taal is on his mission, and Hegemon/John is MIA and I'm not sure when he'll be around again.
KennEnder was a mod at one point, too, but that was probably before your time. :)

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:47 pm

KennEnder was a mod at one point, too, but that was probably before your time. :)
I remember seeing "Where is KennEnder?" threads about when I signed on, so yep, before my time. :)
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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:52 pm

That's what I thought. :)

And technically speaking, you all are mods, right? I thought Amka is the admin.

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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:46 pm

There have been over 5 admins over the incarnations. Where are they now? I recall seeing Hegemon post a couple of months ago, but the rest (like Taalcon and such) are nearly non-existant.
Jayelle and myself are still quite active. locke/Adam has been more active of late (nice to see you around more!), Ollie mostly seems to lurk, Steve/boothby is around, Taal is on his mission, and Hegemon/John is MIA and I'm not sure when he'll be around again.
KennEnder was a mod at one point, too, but that was probably before your time. :)
Then why did he get demoted?
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Postby Luet » Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:46 pm

Luet: What is it you do for a living again? Nurse?
No, but I'm flattered that you might think so. I am currently retired (yes, at 31) but I worked for NYS as a Administrative Assistant for 12 years until I quit a couple years ago. Initially I went on sick leave in dealing with the aftermath of my traumatic experience some of you may remember from awhile back...therapy, hospitalization, etc. And then, I decided we didn't really need my income and I like not working.

But I play a pharmacist on the internet! :wink:
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:57 pm

That's what I thought. :)

And technically speaking, you all are mods, right? I thought Amka is the admin.
When the board switched to phpBB the categories changed for some reason in the software. But in reality, yeah. Ami's the one in charge.
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Postby Jayelle » Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:07 pm

So, Jayelle, tell us what you do. Cause I can't remember. :)

...or do you mean for a living?
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Postby locke » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:58 pm

Jayelle and myself are still quite active. locke/Adam has been more active of late (nice to see you around more!), Ollie mostly seems to lurk, Steve/boothby is around, Taal is on his mission, and Hegemon/John is MIA and I'm not sure when he'll be around again.
And Nathan (idemosthenesi) went to college at the same time I did and I think eventually soured on OSC and his works, I had one IM from him in the last year or so. For a while I couldn't really trust myself to post here cause I was working on the EG movie (well the preproduction side of it when it was attached to Wolfgage Petersen, reading scripts writing notes on them, etc)

myself, I went to film school, believed myself to be an adult and got into an all-consuming relationship I wasn't ready for. at the same time my life shifted so much towards movies/tv that book related interests got pushed aside until I graduated and found successful work. I lurked for many years. :p

most of us founders got very busy at various points in the last six years.

KennEnder was the first non-founder to be made a mod. He is a military officer, navy iirc, so on 9/11 he stopped posting as he was suddenly now very very busy.
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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:02 pm

There have been over 5 admins over the incarnations. Where are they now? I recall seeing Hegemon post a couple of months ago, but the rest (like Taalcon and such) are nearly non-existant.
Jayelle and myself are still quite active. locke/Adam has been more active of late (nice to see you around more!), Ollie mostly seems to lurk, Steve/boothby is around, Taal is on his mission, and Hegemon/John is MIA and I'm not sure when he'll be around again.
KennEnder was a mod at one point, too, but that was probably before your time. :)
Then why did he get demoted?
He wasn't demoted. He disappeared from pweb due to his military work, as locke indicated, and wasn't around to join the second incarnation of pweb.

I see Nathan on AIM all the time, but I haven't chatted with him in years.
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Postby eriador » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:02 pm

I'll ask it, because nobody else has yet:

What did Alea do?

(And if a mod wants to smack me down, I know it's out of line, but I want my gossip!)

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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:04 pm

So, Jayelle, tell us what you do. Cause I can't remember. :)

...or do you mean for a living?


There's a joker in every bunch. ;)

I don't know if you earn a living or not. :P
But you must do something besides gestate when you're not posting here. ;)

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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:05 pm

I'll ask it, because nobody else has yet:

What did Alea do?

(And if a mod wants to smack me down, I know it's out of line, but I want my gossip!)
I'm not a mod, but it shouldn't be talked about in a public forum, I am sure, for legal reasons. I'm sure you understand why that might be a problem.

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Postby eriador » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:06 pm

That's pretty much what I expected.

And I respect you as much, if not more than the mods. Don't ask me why.

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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:08 pm

Thanks for the compliment.

I think. :P

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Postby eriador » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:52 pm

Eh... It's a bit backhanded, given what I think of the mods, but yeah, it was a compliment.

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Postby Ela » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:00 pm

:lol: :D

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Postby Jayelle » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:03 pm

I don't know if you earn a living or not
I'm a Children's Reference Assistant at the Public Library.
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Postby Derwyddon » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:10 pm

I have a question for everyone - Does anyone remember me or do I just look like some random rude newbie? lol
I remember your username, but I can't remember anything about who you are and what you do. :)

Why don't you enlighten us? :)
When I was my most active here i was at the end of highschool. I've been out for probably seven years now (i can't believe i've been around pweb for seven years...) I actually was pretty good pals with otaku, and NG if anyone remembers him, and I are friends IRL.

I also was known for the fact that I dated mostly members of the same sex, however, since I left and came back I've gotten married, had a daughter, moved around a lot, got a godson with autism who is my whole world, and a lot of other pretty big things. I'm really nowhere near the same person i used to be, but I remember everyone so well and am a little sad that no one probably remembers me at all.
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Postby daPyr0x » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:24 pm

I remember you, Der. I remember arguing with you over something stupid (for which I apologize)
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Postby Virlomi » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:29 pm

I remember you! I don't know if we ever talked, but you were a froggy!
If I could stonedkermit right now, I would, just for you. :)

and Jan:
Honest truth? When I went MIA Pweb fell out of my daily rotation of sites to check... and now I just keep forgetting to click through to the link when my week starts to get more stressful. Nothing intentional, I promise!

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