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Gravity Defier
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:35 pm

Next time better be Toronto, where we can convince Paul's family to pay for us to visit. :)
Are you planning it? If you do, I'd find a way. It may involve me inviting myself to stay in a tent in Jason's yard so I can afford it but minor details.

(Seriously...the problem with people giving me even the slightest reason to go somewhere usually ends up with me going somewhere. Let's not give me reasons, folks, lest I go broke.)
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Postby neo-dragon » Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:35 pm

Next time better be Toronto, where we can convince Paul's family to pay for us to visit. :)
Are you planning it? If you do, I'd find a way. It may involve me inviting myself to stay in a tent in Jason's yard so I can afford it but minor details.
In that case let's do it in January. :)
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:14 pm

And that is Jason's way of saying "I don't want you coming to Canada," which is just as well. :)
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Postby Rei » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:20 pm

No really, if you pick the right week we'll be there :P
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:02 pm

Is there another lake or two back there? That mountain on the right looks a little familiar.

That said, where do I sign up for the Jealousy Club?
The peak is Hallett's Peak. And there's probably 7 or so more lakes back there....we just couldn't hike the loop with the 3 kids very easily. We wanted to find your favorite one, though!
Yeah, I remember the trail we hiked was one of longer ones, although not one of the really long ones. Probably not the best idea if you've got little kids. I just checked a trail map and I think the lakes in those photos are Dream and Emerald. I remember one of them was Dream Lake for sure and I remember we started our hike from the Bear Lake parking lot. I still wish I had been there, though, even if you didn't go to my lake!
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:37 pm

No really, if you pick the right week we'll be there :P

It'd have to be in 2011; April/May or August/September/October. Won't you guys be across the pond at that point?

If you could do it, at the same time as Jan and Caspian, I'd try really, really hard to be there. However, the sooner I know to try for it, the better. Airplane tickets + hotel + first-time passport + awful need to eat while there = big bucks = need to start saving sooner rather than later.

Plus, I truly am hoping the Americans will get their act together for CO next year -I have about as much faith at that happening as I do for seeing snow in my front yard but hope springs eternal- so I'm unofficially saving for that.

My only request is that someone, preferably in a location that has seasons and trees, let's me visit them in October. I'd forgo that request in a heartbeat if either/both the Canadians and Americans pulled something off but outside of that time frame.
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Postby Rei » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:04 am

We'll be gone by then, but we're probably doing a stop-over in January of 2011.
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:49 pm

Cross-posted from Facebook (since I wrote it at work and couldn't post it here first), since it would seem we're supposed to tell people how trips go in great detail now? :P I removed the not-nice, kind of catty comment from the end of the FB version for this one and added some Meagan commentary at the end.

Pictures are up on Facebook, too, but for the probably non-existent person who both cares and doesn't have FB, I can PM a link to the album.

The official time in Philly was from 5:30PM Friday, the 8th until Too Damn Early AM Monday, the 11th. However, my travels started on Thursday the 7th. I worked my normal late start (10-7), only with a twist. I had agreed to do programming right at opening, so I had to be there by 9:45 at the very latest, which is 30 minutes earlier than normal. So nice long day that turned out to be. After work, I went home, did a piss poor job of double checking I had everything I needed in favor of making sure my MP3 player was all set and catching up on Pweb. Once that was done, my mother -only too glad to be rid of me- loaded me and my luggage in the car and off to the bus station we went. Not only was I there early, the bus was there late, so I was hanging around the creepy part of town at night for longer than I would have liked. Whatever. The bus finally showed up, I hopped on, found an empty set of seats, and enjoyed the ride. I was struggling to sleep and being asked about my citizenship, my place of birth, etc. doesn't help take the edge off. One woman almost got deported, I swear it. Anyhow, made it into San Diego shortly after 1AM, I think it was. Maybe a few minutes before. My grandma and cousin picked me up, we headed back to her house, and I showered before climbing into bed for yet another round of no sleep. 3:30AM came, stopped at Jack in the Box and then on to the airport, where I was dropped off at the wrong terminal - honest mistake, really. I got myself on the shuttle to the right one, waited for forever for the self-checks or a human to be available, and then went through that process.

Prettiest boy I've ever seen in person threw a hissy fit because his 3.4+ oz. of lotion couldn't go to L.A. with him and even had his mommy complain on his behalf to TSA. The security thought my hair tie was a weapon, perhaps, because I was made to empty out my pockets after they noticed it. Hopped on a 27 passenger plane to L.A., discovered that airport is stupider than I initially thought and will make a habit of never flying through CA again. Sky Harbor PHX, you complete me. Anyway, got on the plane, tried to sleep, but was sitting next to a couple that loved Dolly Parton and loved arguing about Dolly Parton. There was also the child in front of me who commented "How could a person shame another person that way, spreading cheese in their house?" Five hours of this. I slept for not long that day. But look, I'm arriving in Philly supposedly! Only, where is it? I see trees, trees, more trees, some water, trees around the water, and, oh, there it is. Skyscrapers. Lovely. Flying into a city is never complete if you don't get to see the skyscrapers from above. I may have leaned over people to get this view...We were also 10 minutes early, just enough time for me to decide whether or not I wanted to actually meet Ed or just hang at the airport all weekend. After a text was shot off to Nicole to the tune of "Oh, f***...", I pulled out my MP3 player, pre-chosen theme song at the ready, and started the walk out of the terminal and into the pick-up/baggage claim. Mayor Nutter welcomed me- a sign, not the guy- and I'm going down the escalator, music in my ears, feeling nervous but pretty good, and...unless he looks nothing like his pictures, no Ed.

You know that sound that records make as you rip the needle off and the music stops? I've heard that too often lately but I swear, my mind made that sound. I didn't think he was ditching me and he had mentioned traffic being a possible pain in the ass, so I sent him a message to acquire his whereabouts (he showed up like, two minutes later). Cue me thinking, "This isn't how I expected this to go...weekend, you're going to be full of this stuff, aren't you?" But hey, Janelle slept in the first time I met her, so I got some quality time with her airport. This wasn't bad at all. Got my hug -I hug all Pwebbers I meet, except for Meagan. Meagan didn't look like she wanted one. :) And then we were off. For just a second, I was afraid we'd never get out of the garage but we did and right into the heaviest traffic you've ever seen, minus the heavy part. I was fully prepared to fall asleep but didn't because as is the case on most trips, I am easily entertained by new stuff and everywhere I looked there was New Stuff. Trees! PA license plates! NJ license plates! Factories?! Painted water thingy?! THE CITY!!

The first place we stopped was Ed's place and even though the guy said he didn't care about the game, I kind of think he did given he was listening to it on the radio, so we watched that and he had the audacity to call me bad luck at first (they were losing for a bit) but I straightened that out by the end. It's the strangest thing but I tend to get what I want for a lot of small things, like weather and sports. I did ask that we go get a cheesesteak after the game, so we drove off to...South Street? Cool downtown area near all the Stuff. Got that -it was delicious and way bigger than I expected- and then walked around for not quite two hours. I owe Ed new legs, as an aside. Back to his place we went and the sleep finally won.

I'd say the next day, but seeing as sleep didn't start until 1AMish, it was the same day, I woke up early because I'm STILL IN NEW PLACE SURROUNDED BY NEW STUFF. It was 6ish and by 6:30, I was waking Ed up as I was creeping out the door without him. I must have been gone for a while, I wasn't paying much attention to the clock, but I eventually went back and he was still sleeping, so I dressed myself in slightly more regular, less sweat-pants like clothes, texted with Nicole some, and started reading Speaker for the Dead. Guys, Novinha = Alea. It was nice to reconnect with her. At some point, Sleeping Beauty woke up and figured out that, sadly for him, I was indeed real and still there and probably wanting to be let out soon. (Do I sound like a dog yet? Feed me, Ed. Walk me, Ed. Take me outside, Ed. Woof.) We got in the car, went for a tour of his old neighborhood (schools, house, all that) and then went to visit the alma mater. There was a castle(!) and according to its legends, the couple that first built and resided in it hated each other, were responsible for the death of at least 3 people, started Rickrolling, and are entirely to blame for the theme to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air being so damn catchy. Okay, I defintely made up some of that. I may or may not have been mentally reenacting a scene from Titanic as I went down the stairs with my hands on the banister. And get this: they're having a ball there in December, I think it is. Not fair. :( Wandered about for a little bit, went through the health services building and I don't think Ed appreciated me saying if we got questioned, I'd say we were there because he has an STD.

After that, it was lunch time (I now realize I left half of it in his fridge...suck, I liked that sandwich, it was just too big to finish) and then the real torture began. I told him Friday night I'd wait until Saturday to try to kill him and I try to keep my word. Thus begins the true reason his legs need to be replaced. We walked from his place to center city, I believe it is called, and did a s*** ton of walking and touristy sight seeing. Dun. Dun dun dunn. Dun dun dunn. Dun dun dunnnnnn. It's the eye of the tiger. There was the statue, the Art Museum steps, Love Park (in which Ed and Alea determine who is better at making hand hearts - mine suffered from Grinch syndrome, too small at first but grew with some direction), err, that one building with Penn atop it (city hall? I don't know), awesome little plaza with supersized game pieces and Ed making me be patient and letting the kids play on the top hat, Chinatown. I feel like I'm forgetting something. But after all that walking, poor Ed was not having us walk back, so on the train we went. Braveheat was next on the agenda and somehow, we ended up watching three movies in all. It's too bad he's all the way across the country, I have been itching to make crazy Irish guy talking to God jokes and they're just not happening with people here. To be fair, there was a lot more talking during the second movie than absorbing the story, so it may not count as being watched. Third movie was (500) Days of Summer (<3) and I was so tickled pink he'd watch that, I'd have done a happy little jig if I wasn't Way Too Cool still. *sigh* I take warming up, guys. Even with Pwebbers, I'm afraid to say. I hate this about myself. Ah well, moving on.

Oh, there was a failed trip to Dunkin Donuts in there. No Chai and they screwed up his bagel. He tried to get me all riled up and mad but I'm mostly hard to get upset over stuff of that nature. I think I finally said "son of a bitch" for him and he was satisfied. Related, but I think it was earlier in the day, he said "water" the right way! One of my favorite parts, that was hard not to keep giggling about, was the accent. There were certain words that had it stronger than the rest and I'm a sucker for East Coast accents.

Where was I? Right, movies, sleep. Yet again, I wake up earlier than Ed but this time I just used the time to shower and play on Pweb some and listen to music. We headed out for day two of a s***** of walking and I tried a water ice, or at least a knockoff that was pretty tasty. Then to the Rodin museum and man...I felt like it may have been a bit much, asking him to look at it with me but he was a good sport. Seeing some of those in person, wow. Gates of Hell, The Cathedral, etc. being right there in front of me and not in my art history books was just incredible. I can see why they put up all the "Don't touch" signs. I wanted to so badly on a few of them. From there, I almost got ran over by a tall 12 year old as we headed to all the murals and those, too, were incredible. Some more than others but I loved them. It was pretty hilarious that in order to see some, we had to go through the National Coming Out Day festivities and if they would have offered Ed food, I'm pretty sure he would have found himself a boyfriend. We never did find two of the murals but we happened upon this whole series of buildings that were prettied up and I'm all about shiny. In the midst of all that pretty art on the buildings was a random Batman sign. Haven't figured that out but Ed swears it's art. Stopped at a bar to feed the poor guy, then caught a train back to his place where the lovely drunk people were all gathering.

Discovered Philly hates cupcakes, so there was no more venturing out and besides, there was a game on so we watched that as I did a quick sketch for/of him, left him a note in a book, and we talked (my favorite part of the trip, truth be told, more than the art even). Then, because of airport trips early in the morning, there was sleep. He signed my EG while I got ready and I slipped him some funds, via his work bag, to continue his Film Education (though, if he chooses to use that on anything else, that's cool, too) while he got ready. Then off to the airport. A Better than Ezra and an Anberlin (think I spelled those right) song were playing as we drove and although I can't remember what their lyrics were, the feel for them was about right. Got my goodbye hug, entered the airport with nary a tear in sight, dealt with a few cranky airport security people, then waited to come home. And that, folks, is more or less that weekend. He got to see what Steph saw, that when I'm happy and comfortable with people, I don't talk nearly as much as I think people assume I would, at least not in most cases.

L.A., having an unimpressive airport, decided to go ahead and delay my second leg of the flight by 40 minutes, so I didn't get as much time to hang out with Meagan as I thought I'd get. She was pretty cool about it all and picked me up at the airport, told me I sounded tired and you know, I felt proud over that one. I earned that tired voice, thank you very much. After some fun getting almost-lost-ishness, we found parking and trekked to an Indian restaurant where I had my first Indian cuisine. There was only one thing I wasn't fond of but it was otherwise surprisingly good. I couldn't tell you the name of anything I ate but it was good. We walked around for all of 3 or 4 minutes after eating before thinking we'd have more fun at the Park, so off we went. Found a nice bench, did some chatting, and that was that. Twas fun.
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Postby steph » Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:38 pm

Sounds like a fun trip! Not as fun as a certain trip earlier this year, but what can I say? I'm biased!
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:43 pm

How can ANY city hate cupcakes??
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:31 am


I've got my work schedule for this summer. Obviously mine isn't the only one we need to work around but since I haven't seen anyone else suggest any dates for Colorado 2011 yet, I guess I'll get it started. The way our swing shift schedule works we get a four day weekend saturday thru tuesday once every four weeks. If we're wanting to do this in August again, the dates that would work best for me are July 30 - Aug 2 or Aug 27 - 30.

I also have seven floater holiday days I can use anytime, but I'm already using one of those for a friend's wedding in May and maybe a couple others if I decide to go to the bachelor's party as well.

I'll get a week of vacation next winter once I've been there for a year in addition to the holidays and any personal time I've accrued by then (I believe it's at a rate of half a day for every month of perfect attendance, but I'll need to look into that), so hopefully I can be more flexible in 2012. :)

I also intend to rent a car (or maybe a van if enough people show up, though I'd rather not drive anything too big in the mountains) in Denver since Alea mentioned to me a couple weeks ago that the public transit sucks and there's no way we'd all fit in Steph's car.

Lastly, for those of you who live on the fence for these types of things, I do have a banhammer now if you need some extra motivation. Just sayin'. :P
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Postby steph » Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:28 am

Your first date work better for me, since Tyler will be in school for the 2nd set of dates. Also, if we did July 30th- Aug 2nd, we'd be able to go to the Renaissance Festival!! It's in a beautiful mountain setting and it's SO much fun!!

I could make the other dates work though (just needing to ditch out to pick up Tyler from school) if they would work better for Alea, since she'll probably still be doing summer reading up until the 1st.

Driving a van in the mountains is not bad at all. They do have paved roads, you know. ;) But Alea is right, public transit is just not up to par here. They are making some progress, but none that are useful to me yet. Even if we get a good crowd, between my car that seats 7 (5 of which are taken up by my family) and a minivan, we should be able to accommodate everyone.
"When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:06 am

since I haven't seen anyone else suggest any dates for Colorado 2011 yet
Funny, that.

Second, nice way to simplify what I said regarding pub-tran. ;)

Third, I can't take the 30th off. I don't have my calendar in front of me but I do believe that's the last day of summer reading. I could do the 31st-2nd but when you take out time for traveling, it's really only about 2 days. Would you be willing to sacrifice a floating holiday for the 3rd?

Otherwise, if we're going with your schedule, that leaves the other weekend, which shouldn't be an issue except that it means less time with Steph and I don't really like that.

Lastly, I'm buying my ticket out in February, as soon as I get the money, so you better decide soon, Josh. I really wouldn't be overly concerned with anyone but Steph because I have little faith anyone else will bother trying to go. [/pessimist]. But that's why you're in charge of this, not me. :)
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:16 pm

I can use a floater or two for the 3rd and 4th if you want more time in Colorado, especially since, as you said, the first and last days will be primarily for travel.

Whether you're in charge or not, you need to help me badger Fred and Will into going. :D :P
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:36 pm

You want me to have to look at you over the course of five whole days?! Two days in Chicago was bad enough... :D

(I'm pretty sure you told that to me and if I didn't apologize then, let me apologize now for that terrible, terrible experience that has surely left you blinded.)

Not sure about going to the 4th, necessarily. Honestly, it depends on Steph; it was a great time last year but it was also very tiring for her. I guess I was tired after, too, but I was lucky enough to get to play with her kids and not have to parent them so I was less tired.

As for badgering Fred and Will, I'd love for them to go but if it's a money issue, I think that would only serve to make them feel bad for wanting to go but being unable to afford it.

Part of why I'm dying to get my taxes done and part of why I'm anxious about getting this stupid court stuff out of the way with is I might have some money left over that I'd beg them to take if it meant at least one could go (but I would also feel bad about that because I want them both to go). But until I know what court stuff costs, that money is untouchable after I pull for my own ticket to CO (+hotel, food, gas money, etc.). I was looking through paperwork and it gave me, hopefully not false, hope that it won't cost me more than $50 to file the paperwork. That would leave me with about $200 to throw their way. Which isn't even enough for one whole ticket, let alone hotel money, but it'd be the best I could do.

I don't know.

Just...please don't ask for too much from me, involving this. I'll go. I'll try to financially help someone else to go if I can swing it but I can't take anymore disappointment and false hope and excuses.
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Postby Petra456 » Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:50 am

As for badgering Fred and Will, I'd love for them to go but if it's a money issue, I think that would only serve to make them feel bad for wanting to go but being unable to afford it.

Part of why I'm dying to get my taxes done and part of why I'm anxious about getting this stupid court stuff out of the way with is I might have some money left over that I'd beg them to take if it meant at least one could go (but I would also feel bad about that because I want them both to go)
Honestly, I think the only thing keeping us from going into the maybe category is money. If it's during the summer I can take probably up to a week off (un-paid). I think my biggest problem is that I keep thinking all of my tax money is going to have to go to my teeth again. Everything I got back from last year went to dental work, and i'm still not done. On the other hand, I do have a check up later this month and if it's not that much... Who knows... I'm so scared that my car will break down or something big will happen... But then again, i'll always be scared of those things.

While i'm seriously completely touched that you would even consider helping out with money, there would be absolutely no way I could ever let you!

I want to go so bad... I don't know, I have hope that after tax time i'll have a more concrete answer. I mean, it is 6-7 months away, who knows!
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:37 pm

Josh, I just double-checked my calendar at work and Summer Reading actually goes until August 5th, so that would limit me to the 31st/1st if we did it that weekend. That'd be enough time to hug Steph and then hop back on a plane. So, the weekend I suggested or your other weekend.
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Postby fawkes » Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:28 pm

Your first date work better for me, since Tyler will be in school for the 2nd set of dates. Also, if we did July 30th- Aug 2nd, we'd be able to go to the Renaissance Festival!! It's in a beautiful mountain setting and it's SO much fun!!
OOOOH oooh!!! Seconded!! SECONDED!!!! DO IT!!!
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:11 am

If I'm going this year, it'll have to be on one of my four day weekends. I really don't care which one as long as it's not this week as that's too short of notice and high altitude + February = my second bout of hypothermia. Next year, I should be able to be more flexible but this year my options are a bit limited.
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Postby steph » Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:24 pm

So, are you proposing sometime besides August? If it was earlier, it would have to be before summer reading. Is that too soon for you, Alea?
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:53 pm

Not really. Earlier may be too soon for me financially. I just meant I have no preference which of my two August weekends we use.
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Postby steph » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:31 pm

Ah. Gotcha. Sorry I was confused!
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:55 am

EL-Rei-Yebra shindig this coming weekend in England! All are welcome!
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Postby steph » Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:32 am

I wanna come!!!!
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I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time." - Jamie Cullum

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:17 pm

So are we doing Colorado around August 27-30, I guess? Alea has her summer reading thing the first weekend and I've now got tentative plans for July 30th. I'd like to get something set in stone soon so I'll know what days, if any, I'll need to ask off from work, not to mention plane/hotel/car rental stuff.
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Postby Dr. Mobius » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:39 am

Actually, my availability may be changing soon. I put in for an opening with the third shift crew. If I get that job, I'll be a monday to friday person and won't get the four day weekends that are really the only thing swing shift has in its favor.
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Postby steph » Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:24 pm

Well, keep us informed and we'll plan what we can (or can't).
"When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time." - Jamie Cullum

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:32 pm

So, PacNW people, if you haven't heard from FB, I will be in Portland, the OR version if PacNW didn't do it for you, in October on the weekend of the 7th-9th. I land that Friday at about 1PM and have to leave on Sunday at 4PM or so, I think.

However, given I made the plans to go on something largely resembling impulse (I was bored at lunch, decided to search flight prices, Portland was so cheap I felt like I couldn't pass it up, basically), I have no plan-plans and I want to meet you. All of you in that area if you don't have an aversion to weird internet people. :)
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Postby steph » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:56 pm

This is me jealous. :) I'm glad you're going!
"When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time." - Jamie Cullum

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Postby Mich » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:23 pm

I was so excited when I saw your post! We should all do things!
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Postby ender1 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:52 pm

Well, for food if you like pizza there is Apizza Scholls. But even if you didn't want to do that there is Jacivas that does a 'after dark' thing where they do sit down ordering of some very delicious looking deserts like Creme Burlee.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:01 pm

We should all do things!
Together, even! Like, in the same vicinity!

Will, if you and my Twinny want to go get pizza or sweets, I'm there. Or are you just trying to give me places to go by myself because I can totally take a hint. :P
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Postby ender1 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:12 pm

We should all do things!
Together, even! Like, in the same vicinity!

Will, if you and my Twinny want to go get pizza or sweets, I'm there. Or are you just trying to give me places to go by myself because I can totally take a hint. :P
Yeah, we're totally going there while you're there without you. :P

Just saying possible things to do. The pizza is the best I've had and the main reason I went to Portland for my bday. Bonus is Jacivas is right next door.

Gravity Defier
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:57 pm

Yeah, we're totally going there while you're there without you. :P

Oh yeah?! Well, Jeff and I will be doing things while you're there without you! :P

In for some pizza and sweets with Will and Fredling, Boss?

I honestly don't care what all we get into. So long as I get my walking and exploring in at some point, I'm game for most anything and mostly, food tends to be an afterthought for me.
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Se paciente y duro; algún día este dolor te será útil.

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Postby ender1 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:01 am

Oh yeah?! Well, Jeff and I will be doing things while you're there without you! :P
I'm going to have to hold my tongue this time.

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