2007: Year of the Sequel (and other assorted news)

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2007: Year of the Sequel (and other assorted news)

Postby mr_thebrain » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:31 am

Ok, so I posted this at my own forum before, but I thought, "What the heck. Why not here too!" (sorry if I missed taking out any of the cuss words)

Ok, so as usual, I spent a good part of my day being bored at work yesterday. I opened Firefox to make my usual rounds; checking the 20 or so web comics I read, email, and a hodgepodge of other information. I happened upon a bit of movie news, I forget what it was now, but at the time I was interested enough to check it out. I hop on over to IMDb to check it out... Well, I got it in my brain that there are a lot of sequels coming to the big screen next year. I decided to find out just how many. Here's what I found: (I tried to keep it somewhat alphabetical. Oh, and not all of them are good. Most of them are in fact bad)

  • American Pie 5 — Yup, they decided to make another one. As if the rest of this series weren’t horrible enough. From what I can tell, this only has one character from the original movies, which would be the one played by Eugene Levy. This is just sad.
    AVP 2: Alien vs. Predator 2 — Well, the First one wasn’t BAD, but it wasn’t all that special either. I just can’t think of any ways to take off where the last one left off.
    The Bourne Ultimatum — AWESOME! What can I say; I enjoyed the first two immensely, and the books that the movies are based on are really good too. This should be every bit as good as the others.
    The Butterfly Effect 2 — To be honest, I might like this. I enjoyed the first one even though it had Ashton Kutcher in it. I think it will only be better without him in it.
    Day of the Dead — Well, as far as horrors are concerned the remake of dawn of the dead was pretty fun. I enjoyed it though I don’t care much for the genre. I hope that the sequel lives up to the mark that the first set
    The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning — Terrible. First of all, I watched the first movie, I actually enjoyed it. What can I say, I grew up on the T.V. show. Mind you, I would never buy it. This is a prequel, and while that doesn’t automatically make it a bad thing, it’s a prequel that is going the way of “Dumb and Dumberer” and that was a sad, sad movie.
    Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer — Some didn’t like the first movie. I loved it. I have a comic book loving family and the Silver Surfer is a great character. Fantastic Four is one of the best comics. This promises to be a really kool movie.
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix — While I have been holding off on reading the books (I’m very stubborn, and will probably wait until long after all the movies have been out and forgotten before I actually DO read them) I really enjoy these movies. They are fun fantasies. I hear the story gets darker and darker as it progresses so this should be good. I look forward to it.
    Hellboy 2: The Golden Army — Haven’t seen the first. I probably should, but I just haven’t. I know my dad will want to see this one in the theater.
    Hostel: Part II — I honestly have no interest in this one, or the first. However, it is yet another sequel coming to the screens.
    Mrs. Doubtfire 2 — Oh my sweet lord, Satan. Not even you would visit this pain upon us. Only Hollywood is this evil. I love Robin Williams. The first movie was good enough when I was a kid. A sequel though?!? What the hell?
    National Treasure 2 — Kool! I hope this sequel is as fun as the first. Should be a fun ride.
    Ocean's Thirteen — More Eddie Izzard please! I liked the first two, though I hope they don’t “Rocky” this series though. Make this the last one, and make it good!
    Old School 2 — Sad. Sad, Sad, Sad. Look, the first one, ok. I watched it, it wasn’t horrible, it was even enjoyable at time. Come on, a sequel? Why? What story do they hope to tell!?
    Pirates of the Caribbean 3 — Kool, the first was fun, the second… well, I liked it a bunch but I find cliffhangers aggravating. This one better be good, and come soon.
    The Punisher 2 — The first was somewhat disappointing, but still better than the Dolph Lundgren version. I hope the sequel saves the series.
    28 Weeks Later... — First one was interesting if not enjoyable. We’ll see what this one adds to the franchise.
    Save the Last Dance 2 — Stupid chick flicks. At least I won’t have to watch this one.
    The Sandlot 3 — Wait, there was a Sandlot 2?
    Sin City 2 — YAY! This should be badass! The first was amazing, and as long as this one doesn’t go the way of the “Crow” franchise, it’ll be great.
    Spider-Man 3 — I’ve seen the preview, I love this one already. I don’t know why people have problems with Topher Grace being in it. He’s a fair actor, and should do a good job. This should be an intensely dark movie too!
    Stir of Echoes: The Dead Speak — Hey the first was kool, but this is a different movie, hard to even call it a sequel.
    Rush Hour 3 — Jackie Chan! Yeah! Oh, it’s got Chris Tucker in it, that’s right. Oh well, I’m not proud, I’ll watch it anyway.
    The Dark Knight — Ok this one is most likely going to hit the screens in 2008, but there were rumblings of it coming out in ’07. Let’s hope. Batman Begins was pretty good, this one should be good too.

  • Fletch Won — Kevin Smith still on this one? If so it could be fun! I will probably watch it no matter what.
    Ghost Rider — Another comic book movie. I’ll probably wait for it to come out on DVD.
    Futurama — That’s right. If you can’t give the screaming fans the show, give them the movie. I really liked the show so I might watch the movie… on DVD.
    Hitman — Great video game! Sadly Vin Diesel is agent 47.
    Transformers — Looks pretty kool. I grew up on the cartoon we’ll see how they do live action. Besides, Dane Cook has a cameo. Worth watching just for that.
    ”V”: The Second Generation (miniseries) — If you liked the cheesy 80’s Sci-drama, you’ll probably like this no matter what.
    Fahrenheit 451 — Interesting. Expect it to be a commentary on the evils of today’s government.

I **** You Not
  • Pac Man — No Way. How? Live action I hope. I’d love to see a little yellow tennis ball on the big screen for 2 hours. Honestly if any movie that was based on a video game could be kool, this has the best chance!
    Fraggle Rock: The Movie — I must echo my sister on this one “I hope it’s not live action.”
    Welcome Back, Kotter — Come on now, aren’t we taking the T.V. to Movie thing just a bit too far?
    Underdog — Sad thing is, I don’t think they intend for this to be a cartoon. Oi.
    The Simpsons Movie — You know, maybe in the first 4 seasons, sure. But why now? This show hasn’t been good in like 10 years.
    Police Academy — Terrible. Expect it to be a commentary on the evils of today’s government. Heh. Ok it won’t be anywhere near that deep. The sad thing is that the only good thing this movie has going for it is that Steve Guttenberg is signed on for it.
    10,000 B.C. — Why would you remake this movie?! You know, with effects like we can do now, this could actually be another King Kong.
    Zorro 2110 — Zorro… of the future? Perhaps he has a laser rapier now. I hope they get Antonio Banderas to sign on for it, to further the ruin of his career!
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Thank Jesus this one is animated! Looks alright, but why make another one? I realize they made a resurgence with the toys, but this probably won’t do very well.
    Splinter Cell: The Movie — Well, it’s a video game movie. We know how well these do. Then again, it’s splinter cell. Oh the possibilities!
    Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run — Um WHY!? Seriously. I remember playing this on my cousin’s Commodore 64. Fun sure, but there was no plot or character. It was just a driving sim with a car that could shoot. Perhaps the newer video game did alright, but I don’t know anyone who’s played it. top scrolling movie?
    Castlevania — Weird. I’d like to see spinning jumps from ledge to ledge while throwing a vampire killing boomerang on the big screen! Even a chain whip would be kool, though I’ve already seen that in porn. It has potential.
    Highlander: Vengeance — Another one? Who the hell is Colin MacLeod?


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Re: 2007: Year of the Sequel (and other assorted news)

Postby Jebus » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:42 am

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . . . I really enjoy these movies. . .
Sorry, I started ignoring your opinions on movies after this.

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Postby Hegemon » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:52 am

I am actually pretty happy about most of the sequels you mentioned. Honestly, even if they are not as good as the originals, I am still happy to have a good time wathcing something new wiht the same characters *that is assuming I liked the originals*

As for some individual movies in the list of sequels...

I have no idea why they are making another American Pie. As much as i like sequels, they have basically done everyhting that can be done with the concept. Unless you somehow bring back the full original cast *which they haven't done since the second one* I will not be interested in it.

I had the exact same reaction to Sandlot 3.

Rush Hour 3 is one i have been waiting a long time for. I am not a fan of Jacky Chan alone, but I love him in buddy movies like RH and the Shanghai movies.

I definitely see a lot of potential for National Treasure. The last one was a lot of fun to see and there are a lot of conspiracies out there that can be turned into a movie.

As for specifics on the comic book movies...

I am always very happy for a comic book movie, and GR looks good, and by looks good, i mean the effects look cool.

Spider-Man 3 simply looks beautiful.. not much more to say.

I really liked the last Punisher movie. I think that they got the general feel right and the guy even had a good build for the character. I would like to see some more "random punishing" in this one... just him taking out some regular criminals and some stuff that is less directly connected to the main villain. However, I really like their choosing to bring Jigsaw into the movie. I just wish they could also use the Kingpin, but his rights are tied up in the DD movies.

First Hellboy was really good. I knew nothing about his comics themselves, other than the fact that they exist, but it was a fun overall movie. Lots of room for a sequel.

The Batman sequel is the one that i probably look forward to most. I walked out of Batman Begins and the first thing I thought was that I can't wait for a sequel. I actually would have gladly turned around and seen it a second time. It just kicked that much ass.

and then there is the Fantastic Four sequel....

I didn't hate the last movie. In some ways i actually like it.... but i also had a ton of issues with it.

They chose do to an "Ultimate" version of it, which didn't sit too well with me because I am a fan of the original version. For those who are unaware of the differences, they involve the fact that Doom's origin is directly tied into the FF origin, the fact that Doom has super powers and that Sue is a scientist. In the originals, Sue is a smart girl, but not a genius. Reed and Doom are the geniuses and they are sort of surpreme in all ways imagineable. The ultimate version removed that aspect from them, and that never sat well with me.

Even more troublesome was the fact that they really screwed up Doom. Doom is often an anti-hero of sorts. He does things that are bad, but for reasons that are actually pretty good. He is a very deep character. However, what they showed on the screen was a basic euro-trash, post-crisis lex luthor ripoff.... and that bugs the hell out of me...

However, all that being said, the movie was fun. It was basically an okay movie, but it could have been a lot more.

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Postby Jayelle » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:54 pm

When was there an American Pie 4? I thought it was 1,2, Wedding.
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Postby Hegemon » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:55 pm

I think that Band Camp was the fourth one.... it was straight to video.

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Postby mr_thebrain » Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:47 pm

aparently this one is called "American Pie 5: The Naked Mile"

and yes, American Pie 4 was the band camp one.

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Postby canvasch » Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:20 pm

the new teenage mutant ninja turtles movie.... all cgi... still looks sexy

i wish it was guys in suits like the old ones though.... honestly... the suits were tight

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Postby Blitz » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:01 pm

Looking forward to Fahrenheit 451 (hope it's done well) and the Bourne Supremacy. Also awaiting the third installments of Pirates, Spidey, and Ocean's.

Ick: Mrs. Doubtfire 2, Zorro 2110, and American Pie 5. Are these really necessary?

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Postby Craig » Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:39 pm

I am excited about The Fountain and Children of Men... Not to mention the Science of Sleep (which I'm seeing tomorrow).

They are making more American Pie movies because they're a money pit. The first three made a ton, then Band Camp was the number one selling DVD, and it didn't even hit theaters! People love gross out high school comedies, and I'm sorry, but American Pie was the franchise that kicked it into high gear (again).

The Butterfly Effect 2, from what I understand is straight to DVD as well...

Day of the Dead should be interesting, I really liked the remake of Dawn of the Dead.

I'm excited about Fantastic Four, you can never get enough screen time for Jessica Alba. And while the first one wasn't great, it wasn't terrible either.

Harry Potter, I have to admit I'm really excited about it. I think it could be one of the strongest in the film franchise.

Ocean's 13 is the last Ocean movie, and it's going back to its roots. They said Oceans 12 was too complex (and I agree), so the plot is much more simple. Besides, Clooney and Pitt have tremendous chemistry, I love seeing them work together.

Pirates III, eh, I didn't like either I or II, so I couldn't care less about this. In all actuality I'm still annoyed that Pirates II joined the prestigious billon dollar club.

Spider Man 3, can you say, hell yes? I'm so excited.

The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale have made a Batman movie unlike any other and have pushed that franchise to heights that I never believed possible. Not only is it one of my favorite movies of last year, it's definitly one of my favorite superhero movies ever.

Fahrenheit 451, are they really making this??? I haven't heard anything about it in forever... Last I heard Mel Gibson was attached to it, is that still the case?


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Postby Peter Wiggin » Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:08 pm

Where is your source for these movies?

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Postby Hegemon » Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:14 pm

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Postby mr_thebrain » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:46 pm

thanks john. yes. i did a search for 2007 on IMDB. went through and picked out the ones that i was either interested in, or made me laugh. granted imdb can be wrong. but whatever. it's the best source.

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Postby Craig » Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:10 pm

Wow, Frank Darabont is attached to Fahrenheit 451. He directed Shawshank and The Majestic (two of my favorite movies), add this to the list of movies I am really excited about...


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Postby shadow-petra » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:33 pm

Isnt the Bourne Ultimatum coming in '07?

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Postby mr_thebrain » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:41 pm

that's one of the movies i have listed in the OP, so yes.

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Re: 2007: Year of the Sequel (and other assorted news)

Postby Fris » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:38 pm

Last edited by Fris on Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Jebus » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:39 pm


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Postby wizzard » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:50 pm

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Postby Jebus » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:53 pm

K three w one? What does that mean?

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Postby wizzard » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:57 pm

lol u dont no l337?? lmfao ur teh sux0r!!1
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Postby wigginboy » Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:21 pm

This description for the Pac-Man moviefrom www.imdb.com makes me laugh and sickens me at the same time.
Plot Outline: A man with yellow skin and a troubled past must face a group of deadly "Ghost" assassins known only by the code names "Pinky", "Blinky", "Inky" and "Clyde".

Thats an interesting way of looking at the game, thats for sure. And if Ms Pac Man doesnt have a bow, Imma be pissed.

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Postby Hegemon » Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:31 pm

You think he gets a power-up and then cannibalizes the assassins?

Cuz if so, count me in!!!

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Postby Virlomi » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:12 pm

I had a hard time believing the Pac Man one until I went to IMDB. I also wandered my way over to Youtube and found this, which personally I would rather see made than the description IMDB gave of the real thing.

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Postby hive_king » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:45 pm

Didn't people call 2006 the year of the sequels too?
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Postby Hegemon » Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:00 pm

I think that for the foreseeable future, pretty much every year will be the year of the sequels.

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Postby mr_thebrain » Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:48 pm

pretty much.

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