#002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

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#002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby Cassandra » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:49 am

Alea did an amazing job interviewing Aaron Johnston. He's worked on the Authorized Ender Companion, Formic Wars comics, he's an associate producer for the movie, Earth Unaware co-author and he will have an essay in Ender's World... and so much more. Take a listen:http://www.endersansible.com/2012/07/08 ... on-part-1/.

In Part 1 he talks how he became a writer and his time on the Ender's Game movie set.
Part 2 is due out next week :)
"Even though faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith and reason, since it is the same God who reveals the mysteries and infuses faith, and who has endowed the human mind with the light of reason." -The Catholic Church, Session III, Chapter IV, Canon 5 of the First Vatican Council

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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby Cassandra » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:04 am

Double post! (sorry!)

1) I'm very happy to see that our "store" in iTunes has finally been updated with the beautiful cover art (thanks again Dave) and other details.
2) Thank you Alea (again) for doing the interview and Dave for editing it, you guys are amazing :bow:
3) Aaron and his wife met doing improv.... their house must be soooo much fun! Their kid(s) is/are so lucky to have fun parents!
4) I'm still a little disappointed that I didn't get to meet him during the set visit... we were in New Orleans at the same time, but we both found out about the other's presence on set too late.
5) This interview makes he want to read Earth Unaware NOW.
"Even though faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith and reason, since it is the same God who reveals the mysteries and infuses faith, and who has endowed the human mind with the light of reason." -The Catholic Church, Session III, Chapter IV, Canon 5 of the First Vatican Council

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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby Taalcon » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:07 am

For fun, here's a short little experiment film starring Aaron Johnston (and also featuring Aaron's wife Lauren, and OSC's daughter Emily), written by OSC, "Remind Me Again".

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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:07 am

beautiful cover art (thanks again Dave)
It looks good. 8)
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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby elfprince13 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:47 am

Just downloaded it. Looking forward to listening later.
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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby Cassandra » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:58 am

For fun, here's a short little experiment film starring Aaron Johnston (and also featuring Aaron's wife Lauren, and OSC's daughter Emily), written by OSC, "Remind Me Again".

That was actually pretty hilarious! 5 stars!
"Even though faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith and reason, since it is the same God who reveals the mysteries and infuses faith, and who has endowed the human mind with the light of reason." -The Catholic Church, Session III, Chapter IV, Canon 5 of the First Vatican Council

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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby elfprince13 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:42 pm

Who doesn't remember the teletubbies?
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Re: #002a - Interview with Aaron Johnston

Postby LilBee91 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:09 pm

Who doesn't remember the teletubbies?
I try not to...

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