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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:17 am
by Eaquae Legit
I hope you're including me in that, Jebus.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:22 pm
by Luet

Wasn't OSC at the Ender convention held a while back, or was that just all fans?

Yes, he was there and we all got to meet him and chat and it was great!

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:03 pm
by Epi
Also, I fully realise that there are some SERIOUSLY oldbies around who still think I'm a newbie.
Silly newbie ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:33 am
by v-girl
Also, I fully realise that there are some SERIOUSLY oldbies around who still think I'm a newbie.
Silly newbie ;)

silly newbie.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:17 pm
by Nicholas
I am an odd newbie and I know it!
(However, pweb did help my spelling; I got tired of being picked on, back when)

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:28 pm
by Eaquae Legit
We're like a gang. A grammatical, academic gang.

Make that verb agree with its subject or I will pop a cap in your ass!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:06 am
by Oliver Dale
We're like a gang. A grammatical, academic gang.

Make that verb agree with its subject or I will pop a cap in your ass!
Oh my God, I think I love you a little bit.

As for the original question, a book signing is a good place to meet Scott. There's a list of appearances on Hatrack. And besides, he's a great speaker; you should listen to him talk if you get the chance. He doesn't do many (any?) conventions anymore, and I suspect there won't be another EnderCon any time soon. There's always bootcamp or the writer workshop, but that's really only worthwhile if you're an aspiring writer.

It would be wildly uncouth and disrespectful to just cold call him.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:10 am
by eriador

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:05 am
by irnstad
alright, I'll look for a book signing to try to talk to him at too. Wouldn't there be an endercon when the movie comes out possibly?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:19 pm
by Jayelle

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:11 pm
by Fodi
Since I just rejoined does that mean that I get to be an annoying newbie for another 1 or 2 years?

Yeah, definitely when the movie comes out. Feel free to try and hold your breath.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:00 pm
by Hegemon

I'm an enigma!
I just read,

"I'm an enema"

As for your newbie-ness.... sort of on the fence. Haven't quite hit the 2 yr markyet. Ask again in a few months.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:38 pm
by hive_king
By the two-year system, I'm definately not a newbie.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:43 pm
by VelvetElvis
I'm not either, then. System's faulty.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:46 pm
by Hegemon
I think that it has to do with time as a member and activity on the board and in the chats. Bit of both. But I think that 2 yrs is kind of the min req.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:48 pm
by hive_king
of course, there's a catagory between oldie and newbie

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:17 pm
by Nicholas
The two year is faulty, since I’m almost to the two year mark but I took one VERY long hiatus and the a just recent little one. Sooooo SYSTEM DEFAULT!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:58 pm
by Dr. Mobius
Who the hell are you?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:42 pm
by Nicholas
I am Nick, I was once on pweb because of Kevin (-Bean) and there was an awkward love triangle thing going on with another person that never should have been on pweb (since she has never read the books or heard of them) and I mostly lurk. Would you like to know anything else?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:05 am
by hive_king
isn't nicholas a boy's name? I mostly ask since I'm a male nicholas and all the nicholases I've ever met have been male.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:06 pm
by Nicholas
yes yes it is.
Until the day I was born, my mother thought I was a boy and the doctors agreed. i kind of surprised them and got to keep the name. (as a nick name at least) i like it though it fits me.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:19 pm
by anonshadow

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:48 am
by zeroguy
Feh. Chats, schmats.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:12 am
by wizzard
The chat is pretty much the only place I'm active at all. Does that mean I'm still a newbie even though I've been here for... *checks join date*... 4 years to the day!
