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Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:46 am
by Mich
to be fair, she didn't use much if any pitch correction, she just has a terrible voice.

the worst part of the song is actually the lyrics. geeze they are the least inspired words ever put on paper.

i mean
yesterday was thursday, today is friday, tomorrow is saturday and sunday follows that.... seriously?
Agreed. Although the chorus drills in between your ears.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:04 pm
by Kill Devil Hill
Irrational irritation: could of vs. could have. IT'S COULD HAVE DAMMIT.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:05 pm
by Gravity Defier
to be fair, she didn't use much if any pitch correction, she just has a terrible voice.

the worst part of the song is actually the lyrics. geeze they are the least inspired words ever put on paper.

i mean
yesterday was thursday, today is friday, tomorrow is saturday and sunday follows that.... seriously?

I was trying to point out/note the general suckiness and tried to tailor your quote accordingly. Win some, lose some.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:09 pm
by Syphon the Sun
Irrational irritation: could of vs. could have. IT'S COULD HAVE DAMMIT.
Could of done without the swearing.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:32 pm
by Kill Devil Hill
Irrational irritation: could of vs. could have. IT'S COULD HAVE DAMMIT.
Could of done without the swearing.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:01 pm
by zeroguy

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:12 pm
by mr_thebrain
I was trying to point out/note the general suckiness and tried to tailor your quote accordingly. Win some, lose some.
oh, i understood what you were getting at. and i was trying to agree, just with some added comments. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:13 pm
by mr_thebrain
don't take burt's seat. he's got the crazy eyes on.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:05 am
by Jayelle
Irrational Irritation: When people on my facebook wall post videos of 2-3 year old memes with "I just discovered this! So funny! Everyone should watch!"
...yeah, I saw David after the Dentist a long time ago.

2009 called.

Yes, I realize this is probably such a hipster complaint. ("I liked that BEFORE it was cool.")

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:56 pm
by starlooker
Irrational Irritation: use of the word "orientate" or any of its associates (orientated, orientating, etc.). The word is orient, people. Along with oriented, orienting, etc. Orientation is the only variation.

Also, f*** I am right about this. And if I'm not, I should be.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:59 pm
by Young Val
Irrational Irritation: use of the word "orientate" or any of its associates (orientated, orientating, etc.). The word is orient, people. Along with oriented, orienting, etc. Orientation is the only variation.

Also, f*** I am right about this. And if I'm not, I should be.
David uses this word and variations ALL THE TIME and it drives me INSANE.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:09 pm
by mr_thebrain
i rather enjoy telling people it's NOT A WORD!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:53 pm
by Mich
I have never heard of that in my life and I've worked in many different areas that deal with orientation. Who are the people you guys talk to, geeze?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:02 pm
by mr_thebrain
aggravatingly stupid people.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:06 am
by Gravity Defier
Irrational irritations? Why yes, I would love some.

I am irrationally irritated that:

-Two of my Boy Squad wouldn't take "Hell no, I'm emo!" for an answer when they tried to cheer me up. I didn't want to feel better, dammit.

-My coworkers are planning vacation times for my times. I'm not allowed to vacation in the summer and I never ask for holidays; given that, I hoped they'd respect that I get first dibs on August-October. I put in for October already, so I'm not worried about that but they're touching on those other months and I'm not wanting to hear that. They have the time, I'm not actually going to use much, if any of my vacation time, as usual, but, er, no! Look elsewhere, mooches and lazy bums.

-My mother keeps buying sweets. I don't have any will power, woman! Stop tempting me. Are you Satan?

-I have to work Info desk this week. It's "cross-training." Uh, I'm sorry, I already know how to say, "This is a mouse but that doesn't mean it needs cheese to work; your hand will do the trick." It's not supposed to be punishment or anything -my Worthless Coworker needs to learn Circ duties- but it feels like it is anyway.

-I am not getting even 50 movies on any of the FB Questions about Top 100 movies. Apparently I watch the wrong stuff.

-I'm irritated that I ran out of irritations! Gah.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:26 am
by neo-dragon
I'm a little irritated that the governing body for my profession in this province feels the need to very publically announce that teachers should not friend students on facebook. I find it insulting to my intelligence and professionalism. What's worse is that there have apparently been enough incidents to justify this declaration of what should be common sense.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:35 pm
by Claire
I would never admit it in real life, but it really bothers me when people wish me happy holidays for holidays I don't celebrate. I know the sentiment is good, yet it feels to me like people aren't making an effort to accommodate diversity.

For instance, just now I was buying matzo ball mix, macaroons, and kosher apple juice at the store. As I was leaving, the cashier said "enjoy your Easter holiday". Really?? Now I wish I had responded, "happy passover!" instead of smiling and walking away, just to call his attention to it.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:54 pm
by neo-dragon
It's because of people like you that everything's all "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".

Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed by Apple fanboys. You know what? I wouldn't trade my $300 netbook for your fancy iPad2! It sure is a neat gadget, but give me something with a real keyboard and OS any day. Netbook > Tablet.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:56 pm
by Claire
It's because of people like you that everything's all "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".
Yes...and I think that's a good thing. I wish everyone did it.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:04 pm
by mr_thebrain
how about the jews stop having people's saviors killed so they have to go an resurrect themselves and we won't have to worry about those stupid people saying happy whateverdays?

and just in case anyone gets offended, i'm SOOOOO just kidding.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:24 pm
by neo-dragon
...yet it feels to me like people aren't making an effort to accommodate diversity.
By definition, being wished a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Krazy Kwanzaa is a more diverse experience that being wished Happy Holidays three times. You can't respect diversity by ignoring it.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:40 pm
by Mich
Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed by Apple fanboys. You know what? I wouldn't trade my $300 netbook for your fancy iPad2! It sure is a neat gadget, but give me something with a real keyboard and OS any day. Netbook > Tablet.
I'm pretty interested in Asus' new plaything. It has a full keyboard attachment that doubles as a second battery and a bunch of neat features (like mini-HDMI ports!), but otherwise is indistinguishable from any other tablet.

$550 brand new, though.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:25 pm
by ender1
[quote="neo-dragon"]Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed by Apple fanboys./quote]


Been annoyed with them for years. Welcome to the club.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:08 pm
by Luet
I would never admit it in real life, but it really bothers me when people wish me happy holidays for holidays I don't celebrate. I know the sentiment is good, yet it feels to me like people aren't making an effort to accommodate diversity.
I don't celebrate any holidays but it has never bothered me when people wish me a happy "whatever". I know that they celebrate it and they have no idea that I don't. I just respond with a smile and a "thank you". Now, if it's someone who knows me personally and blatantly ignores my beliefs just to be a jerk (*cough*mydad*cough*), that's a different story.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:30 pm
by Gravity Defier
Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed by Apple fanboys.

Been annoyed with them for years. Welcome to the club.

Can I add vocal Linux devotees to the mix? Between annoying story back in 2009 from el Brato, my coworker, and a library volunteer, just hearing the word "Linux" is enough to make me want to go on a mental stabbing rampage.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:12 pm
by Claire

By definition, being wished a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Krazy Kwanzaa is a more diverse experience that being wished Happy Holidays three times. You can't respect diversity by ignoring it.

As I read it, you're implying that "Happy Holidays" ignores diversity because its one umbrella greeting. I don't agree with that. I'm guessing that cashier was wishing every single customer "Happy Easter". If that was the case then he was ignoring diversity-- the greeting implies that the person he is speaking to celebrates Easter. If he had asked every customer their religion and then gave a greeting in accordance, it would have respected diversity. If he had said "happy holidays" to all customers, he would have implicitly been accepting the fact that not all of his customers celebrate Easter, and thus have been respecting the diversity of people in this city (where there is a large Jewish population, by the way). I don't think it would have been ignoring the diversity of potential customers to use one common secular greeting.

And anyway, different people DON'T wish me different things. I have never EVER had someone wish me Happy Ramadan as I check out at the grocery store. Its Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays from people who don't know my religion, and Happy Hannukah or Happy Holidays from people who do.

I'm guessing the cashier's heart was in the right place. I know he wasn't trying to offend me. I'm pretty sure he was just on autopilot. I was clearly buying items that Jews eat on Passover, so I'm guessing he was saying happy Easter to everyone that checked out. I didn't take it personally, yet I would prefer people think twice.

You also grouped Kwanza in with Christmas and Hanukkah, so let me introduce pet peeve #2. Kwanza is in a completely different holiday category! It should be grouped with 4th of July. Or if we're talking time of year, then New Years.

All my opinion, of course :).

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:33 pm
by Syphon the Sun
You also grouped Kwanza in with Christmas and Hanukkah, so let me introduce pet peeve #2. Kwanza is in a completely different type of holiday category!
If a holiday is specifically created as an alternative to Christmas, I'd say it's fair game to group it there.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:35 pm
by Claire
You also grouped Kwanza in with Christmas and Hanukkah, so let me introduce pet peeve #2. Kwanza is in a completely different type of holiday category!
If a holiday is specifically created as an alternative to Christmas, I'd say it's fair game to group it there.
It wasn't. Christian black Americans celebrate Kwanzaa too. Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday...(African Studies major here).

At least, not in the traditional sense of religion, though I guess "religion" is a vague term these days.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:09 pm
by ender1
Anyway, I'm starting to get annoyed by Apple fanboys.

Been annoyed with them for years. Welcome to the club.

Can I add vocal Linux devotees to the mix? Between annoying story back in 2009 from el Brato, my coworker, and a library volunteer, just hearing the word "Linux" is enough to make me want to go on a mental stabbing rampage.

Ubuntu. Ubuntu. Ubuntu. Ubuntu. Ubuntu.
That is all.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:35 pm
by zeroguy
neo: you forgot tip-top Tet, and solemn dignified Ramadan. You fascist.
the greeting implies that the person he is speaking to celebrates Easter.
No, it doesn't. Not for me, anyway, so it certainly does not for everyone. It's merely a greeting or parting that recognizes that some day is Easter, they like Easter, and they wish that you are happy on Easter. Whether or not you celebrate, know anything about, or have even heard of the holiday seems entirely inconsequential.

Of course, I think it makes more sense to just dismiss it because it probably means close to nothing for the speaker, since it's just automatic, as you said. Just like "damn" is usually said without any connection to religion.
I have never EVER had someone wish me Happy Ramadan as I check out at the grocery store
Do you ever wish random people a happy Ramadan? Why not? I would if I knew when Ramadan was. I greet people with holidays I and probably they have no connection to all the time. I wish people a happy Canada Day even though I've never been to Canada and have no idea what Canada Day is (though arguably I have some connection to it). I say "happy flag day" when I don't know what Flag Day is. Yesterday I wished Pweb a happy 4/20, when I've never smoked pot, and I assume most of pweb doesn't either.
Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday
Actually, I think the way I'd go in that argument is that Christmas isn't, either.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:50 am
by Rei
For instance, just now I was buying matzo ball mix, macaroons, and kosher apple juice at the store. As I was leaving, the cashier said "enjoy your Easter holiday". Really??Now I wish I had responded, "happy passover!" instead of smiling and walking away, just to call his attention to it.
I totally agree with that. We do need to recognise diversity, and a pleasant reply of "happy passover!" is one way to make people pause and remember that there are other groups who also celebrate this time of year. (Especially as, even if the kosher apple juice wasn't noticed, the matzo ball mix is a bit of a well known cue.)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:28 pm
by Syphon the Sun
It wasn't.
Says who? From everything I've seen from the 60s-80s, Karenga and other early members of Us certainly thought it was. Besides, why else would a harvest festival be held in winter?
Christian black Americans celebrate Kwanzaa too.
What people do now doesn't really help us understand its origin. Everything I've seen from the time period indicates that it was created as an alternative to religious, winter holidays, like Christmas. I can't find anything suggesting the all-inclusive view until the very late 1980s.
Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday...
I don't think anyone is really saying that it is religious. I merely said that it was specifically created as an alternative to the winter religious holidays, and as such, I saw no problem grouping it with them. I group Festivus with them, too.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:02 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Every year I have to consciously curb the intensity of my irritation when the Easter Triduum is not done "right". I am absurdly picky about this - it bothers me if the priest doesn't read Jesus' part in the gospel, or if the Pange Lingua isn't chanted, preferably in Latin (it never, ever gets done in Latin), or if the Vigil mass starts before 11pm, or if there's no fire. I'm always disappointed if the full Exultet isn't sung.

I'm also really irritated with myself that I've become one of those people who fuss about every detail of the Liturgy. I try not to, really.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:04 pm
by steph
I'm am seriously (irrationally) irritated that SO many of my friends are posting links to this recipe, like it's manna sent from heaven. Most of the people who are have posted it are people I would (have) consider(ed) to be good cooks and it irritates me SO much that people who are supposed to be good in the kitchen never thought of doing anything elaborate with their ramen before. I've been "gourmeting" my ramen ever since I left home and I've created about 800 variations on stir-fried ramen noodles with various meats, nuts, veggies, eggs and sauces. We eat it about once a week in my house. (We call it noonles, since that's what Brayden called noodles when he was little. So cute!)

Anyways, I really don't know why it annoys me so much, but seriously people, have some of your OWN creativity for once! Kicked up ramen is NOT manna!!! Not unless I've been hoarding all the manna for myself for the last 10 years.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:36 pm
by Rei
I... don't understand dressing up ramen. When I want it, that is what I want. I'm dressing it up if I bother to include hot water and eat it as a soup. Otherwise I just eat the noodles dry with the stock powder mixed in. Dressing it up just seems contrary to its purpose in my life.