Postby Satya » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:17 pm
You're not overthinking it.
Some other points I considered:
First: HUB has gone full blow subliminal advertising:
- Chocolate rain? Chocolate milk ad
- Applejack scene? Apple Jacks ad
Second, the mini-shoutouts to the fandom/internet culture like Chocolate Rain, "The Game" etc.
As far as the actual content goes:
I suspect that Twilight's loss of composure is more true-to-character than might appear at first; recall how frazzled she was at the beginning of Season 1, when determined to stop Nightmare Moon's release while supposed to be on assignment learning friendship/preparing for the Summer Sun celebration. Also, how she went a bit crazy during the parasprite invasion. And not being experienced in dealing with friends, she is understandably slow to pick up on there being something wrong with the rest of the group.
With Fluttershy, you are right. She couldn't be manipulated into betraying her personality. But it was almost... disturbing how willing she was to say those things about her self:
"I AM weak and helpless"
"I don't mind my friends constantly pointing out my flaws"
I think the animus for her element being subverted was in her all along.
I liked that AJ, even when manipulated into lying, was tricked into it using a lie and with the idea that sometimes it's in everyone's best interest to lie - and even then, she was terrible at lying and couldn't keep a straight face. Her expression in each lie is priceless.
Rarity and Dash's were pretty cut and dried. Especially Dash, breaking her loyalty by splitting it between her friends and her home.
Celestia was the difficult one to grasp. On the one hand, it was obvious at the end of Season 1/Episode 2 that she had somewhat planned for those events all along - sending Twilight to Ponyville specifically for that purpose. I mean, if she's got the power to send her sister to the moon for 1,000 years, it doesn't stand to reason she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It must have been more about teaching Twilight a necessary lesson and helping her and the others take their place as representations of the Elements. But in this one, it seems as if she starts to do that - getting the group ready to take on Discord, perhaps feigning her concern at the situation, but from the point that he reveals he has the Elements seems genuinely perturbed. Then again - aren't the Elements inside of the group anyways? I may have to rewatch the pilot.
Some of the backstory she revealed confuses some of the 'origin' story for Equestria as well. Discord apparently ran things? Celestia/Luna come from somewhere and turn him to stone, then take over rule? Doesn't really make much sense, did they just control the heavens and let Discord run things before that? Now THAT may be overthinking it, but I kind of like to have some coherent backstory/origin for how things got to where they are. I may never get it, though. =/
Discord ID: AJ#0001