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Postby Yebra » Wed May 21, 2008 1:54 pm

I liked this weeks too. I've always liked the utter freedom they have to tell any kind of story they want, horror, comedy, smart scifi, stupid scifi, there's fun to be had with all.
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Postby Slim » Wed May 21, 2008 9:10 pm

--The Unicorn and the Wasp--

I liked all the flashback sequences, they were great. I liked how what they were saying didn't always match up with what they did.

Apparently Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist currently. (given that the Bible and the works of William Shakespeare are not novels) I had no idea, I've never read anything by her. I guess maybe I should.

Wil, I'm glad you liked the part in my video about the bees. That's my favorite part too. :) I don't know what to do with my videos after the season is over, I might take them down. My Mystery video is a lot more popular than the Repetition one. Probably just because the Mystery one has Rose in it, and everyone loves Rose.

Too bad, though, it didn't seem like there was any references to Rose returning in Doctor's Daughter nor The Unicorn and the Wasp. At least I didn't notice any.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Mon May 26, 2008 6:54 pm

Did no one else notice the scar the cloning machine put on the Doctor's hand? A scar that mysteriously matches the scar in "The Empty Child"? And that in the second half of the Sontaran episode, he asked "Are you my mummy"? with the gas mask on?

RTD has said that he's been seeding this year's Big Mystery right from the start. I'm not sure how all these things connect, but hey.... wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, right?
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Postby Jayelle » Tue May 27, 2008 2:50 pm

I'm excited to be watching it slow enough to actually notice the mysteries. In the past I've watched it after it had all aired, so I could just go straight from one episode to the next, with no time to think about why "Saxon" was everywhere.

The "Are you my Mummy" thing made me laugh, because it was just so very, very scary when it came out.
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Postby Slim » Tue May 27, 2008 7:40 pm

I noticed the scar immediately. It was one of the few things I noticed before my sister. I didn't include it in my video though, just 'cause there is a ton of stuff that is repeated, and it already seemed long. Should I make a third one?

But that's my curse, now. Since I'm looking for it, I see all (most) the things that are repeated.

--The Poison Sky--
Just remembered... Anyone else thing it was funny that Donna coming out of the TARDIS here was conveniently the one time the door didn't squeak? :)

--Preview for the 2nd half of the season--
The stars are disappearing? This can't be good. It must be... THE NOTHING!!!
'Course I suspected it from the start when they mention that the Adiposian breeding planet was lost, Pyrovillia was lost, and Gallifrey is lost (in fire). The describe The Source as "Lost" in Doctor's Daughter. The Doctor describes Rose as "Lost" to Donna.

But yeah, how do you hide from darkness? Stay in the light? But then you cast a shadow! Then it's like, "Oh, no! We're making a bad situation worse!" Maybe that's what's on Donna's back... her shadow! Just kidding, I have no idea.

I'm excited. :D
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Postby Wil » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:10 am

Silence in the Library spoilers ahead:

I think that lady is his daughter from the distant, distant future. But that's just my completely uneducated guess.

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Postby Jayelle » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:34 pm

Silence in the Library:

Oh, Steven Moffat. First, you made me fear children in gas masks, then statues and now shadows. You've ruined my life and it's awesome.

This episode was great, but I can't wait for next week!!!
I think that lady is his daughter from the distant, distant future. But that's just my completely uneducated guess.
That crossed my mind, but she doesn't have a TARDIS, so she can't time travel - also she said she hadn't seen him so young, which wouldn't have made sense, since she met him when she became his daughter.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:38 pm

I loved this week's episode. Steven Moffat is amazing. I am SO excited that he's taking over as head writer.
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Postby Wil » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:47 pm

That crossed my mind, but she doesn't have a TARDIS, so she can't time travel - also she said she hadn't seen him so young, which wouldn't have made sense, since she met him when she became his daughter.
Ah, crap, yeah I didn't think of that. In any case, it was a good episode.
I loved this week's episode. Steven Moffat is amazing. I am SO excited that he's taking over as head writer.
Yeah, I remember reading that. His episodes do seem to be the best and most memorable, so it's really good that he is taking over. :D

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Postby Bean_wannabe » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:12 am

Also - if she had been his daughter, she would have recognised Donna

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Postby Slim » Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:21 pm

--Silence in the Library--

Professor River Song a future flame of The Doctor? Possible, but I doubt it, just because that's what they want you to think. Our next impression was that she is pretending to know the Doctor. She must have found that book, (Journal?) and so knows all about him. Today, we were thinking someone was impersonating The Doctor (or maybe a clone?) and it was the other one she knew.
One thing is odd. Why did she send the message on the Psychic paper? (and how? Is that a common form of communication in the 51st century?) She hadn't yet arrived at the library, so how did she know about the danger? Or did she just want to have a friendly get-together?
And then, what kind of a name is "River Song" ? Hearing that name, all I can think of is Ood Sigma telling The Doctor, "I think your Song must end soon." But that doesn't really make much sense either.

And Donna! How's she getting out of this one! We still need to find out what is on her back! :shock:

[EDIT] -- I just realized. Take a look at the drawings on the wall when Dr. Moon is talking to the child. Two of the kid's drawing are hanging on the wall behind him. The top picture is of a blonde girl, the lower picture of a wolf. [/EDIT]

I think that the theme for this season is probably light vs. darkness. I might not have time to make a third montage, but remember gwen when she said that rose had seen so many things... such as "The Big Bad Wolf." The whole line is something like "You have seen so many things... so much darkness... the Big Bad Wolf!"
In Dalek, when the Dalek becomes confused by absorbing Rose's emotions it says "so many ideas... so much darkness"
I've already mentioned the use of "sunshine" in this season. My sister tells me the episodes that don't say sunshine, they say sunlight or sunbeams or something. She has the list, but she hasn't shown me the episodes, and that's all I can remember now.

But then they still talk about bees and wasps and who knows how that fits in. :?

P.S. -- Sontaran Stratagem
Since when is ATMOS an acronym for Atmospheric Emmission System? Seems suspicious that they can't spell AES...
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Postby Wil » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:44 pm

Forrest of the Dead SPOILERS!

Ahhh man next season should be AWESOME with Moffat writing things from now on. My God.. great episode. Great, great episode. Not much to say except... hmmm!


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Postby Slim » Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:59 pm

--The Forest of the Dead--
I really liked the episode. The Doctor has a new mystery. I think the future of Doctor Who is in good hands.

I do have a question though... On the Psychic paper, Donna said of the x, "with a kiss?" I thought when someone writes xoxo, it meant hugs and kisses; the x's being the hugs, and the o's being the kisses. Do I have it backwords, or is it different with just an x? I'm just asking because I was wondering if letters are important. We've mostly been noticing A's, but other letters are floating around...

And thanks to some time off work, I was able to make a Light/Dark montage, and I finished it after The Forest of the Dead.
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Postby Wil » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:53 am


The Medusa Cascade!

They're making fun of you repeat counters now.... hahahah.

Good episode, actually. I quite enjoyed it. Also, ROSE! ROSE ROSE ROSE!

Next episode should be.. hopefully.. good. The doctor... dies? :(

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Postby Slim » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:30 pm


The Medusa Cascade!

They're making fun of you repeat counters now.... hahahah.(
Yeah, for real! I don't think there was one line that wasn't repeated. :P But I did notice that nobody mentioned anything about the Bees. They must have disappeared. ;)

On that topic... I made my last two montages of things I've noticed. They are sure to tell us what it is, if not in "Turn Left" tomorrow, then probably in next week's episode. I can't wait! This is going to be great!

The A List -- A lot of A's, disappearing B's, and a soup of other letters and symbols.
Repetition 2 -- Just about everything else that I noticed that wasn't in another video.
There's still other things I've noticed, but these will be my last videos; I'm all out of time.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:19 pm




"You can't make the world a better place by shouting at it!" "I can try!!" Donna Noble in a nutshell.

Rose got... oddly buck-toothed and lispy since she moved to the other universe.

I'm really, REALLY looking forward to the next three episodes. I can't wait to see what they do with it! Gwen and Jack and Torchwood were in the preview! And more Rose! Oh yes indeed, it will be a fun ride.
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Postby Wil » Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:32 am

Thanks for the warning about spoilers, EL. I didn't even realize they were spoilers until I finished the episode!

--- TURN LEFT ---

Yeah, she did seem to get more toothy and lipsy. Oh well, she's still cool. Also, she has a HUGE GUN next episode. Hawt.

I found this episode quite boring overall, though I loved seeing the different perspectives of all the different happenings.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:43 am

Yar, thar be spoilers here! (Seriously... was that sarcasm?)
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Postby Jayelle » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:13 pm

Turn Left:

I agree, it was a bit boring. Kind of a let down after weeks of lead up to Rose appearing.
I kinda forgot what happened in the Christmas Special with Donna, so it was hard to remember why the Doctor would be dead.

Next week looks good - seems like everyone from everywhere will be there - The cast of Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Martha, Rose... pretty cool.

What is the deal with the bumblebees??!
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Postby Wil » Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:16 pm

Yar, thar be spoilers here! (Seriously... was that sarcasm?)
Nope. A little bit above we all kind of unceremoniously agreed that we would place the title of the episode that we're about to talk about before talking about it so we could reduce the incidence of accidental spoilers.

Also, yeah, I forgot how the Christmas Special went also, but it came back to me a bit when they showed the spider and the doctor standing there with a super-serious look.

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Postby Slim » Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:41 pm

--Turn Left SPOILERS!--

Great Episode! I liked how it pointed out all the "flaws" of earlier episodes--
60 million Americans dissolve into fat. I was wondering why the nanny didn't think about the USA.
"HEY! Firing at the car isn't going to do no good! Are you crazy or what?" That was the best part!

I thought it interesting that when the Doctor first met Donna, he was scanning her and said she was nobody special. (failing, of course to detect the Huon particles.) But now, Rose tells Donna: "You are the most important woman in the whole of creation!" And now the Doctor realizes there is something odd about Donna, too. "First the Library, now this" I didn't really think The Library was a parallel world, but whatever. It does remind me though in "The Fires of Pompeii" when the girl says that the prophecy is changing, that there is a new prophecy.

Oh, that reminds me. Back during Silence in the Library, we figured CAL must be the girl's initials as our first guess. Why? Those are my sister's initials too. :)

Anyway, back to Turn Left, I enjoyed seeing how things turned out with The Doctor dead. It seems the universe was trying to "compensate around it", what with Torchwood, Sarah Jane, and others tried to come to the rescue instead, yet failing to fill the gap the Doctor left behind.

I also liked that line: "You can't make the world a better place by shouting at it!" "I can try!!" That was great.

I guess you can't expect to be pulled across dimensions without ill-effects. Such as becoming buck-toothed, and acquiring a lisp. Seriously though... I liked how she was acting all Time-Lordy. Not saying her name, and wearing the same clothes. It's great. Still mysterious how she is popping across time, dimensions, and space.

I almost cried when they were taking that Italian guy away to the "work camps" it was just like in "It's a beautiful life." You could tell he knew what was going on, but was trying to be cheerful so that Donna wouldn't be upset. At least, that was the impression I got.

I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a giant spider on her back. All Hail the Great One! :D

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:09 pm

-- The Stolen Earth --

Absolutely batshit insane hilarious.

If David Tennant is actually leaving the show now, it will be the best-kept secret EVER. I'll be pissed, but incredibly impressed.
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Postby Yebra » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:46 pm


Did not see that coming. Oh, and I'm home now! *waves*
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Postby Wil » Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:41 pm

--- The Stolen Earth ---

Very entertaining episode, but towards the end I was kind of disappointed in how they brought the entire seasons worth of "buzz words" together. It really felt like through the season they just randomly thought up words and events (the bees) and by the end they just made something up to use all the words. It felt... not rushed but just.. not complete. Not Doctor Who-ish enough.

I hope he doesn't leave the show. I seriously doubt he'll leave. I'm sure they'll manage to think of a reason why he didn't regenerate into something new. If not... and I like the new doctor... I'll very much enjoy them managing to keep it secret. Not expecting it, however.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:15 pm

My guess would be something to do with the Medusa Cascade being phase-shifted.
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Postby Bean_wannabe » Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:12 am

Care to explain what that is supposed to mean?

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Postby Wil » Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:20 am

It means the writers have a reason to have the doctor regenerate without having to change actors.

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Postby Jayelle » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:57 am

--Stolen Earth--

I will be shocked if David Tennant is gone. It seems impossible to me that that couldn't have leaked out SOMEwhere. I mean, I saw photos of Rose in the last episode back when the first episodes were airing. How could they keep that huge of news a secret?

Anyway, the episode was decent. I take it Russel T. Davis is going out with a bang - the cast of the two spinoffs, Rose, Martha, Unit, Daleks... it's a little much, but it's also really cool.

The scene with the Doctor and Rose running toward each other was a bit cheesy.
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Postby Slim » Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:52 pm

--The Stolen Earth SPOILERS!!--


Rose: "D'you like my gun?"
I thought it was funny, all these people running and looting, and Rose just casually wondering around with her gun looking for The Doctor.
I also thought it was funny that Rose knows who Donna is, but not Martha.

The Shadow Proclamation was pretty cool. And somewhat creepy, too. I'm sure The Doctor running away won't have repercussions.... but it did remind me of him running away when he was offered the office of Time Lord President.

The Shadow Proclamation lady says of Donna: "You are something new" Just like what was said of the Doctor in "School Reunion" And.. The loss that is yet to come? Of the Doctor? Herself? And then, it still played the Time Beetle noise when she said "There was something on your back" (or did she say "is"? Lucius said "is," not "there will be." Are we still in another parallel world, or something?)

Time "out of sync" or "phase-shifted": I think of it being like two speakers. When they are phase-shifted so that they are out of sync with each other, the waves cancel each other out and it is silence, no matter how loud they are. I don't know if it is the same sort of thing, but that's how I think about it: the Medusa Cascade was put a second out of sync with the beat of the universe, so everything in it was made invisible.

I wonder what the Osterhagen Key does. Torchwood knew about Project Indigo, but not this. But Harriet Jones did. Both Martha and Harriet don't want to use it, but it is "For the sake of the Human Race," so that rules out a planetary self-destruct button...

The Daleks have a "Crucible." Any relation to the "Cruciform" the Dalek Emperor obtained that scared the Master so bad?

I really liked Davros! I was worried that he would be really different, but he was done perfectly!

Dalek Caan was pretty wild. His strange sayings sure are ambiguous though. Textbook enigmatic even. But Davros says he speaks only the truth. Assuming that is true... Why is the Doctor "The Three-Fold Man?" Then "Everlasting Death for the most faithful companion!" whoever that is. They've hinted at Donna's death. Sarah Jane is actually in danger right now. For all I know, it could be Adric. :)

I really liked what Russel T. Davies had to say about the reunion scene in Doctor Who Confidential: "And, as in all great love stories, he's cut down by a Dalek." Then at the end: "I've got no idea what happens next. And I'm going to be sitting down next week watching as rapt and as excited and as in the dark as everyone else. Honestly. Ha ha ha!"

We're also in denial that the Doctor is really regenerating. Doesn't he still have to meet River Song? Maybe she didn't really recognize his face... But David Tennant is confirmed to star during the specials next year! ... But he could have been lying, or they take place during all of this, or something crazy.

Okay, so Rose coming back, The Shadow Proclamation, The lost worlds, The Medusa Cascade, The Bees disappearing (but not 'B's' oh, well) all turned out to be important. But they haven't yet mentioned what any of this has to do with the stars going out, the Darkness that is coming, or why all the universes are in danger, or what special role Donna must play to help the Doctor.

And even though they "revealed" what is repeating, other things I've noticed are still repeating. For example: The brand-name on the TV is "Aesir" with a great big A. The comedian has a cup with a great big P. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I don't think its a coincidence. I doubt I'll have time for another repetition video, but I've also seen repeating "Face," "Safe," and "impossible"

I'm still wondering if Jenny will come back. Surely that episode was important?

Why does it keep showing close-ups of The Doctor's hand not doing anything?

Anyways, I'm EXCITED!!! WOO!
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Postby Wil » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:35 am

I just remembered that he has his old hand with him. The one in the glass of liquid. Perhaps something to do with that also?

Who knows. We'll find out in 3 days.

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Postby Bean_wannabe » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:33 am

I can't wait that long!

Anyway, given the amount of hype there was last time they changed Doctors, it seems unlikely that he will really regenerate. After all, Jenny didn't, did she?

The Radio Times didn't give the name of the last episode, because it 'gave too much away'. Hmm....

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Postby Jayelle » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:45 am

The name of the episode is Journey's End. It's been known for awhile. At least, it's been up on Wikipedia for a good while now.
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Postby Bean_wannabe » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:39 pm

Journey's End?

How does that give anything away?

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Postby Slim » Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:17 pm

It was the title for "The Stolen Earth" that they didn't give away for a long time, because it would "give away too much"
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Postby Bean_wannabe » Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:02 pm

I get it now

Just 21 hours to go!

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