What's your poison?

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What do you mostly drink?

Energy Drinks
Juice (fruit, vegetable)
Other (hot chocolate, smoothie, shake, etc)
Sports Drinks
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What's your poison?

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:51 am

I couldn't remember if we had a thread for this and if we did, it's been a while so let's live it up in here.

Growing up, I drank nothing but milk (2% for a very long time, switched to 1% in the past 10 or so years) because I thought water was the most boring, awful excuse for wet stuff ever.

I also drank soda at every opportunity (Sprite/Sierra Mist or Root Beer) because that was somehow exciting.

Then I went to college and did a huge switch-up. Water became number one for every day consumption, milk became a treat, and orange juice was what I rewarded myself with after good workouts. Soda more or less disappeared and that is still the case; I drink it when going out to a restaurant, which hardly ever happens, but that's because I hate iced water and water in a glass tastes like crap to me and that's what you tend to get in restaurants.

Now I prefer water, only drink milk with cereal or a dessert (not always then), and orange juice is like a gift from the gods after a bike ride but I hardly ever get it; maybe every few months if I'm lucky. Smoothies are something I get about once a month, usually at the movies.

Chai is limited to cold months, so October/November to February/March.

What do you drink and do you have any weird quirks involved with it?
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Postby neo-dragon » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:18 am

My most frequent drink is probably kool-aid, but my favourite drinks are root beer and chocolate milk.
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Postby Wil » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:25 am

Is it grape kool aid?

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Postby neo-dragon » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:29 am

Well that's just racist. :roll:
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Postby Wil » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:32 am

But you didn't deny it.

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Postby Satya » Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:38 am

But you didn't deny it.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:20 am

I'm not a huge fan of plain water, although I do enjoy sparkling water, preferably with a slice of citrus or three. I'll drink it if I'm thirsty, but unless I've been working out or am really parched, it'll probably be "just enough" and I won't finish the glass.

I adore orange juice but it's expensive so it's more of a treat than anything. Sadly, same for most any juice - except I just got a juicer, so we'll see how I feel about carrots and apples! (Come to think, that will allow me to make a recipe I really like but rarely do because carrot juice is expensive.) Pop is a luxury and when it's around I (well, both of us) will drink it all very quickly, so we just don't have it around all the time.

Mostly I drink squash/juice mix, but pretty dilute. I will usually make it as dilute as I can tolerate. *shrug* I just like it like that, and if it makes me feel like I'm getting more water than sugar, hooray. Growing up, my mom always cut the sugar in our koolaid by 1/3 to 1/2, so it's just what I'm used to.

But I also drink tea, and that is a year-round constant. I don't find it hydrating at all, no hot drink ever feels hydrating. Tea is wonderful, however, and if I tried to list the various ways I drink it, I'd be here forever. Each tea is different!

Milk is for cereal and tea, or needs to have chocolate in it. Never been much of a milk drinker.
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Postby Noodle » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:23 am

My poison has changed through the years. For a long time it was Kool Aid. Then it was 100% Cran-Grape Juice. Orange Juice (with pulp) is always appreciated.

But my real poison, and something I drink at least once a day is beer. For the past two years or so, I've been really into it, with homebrewing, trading on the internet, hoarding, cellaring (aging the beer similar to what you do with a fine wine), and drinking daily.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:58 am

If I could afford it, probably most days would include a beer or glass of wine or a gin and tonic. Especially living here, there is so much variety in the beer available that it's always exciting. I have my favourites, but it's not like I'd be cracking open a Labatt every night - it's definitely a "foodie" type experience rather than a drinking habit. What's on tap tonight (and there's always something hand-pulled available, and yes, it makes a difference) may be entirely different to what was on last night. It's wonderful! Same with wines, although that's something I'm more likely to enjoy at home.

Yesterday we were browsing Marks and Spencer and stumbled across "Elderflower Soft Brew", which is a non-alcohol malt and hops drink. It's delightfully beer-like without the alcohol. I didn't expect it, because non-booze beers always taste revolting. As I'm actually a bit sick of coke, this is an amazing addition to my pregnancy drinks repertoire.
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Postby LilBee91 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:06 am

I love water. I actually prefer it not bottled, though some tap water makes me reconsider that. Well water is far superior to city water, and I love when I'm at my parents' or grandparents' houses and get to partake of it. I go through multiple glasses at restaurants. My whole family does.

I usually don't have just a plain glass of milk, but it goes in my cereal and alongside cookies and some other desserts whenever I have them.

I love hot cocoa in the winter, Tang in the summer, and Red Robin's assortment of delicious limeaides whenever I'm there. From time to time I'll blend up a milkshake or smoothie or some orange julius for a special treat, but that's probably only once every few months. O--and I like to get frosties from Wendy's. Can't beat those.

I'm not really into sodas or most bottled juices. I do like the strawberry daquiri Sobe and Simply raspberry lemonade. And I always get apple juice on planes. I'll drink root beer, Dr. Pepper, or cream soda at picnics or family gatherings where soda is available, but I rarely get them at restaurants. I rather dislike sports drinks. I hate the smell of coffee so I've never convinced myself to try it.

Weird quirks: I prefer to drink my beverages from something non-plastic. I also prefer water that's closer to room temperature over ice water.
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Postby starlooker » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:16 am

Normally water, these days orange juice. Also, have discovered a deep love for white grape juice.
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Postby Luet » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:26 am

Water has grown on me over the years. I used to only be able to drink it ice cold and I didn't even really like it then. Now, I can drink it any temperature. I drink water all day long. I have two Nalgene bottles that I refill constantly and swap out of the fridge.

Out at restaurants, if seltzer is free then I get that with lemon. If not, then I get water with lemon. When I feel like something fizzy at home I also drink seltzer with lemon (True Lemon powder). On the rare occasions that I feel like soda, I have cans of Throwback Pepsi made with sugar instead of HFCS.

I very much dislike milk and only use it on cereal and even then, I drain every bite. Occasionally in the winter, I'll make hot chocolate with hershey syrup.

I have a Keurig machine and make decaf coffee, hot or iced, a couple times a week. With sugar, Starbucks cinnamon syrup and light cream.
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Postby Rei » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:55 pm

I drink a lot of tea. When I get up in the morning, if I'm sufficiently coherent and on time, I make a cup of tea. When I get in to work, regardless of whether I've had tea at breakfast, I make a round of tea. When I get bored or anxious at work I make another cup of tea (lather, rinse, repeat until day's end). And then in the evening I will probably make one or two pots more of tea.

What else I have often is cask ale or wine. Most get-togethers happen at the pub, and sometimes there are pub quizzes, and sometimes it's a good place to do non-work work during the day.

But tea is still first.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:05 pm

milk every day. water if i'm at work, soda only on the weekends juice to break the monotony. beer if i'm out drinking

i won't drink beer from a can. but i prefer soda in a can to soda in a bottle. but soda in a glass bottle is seriously the best thing ever. i miss mountain dew and dr. pepper in the big tall glass bottles... i was hoping the throw back stuff would be released in glass. but noooooooo.

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Postby steph » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:20 pm

Water. Milk for comfort. Juice only if I cook a big breakfast (or have breakfast for dinner). Pop only if we eat pizza or have people over for games. Hot chocolate sometimes as a dessert on cold evenings or on sunday nights for dinner with popcorn. Milk shakes, same sunday story. Smoothies not often enough, since there isn't an Inta Juice close and I'm picky, since I worked there for a couple of years. Never coffee, tea or alcohol.
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Postby Petra456 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:38 pm

I really dislike water. I want to like it, and I force myself to drink it, I just wish I enjoyed it. If I do drink it, it has to be ice cold. Milk is probably my absolute favorite drink, then pop. Although, for the past month or so, i've really stopped drinking so much pop and now I can't get enough of Gatorade.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:31 pm

My daily drink schedule--

At breakfast: I drink one glass of cranberry-grape juice.

During the day and lunch: I drink 1-2 quarts of water.

After work and during dinner: I drink 2-3 quarts of (unsweetened) iced tea.

About an hour before bed: I drink one glass of milk.

I will occasionally drink a can of soda (usually only Coke), but only once or twice a month at most. Every few months or so, I get on a powerade/gatorade kick and drink it daily until my case is gone. I always drink water when out to eat.
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Postby 3nder » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:35 pm

Before I go to UNI every morning I skull water as I'm dehydrated every morning!

During UNI i'll have water and a coke at lunch.

When I get home it's usually either water or juice

If I'm programming i'll drink either a vodka with orange juice or a green fairy.

Hot chocolate before bed.
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Postby zeroguy » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:39 pm

Well that's just racist. :roll:
What about hot kool aid? (ugh, why does this have over 9mil views...)

Water for me. Milk goes on oatmeal and cereal, and when I'm in a restaurant sometimes I'll get lemonade or limeade if I see it.
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Postby locke » Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:19 am

Gods, I love water, I get tired of every other drink, but water I'm always happy to order. I sometimes hesitate ordering drinks at a restaurant because I'd probably enjoy water more.

I also have two cups of coffee a day generally, once a week I might only have one one cup, once a week I might have three cups, once a month or so if its a bad day I might have four or five cups.

I pretty much never drink soda anymore. I had a coke at the game saturday and my mouth felt disgusting for the next three hours until I was able to drink about 3 glasses of water when I got home and it somewhat cleared the cloying flavors out of my mouth.

Beer is good, in general I stick with ales, hefes etc. I don't really like IPAs but I really like the meatier brews that are out there. Guiness is nummy (black and blue is a great combination imo, btw, two beers for the price of one, win win) but my favorite beer on tap is Old Speckled Hen, my favorite more common beer is Fat Tire, and for a summer bottled brew, I really like Shock Top as just delightfully refreshing and thoroughly tasty. I've drank a lot of Pacifico lately and prefer it to corona, bud light etc.

wine wise, I once preferred white wines, particularly the sweeter white german wines like Gewurztraminer, but I've moved beyond that and find such wines cloying like soda now. I don't really like the dryest of dry wines, nor the fruitiest sweet wines, but something that strikes a nice balance, I like the ones that are smokier and more redolent. For a long time I didn't like reds at all, most reds I tried were either heavily tannic (as in no other flavors other than tannins, gross), or were of the sweaty gym-sock flavor variety (pinot noir I'm looking at you). I've sense learned that I have a special and magical talent for picking out wines I am least likely to actually like, so I let Renee do all the picking. My favorite is Silver Oak, so freaking good, gods, that bottle was a revelation, my tongue threw a party for my mouth, twas that awesome.

Juice is almost never drank, but every once in a while we have some OJ if we're out getting brunch, and OJ is about the only juice I drink, other than TJs samples. It's just too sweet and thick.

I've never been a milk drinker and gag at the thought of drinking milk, I don't drink the milk with cereal, but do the right and proper thing and dump the cereal milk down the sink.
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Postby Luet » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:59 am

After work and during dinner: I drink 2-3 quarts of (unsweetened) iced tea.
The caffeine doesn't keep you up?
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Postby Jayelle » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:26 am

Man, you guys don't have nearly as many vices as I do.

I survive on coffee in the morning. Usually 2-3 cups before noon, then maybe a cup of decaf in the afternoon. Starbucks for a treat every couple of weeks.

Water is what I drink with meals and if I'm majorly thirsty. I don't drink as much as I should.

I love Pop and usually drink Gingerale or Root Beer in the evenings if Paul and I are watching a show (at least once a week). Pepsi is what I'd get at a restaurant.

I can't handle milk at all.
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Postby Mich » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:11 am

No, I have a bunch. In fact, I can't choose one that's dominant over the others.

In the morning at work I always have a cup of coffee, sometimes two, although I'll pay for that in an upset stomach later in the day. This is one of the few times that I've actually figured out something I've consumed leads to digestive problems. Once I was even almost throwing up, completely confused why, when my roommate was like "well, is the milk spoiled?" and it was. I never think to connect those things.

Milk I have almost exclusively on cereal or in recipes. Only if I'm eating something extremely dry that would be ruined by water, like chocolate chip cookies, do I drink milk in a glass, and even that I'm growing out of.

Tea we have in the afternoons, at least one cup. We brew it in the office using real tea leaves, which is fun.

Water I drink at home, at least one glass per day but normally more, especially in the summer.

And on days that I'm feeling particularly deserving, normally if it's been a long day at work or if I did a blog post or if there is a long video game session ahead, I'll drink soda. It's normally a generic Dr. Pepper.
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Postby Petra456 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:26 am

Oh, I forgot about unsweetened iced tea! When it gets hot out iced tea is a must.

When it gets cold out I can have up to two (large) cups of coffee a day sometimes.

The caffeine from both coffee and iced tea seems to have no effect one me, I can drink a giant coffee and then go right to sleep just a little bit after. Coffee seems to help me sleep because it's warm and relaxing.
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Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:58 am

Man, I'm a bit surprised at the strong dislike for milk around these parts. It's not my main drink anymore but I have very fond memories of it and love it very much whenever I do drink it.
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Postby Noodle » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:17 pm

I love milk, but it's not my go to drink, simply because it's impractical to keep a jug at work, and by the time I get home from work, a beer is in order.

I do, however, have a particular bed time snack that milk plays a central role in. Duplex creme cookies and milk, not just any duplex creme cookies mind you, but particularly "Mama's" brand. Since I haven't been able to find Mama's cookies in about 10 years, I've substituted another brand, but they aren't the same. I dip the cookies in the milk until they stop bubbling. This makes the cookie basically a ball of sweet mush. Eat a few cookies and then the best part of the snack is drinking the rest of the milk. The cookies make me thirsty and the milk is a PERFECT companion to this.

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:20 pm

The caffeine doesn't keep you up?
I only drink decaf, so the negligible amount that is still in it doesn't really affect me.
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Postby Petra456 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:24 pm

Man, I'm a bit surprised at the strong dislike for milk around these parts. It's not my main drink anymore but I have very fond memories of it and love it very much whenever I do drink it.
Milk is my ultimate comfort drink and sometimes I could easily go though a gallon by myself in two days. Milk and cookies is the best! Washing the cookies down with milk is even better then the cookies themselves.
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Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:26 pm

My favorite milk assist is for gum, actually. Pop in a new piece of mint flavored gum, take a quick swig of milk, and I have a very happy mouth. It's not quite the same for mint based cookies.
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Postby Luet » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:59 pm

The caffeine doesn't keep you up?
I only drink decaf, so the negligible amount that is still in it doesn't really affect me.
That makes sense. I was imagining quarts of caffeinated tea. Caffeine has a wicked strong effect on me lately. I'm not sure if it's my age or recent medications.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:07 pm

That makes sense. I was imagining quarts of caffeinated tea.
Yeah, I pretty much "gave up" caffeine while studying for the bar and haven't really used it much since.

Though, to be fair, there probably isn't much caffeine in my caffeinated tea. My wife calls it "flavored water," because I generally drink it pretty weak and use plenty of ice (1 small tea bag per quart of water).
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Postby Mich » Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:20 pm

When I was little, by the way, I loved warm milk so much. I would ask my mom for a glass of milk, then leave it out until it was warm.

I haven't really thought about the connotations of that until just now. Kind of odd and hilarious.
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Postby Platypi007 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:53 pm

Water, for sure. I drink at least a gallon a day, often more. Second to water would be alcohol, but I don't drink daily. I love beer, scotch, bourbon, gin, rum... Really pretty much anything except for tequila or vodka. :D

Used to be sweet tea after water, but I had to quit that because I can drink two gallons of that in a day and I make it with a TON of sugar... so... yeah. :)

I also love coffee and hot tea, but I don't drink them a whole lot, especially when it is hot. And I'm *really* picky about my coffee. I have to have fresh roasted, fresh ground. I have even roasted it myself before when I didn't have access to a roastery.

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Postby ender1 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:58 pm

Seriously, I'm the only one that voted for energy drinks?

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Postby Luet » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:40 am

I have only tasted a couple energy drinks. I thought Red Bull tasted like cough syrup. The other that I tried was decent but not something that I would ever choose to drink. Not to mention the aforementioned problem with caffeine.
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