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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:28 am

Sorry, fans of the Eagles. That was a damn good game in the second half, if I may say so. I thought for sure the Cardinals were going to blow it. I told my mom after the game how terrible it must be to have been an Eagles fan that game because at least with the Chargers, we knew there was no chance of them winning; they just couldn't take the lead back in the second half against the Steelers the way the Eagles managed to with the Cardinals...and 3 touchdowns, back to back? God, I really do feel almost awful.

I am thrilled AZ made it, but to be honest, I'm still more upset that the Chargers are out (though appeased by the knowledge that they lost to potential Superbowl champs). Either way, I got a team in that I'd root for. It's just a shame it happened this year (though really, who the hell thought AZ would make it this far? Not Arizonans, that's for damn sure) since we hosted the Superbowl last year. How sweet would home field advantage have been? (I'm still a little proud to say I only lived a few miles away from that 'grounded alien spacecraft in the desert' of a stadium.)

Adam, since you seem to make my teams lose or get shaky, I am limiting your viewing for the big game. Capiche?
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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:43 am

Sorry, fans of the Eagles. That was a damn good game in the second half, if I may say so. I thought for sure the Cardinals were going to blow it. I told my mom after the game how terrible it must be to have been an Eagles fan that game because at least with the Chargers, we knew there was no chance of them winning; they just couldn't take the lead back in the second half against the Steelers the way the Eagles managed to with the Cardinals...and 3 touchdowns, back to back? God, I really do feel almost awful.
Alea, you have no idea. The Eagles always manage to captivate the entire city, even though everyone swears not to get too excited about the team. The Eagles have disappointed the city before, but this one was the worst. Every year I tell myself that I am not going to get my hopes up because they always disappoint and every year I fail miserably.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:39 pm

Today is the big day and I expect every single one of you west of the Mississippi River to root for AZ. :P

Adam, just a reminder, only half watch or don't openly root for the Cardinals...I don't want them jinxed.
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Postby locke » Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:46 pm

just a shout out to Nicole and Kimmie, USC's new QB coach played QB at both Rice and the University of Tennessee back in the day :D

Fight on. :D
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:21 pm

Hahaha.. I love that you think of me at any mention of Rice in sports, Adam. Also, that Rice seems to be getting mentioned relatively frequently.

And, yay Rice players going on to do well for themselves!

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:00 pm

Well, that was a cool touchdown.
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:02 pm

Today is the big day and I expect every single one of you west of the Mississippi River to root for AZ. :P

Adam, just a reminder, only half watch or don't openly root for the Cardinals...I don't want them jinxed.
I'm rooting for them... and calling them "The Underbirds"... well, I like rooting for underdog bird mascots...

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:22 pm

Well, that was a cool touchdown.
It was impressive, but decidedly uncool.

Sadly, I told my mom the one thing they couldn't do right there, and probably would, is turn the ball over and then immediately regretted saying it because the silly team went and actually did it.

So long as the score stays reasonable and they don't get their asses handed to them on a steel platter, I can be okay with them losing because lord knows they did good enough making it there in the first place.

Thank you, Kimmie. :D
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:03 pm

I actually have no idea who's who. I showed up to the party for the food. Also because I was bored. I just saw one guy run full-tilt for a hundred yards and then land on his head, which is cool in my books. If it helps, I was rooting for the red guys.
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Postby neo-dragon » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:50 pm

Keep it down, Alea. I could hear you cheering from here! :P
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:12 pm

*sigh* That was definitely a closer game than I imagined it would be. Good job, Cardinals. Good job, Steelers.
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Postby neo-dragon » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:28 pm

Aww... I actually thought that AZ could do it when they took the lead. (I always root for the underdog)
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Postby locke » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:48 pm

AZ won that game, except for that interception TD return. if it had just been an interception, they wouldn't have had time to score a TD. even stopping the guy at the 1 would have been enough. Damn, what a heartbreaker of an ending. :( They played one HELL of a second half though, damn.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:56 pm

Ugh...Coming into this thread and seeing the football talk makes me sad. Damn it.


This might be the worst off season in the history of time. Brian Dawkins is a Bronco!!! You have got to be kidding me. The heart and soul of the Eagles defense is gone. I can't blame Dawkins for taking a 5 year deal at his age and I can't blame the Eagles for not matching the offer, but I never thought I would see him in another jersey. This means I need a new jersey for the upcoming season. I think I will get a throwback to stop this from happening again.


Why the f*** did you just trade Scottie Upshall?? I mean I can understand the need to dump salary. But you traded him for a goon, when the Flyers already have a goon on the roster. Not only did you trade a good player for a crappy one, you gave up a second round draft pick too! WTF! I think Powe can step in nicely for Upshall, but this trade still makes no sense. I would love for someone to explain it to me.


You can win 0 games this year and I would still love you because you are the WFCs. Thank God for that.

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Spring fever

Postby buckshot » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:23 am

I like football a lot but I love baseball and can't wait for opening day.I have XM and follow all the pre season stuff , and I normally go take in a few cactus league games and festivities . But only the real games bring on the magic. I'm stuck with the M's up here (I don't know why im still loyal) but I also like the Cubbies and Red sox. I have been watching for some baseball talk and i'm a bit concerned there are no baseball freaks on the PWEB wazzup widat? :cry:

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Postby Eddie Pinz » Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:38 pm


I am and all around sports fanatic. There are some casual fans on PWeb, but for the most part people could care less. We did have a fantasy football league for a couple years, but that fell through.

If you want to talk baseball (or any other sport), I am always down. I imagine it is tough time to be a Seattle fan right now. Seahawks had their worst season in a long time, the M's up coming season doesn't look to bright and the city just had their only team with a championship hijacked.

As you can probably tell from my previous post, I am a Philadelphian and a Philadelphia fan. The Philly teams are my only teams. I enjoy watching other teams and I like some players on other teams, but I will never openly root for another team, unless I have money on them :)

I am definitely in a hockey state of mind right now, but April is fast approaching. So what baseball topics would you like to talk about? (Please don't A-Roid or Manny, I am so sick of hearing about them)

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Postby buckshot » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:58 pm

`Eddie Pinz
I really do find it hard to be all in for the M's ( Seattle is just not a great sports town) Even in the good years (the 90's ) they made such awfull trades and worse managment decisions that it got hard to follow with any hope at all. But I hear Griffey is coming back so I guess I gotta dig in and hope for the best and, well you know how it is , were suckers for our best team! I need to follow hockey better, I just havent been in the mood this year. I will try to remedy that today ,I see XM has some pretty good hockey stations. What hockey teams do you claim?

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:22 pm

Flyers all the way. Can't say that I really watch any other team with a rooting interest. It is nice when your team also has players that you enjoy. Its a little rough right now because as always they do not have a clear cut #1 goaltender and Danny Briere keeps getting hurt. But they should make the playoffs and who knows what will happen then. The list of teams that I enjoy is always very small. However, I can't say the same thing for the list of teams that I hate.

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Postby Hector.Victorious » Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:40 pm

How's Coburn doing? I really miss him hear in Atlanta. Trading him for Zhitnik was one of Waddell's worst moves in my mind. Seeing as Atlanta has absolutley no chance of making the playoffs, I'm for Washington in the East and Vancouver in the West.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:01 pm

Coburn is doing great. Here had a solid year last year being paired with Kimmo Timonen, and has stepped up to anchor the second defensive pair. He also really starting to jump up on the offensive end else well. Not to mention it seems his shot has really improved. I think he has a chance to become a truly great defenseman.

I think the East playoffs are going to be very interesting. The top two seeds do not have much playoff experience and it is going to be interesting to see how they handle being the favorite come playoff time. The Devils are hanging around at the third seed and they just got the best goalie ever back. That's scary. The Flyers will probably finish fourth and have a shot to go far if one of their goalie's step up like Biron did last year. The bottom half of the conference is a mess. The Rangers are scary because Lundgvist can pretty much win a series by himself. The Canadiens seem to be lost, but could still be dangerous if they get in. The Panthers are a young team, so you really don't know what you are going to get with them. And the Penguins. Good lord, what do you make of them. They could make another run to the cup if they get their stuff together.

Also, it doesn't make me happy that a likely path to the cup for the Flyers could be the Penguins, the Bruins, the Devils/Capitals and the Red Wings/Sharks, I don't like that one bit.

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The Mariners

Postby buckshot » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:37 am

Since Griffey is back and in shape, I have to bet that finally we at least make it to the wild card slot this fall. A lot of the great old M's are hanging around the cactus league (Martines , Beuner, Charlton and Wilson ) and if junior is around senior will be too. If memory serves, in the 90's Griffey senior was a big help to the batting coach. Any way it can't hurt to hope, and I love beer and Mariner Dogs so I better book some seats! :) Hey look I just lost my cherry! :P

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Postby Eddie Pinz » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:45 pm

Thinking about it, I think the Ms could have a decent year. I think it will come down to their pitching. I think their starting pitching could be great, or they could all get hurt. If their pitching stays healthy, they might have a shot. That being said, I think they have to win the division. The wild card is going to come out of the AL East. There is no doubt in my mind about that. Tampa, Boston and New York are all too good for only one of them to get in.

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Postby buckshot » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:11 pm

I totally agree, the M's have always lacked in pitching . Sometimes the starter would do ok if not well and then `POW' crappy bullpen disorder! every time, It had to destroy the teams morale when every lead would be wasted by the bullpen.

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:23 pm

So, how is everyone doing with their bracket, so far? Mine is pretty shot to Hell, currently.

I picked BYU over Texas A&M, Butler over LSU, and Minnesota over Texas.

And if losing my upset picks weren't bad enough, Maryland goes on to upset California and Michigan to upset Clemson.

Don't even get me started on Illinois. I mean, seriously, Western Kentucky? I get that they pulled this same stunt last year, and that Frazier was out because of his hand, but seriously? It's not like you haven't come back from fifteen points behind late in the game before, you know.

Epic fail, Illini. Epic fail.
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Postby locke » Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:40 am

I picked BYU over Texas A&M, Butler over LSU, and Minnesota over Texas.
me too, except in the half-assed one I did last week, I got two of those right, unfortunatley I have no money on that one.

I did get Michigan right.
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Postby buckshot » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:13 am

GO ZAGS go huskeys !!! :P

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:18 pm

So, how is everyone doing with their bracket, so far? Mine is pretty shot to Hell, currently.

I picked BYU over Texas A&M, Butler over LSU, and Minnesota over Texas.

And if losing my upset picks weren't bad enough, Maryland goes on to upset California and Michigan to upset Clemson.

Don't even get me started on Illinois. I mean, seriously, Western Kentucky? I get that they pulled this same stunt last year, and that Frazier was out because of his hand, but seriously? It's not like you haven't come back from fifteen points behind late in the game before, you know.

Epic fail, Illini. Epic fail.
That isn't shot to hell. I am assuming that you have all of those teams (except for maybe Illinois) losing in the next round. The key to a good bracket is to keep you Elite 8 and Final 4 teams alive. I am assuming that you haven't lost any of them yet. So I think you will be alright.

On a separate note, I called Western Kentucky. I had them in all three brackets I filled out. Others that I have/had in all three brackets are Temple(we'll see how that turns out) and VCU (who came up a little short). Others that I had on some were North Dakota St (again, a little short) and Utah St (just missed).

I don't really consider 8 vs 9 or 7 vs 10 upsets. I think most of these games are toss ups, but I did like some teams across the board. I liked BYU and Butler, which didn't work out. I liked Maryland and Texas, which worked out well. I also like Siena, we will see how that goes. For the rest, I them mixed and matched.

I also think a top seed is going down in the second round. I'm looking at you Pitt. Now, I am usually on the money with these things, or absolutely terrible. It is way too early to tell so far.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:40 pm

It's not like you haven't come back from fifteen points behind late in the game before, you know.
I hated you so much after that one game. Well, not hated but greatly disliked. GREATLY. I still hold a grudge against the team and always cheer for their opponents during the tournaments.

I'm cheering on my Wildcats, of course. After the start to the season, I must say I'm surprised they made it in but they really are so much better than how they've played at times. If they beat Utah today, I'll be thrilled because that's even farther than I would have expected them to make it. If only I could watch the damn game; they're not showing it here (unless I go to a sports bar).

ETA: YAY!!! :mrgreen: We beat Utah!
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:50 pm

I made my bracket based on cuteness of mascots. So far, it's holding me in decent stead, though, today didn't treat it very well.

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:02 am

So, who has the cutest mascot?

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:46 am

I hated you so much after that one game. Well, not hated but greatly disliked. GREATLY. I still hold a grudge against the team and always cheer for their opponents during the tournaments.
So, it's your fault we lost against Western Kentucky, then?

I picked Arizona over Utah; I cheered for Arizona in the law school lounge. And you cheered against my team? Jerk!

Sadly, I picked Wake Forest over Arizona in the second round (because, seriously, you lost to Arizona State three times this year). Grrr.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:07 pm

And you cheered against my team? Jerk!
I'm, uh, a sore loser as well as a jerk. That was the worst loss ever, though!
(because, seriously, you lost to Arizona State three times this year).
They've got some good basketball happening at ASU these days. Nonetheless, I'll still be behind AZ next round.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:25 am

Nonetheless, I'll still be behind AZ next round.
I am, too, now. I just didn't think they'd pull off beating Wake Forest. *grumbles*

You know what? It's all your fault! Everything, you jerk!

Ah, I feel better, now. :P
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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:10 am

Villanova in the final four? I think it is going to happen. Which means the city of Philadelphia could get a little crazy tonight.

Shame Gonzaga got blown out. That makes me sad. I really thought that would be a better game.

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Postby buckshot » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:52 am

Good job ZAGs what a season! :P

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