How to Care for Your Pwebber

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How to Care for Your Pwebber

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:52 pm

Confession: I function extremely poorly on lack of sleep.
I knew this about my dearest EL but not everyone does, so on the offchance that you find yourself with a strange (aren't we all?) Pwebber on your hands, you'll need to know how to properly care for them. Add your instructions below.


How to Care for Your Gravity Defier

Congratulations! You are the proud/unfortunate new owner of a Gravity Defier! Below, you will find helpful information from experts on caring for your G D including behavior, health issues, everyday care, and safety.


The Gravity Defier subsists on a very special, well-balanced diet and although you may hear tales of never feeding your G D after midnight, it is inadvisable to let your G D go hungry, no matter the hour. Members of her litter have nearly lost eyes, fingers, and other bits from extreme Cranky caused by food deprivation, even when she is not technically starving.

While G D will usually try anything at least once -especially if the people asking her to are people she likes- there are two basic staples to her diet.

img. 1 Honey Bunches of Oats, with Almonds


img. 2 Oreos

It is well established that the G D is a lazy, sweet-toothed creature and will often resort to eater the former for all three meals . However, she will also attempt to do the same with the latter, so one must be especially careful with introducing Oreos to her habitat. This is especially true during moments of emotional upheaval, which is all the freaking time. But more on that later.


Because the G D likes to eat and laze about, it is easy for her to fall into unhealthy routines, making it of the utmost importance that she be regularly exercised.

img. 3 Walking a G D

At a minimum, it is advised that she be walked 30 minutes nightly -the G D can be walked during the day but is largely too stubborn to allow it- as well as no less than two hours while at the building with books. Any less than that and her sense of freedom starts being challenged and this makes for a grumpy G D.

Although one might think, thanks to the G D's flighty nature, that she is likely to run away if given any freedom, it is important to let her think she is not always tied to a leash. Give her a bike to use no less than three times a week but no more than five.

While it's never been seen by anyone outside of her immediate litter, the G D loves to dance, be it in a studio setting, a bar, in the front yard, or in the privacy of her cage. If you should ever happen upon a G D dancing, it is best to either join in -she especially loves the pretending to catch a fish dance but the sprinkler and shopping cart are notably appreciated as well- or, at the very least, not tease or otherwise draw too much negative attention. If she feels negativity, she will hide in her cage for an indeterminate length of time.

General Well Being

Done all this and still your G D is unhappy? Have no fear, there are still a few optional treatments.

Ask your G D: Have you gotten any sun today?

img. 4 Fire-y ball in the sky

Most of her race need the vitamins received from the sun's rays but it is especially important that the G D gets at least five minutes of sun and warmth, with the assumption that time in the sun will also net her some fresh air. She can survive without seeing the sun but will generally start showing symptoms of fatigue and depression after two or three days without it.

Equally important to the G D is water, especially in but not limited to the form of a shower.

img. 5 Wet stuff

Pay careful attention here; while it is perfectly normal for the majority of the population to shower in the morning, the G D functions best with night showers. It gives her the illusion of cleanliness at night, whereas her counterparts go to bed with all the sweat and various dirtiness they accumulated throughout the day. This also allows her to roll out of bed and throw her outer skin on at the very last minute, thus making her believe she's getting more sleep than she actually is.

As with the sun, she has been known to skip these but in the rare events it goes past a day or two, she begins to exhibit signs of depression.

Last but most definitely no least, it is important you give your G D alone time.


The amount needed depends on many variables that include:

*amount of hours slept in recent past
*amount of hours near other people, especially talkative, loud, or high numbers of people
*amount of alone time in recent past
*amount of time spent with or near people she actually seeks out

To be on the safe side, it is best to give her no less than one hour of complete alone time. If she comes to you but does not speak, it means she wants to share the quiet and that it will not disturb her alone time for you to be there. Sometimes it is preferable for her to share the alone time and it is a mark of true comfort if she is able to do this.

Manic or continued speaking (lasting longer than short bursts of 1-3 minutes here and there) are usually signs that she is uncomfortable and this will increase the amount of alone time she later needs to reset herself.

This is not to say the G D does not like people or company/attention; she does, she just needs a certain amount of structure or limitations placed on it or she will begin to feel overwhelmed. At any given time, she will need the attention of 1-6 close friends but will unevenly divide the responsibilities among them, with one to two people getting the worst of it.

The G D is not usually affected much by lack of sleep unless it coincides with a loss of alone time. In events where she gets plenty of sleep and no alone time, she may as well have gotten no sleep because she will be on edge and anxious until she receives alone time.

As always, this is an incomplete guide but it does provide the basics of caring for your G D.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:06 am

I'll post more when I get some sleep, but the other necessities in caring for your EL are time ALONE and QUIET, and time on the internets.

That second one is possibly an acquired dependency, but if I don't get some quiet time (alone if possible) on the internets to decompress and settle, especially after work or a social function, I function more poorly. I get rather cranky if that time is interrupted or disturbed, although for a good cause it can be deferred at my (that pronoun is important) discretion.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:56 am

How to Care for Your New Powerfulcheese04

Powerfulcheese04 is not particularly picky about diet. She will try almost anything once, but when left to her own devices often forgets to eat. Be sure to remind your powerfulcheese04 to eat at least twice a day. This prevents her from losing too much weight and from becoming unmanagably cranky.

It is important to note that your powerfulcheese04 WILL NOT eat fish under any circumstances. She means this. Do not test her.

It would be best for powerfulcheese04 if you could pull her away from her studies long enough to exercise. Her favorite form of exercise is Zumba or Yoga. She feels healthier and less grumpy when exercising regularly, but this often doesn't occur in her day-to-day routine.

General Well Being
For your powerfulcheese04's mental health and to stave of feelings of guiltiness, she must be allowed to study for at least 2 hours a day while school is in session. However, she must be pulled away from her books for at least an hour a day (also to maintain her mental health.)

One of her favorite down time activities is watching any number of television shows. She especially enjoys: Top Chef, White Collar, Psych, Walking Dead, Project Runway, ANTM, etc. For a complete list of shows she enjoys, please consult her TiVo season pass list.

She also enjoys reading. Lately, she has been reading Harlan Coben's books on her nook. Please consult her B&N wishlist for other e-books she would like to read.

If your powerfulcheese04 is acheiving an appropriate balance of activities (or you know she isn't but there's nothing you can do about it) but remains grumpy, consider asking her about her wedding planning. Discussing this process often cheers her up. She also needs regular contact with both cats and dogs. Long seperation from other creatures makes her exhibit signs of depression.

Enjoy your time with your new powerfulcheese04! She can sometimes be shy but is very friendly and loyal once she warms up to you.

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:43 pm

It is important to note that your powerfulcheese04 WILL NOT eat fish under any circumstances. She means this. Do not test her.
This just makes me wish I was a decent cook so I could sneak fish into something and not tell you. :P
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Postby Brian » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:24 am

It is important to note that your powerfulcheese04 WILL NOT eat fish under any circumstances. She means this. Do not test her.
This just makes me wish I was a decent cook so I could sneak fish into something and not tell you. :P
Challenge excepted.

I got hooked on "How I met your mother" a while ago.
Late at night when the world grows still, and a peace upraises from your soul, I take that chance to blend myself, with all of nature as a whole.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:26 am

Challenge accepted.

I got hooked on "How I met your mother" a while ago.
Fixed that for you.

(I kind of like to think that Barney believes in good elocution and rhetoric, as well as good suits.)

But this is not a jab at you, Brian, I promise!
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby Wil » Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:18 am

How to Care for your new Wil


A Wil will thrive both physically and emotionally when fed a steady diet of highly nutritious food. A good starting place is breakfast, where a bowl of oatmeal, microwaved with water, then mixed with milk and, on occasion, a small amount of brown sugar is a quick and easy fast breaker. Continue feeding your Wil throughout the day with a meat, a vegetable, and a small amount of fruit at every meal every two to four hours.

A Wil is about the unpickest eater in the animal kingdom. You can quite literally set any kind of food in front of them and hey will eat it. If maintaining a proper diet is not possible due to owner laziness or neglect, keeping any sort of food within the domicile will suffice. However, this will result in weight gain and poor self esteem (see Psychology). Do not be worried with how fast a meal will disappear, as Wil's are unusually fast at consuming food.


Wil's are very sedentary creatures, however once again exercise will play a very important role when it comes to physical and emotional well being. A Wil is very capable of adapting to any sort of exercise one might place it in to, however swimming is one of it's least favorite activities. It is recommended that at least thirty minutes, six days a week, of any form of movement that results in perspiration is an ideal level of activity, however Wil's are very fickle and will likely not maintain an exercise routine without some form of outside stimuli (see Psychology).


Owning a Wil is, in fact, never boring. While a Wil is quick to learn and often excels in any challenge laid before them, Wil's are also prone to periods of "feeling down", and in rare occasions this might result in something akin to depression. This is most apparent in a Wil's behavior in regards to diet, exercise, and hobbies. When your Wil is feeling good, a very noticeable desire to maintain a stable, healthy diet and a regular exercise program can be observed. This is also usually accompanied by a willingness to keep a very clean domicile. However, beware, as maximum good feeling is usually a result of some outside influence, such as attraction. It is theorized that a Wil will peak out in overall well-being if your Wil were to achieve a relationship, but this has yet to be observed in the wild.

When a Wil is feeling down, drastic shifts in physical and mental attitudes can be noted. This is usually accompanied by a rapid shift in your Wil's hobby activities, from one extreme to another quite quickly. Wil's will also be more likely to be grumpy and unapproachable, quiet and reserve to the outside world, however Wil's are very capable of hiding this. Every few weeks to months, your Wil might also locate and proceed to emotionally dump on another person. In periods of down-time, Wil's will also show subtle signs of loneliness and a desire for more intimate connections with others, however, again, Wil's have proven to be quite adept at hiding this in reality. Despite this, Wil's are known to still maintain and succeed at any responsibilities laid before them despite their mood.

In any mood, your Wil is likely to be grumpy when it has not been fed. However, it is interesting to note, that when properly fed, your Wil is perfectly content in any situation, be it at the theater seeing a chick-flick, or shopping at a hell-on-earth store (Michaels, JoAnn's, Sephora, etc).

While your Wil is in fact quite content to to be alone for long periods of time, your Wil very well might start talking to himself when he is left without human interaction for a series of days. Wil's are very capable of entertaining themselves through a variety of means and are not known to require constant entertainment via outside influences or individuals. A Wil does enjoy being sociable, however, and likes being around people it knows. Wil's find large groups of people, especially when these groups contain a majority of unknown individuals, very unnerving. However, recent findings indicate that several shots of ethanol will in fact increase a Wil's sociability with unknowns at least ten fold.

Wil's have not been observed entering in to romantic relationships. It is speculated that Wil's are quite particular with what they look for in a mate, and thus don't use mere physical appearance as a reason to interact with members of the opposite sex. Some have taken note that Wil's tend to show signs of being interested in members of the opposite sex when they get to know the other person, indicating that Wil's favor a more emotional and mental relationship over one based upon physical appearance. In some instances, researchers discovered that Wil's contained a preference for persons with a more advanced state of cellular replication than itself.


Wil's are unusually hardy, but still require occasional maintenance. Showers must occur at least once per day, and must include a hair shampooing, a body soaping, a teeth flossing and cleaning, and a face loofaing. Occasionally a face shaving is required, however your Wil can likely withstand up to two weeks worth of facial hair growth. These shavings will also occur in the shower in between the teeth cleaning and the face loofaing. In the winter months, it is recommended to apply copious amounts of lotion to the face, arms, and back as these are most prone to annoying dry skin.

Your Wil comes standard with a full head of hair. This head of hair will grow up to an inch a month, so it is recommended to trim the hair back fairly regularly. Your Wil can maintain a presentable appearance with up to two months between hair trimmings. However, the hair that lines the ears and neck tend to become unruly and it is recommended to at least keep these tidy by trimming them once per month.

A Wil can stand a wide range of environmental temperature variance. In the summer months, a Wil is known to be comfortable living in a domicile temperature of up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. During this time, it is best to completely remove the comforter and top sheet from your Wil's bed, as this will ensure that your Wil does not die from overheating. It is also highly recommended to maintain a constant flow of air over your Wil's sleeping location.

In the winter months, temperatures as low as 65 degrees are not uncommon, however you may need to provide Snuggies or Bananna Pants to insulate your Wil. Be sure to re-apply the sheet and comforter to your Wil's bed in the winter months as well.

Wil's contain a remarkable desire for sleep, sometimes managing up to ten hours a night, but also contain the ability to work on as little as four hours of sleep for up to twenty-four hours without any stimulants such as caffeine. For a stable Wil, ensure adequate sleep. In some instances, caffeine may be necessary, especially when your Wil will be required to drive long distances.

Your Wil requires several layers of clothing year around. It is interesting to note that Wil's don't particularly care what they wear, and in fact show a strong desire for others to tell them what to wear. This makes your Wil perfect to take shopping for clothing as they would prefer you to be happy with their appearance over anything else.

Wil's are notorious for having terrible vision, and left uncorrected it will leave your Wil incapable of action. Your Wil comes with a pair of corrective lenses that are worn off the nose that contain side stabilizer bars that wrap around the ears, as well as a pair of semi-spherical lenses that are placed directly upon the cornea of the eye which your Wil is capable of inserting on its own.

General Well-Being and Final Thoughts

Your Wil enjoys many forms of entertainment, be it television, movies, books, video games, or music. It is recommended to give your Wil at least thirty minutes of entertainment daily, as this maintains a stable level of relaxation and stress relief. It is thought that Wil's use these entertainment mediums as a way to get away from their life for short periods of time. Video Games are often times hit and miss when it comes to relaxation and stress relief, and your Wil only plays them occasionally. If one form of entertainment need be given up for periods of time, it is recommended that this be Video Games.

Your Wil contains many special skills. Some of these involve the ability to name any movie that your Wil has seen within seconds of seeing any scene from the movie, juggle up to three spherical objects, yo-yo, almost solve a Rubik's cube, cook many different kinds of foods, provide humor, and bullcrap his way through classes. These are provided as-is, and individual results may vary.

We hope that this guide to caring for your Wil has been insightful, and we hope you are satisfied with your new Wil.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:38 am

That was awesome, Wil, but hold on a minute:
shopping at a hell-on-earth store (Michaels, JoAnn's, Sephora, etc).
Does not compute. Craft stores = Super fun. I mean, they have all of life's best things: glitter, paint, fabric, beads/sequins, etc. The only other thing I like spending more or equal amounts of money and time on are DVDs.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:41 pm

Hammer time?
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Postby Wil » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:15 pm

That was awesome, Wil, but hold on a minute:
shopping at a hell-on-earth store (Michaels, JoAnn's, Sephora, etc).
Does not compute. Craft stores = Super fun. I mean, they have all of life's best things: glitter, paint, fabric, beads/sequins, etc. The only other thing I like spending more or equal amounts of money and time on are DVDs.
The only redeeming quality of craft stores are the selection of models cars and airplanes, as well as the model rockets. I am generally very anti-craft store, though I must admit that they are useful when making things. I believe my dislike for them is just my having spent a large amount of time in them when I was younger while I was hungry.

Remember, keeping your Wil fed at all times is a very important thing!
Hammer time?
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Postby Olhado_ » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:41 pm

(I kind of like to think that Barney believes in good elocution and rhetoric, as well as good suits.)
Well it depends who you he is talking about, as there are some Barney may prefer the unelocution. :P

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Postby Olhado_ » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:58 pm

(Here is my attempt and I hope I still count)

Olhado, will and can eat almost anything, as long as another human has eaten it to. He is also know as the human garbage disposal, in some group settings, although he tends to limit himself to just eating during the three meals a day, quantities do vary, thorough.

Olhado is fond of running and running a lot, probably do to his eating habits. He has aspersions to run ultra marathons, which unfortunately has been put on hold since he discovered the art of barefoot running. He has also developed the nickname is "5Toes", for his love of those Vibram Five Fingers, which he tends to be in whenever he is "forced" to wear shoes. :)

General Well Being
Olhado likes his solitude and is always found studying, when he is not running, and this is not just because of school. While Olhado hay have gotten into reading with Science-Fiction and Fantasy, he has since taken a turn into non-fiction. This may explain why Olhado has sort of abandoned the Philotic Web, recently.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:37 pm

Care and Feeding of Your EL

Your EL is incredibly eclectic, and enjoys a wide variety of foods. Provided they are not meat or seafood, EL will try most anything twice. She has a number of favourite foods which she will eat frequently, but suffers from boredom of the palate and needs a steady and random cycling of starches (rice, noodles, breads, and potatoes, among others) and cuisines (Indian, Italian, Chinese, etc.). Withholding chilis from your EL is liable to make her cranky. Junk food should be offered sparingly for her own good.

Don't offer coffee to your EL, she will probably refuse it. She has recently been discovered to be a coffee snob, and while she can't tell you "bold" from "mild roast" to save her life, she will only drink high-quality coffee. She is also a tea snob, but is better able to articulate this. Your EL cannot survive without tea, she considers it "civilising".*

Your EL requires an above-average amount of sleep on a regular basis. She can function on less, but more slowly and infinitely more crankily. Ideal hours of sleep are 1-10am, give or take an hour. EL wakes slowly and does not like to be rushed. Your EL is not a morning person. Forced to be awake at 6 or 7am, your EL will take the first opportunity to go back to bed and nap, but be careful to wake her after no longer than an hour, despite her protests. She has no ability at all to wake herself after these naps, and will completely ruin her next night's sleep.

Your EL is a geek, and needs to maintain friendships where that geekery is shared and nourished. Video games bore her, but most other aspects of geekdom are enjoyed. People who display no geekery of any sort are quickly relegated to the "boring" category of her filing system, under the subsection "What do they do all day?"

Your EL is easygoing and enjoys the company of others who are likewise laid back. Attempts to stress her out or make her upset are usually met with complete withdrawl (emotionally, and if possible, physically) from the situation. Laughter and joking around are de rigeur, as is using language like de rigeur for comedic effect.

One of the most important things to know about EL is her introversion. Do not be offended if she wanders away from you or from a group to be alone. She will attempt to do this politely, but in extreme circumstances will display the stealth and evasion abilities of a cat. Your EL needs time alone each day, preferably in silence, no less than 1-2 hours. Playing music invalidates any alone time, unless she herself puts it on unprompted. Your EL enjoys spending silent time with company, and loves it when entertaining chatter is not necessary. Do not be offended if your EL repeats herself or asks you if she's already told you something: at times your EL has difficulty discerning whether she's said something aloud or only thought it.

Your EL needs sunlight each day, and would enjoy it if every day were as long as the summer solstice. Make sure she gets enough vitamin D.

* For her caffeine-averse friends, EL needs to note that herbal tea and rooibos counts as "tea", and they are also civilising.
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Postby Sumerset » Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:20 pm

Why not.


How to care for your Sumerset


A Sumerset requires foods with a high nutrition value and/or tastiness.

During breakfast, a Sumerset enjoys two slices of raisin bread lightly buttered. Or on other occasions, a bowl of peach oatmeal.

Lunch time is mostly considered unimportant by a Sumerset. However, if giving a Sumerset food during this hour, make sure the amount of food on hand is enough to satisfy.

Dinner is one of the most important meals. Although the Sumerset is not picky about food, they do enjoy the comfort foods normally associated with the south. For example, whipped potatoes (not smashed) and a nice meatloaf. However, Sumersets do enjoy foreign food and is willing to try almost anything.


Having a Sumerset in your house is sure to cause moments of irritation, exasperation, anger, laughter, seriousness, and spontaneous uncontrollable laughter. (see your doctor if symptoms persist). Sumersets, when given the motivation often finish any task set before them and, if engrossed enough, go beyond the call of duty. However, if not motivated, a task may go undone for long periods of time (ie. homework)
Sumersets do enjoy loud, rambunctious times but only when in a small group - large groups are out of the question. Sumersets are fond of quiet times with close friends and time to just sit and think. When Sumersets are excited/happy, they are known to have sudden outbursts of insanity. On the flip side, a Sumerset that is down is known to lash out or stay inside his social shell. An upset Sumerset can be cheered up by: playing CombatArms (can't go wrong with a little *pew pew* action), reading (anything by Orson Scott Card will cause instant uppyness), writing (please do not disturb this process), or Taekwondo (physical exercise is very uplifting).
Sumersets do have an odd quirk. If stuffed animal is found in their room, please do not disturb it. The consequences can be deadly.


Sumersets a rather well built. A few bumps and bruises here and there will go unnoticed. Showers must be given at least once a day and must include a full body shampooing and soaping. Contacts must be put into a Sumerset's eyes every morning and taken out every evening before bed (Sumerset's cannot stand glasses - they find them limiting) Teeth must be brushed after breakfast and before bed.
A Sumerset's hair must be kept at a shortish lenght. Not a buzz cut (this will annoy the Sumerset) but a short cut where the hair stops just before the eyebrow line.
Sumersets enjoy mildly cool temperatures. Anywhere in the range of 70-40 degrees is comfortable to the Sumerset. Temperatures above 80 require air conditioning and anything below 39 requires a place to get out of the cold. In the cold months, Sumersets enjoy soft, fleece pants.

General Well-Being

Sumersets enjoy a large variaty of activities. Computers and connection to the internet are a must. Lack of these two items is sure to cause insanity after a few days (Sumersets can survive up to a week without and still retain some sanity)


Televisions are not a must as there are not many shows that the Sumersets watch. Though, when watching televistion, FOX News is a must and, if it is showing, M*A*S*H. (The Sumerset does not object to: Psych, Monk, House, Scrubs, MythBusters*, or Startrek (any generation - EXCEPT for DeapSpaceNine)
Physical Activity in the form of Taekwondo and Tennis is greatly enjoyed by the Sumerset. Long periods without activity can lead to a decline in the happiness level of the Sumerset.
When a Sumerset is writing, LET THEM BE! (Same goes for reading)

Final Thoughts

Although Sumersets may look soft and fuzzy, please do not put them in the washing machine or dryer. This may cause them to become extremely pissed off.

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