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Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:25 pm
by Dr. Mobius ... index.html

Is Jota alright? I don't even know where in Spain he lives.

I actually had to dig around on CNN to find the article, while it was on right on the company intranet homepage (saying that the people at our Spanish facilities are alright).

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:15 pm
by Jayelle
Nowhere near him, he's in Galicia, which is in the northwest.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:07 am
by jotabe
yeah, that's kinda the diametral opposite part of Spain... it was pretty nasty, for a low intensity earthquake :(
First, it happened very very close to the surface, i think just one mile below, so the sismic wave amplitude didn't have much time to dampen.
Second, while that area is under sismic-proof building regulation, that only applied to buildings made after the 70s... and there were still many old houses.

Thanks for the thought, though ^^

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:19 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Breaking News:

New Pweb Baby!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:51 pm
by LilBee91

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:41 pm
by Bean_wannabe
This looks promising. Early days yet, as they've only tested it on simians with SIV, but if it works...

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:18 pm
by Rei
I heard about that. Apparently the means by which it works on SIV are also bad for humans, but even still, it'd be closer than not.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:48 am
by Jayelle
Can you imagine half your town just being...gone?

A fire in a northern Alberta town decimated the town. I'm not sure if that article says it, but I heard on the radio that people had literally minutes to flee their houses. Yikes, what a way to put into practice "What would you save in a fire?"

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 pm
by Eaquae Legit

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:24 pm
by steph
I'm mostly posting this to brag about my friend who was selected to help with this project. Her dig week starts tomorrow and I'm so ridiculously proud of her, since this is freaking awesome.

Snowmass Mastodon Dig Article

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:57 am
by Eaquae Legit

Airport Geese to be Cooked for the Poor

Take that, you feathery menaces!!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:16 am
by Luet
What is it with you Canadians and your hatred of geese?! I still stop and take pictures of the cuties and their babies all the time. I just have ceased sharing them on pweb out of respect. ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:47 am
by Eaquae Legit
The Canada geese are a protected species in Canada. You're not allowed to kill or hurt them, even accidentally. And the little buggers know it. They're "uppity". No respect for the food chain, because they know they're protected from it. They're vicious and arrogant and poop everywhere.

The little ones are cute, I admit.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:06 pm
by steph

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:16 am
by Dr. Mobius
The amount of puns in that article is egg-cruciating, but Brian is egg-tremely cool so I'll let it slide.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:35 am
by Petrie
The amount of puns in that article is egg-cruciating
How dairy-ou say something like this. Puns are eggcellent.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:37 am
by Mich
The amount of puns in that article is egg-cruciating, but Brian is egg-tremely cool so I'll let it slide.
Ugh, I was going to make a similar comment. Just with less puns. Seriously, I love puns, but obvious ones are just eggravating.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:44 am
by steph
We've gotten used to all the egg puns. And puns about our last name. It's really hilarious to me when people think they are the first to make such puns.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:23 pm
by Syphon the Sun
Eggs puns crack me up.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:18 am
by zeroguy
Brian, F U N E X?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:30 am
by GS
I think that it is awesome that Brian can get so much pub as well as free trips to Australia and Hong Kong because of such a fun, simple thing as egg balancing.

Also, egg puns are pretty fun as well.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:49 am
by Eaquae Legit

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:15 pm
by Jayelle
Jack Layton, leader of the opposition, dead at 61.

This is a huge deal in Canada, and for me. He changed Canadian politics completely. I can't believe he's gone.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:31 pm
by Eaquae Legit
I really had no idea he was so sick. It was a huge shock to me. I'm really sad he's gone - he accomplished so much, and he touched a lot of young voters.

And he left one heck of a classy goodbye letter to the country.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:33 am
by Jayelle
I can't imagine many other politicians would get a tribute like this:

Remembering Jack Layton at Nathan Phillips Square by Jackman Chiu, on Flickr

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:49 pm
by VelvetElvis

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:35 am
by Jayelle
So, Steve Jobs is dead.

How are we all feeling about that?

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:15 am
by Wind Swept

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:29 am
by LilBee91
I was stunned.

Only the good die young.

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:11 am
by neo-dragon
I wonder how many people heard about it on an Apple device. My brother texted me on my iPhone.

I'm no Apple fanboy, but under Jobs, they really did change the way technology affects our lives. I'm sure that progress will continue without him, but it's sad that he won't be here to see more of it.

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:35 am
by Syphon the Sun
I wonder how many people heard about it on an Apple device. My brother texted me on my iPhone.
*raises hand* The news was sent from an iPhone and received on an iPod. I got the e-mail from my company's CEO during dinner (around 6:45 Central).

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:36 am
by GS
Outside of the iPod, I don't own any other apple product. And I only use the iPod for music. And I still received it from an apple product, my friend Sarah's iPhone.

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:56 am
by Gravity Defier
How do I feel about that? A person died, so not happy, but he has had no direct impact or influence on my life (that I know of), so I'm not exactly feeling sad about it either. It resonates as a significant pop culture moment more than anything but I'm sorry for his friends and family.

ETA: I found out from Caspian on G+

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:32 am
by Wind Swept
[...] but he has had no direct impact or influence on my life [...]
Woah, woah, woah. You typed that comment on a computer with a graphical user interface and clicked submit with a mouse. At the very least, Steve Jobs contributed to you being a part of this forum.

Re: The New News Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:34 am
by Gravity Defier
[...] but he has had no direct impact or influence on my life [...]
Woah, woah, woah. You typed that comment on a computer with a graphical user interface and clicked submit with a mouse. At the very least, Steve Jobs contributed to you being a part of this forum.
(that I know of)
With that said, I don't suddenly feel overcome with sadness on a personal level knowing that.