ValenWHINES day 2010

Talk about anything under the sun or stars - but keep it civil. This is where we really get to know each other. Everyone is welcome, and invited!

Your Valentine's Day:

Right Hand and 4Chan.
Listen to Morrissey and Cry.
Buy yourself Chocolate. Lots.
Sleep all day. It never happened.
Option for Jehovah's Witnesses. No holidays.
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ValenWHINES day 2010

Postby Satya » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:09 am

Since you nerds are unlikely to be able to celebrate Valentine's Day in the modern tradition (i.e., buying the love of someone who's willing to sell.. isn't there another word for that too? Anyways) and probably don't want to celebrate in the original manner (i.e., honoring the brutal torture and murder of a couple of Italian Christians from a thousand years ago) I figured you could all use this thread to talk about it, so it doesn't fester in your sad gray matter and develop into a tumor. So throw on some Bright Eyes (or Owl City if you're a poser), put down that blunted razor and just let it all out. I mean, you've got nothing to lose, amirite? :D

I also took the liberty of highlighting a few of the benefits you enjoy by being alone. No risk of STDS, yeah! And there's absolutely no chance you'll knock some chick up! YEAH! Also, more time for video games and writing sad poems! WOOHOO! Lastly, less human interaction means significant decrease in the risk of getting the Swine Flue! Yay for you!


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Postby jotabe » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:35 am

Thanks, i'll rather listen to depressing and sad love songs, cry and wallow in self-pity. What better pity than the one you give yourself?


Everybody has their own way to be happy :D

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Postby Wil » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:07 pm

Hah @ "Right Hand and 4Chan"

I'll actually be busy doing schoolwork all day. I stopped thinking of this holiday as being crappy several years ago.

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Postby megxers » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:32 pm

I have a flight back to real life this evening. I am quite enjoying my break from it. Though I was kind of hoping this break would include hook ups. It didn't. I am hoping it doesn't devolve into my new year's eve pity party, since TSA doesn't let you have enough liquids to effectively drown my sorrow.
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Postby Wil » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:57 pm

To oppose Depression Dog, I give you Courage Wolf:


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Postby jotabe » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:24 pm

Wil :P courage wolf is courageous, but also wrong :D don't let yourself be deluded by a comforting lie, face the ugly truth! embrace it! live it!

Satya got it right (did i say that? someone kill me now!) for the first time evarrr!

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:05 pm

I love Valentine's Day!

My mom got me a ridiculously gaudy owl ring. (I collect owls.) It seriously takes up the entire joint of my index finger.

Nate took me to lunch at a steak place, let me sleep with my head in his lap for a couple hours (I've been sick all week), took me to the movies and gave me a gift card. I gave him 600 thread count sheets. (mmm... kind of a present for me, too, actually.)

Yay Valentine's Day!

And, tomorrow is cheap chocolate day. Awesome.

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Postby Luet » Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:04 pm

Yes, cheap chocolate day tomorrow! Even I celebrate that. ;)
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Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:21 pm

I hate today. I'm actually surprised at the amount of pain I felt in my chest earlier; it wasn't the type to send me running for a medic but nonetheless, it was real. The part that really disturbs me is how much of a visceral reaction it is, and how I can simultaneously recognize the stupidity of it and still believe it. When someone suggested I just ignore the day, I got pissed off. Of course I'm aware it is a day like any other, with no more meaning than that which I assign it. Just like I'm aware I'm irrational other regular days of the year. Unlike those other feelings that can pop up any old day, I only get reminded of this s***-fest once a year and so have less of a handle on it.

Plus, it reminds me of my self-inflicted stupidity with Brat. I knew exactly how he was when I started liking him and instead of doing the wise thing, taking him at his word, I did the stupid thing and decided I could handle what was to come if/when I ignored him. The fact that he treated me nicer on this day last year is like a nice kick to the ovaries this year.
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Postby Young Val » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:52 pm

I like it well enough. David and I never plan to do anything really, but this year we wound up going out for a nice romantic spur of the moment dinner on Friday.
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Postby neo-dragon » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:27 pm

Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! Year of the Tiger! :D

...What, was there some other holiday today?

ETA: Year of the Tiger... Tiger Woods really could have capitalized on that if not for, well, you know.
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Postby Petra456 » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:54 pm

I never put too much effort into this day, but it's always a day i've liked (even when I didn't have anyone to spend it with).

It's basically a dinner and movie night with chocolate somewhere in the middle... and rain boots. This year I got rain boots.

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Postby Jayelle » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:20 am

Meh. I tend to think of Valentine's Day as a kids holiday.

I think it's annoying that single people are made to feel like crap on some random day and many people who are actually IN a relationship don't really care.

I celebrate romantic days that ACTUALLY matter, like anniversaries, birthdays and that random Tuesday we both have off of work/school.
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Postby starlooker » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:30 am

Valentine's Day annoys me, a bit. Comes too close to Christmas for my taste. It's like, "What? I have to be thoughtful again?" Not to mention his birthday is right around the corner. I am not a person who naturally buys people nice cards and gifts. While I am getting slightly more comfortable looking at mushy cards in the Valentine's Day aisle than I used to be, I doubt it's ever going to be a favorite holiday of mine.

Actually, I kind of miss celebrating Single's Awareness Day. I always managed to come up with more interesting things to do, it seems. (Watching Thelma and Louise while drinking with friends, performing in The Vagina Monologues, etc. Good times.)

Anyhow. It went well enough. Other than the amount of tissue I went through watching Up.
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Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:34 pm

I always managed to come up with more interesting things to do, it seems.
You just saw Up (so did I, actually, Saturday) so you'll perhaps understand the meaning behind "It might sound boring, but sometimes it's the boring stuff I remember most."

Like I said in the Girls' Thread, I don't need all the trappings of the day, I just wanted someone with whom I have a deep connection to spend the day with. And maybe just once to feel important to a non-relative. I'm not trying to hang my whole self-worth on the day. I'm getting to a really good place in my head; it's still shaky in some important places but I feel like I've started to rewire. But I think it's a natural part of the human condition to want to be loved (wanted might be more appropriate but I'm going to be more optimistic) and I don't get that any day of the year.

To add to the s*** feelings of yesterday, I feel like there's this attitude floating about (not here, everywhere) that if general-you gets upset even a little bit over the day, you must be weak, pathetic, desperate, needy, [insert your negative adj. here]. It made me feel guilty or unjustified in feeling what I did.

Of course, the older I get, the more of my friends (not many to begin with) get engaged, married, or at least find relationships or have been the types to easily jump in and out of them throughout the years, so I feel even more alone.

I don't know, I get that I have, uh, issues, that I'm a lot of awful female cliches rolled into one and that I'll quite possibly stay in the same situation until I learn to get over said issues. Damn those vicious cycles. :D (<- to indicate I'm not in an awful mood today and am discussing the matter from a slightly better place than yesterday. Matter of fact, if you will.)
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Postby Peterlover14 » Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:43 pm

I just sulked in self pity all day. No wonder I don't have a boyfriend. I'm utterly BORING. :shock:
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Postby Satya » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:44 pm

I just sulked in self pity all day. No wonder I don't have a boyfriend. I'm utterly BORING. :shock:
do you have a vagina?

then you're more than interesting enough for most.


Was that too crude? Let me put it this way. If you're a girl, you can get a boyfriend. Seriously. We're not that picky.

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Postby Jayelle » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:48 pm

Dude, she's like 14.
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Postby Satya » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:05 am

Dude, then the boys around her are like, 14. :roll:

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:49 am

Dude, then the boys around her are like, 14.
Which makes his comment truer than ever.
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Postby buckshot » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:19 pm

I must be in love because I stood in line for an hour and 18 minutes last Friday to get the right chocolate for Julie ! It blew my mind the place was so packed ! Ps. It was all I could do to stand in line that long , I envy all the world with a better spine than I :)

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Postby Peterlover14 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:46 am

Satya, you are so wierd.
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Postby jotabe » Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:50 am

He's not weird, actually. He's just better than us.

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Postby Satya » Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:52 pm

weird: (adjective)
definition 2: of strange or extraordinary character

So, yeah. I am weird.

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Postby Peterlover14 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:58 pm

"I'm drowning in FOOTWEAR!"

-Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Season 7

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Postby anonshadow » Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:29 pm

I hate it when people call Valentine's Day "Singles Awareness Day" and the like. I understand that sometimes, that's what you're surrounded by, but I've always loved Valentine's Day, even when I wasn't in a relationship. I have friends, too; I don't understand why it needs to be connected to romance.

This Valentine's Day I left a small group of sweets/fruits on my best friend's pillow while he was still downstairs, and I got my boyfriend a card game that suits him perfectly. Win all around.

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Postby jotabe » Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:51 pm

I have friends, too; I don't understand why it needs to be connected to romance.
Well, my understanding is that St Valentine day is related to commited relationships. It isn't that strange, as it is a day that was consecrated to a martyr priest who was notorious for marrying christian couples. So it makes sense it's only about romantic love, not otherwise.

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Postby anonshadow » Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:10 pm

I'm sorry; I'd forgotten that I lived in a world where the celebration of holidays never evolves.

So, the Christmas tree: mass hallucination, or simply carted in from different corners of the world dating from the original celebration of Christmas?

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Postby jotabe » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:27 pm

Well... i just never got the update that Valentine had evolved into a celebration of friendship. So, your sarcastic comeback is lost in me, i didn't mean to be demeaning in any way.

I dunno how it is over there, but around here Valentine has been for as long as my parents can remember, a celebration of romantic love.

I know celebrations evolve... but in the time frame i have access to, and in the geographical location of Spain, this particular celebration hasn't really evolved; well only evolved in the way it's celebrated, but it still commemorates the same thing.
If you don't like how it is... i really don't know what to tell you. Things are what they are.

Yours is the first reference i get that in the western world, Valentine serves to celebrate friendship.

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Postby zeroguy » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:25 pm

I dunno how it is over there, but around here Valentine has been for as long as my parents can remember, a celebration of romantic love.
+1. On the US east coast and midwest, I haven't heard of it being anything else. But I tend to not pay much attention.
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Postby Mich » Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:03 am

Possibly this small confusion came about because of elementary school-time celebrations, where one is expected not to give a valentine to the member of the opposite sex one is attracted to, but all of one's classmates. As children who experienced this ritual grew up, they probably began associating this rule, enforced to prevent bad feeling, with a "generally accepted" celebration of the holiday.

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:10 am

Except we gave real Valentine's cards and candy to the ladies we liked and the cheapo "1 million Valentine's cards for a nickel" kind to the weird girl who smelled funny.
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Postby anonshadow » Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:31 am

Wow. You guys were seriously deprived. No wonder you're so bitter.

I grew up with Valentine's Day being a nice way to celebrate people that you cared about. I'm actually really surprised that so few of you got Valentine's Day baskets/packages/whatever from your families. Most of my friends at school get them.

Sucks to be you, I guess. Maybe people should start celebrating that way, so they can stop being bitter and whining about "single's awareness."

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Postby Satya » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:51 pm

Maybe Valentine's Day is a manufactured crock of of s*** and always has been.

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Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:57 pm


Sucks to be you, I guess. Maybe people should start celebrating that way, so they can stop being bitter and whining about "single's awareness."
All I got out of that is "Me and my ways are better than you." Seriously, the tone you gave Jota was out of line and me being probably the biggest (most vocal) whiner, I'm going to go ahead and say I'm offended, even if Jota isn't.

At least Kirsten and Fred were able to very politely and respectfully say they enjoyed the day when they were single and for those of us who didn't/don't, our feelings are no less correct or worse than yours. They're different and that is, last I checked, acceptable.

It is first and foremost a day to celebrate romantic feelings. It is nice that your community, which seems to me to be a very small minority, is trying to make it more inclusive. It is not cool to be such a snob about it.
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