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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:26 am
by Petra456
Dear you,

It's weird to think you're not going to be there anymore. You are like every one's back up. I completely understand why you're leaving us though, they are horribly unfair to you. Your job is way too demanding and pushy. I have no clue why you said I would be cut out for that kind of position, i'm not competitive at all, at least not in things that matter.

I will watch after Micky though, there is absolutely no way she can handle everything she's taking on.

Anyway, I don't blame you for walking away. Life's too short to do what you had to do.

- Nicoley-Oly

Dear you,

It came today, and I can't find you to thank you. So thank you. You are silly.

- me

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:41 am
by Virlomi
Dear you,

Just... shut UP already. Please. Some of us are actually dealing with this. Just... please.


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:27 am
by Hegemon
Dear You,

You made the same mistake over half your life ago. Almost 10 yrs ago you paid for it dearly. As smart as you are, or at least like to think you are, you let yourself make the same mistake again. And once more, it cost you, but an even higher price than before.

You're a fool for letting it happen again, but you walked into it blindly, like any other imbecile. But this time your eyes have been opened. You are not one of them and you never will be. Stop pretending that you are. When you make these mistakes, it slows you down. It takes away from your ability to succeed.

Do not make the same mistake again. If you stop acting like a dolt, you will have a long and prosperous life ahead of you. Good luck in obtaining your goals.

-- You

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:59 pm
by Young Val
Dear you,


i guess this means you don't love me anymore, huh?

even if you do... i should probably start telling myself otherwise. i don't want to be broken anymore.

and i love you with all my heart.

but i don't trust you.

and if that means i listen to f******' Journey on the train every single morning, then that's what it means.

i'll never get over you. but i just can't keep this up anymore.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:15 pm
by Miss Abbie
Dear you,

Did you know how much you used to upset me with how you never understood what I was trying to say?

I hated your overreaction to the one comment I made that was meant so lightly, and I hated that even though I apologized and explained over and over again, you wouldn’t accept it—nothing I said made anything better. I remember how you used to get angry at me when I tried to explain to you that there are a lot of differences in the cultures and dialects of New England and West Virginia. I should know, considering I live in both places and you’ve been in the north for your entire life. Further, we are a southern state, and you’re one to tell me that we’re not, seeing as… oh, you’ve been in the NORTH for your ENTIRE LIFE. We are not Mid-Atlantic and we are not Midwest and we are NOT northerners. If you had lived here for a few weeks and seen anything except for the tourist places, then you might know.

We can make fried chicken too.

I hated your earrings, those dangly pieces of crap that made you I don’t know what in your mind. I hated your monologue on the last day of classes. I hated that you took me out to dinner in the rain. I hated that I called so many people that mattered and they all told me it wasn’t a date. I hated myself for being so careful about how I looked on that last night and I hated you for the fact that I was less beautiful once I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and I put my hair into a ponytail. I hate how you made me feel so hideous—you lied to me. You f****** lied to me and you knew I wouldn’t believe you. You knew I caught the way you did that dumb half smile. Why did you do that to me? Did you think I would just swoon for an older man who seemed to know what he was doing with himself and his life?

To be honest, I did.

I hated how you went off to school and forgot about me. I hated only mattering when I was around. I hated how I always had to be the one to call you. It made me feel like I was just a bother, you know. Maybe I was, but you always said you liked talking to me. I hated your gift, your endless supply of love bullshit. You honestly thought you were some sort of mythical character. I hated that you were so convinced that you were the Greatest Source of Love in all the universe. I hated all of the promises you made.

Your love for me will only grow with time?

Well, where the f*** are you now?

I hated your so-called penchant for cheating.

I should have listened to Brent that night a million years ago this summer. I knew I should have at the time, but when you want to be, you are so damn charming—and I thought I would feel so guilty if I just went to bed at seven o’clock in the morning. I should have listened to him.

I hated you that one night when you asked for my ideas on some dumb design you made for a band that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST. That band is all in your head and I think you’re sort of pretentious for just believing that everyone in your band will magically agree with you.

I hated that you asked me for my opinion—my real opinion—and then got mad at me when I told you the truth. I hated that you were so condescending. I hated being called Dear by you. Now I hate that you called me Love because I can still hear your voice in my head.

I can still hear your f****** voice, you bastard, you f****** bastard, after everything you did to me. I never want to f****** think of you ever again.

But I can still hear your dreamy voice on the phone calling me Love.

I still remember joking with you at dinner over the carbonated grape juice. We had a table for twelve all to ourselves.

I still remember that damn monument that I didn’t care about and your book plans that were more than moronic and all of your past girlfriends who were crazy and I remember thinking that someday I would be a crazy girlfriend in your mind and I remember laughing at those things because I knew it would make you happy.

Oh, by the way, you know that stereotypically romantic moment in the garden under the clear sky?

That was the worst kiss of my entire life. You're a Thief?

You're an idiot.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:23 pm
by Petra456

I can't believe how you're acting. You've been this girl's life ever since i've known her, almost four years now. Every major decision she's made has been with you in mind. I can understand a splitting, I can understand you not wanting her to come visit you, but I can't understand you taking everything she has.

She really loved you, and you took everything. You're such and a******.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:59 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Dear all of yous,


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:10 pm
by Rei
Dear my sister,

*hugs* I love you and I still have an open ear and a shoulder should you ever need it.

~your brother

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:50 pm
by peterlocke123
Dear you,

Were you flirting with me yesterday? I really don't want to hurt you; but as much as I like you as a friend, I don't think I want to get into a relationship with you. Don't worry though, we're still friends and always will be.


Dear you,

It was good to talk to you today, the little that we talked. You didn't do as well as I expected, but that's okay. Maybe the other person was just really good. Anyway, what's your answer going to be?



Dear you,

You're too nice to me. You've been around me enough to know me and I think you're too nice to me. I'm nice to you too, but the times I'm not so nice to other people when you're around and you're still nice to me...thanks.


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:30 am
by daPyr0x
Dear You,

just tell me what is WRONG with me...Please...
tell me why I'm not good enough.
Tell me how to be better.
Tell me how to find someone
Tell me why everyone says I'm oh so attractive but are never attracted to me
Tell me what is so horrible...
tell me why after all i did....
tell me how to get that back

tell me...please


Dear You,

i don't know why I got suckered in with your "double-shift" sob story. You better believe I'm leaving at 6, regardless of what's happening.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:43 am
by Petra456
Dear you,

I forgot how much I missed hanging out with you until tonight. I promise i'll try and stay longer next time, or ya know, maybe come over when I don't have to open the next day.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:07 am
by daPyr0x
Dear You,

How can a conversation between us start with "Can you call him and tell him this so maybe he'll believe me and take me back?" and end with "Will you take me back?" Is that all I am to you? Second best? The backup? The alternative to being single in between other men?

Is that really how little I mean to you?

Is that all I was?

Is that why you can so easily tell me you don't love me anymore?

Are you that much of a leech that you're willing to play on my emotions that much?


Dear You,

You ARE that much of a leech. I sold you a computer that you never paid me for, 6 months later. You ask me to get you a ticket to the show and you'll pay me back. Not only do you not pay me back, but you ditch me at the show. And then you act all flustered when I'm fed up.

You're a douche, and I should've cut you out of my life a long ass time ago.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:53 pm
by luminousnerd
Dear you,
I was really surprised when you said yes, but now you won't call me back, you didn't even notice me at Telos. Is this actually for real, or are you just being the nice person you are? Why won't you talk to me? I just can't quit thinking about you, I literally can't eat...before now I thought it was ridiculous to say you couldn't eat over thinking about someone...I really can't. I keep thinking about you, playing back the two moment's we have shared, and the last few days has felt like weeks. I can't do ANYTHING, I can't concentrate, even when I toke up I don't get hungry. Stupid, sissy "feelings" and stuff...but it's all I feel. I wish you would call me. I'm so confused right now.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:37 pm
by Rei
Dear you,

I finally saw Surf Ninjas. It is exactly as it sounds, as I'm sure you've said (and I know others have).


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:46 pm
by human.
Dear You,

Although it's shaped my life, so far, better than I could have hoped.. I still wish I could wish you many more years of happiness today. I suppose that's just a silly thought though. I hate you now, I honestly do. But I still love you all the same, why do you make me feel so guilty and pathetic still? Why do your taunts and jeers cut me so deep? I try and convince myself that I don't care anymore. And part of me doesn't.. but another part of me does. I suppose it's just my ethical and logical sides disagreeing again. It happens. But still.. happy, what could have been, anniversary.


Dear You,

Just let me suffer. It'll be less of a burden on you if you just forget about me. Then you can be happy!


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:35 pm
by peterlocke123
Dear you,

What did I say? You seemed a lot more distant today compared to...forever. What's up?

Love you forever,


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:21 pm
by starlooker
Dear You,

I don't understand, and I have to say I'm quite hurt. It was basically like you didn't trust me enough to handle the situation appropriately. That is not fair, given that she is my primary supervisee. I can't believe you sat on that so long and that you were seriously considering not informing me. I really, truly, do not get the reasoning behind it. I don't know who you were trying to protect, and I don't know what feelings were going into it or anything.

But I am very hurt. You didn't trust me, for whatever reason, and I thought you did and I am hurt.

I love you dearly. And so I don't like being hurt in connection with you.

Your colleague

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:48 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Dear Yous,

Pweb seems to be dealing with a lot of heartbreak right now. One of my favourite artists is also going through it, and today she painted her feelings. There's something in it that just strikes a chord with me. Hamster-sized Catharsis

Well, dang.

-- EL

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:49 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Dear You,

After you signed off, I had a sudden flash of brilliance. What do I do with the passion? Apply for grants.

-- your scheming younger swphepwebber

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:01 am
by Virlomi
Dear You,

He came by tonight to borrow something. And stayed for 2 and a half hours. Yeah. I know. It was good though, honest. We talked about what the hell he was thinking, and I had a chance to tell him how angry that made me, and to talk about what on earth he was thinking when he did that. He apologized for not telling me, and about how much about the whole thing he regrets, and talked a lot about his enormous list of bad decisions, including getting into the whole mess in the first place. I couldn't help but agree. But it was good, truly. I feel like it was some really good closure. And we got to talk about things a little more candidly, more relaxed. Anyway, I felt released from it. Just thought you'd want to know.


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:17 am
by Petra456
Dear you two,

I can't fight this feeling anymore! I've forgotten what i've started fighting for!


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:37 am
by Gravity Defier
Dear you,
Lip service. It's all lip service from you, babe. That's all it ever was and that's all it ever will be.


Dear you,
Not you, so don't jump to conclusions.


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:02 pm
by ender1
Dear you,

Glad we were finally upfront with that, it took a weight off of my shoulders.
I understand what you said, but I can't do what you asked of me.
It's just not possible.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:29 am
by Wil
Dear You,

Listen, I really did enjoy your company even if I never considered it a friendship. I was friendly, but it was more than a friendship. It always will be more than that. I can't live with it being anything less. I'd rather live with nothing than live with that constant reminder of what I want but can't have.

It was your choice, and you decided to go against what you wanted. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want to help you live a lie either. I don't hate you and I won't hate you to make you feel better. It's all you, and I'm sorry for how this hurts you.

Yours truly,

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:52 am
by Petra456
Dear you,

Eight years is a long time, but not enough time, and who knows if there ever will be enough. I know you miss him. I know I was young when it happened, but as I got older, it sort of dawned on me exactly what happened that night.

My thoughts are with you today, even if we don't see each other.

- "little sister"

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:44 pm
by human.
Dear You,

Make up your mind, please? Don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him. He's such a great friend of mine. Don't let him hurt anymore. I want him to be happy. Apparently I can't make him happy, so you have to. Don't lead him on unless you mean it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:11 am
by zeroguy
Dear Pweb,

I'm sure this is a little familiar to some of you... This happens to me sometimes, but more in terms of series and not an author in general (since I usually find something I don't like).

Yeah, just wanted to share that.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:19 am
by Xenocide
Dear you.

your no better than anyone. you don't eat meat? why? You have leather belts and you burn more trees than I've ever seen in my life. Either start saving our enviorment or stop pretending you are anyway. Hypocracy is unjustified insanity.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:41 am
by Rei
Dear zero,

The story of my life. It's a wonder I have a soul left at all to be sucked into anything new.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:01 pm
by Wil

I once told you that I wouldn't ever leave you willingly... I'm still holding that up. I want to be with you, I want to talk to you, I want to know you. I'm not leaving willingly. It's your indecision and lack of action that's forcing me to leave.

You are right, I am just kicking you out of my life. If there was just one last thing I could get from you, you know what that would be? For you to tell me of your decision... because that's what it is, a decision to do nothing... rather than just leaving things as they are now.

You can try and blame me, but we're both at fault. At least I'm willing to take action, even if it's indirectly caused by both of us and goes against what I want. See that? That's how you do it.

- Who Else

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:38 pm
by starlooker
Dear You,

I love you very much. I respect you hugely. I would love, love, love for us to continue to be friends, even though we won't be working together.

And I love you for who you are. As you are. For all the things you know about that I am clueless about.

And a few weeks ago, you asked me to go to a dance, because you wanted all your friends to go. And you were excited for everyone to go. And I didn't want to because it's a new social situation and I f****** hate new social situations. But I wanted to think about it, for you. So I asked you to tell me what it was like.

And wow. Did something happen for you. And you backed the hell off, "if you're not comfortable." And I was so very wigged out because I felt like I'd failed some sort of test. Because it was so obvious that you were actually hurt and suspicious about my reaction.

So we didn't mention it again.

And for the past few weeks you've brought it up again and again and again. And I feel like I have to prove to you that I accept you and that by not going I'm refusing to do that. And that's so very very very frustrating for me.

And we have got to talk about this at some point because I need for you to know that it's not about you, it's not about your community, it's about me f****** hating being with a bunch of people I don't know in a situation where I don't know what people expect of me, goddamnit. And I said I'd do that. I will. In spite of it being really uncomfortable for me. Because you want me to. But I only want to if it's because you genuinely want me to go and not if it's some sort of litmus test of my allied-ness. Because I just can't handle that. I can even appreciate the reasons for that sort of thing. You don't know it, but I really can. I just can't stand the f****** assumptions that go with my choosing to spend a Saturday night at home instead. I feel like all the risks I've taken in our relationship, all the things I've done that should show you how much I care about you just are negated and don't count and there's this barrier that we're not even going to mention because somehow I'm disqualifying myself.

And you walked off today very upset and I don't know what to do with that. I don't know what to do about that.

Except tell you that we have to talk.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:15 pm
by peterlocke123

You looked like you were in a bad mood today. If you EVER need to talk, I'm ALWAYS here. I know what it feels like to have a horrible day (everyone does) and trust me, talking helps loads. I love you so much and hate to see you like this.



Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:08 pm
by Virlomi
Dear You,

Woah, hello annoying sig. Mind shrinking that?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:41 am
by Dr. Mobius
I love Adblock.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:27 am
by ender1
Dear you,

You killeded me.
