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Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:08 pm
by Luet
I hate that I just had my second large car repair bill in as many weeks. Over $1000 total for a exhaust manifold and catalytic converter. Boo!!

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:16 pm
by elfprince13
My brother's new dog stepped on my laptop and cracked my trackpad. :bash:

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:49 pm
by Gravity Defier
I hate how impossible it feels to get out of a sadness spiral once I've started.

I also hate how seeing zero is probably the only thing that's going to break that. Not just because he's a boy and I have feelings for him -I'm not entirely pathetic- but because I just want to see and be with a friend and feel like I'm not alone and no one has my back all the damn time.

I hate how the next best thing I have to doing things with people is posting pictures on FB of things I did alone, in an attempt to share, and not even my family can take two seconds to acknowledge.

I hate that it even means something to be acknowledged on FB.

I hate that it's likely a person or two will see this and only try to acknowledge things because they think that's what I want.

I hate that I love so much about my life and I have no one to share it with. Yet. zero better watch out when he gets here next year.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:25 am
by starlooker
Teeth are such bitches.

Donny had an abcess that burst last night. Atticus has been up all. Damn. Night. working on tooth number four.

f*** teeth.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:40 pm
by steph
Jessica Ridgeway was abducted, murdered and mutilated within 25 miles of where I live.

Today, there have been 3 reports in my own community of men parked in cars watching children near schools and one even attempting to approach a girl in her own yards while raking leaves after he watched her from his car for awhile. All 3 "suspects" are different men and have different cars. It's scary what some people think is ok and what some people are capable of.

I know that these things are probably not actually happening more than they normally do. The entire state is just on edge with this murder case. But that doesn't mean it's not scary. I'm kind of really glad it's snowing and will be really cold the next few days so I have an excuse (that my kids will think is valid) of why I don't want them to go play outside. I don't have a fence on my yard, after all.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:13 pm
by elfprince13
Jessica Ridgeway was abducted, murdered and mutilated within 25 miles of where I live.

Today, there have been 3 reports in my own community of men parked in cars watching children near schools and one even attempting to approach a girl in her own yards while raking leaves after he watched her from his car for awhile. All 3 "suspects" are different men and have different cars. It's scary what some people think is ok and what some people are capable of.

I know that these things are probably not actually happening more than they normally do. The entire state is just on edge with this murder case. But that doesn't mean it's not scary. I'm kind of really glad it's snowing and will be really cold the next few days so I have an excuse (that my kids will think is valid) of why I don't want them to go play outside. I don't have a fence on my yard, after all.

If it's any consolation, statistics indicate that now is actually one of the safest times in history to be raising a child. There's less in the way of abduction and murder of kids now than there was when I was growing up. It just gets more coverage and more sensationalized. And of course it's also scary when it's in your own community.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:22 am
by Young Val
I strongly dislike the new editor hired at APW, and have since reading her post about how she almost intentionally cheated on her husband. The post got a lot of praise for being brave and insightful and all that, but it disgusted me in a visceral way. I'm disappointed that she'll now be a constant voice on the site, because I love that place so much and still find it so valuable, even after my wedding. Whenever she was just submitting posts as a guest I could just read them, roll my eyes, and move on to the next thing, but now I feel she's a defining part of a resource I love and I'm unhappy about it and concerned about the ways in which her point of view may influence content.

Whatever. I am probably over analyzing it. I don't even know this girl. And I know being judgmental is never an attractive trait.


Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:53 am
by LilBee91
I strongly dislike the new editor hired at APW, and have since reading her post about how she almost intentionally cheated on her husband. The post got a lot of praise for being brave and insightful and all that, but it disgusted me in a visceral way.
I just read that post. I'm with you in your disgust. Ugh.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:03 am
by elfprince13
I strongly dislike the new editor hired at APW, and have since reading her post about how she almost intentionally cheated on her husband. The post got a lot of praise for being brave and insightful and all that, but it disgusted me in a visceral way.
I just read that post. I'm with you in your disgust. Ugh.
I didn't read the post, but your description of it is enough to make me disgusted.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:38 am
by Syphon the Sun
I just read that post. I'm with you in your disgust. Ugh.
Ditto. I think it's even worse that the reason it was only "almost cheating" was that the guy lost interest in her.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:52 am
by Young Val
I just read that post. I'm with you in your disgust. Ugh.
Ditto. I think it's even worse that the reason it was only "almost cheating" was that the guy lost interest in her.
That's one of the parts that I reacted to most strongly. That and how she dismisses her culpability at the end by coming to the conclusion that her desire to cheat was really just a manifestation of her grief for her single-girlhood.

ETA I feel compelled to admit that I'm probably being harsh. People make mistakes. They have complex and conflicting emotions and thoughts. Sometimes they act in ways they wish they hadn't. Sometimes they make those choices while fully aware of how wrong they are. I get it. I've got plenty of my own mistakes to answer for. APW has actually had lots and lots of posts discussing these same things, and yet, none of them really rub me the wrong way, like this one does.

I am probably a mean old judgmental married lady, and if that's the case so be it.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:46 pm
by Dr. Mobius
Kelly, if anything, you're not being harsh enough. I'm not even in a relationship and I think that if "my husband is working nights" is all it takes for someone to consider cheating instead of adjusting your sleep patterns to make it work with the third of the day you get to have together, then that person probably has no business being married in the first place. She's just lazy and looking for excuses.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:43 am
by powerfulcheese04
Kelly, if anything, you're not being harsh enough. I'm not even in a relationship and I think that if "my husband is working nights" is all it takes for someone to consider cheating instead of adjusting your sleep patterns to make it work with the third of the day you get to have together, then that person probably has no business being married in the first place. She's just lazy and looking for excuses.
This. Totally not harsh enough. It makes me irrationally angry that she's excusing her behavior with his night shift. She wasn't working hard enough on her relationship with her husband because she was spending that energy on the other guy.

I think it makes me extra angry because Nate has worked the night shift most of our marriage. He worked the night shift halfway across the country from me for 6 months. We made it work then and we make it work now. We adjust our schedules around each other as much as possible to spend time together. I've never been tempted to cheat. I focused on my husband. Your partner's work schedule is no excuse for bad behavior.

And the other guy losing interest doesn't let you off the hook, in my experience.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:44 am
by Petra456
I really HATE red light cameras! I stopped yesterday morning at one just like I do almost every morning, but the van behind me decided to not stop (more like, sped up because he probably thought we were going to try and beat the red). I had to punch the gas pretty hard and move forward or the van would have rear ended me, which caused the camera to go off.

Everyone says to just go to court because most of the tickets are thrown out anyways, but it's just such a hassle.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:00 pm
by jotabe
IIRC, in Spanish traffic legislation, you have to stop your car on red light iif you can do it under secure conditions. Having a car near crashing on you should be justification enough, if it's the same in NA. Good luck getting rid of the ticket, anyway :)

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:04 pm
by Mich
Exercise after nearly two months of no exercise is possibly worse than Hitler.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:29 pm
by jotabe
Exercise after nearly two months of no exercise is possibly worse than Hitler.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:47 pm
by buckshot
I hate that Wa.St. in a sneaky way trimmed off a week including a weekend off the late buck season. I am not amused!

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:44 am
by elfprince13
Not sleeping.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:52 am
by thoughtreader
Not sleeping.
Ditto :(

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:44 am
by Eaquae Legit
I hate the "screw you, mommy, I had 20 minutes of sleep so I'm going to stay up till 1am" game.

And "red velvet" yoghurt is nasty.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:45 am
by Petra456
I hate full on beards. Stubble is great, but for some reason, beards gross me out : (

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:57 am
by buckshot
I hate the look of these stubble looking 1/4 in deep beards that are so popular now especially when they are greying like mine, just don't like the look or feel!

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:44 pm
by Briseis_Liberated
Hate onions.
Strongly dislike PATCHY beards. If you cant grow a man beard, just stop.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:40 pm
by Rei
Lately I've had a cough which sometimes somehow manages to trigger particularly violent hiccoughs. It's really unpleasant.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:16 am
by Briseis_Liberated
Hate it when I'm pretending to talk on the phone to avoid awkward situations..and then it rings.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:22 am
by buckshot
I hate it when my Dad comes out to the farm to do something in my shop, he always has a fit over whatever we have apart for repair. He starts in wavin his arms and yelling at me or Tim (partner) or whoever working on whatever that we wont ever get back together and all is lost and next he looks all over the shop for something out of place or not put away right and then always goes looking for any tools or tooling that came from my gramps and he really flips over that stuff. Then he gets out the poison pen armed with a fist full of sticky notes leaves me nasty messages on every workbench and machine in the place telling me how I do a bad job taking care of tools that have been around since God knows when. I get a bit sic of it. :D

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:54 pm
by steph
How much my abs hurt from coughing. Especially since my abs are spread apart, so the pain feels like it's in weird places.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:48 pm
by Eaquae Legit
The "Backyardigans" theme song. Effing earworm.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:16 am
by Luet
But I do love the Backyardigans! It's been years since I've watched them. I like Pablo the best.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:24 pm
by Gravity Defier
I hate how my warm jacket restricts my range of motion. I'm going with the hoodie and hoping my layering was done well enough because I hate not being able to move my arms well.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:14 pm
by elfprince13
I hate how my warm jacket restricts my range of motion. I'm going with the hoodie and hoping my layering was done well enough because I hate not being able to move my arms well.
Layering is key, but you need to have lots of long sleeved undershirts if you want to use a hoodie as your top layer!

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:15 pm
by Mich
That's seriously my main reason for loving my (by now) trademarked olive Army jacket. It's a great windbreaker, has great pockets, and isn't necessarily the warmest thing, but boy does it let me keep a wide range of motion.

Plus sentimental value. It is my grandpa's.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:49 am
by Petra456
I hate that just becasue I went shopping on Black Friday, people think i'm crazy/don't care about the poor workers that have to work. I was one of those workers for many years, I really really feel for them and know it sucks. I also hate the guilt trip I get from most people around here when i'm excited for the money I saved on things I really needed to buy anyways (like pillows, our pillows were soooo bad).

I have a very love/hate relationship with Black Friday.

Re: Things that I hate

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:22 pm
by Briseis_Liberated
I'm with ya. I worked retail for a few years and swore I would never get out on black Friday... But then my kids (ahem *husband*) wanted a trampoline last year. So we did it.