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Postby hive_king » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:35 pm

Why do Islamic terrorists hate and attack America?
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Postby Hegemon » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:56 pm

Lot of pent up frustrations due to a lack of hugs as children?

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Re: Terrorism

Postby suminonA » Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:24 am

Why do Islamic terrorists hate and attack America?
Do you expect an "Islamic terrorist" to post here their "honest" answer? Or is it just an invitation to speculation?

It's all just a matter of interpretation.

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Postby Jebus » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:35 am

I think it's pretty obviously the former.

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Postby suminonA » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:44 am

I'd rather not participate in any one side only "debate". :wink:

It's all just a matter of interpretation.

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Postby wigginboy » Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:56 am

Its a religious conflict. The Islamic religion, namely, certain extremist groups, acting somewhat independantly of the mainstream Islam faith, believes that American culture is evil, and that they bring evil into the world. It is simply a clash of ideology. America believes in self determination, and therefore, the dollar bill, whereas, Muslims do not believe that currency and trade is the way to go. Muslims are very rigid in their beliefs and doctrine, and enforce it very efficiently. Americans, for the most part, are not as devoutly faithful as Muslims. As well, Americans are very expansionist, and wish to dominate the world by both economic and military means. This is also where the ideologies clash, as Muslim nations are victimized by American expansionism and arrogance.

NB: Please bear in mind, this post is the opinion of the writer, and does not state anything to be concretely true, except in the field of ideology. The reasons for Muslim extremist terrorism states above are purely speculative.

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Postby pooka » Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:36 pm

I don't claim to be an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist, but I believe terrorism was first seen in the Palestinian conflict, and is in my mind associated with groups that have no venue for negotiation and so choose symbolic violence by forces that do not answer to a government to draw attention to their cause. My concept of a difference between "freedom fighters" and "terrorists" is that terrorists go for this kind of symbolic statement. It may even be something unique to the age of televised media.

The news media loves to depict Palestinians as David vs. the Goliath of Israel, and ignore that Israel is more rightly a David against the Goliath of Islamists who feel it would be right to drive them from Israel. In this matter, it is not a question of extremism or fundamentalism. Mainstream Islam sees the Israelis as interlopers who tricked their property out form under the Arab Palestinians.

Basically, Arab countries were going to attack Palestine and the Israelis evacuated the Arabs but when the fighting was over, they would not let the Arabs back in. So I do think there was some justice in the original complaint of the PLO. But they could have followed Gandhi. Instead they chose to invent their own hellish form of publicity. I think my sympathy for the Palestinian cause finally evaporated when I came to believe that they were importing Syrians and fundamentalists from other Arab countries to come in and join their uprising. It was no longer about trying to get what was theirs back.

I really don't think Muslims would hate America more than they would, say, China or Russian if it weren't for our partnership with Israel. Presupposing that we help their enemy, they can find plenty to criticize about our culture. But it's not why they came after us in the first place. There is a good bit about control of oil mixed up in it as well.

There was a time when the Irish Republican Army was attacking England as fiercely as the Palestinians did Israel. But when England ceded sovereignty to them, they backed off (as far as I know.) Palestine has been given sovereignty, and for a while things were better but then they weren't. There continue to be armed forces that answer to no government, but which some governments will not interfere with (The Hesbollah in Lebanon, for instance.)

I'm sure it was further complicated by the proceedings of the war on terror going on at the same time.

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Postby hive_king » Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:59 pm

Symbolic target? What do you call the Boston Tea Party?

The news media loves to depict Palestinians as David vs. the Goliath of Israel, and ignore that Israel is more rightly a David against the Goliath of Islamists who feel it would be right to drive them from Israel. In this matter, it is not a question of extremism or fundamentalism. Mainstream Islam sees the Israelis as interlopers who tricked their property out form under the Arab Palestinians.
I disagree, Israel's army is funed 5 billion a year by the United States. That makes one hell of an army for such a small state. That makes them pretty efficient against an enemy who doesn't have tanks, jets, or sophisticated weaponry. It'd be like giving David a shotgun before going up against Goliath.
I think my sympathy for the Palestinian cause finally evaporated when I came to believe that they were importing Syrians and fundamentalists from other Arab countries to come in and join their uprising. It was no longer about trying to get what was theirs back.
So if people of other nationalities decide to help a country in an uprising, that invalidates it? Did the French helping America change your opinion of the American Revolution?
Palestine has been given sovereignty, and for a while things were better but then they weren't. There continue to be armed forces that answer to no government, but which some governments will not interfere with (The Hesbollah in Lebanon, for instance.)
They only have partial sovreignity. Palestine has mostly control over Gaza, but the West Bank is still occupied. Even Gaza is only partially under Palestinian control, and many rights are still denied to them, as well a system of aparthied for Palestinians in Israel.

For the record, I do not condone terrorism for any means, and I do not condone the killing by anyone of innocents. However, though i disagree with their means, I do believe that Palestinians should have their own state and a full two-state solution should be worked towards.
America believes in self determination, and therefore, the dollar bill, whereas, Muslims do not believe that currency and trade is the way to go.
I think its funny how you automatically equate self-determination with Capitalism. And may I ask where you got the idea that Muslims do not believe in currency? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but i was under the impression that money was accepted in the Islamic Faith (how else are you supposed to pay the poor tax?)
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Re: Terrorism

Postby liquifiedrainbows » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:37 pm

Why do Islamic terrorists hate and attack America?
We convince them with preemptive attacks that we are everything their leaders say we are. The people then get behind their leaders and they are able to attack us.

Because America is just that intelligent.

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Postby vendor » Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:54 pm

HK- maybe it's as simple as the UN establishing a nation for Israelis then Palestinians came to invade with thousands of tanks (yes, they have tanks), Israel kicked their holes with only a few hundred tanks, and Palestinians just don't want to walk home as the losers.

I've talked with a guy that lived in Jordan. He said that the people in the area are an easily upsettable people. He said that a family will literally hate you forever if you don't follow all customs and all formalities while in their home. He said there is no forgiveness! How is an outsider supposed to know it all so perfectly? They hate non believers anyway, I think they're looking for us to screw up. Then, when we do, they get militant.

The US isn't trying to start any problems there. The Palestinians just want it all their way. And if they don't get it - Jihad time.

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Postby hive_king » Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:37 am

HK- maybe it's as simple as the UN establishing a nation for Israelis then Palestinians came to invade with thousands of tanks (yes, they have tanks), Israel kicked their holes with only a few hundred tanks, and Palestinians just don't want to walk home as the losers.
Here's your first historical mistake- it wasn't the Palestinians that invaded Israel after its creation, it was, i believe, a 7-nation army of arab states spearheaded by Jordan. And the issue then wasn't religion, it was nationalism.
I've talked with a guy that lived in Jordan. He said that the people in the area are an easily upsettable people. He said that a family will literally hate you forever if you don't follow all customs and all formalities while in their home. He said there is no forgiveness!
I'm sorry, but your friend doesn't seem the most unbiased source, he seems to have quite a chip on his shoulder.
The US isn't trying to start any problems there. The Palestinians just want it all their way. And if they don't get it - Jihad time.
The US is grossly favoring one side over the other, subsidizing the Israeli milatary and supporting an aparthied system. Do your homework.
We convince them with preemptive attacks that we are everything their leaders say we are. The people then get behind their leaders and they are able to attack us.
They hated us before the war, i think that just made it worse.
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Postby anonshadow » Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:53 pm

I don't really want to get into a long discussion involving terrorism, but I have to take issue with some of your analogies.
I think my sympathy for the Palestinian cause finally evaporated when I came to believe that they were importing Syrians and fundamentalists from other Arab countries to come in and join their uprising. It was no longer about trying to get what was theirs back.
So if people of other nationalities decide to help a country in an uprising, that invalidates it? Did the French helping America change your opinion of the American Revolution?
The two aren't really comparable. The thirteen colonies were colonies that sought independence. Israel was carved out of a zone that was of debatable ownership and Palestine was certainly not a colony of Israel at any point in time.

The war between Israel and Palestine is very different than a revolution.

If we're going by land claims, Israel is more like the thirteen colonies, in that it is only trying to maintain its hold on its land, where Palestine is trying to claim all of it (like Britain).

I also don't think that the French can be compared to extremist suicide bombers.

For the record, I do not condone terrorism for any means, and I do not condone the killing by anyone of innocents. However, though i disagree with their means, I do believe that Palestinians should have their own state and a full two-state solution should be worked towards.
Just a point--when that was proposed back in the day, both sides were offered half of the territory. One side turned it down. So it isn't fair to act like the Palestinians are completely faultless in not having their own state, nor is it fair to say that no one has been working toward a two-state solution.

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