Finished the book

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Finished the book

Postby andymac » Mon May 26, 2008 12:14 pm

I just finished reading enders game. It was required for a class but I had been trying to find the time to read it for the last few years of college, I have many friends that recommended it very highly, now I see why. This book was amazing! I liked how Ender was intelligent enough and took a view point on everything that made him have to understand it all. The best part is that he does it and very quickly. The training was so intense that you can't help but feel sorry for him and mad at Gaf, Anderson, and even Mazer. Eventually you are even poud of him when he gets his own commander position then feel afraid for him when it seems that all but a select few other than his army are out to get him.

In the end I feel that the creation of the fantasy land from the game by the Buggers is an ultimate show that they do understand him, even though he is what they fear because he is destroying him they know that he doesn't know he is doing it. They build it as much out of respect as tehy do to lead him to the larva. I don't think they would have led him there is they hadn't respected him, it means that they are leaving the last hope for their race in the hands of the boy who destroyed it in the first place. The forgiveness of a race he had almost destroyed seems to me like the ultimate reward, that and traveling with Valentine and being with the only one he seemd to think loved him from the start.

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Postby UnnDunn » Mon May 26, 2008 9:30 pm

Hello and welcome to Pweb!

Now that you've read Ender's Game, do yourself a favor and read the (arguably better) sequel, Speaker for the Dead. Then check out the rest of the eight core books in the Ender series, and the two "additional" books:

The Ender quartet tells the story of how, 3000 years after Ender defeated the buggers, he helps save two other alien species from similar destruction:
  • Ender's Game
  • Speaker For The Dead
  • Xenocide
  • Children of the Mind
The Bean quartet (AKA The Shadow series) follows Bean as he is recruited and trained in Battle School, serves under Ender to defeat the buggers, and helps Peter become Hegemon:
  • Ender's Shadow
  • Shadow of the Hegemon
  • Shadow Puppets
  • Shadow of the Giant
Once you've read those, you may want to read First Meetings and A War of Gifts, short stories which help flesh out the Ender universe in some more detail.

It's a lot to read, but I don't think any of us would be here if it wasn't worth it.

Happy reading!

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Postby MaryOutside » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:39 pm

I'm not sure if this is heresy or not, but I think First Impressions is unnecessary.
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Postby starlooker » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:53 pm

Don't worry about heresy. Opinions of Card's works vary quite a bit on this site. You'll find several of us who think that the entire Shadow series is unnecessary.
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
There's another way to lean
into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

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Postby UnnDunn » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:18 pm

I'm not sure if this is heresy or not, but I think First Impressions is unnecessary.
First Impressions or First Meetings?

I agree it's somewhat unnecessary, but it does offer intriguing insights.

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