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Postby Seiryu » Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:37 pm

We have SOME cannibals, but we're not a strictly cannibalistic race. Besides, humans would not be our main source of food. We have other animals and plants we can eat.
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Postby Firegirl » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:09 am

Alien life, the definition of life would have to be taken into account in order for that phrase to make sense. Alien life could be vastly different than anything on earth today or prehistorically. The only problem would be finding it and whether or not the alien population is extinct by the time we attempt to communicate with them (if they are sentient and can communicate interstellerly with humans). My guess is that predominant form of alien would be an exotic biochemically strange version of Archaebacteria, as Archaebacteria can survive (and thrive on) extreme heat, alkalinity, cold, varitiations in gravity and deprivation from solar energy.
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Postby Fish Tank » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:44 am

We have SOME cannibals, but we're not a strictly cannibalistic race. Besides, humans would not be our main source of food. We have other animals and plants we can eat.
Last time I checked there are no "strictly cannibalistic" species on the planet. It's impossible for a strictly cannibalistic species to exist. They would have to breed faster than they would have to eat. They would run out of food very quickly.
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Postby jotabe » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:36 am

But we are quite cannibalistic in a figurative sense. "The man is a wolf to the man" is not to be read literally.

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Postby luminousnerd » Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:03 pm

Individuals are cannibalistic. Species are not.
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Postby Fish Tank » Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:57 am

Individuals are cannibalistic. Species are not.
I disagree. Humans are a cannibalistic species because individuals of our species occasionally eat each other and we have the capacity to engage in cannibalism. I'd say we are one of the few truly cannibalistic races simply because we acknowledge what we eat. We eat humans for other reasons besides hunger.
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Postby peterlocke123 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:53 am

Humanoid aliens, ehhh, not really.

Microscopic bacteria and the likes, most definitely.

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Postby Guest » Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:09 am

Individuals are cannibalistic. Species are not.
I disagree. Humans are a cannibalistic species because individuals of our species occasionally eat each other and we have the capacity to engage in cannibalism. I'd say we are one of the few truly cannibalistic races simply because we acknowledge what we eat. We eat humans for other reasons besides hunger.
Um. Little tip, bud - every species "has the capacity" to engage in cannibalism. A monkey will eat another monkey if the occasion arises. A wolf will eat a fellow wolf if it is lame or part of a rival pack, etc etc. Plants will parasite and usurp other plants. Et cetera ad infinitum. Just because we "know" what cannabalism is doesn't change any of this. Hell, WE define "cannabalism." So I'm not really sure what it is that you're trying to prove. As a point-of-fact, we are the only species that, collectively, rejects the idea of cannabalism, as we define it. Individuals of our species "have the capacity" (as you so vaguely put it) to engage in cannabalism (just like every other species) - but we happen to be the only species that has conscious antipathy towards the concept, and as a society, reject not just the act of it, but everyone who engages in it or even discusses it as a serious idea. Seriously dude - what are you trying to say? (i.e., pedantry will get you nowhere - either here or in the real world.)

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Postby Fish Tank » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:11 am

Um. Little tip, bud - every species "has the capacity" to engage in cannibalism. A monkey will eat another monkey if the occasion arises. A wolf will eat a fellow wolf if it is lame or part of a rival pack, etc etc. Plants will parasite and usurp other plants. Et cetera ad infinitum. Just because we "know" what cannabalism is doesn't change any of this. Hell, WE define "cannabalism." So I'm not really sure what it is that you're trying to prove. As a point-of-fact, we are the only species that, collectively, rejects the idea of cannabalism, as we define it. Individuals of our species "have the capacity" (as you so vaguely put it) to engage in cannabalism (just like every other species) - but we happen to be the only species that has conscious antipathy towards the concept, and as a society, reject not just the act of it, but everyone who engages in it or even discusses it as a serious idea. Seriously dude - what are you trying to say? (i.e., pedantry will get you nowhere - either here or in the real world.)

Sorry , "bud" you obviously took "capacity" in the wrong sense of the word. "Capacity" as our knowing of the act we are doing. Go try to explain to a wolf that eating it's own species is cannibalistic. I'm sorry if you do not understand it.

You honestly don't think knowing what the act of murder is and doing it is different than animals killing each other? Why do you think children always have lesser punishment? Eating someone and knowing that you're eating a member of your species when you can find other food is totally different than a wolf protecting it's pack. They kill for reasons that help the survival of the pack.

"As a society"? Which one? You do know that part of human society engages in cannibalism and "American Society" is fully aware of the going on? And does nothing about it.

Funny though. Would you eat a human being if there was nothing else to eat? How about telling your children to eat human flesh if they faced death?
Last edited by Fish Tank on Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby hive_king » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:12 pm

Of course, in some cultures, cannibalism is a time-honored way of paying respect to your dead tribe members.
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Postby jotabe » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:03 pm

Actually, that's how cannibalism was born in human cultures: it was a way to incorporate into yourself the strength or wisdom of your deceased family members... in a way, it was like keeping them alive. Sorta.

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Postby Fish Tank » Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:04 pm

Now we just put them in the ground and hope for money. Ahhh culture.
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Postby jotabe » Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:40 pm

Yeah, culture.
It's what makes us, sentient animals, different from the rest (even if that sentiency is incipient).
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Postby Sibyl » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:38 pm

Individuals are cannibalistic. Species are not.
I disagree. Humans are a cannibalistic species because individuals of our species occasionally eat each other and we have the capacity to engage in cannibalism. I'd say we are one of the few truly cannibalistic races simply because we acknowledge what we eat. We eat humans for other reasons besides hunger.
Um. Little tip, bud - every species "has the capacity" to engage in cannibalism. A monkey will eat another monkey if the occasion arises. A wolf will eat a fellow wolf if it is lame or part of a rival pack, etc etc. Plants will parasite and usurp other plants. Et cetera ad infinitum. Just because we "know" what cannabalism is doesn't change any of this. Hell, WE define "cannabalism." So I'm not really sure what it is that you're trying to prove. As a point-of-fact, we are the only species that, collectively, rejects the idea of cannabalism, as we define it. Individuals of our species "have the capacity" (as you so vaguely put it) to engage in cannabalism (just like every other species) - but we happen to be the only species that has conscious antipathy towards the concept, and as a society, reject not just the act of it, but everyone who engages in it or even discusses it as a serious idea. Seriously dude - what are you trying to say? (i.e., pedantry will get you nowhere - either here or in the real world.)
Sorry, dude, herbivorous species don't/can't engage in cannibalism. Horses don't eat dead horses, they only eat plants, ditto all other herbivores. I'm sure they'd starve if there were only dead horses around, no plants.
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Postby Guest » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:06 am

Just because we "know" what cannabalism is doesn't change any of this. Hell, WE define "cannabalism." So I'm not really sure what it is that you're trying to prove. As a point-of-fact, we are the only species that, collectively, rejects the idea of cannabalism, as we define it. {...} we happen to be the only species that has conscious antipathy towards the concept, and as a society, reject not just the act of it, but everyone who engages in it or even discusses it as a serious idea.
Fish Tank
Humans are a cannibalistic species because individuals of our species occasionally eat each other and we have the capacity to engage in cannibalism
Saying that because some individuals choose to go against cultural norms to eat other people (or in some cases, their cultural norms tell them they SHOULD eat people) doesn't make human beings a "cannabalistic species" any more than the fact that some individuals choose to rape young children makes human beings a pedophilic species. I mean, are you f*cking kidding me? Srsly.

Some individuals choose not to eat meat of any kind - does that make human beings herbivorous? No, of course not.

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Postby Fish Tank » Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:28 pm

"Guest" humans are a pedophillic species because up until about 200 years ago people were allowed to have sex with young children. It was "normal". People giving away their daughters for marriage at age 10.

Inherently, "raping" is also in humans. It's natural. A way to further spread your seed. Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Dolphins use the act of rape to father children without having to raise the young. Also recently it's been found that Dolphins also rape for sexual pleasure.

Just so everyone knows my point of view; pedophilia and the act of rape are two very disgusting and immoral acts. So is cannibalism. But that doesn't change the fact that these acts are within every human being on this planet. I am grateful that we are civilized enough to avoid these horrendous activities.
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Postby luminousnerd » Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:41 pm

Individuals are cannibalistic. Species are not.
I disagree. Humans are a cannibalistic species because individuals of our species occasionally eat each other and we have the capacity to engage in cannibalism. I'd say we are one of the few truly cannibalistic races simply because we acknowledge what we eat. We eat humans for other reasons besides hunger.
I don't know what to say to you. This is the most ridiculous thing, yet so VERY typical of a cop. You're what's wrong with society.

I am NOT a cannibal. I am very offended that you insist I am.
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Postby Guest » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:49 pm

Some individuals choose not to eat meat of any kind - does that make human beings herbivorous? No, of course not.

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Postby Fish Tank » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:19 am

Some individuals choose not to eat meat of any kind - does that make human beings herbivorous? No, of course not.
We're omnivorous. Try to find a human being that has eaten nothing but plant life from birth. Not gonna happen.
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Postby luminousnerd » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:47 am

Eh...I know one.
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Postby Fish Tank » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:42 pm

It's impossible. Every grain you can think of has trace amounts of insect parts.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:07 pm

If you're going to define it that way, there are no herbivorous animals at all. As we widely consider many species to be herbivores, it would seem that your definition doesn't fit.
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Postby Fish Tank » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:48 pm

You said it right there EL, "As we widely consider many species to be herbivores".

Species are herbivorous. Thats what my comment was supposed to make luminous realize. I was hoping he would say it... but you saying it serves the same purpose.

Species are herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous, cannibalistic etc not individuals.
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Postby luminousnerd » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:10 pm

You said it right there EL, "As we widely consider many species to be herbivores".

Species are herbivorous. Thats what my comment was supposed to make luminous realize. I was hoping he would say it... but you saying it serves the same purpose.

Species are herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous, cannibalistic etc not individuals.
Yes. You think you've proved your point, but you've proved mine...

The species is herbivorous, yet some strange members might eat meat.

Likewise, humanity is non-cannibalistic, yet some members might eat other humans.

But for a whole SPECIES to be herbivorous, the vast majority has to eat herbs!
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Postby Fish Tank » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:06 am

Vast majority? Read what a cannibalistic species is. And what a herbivore is. And what a vegetarian is.

There is very strong evidence that the "majority" of our ancestors were cannibals

Just so you know; I am NOT a cop. And that has nothing to do with the fact that human beings engage in cannibalism.

Do some research. Or hell just type in "cannibalistic species" in a search bar.
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Postby luminousnerd » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:40 pm

Vast majority? Read what a cannibalistic species is. And what a herbivore is. And what a vegetarian is.

There is very strong evidence that the "majority" of our ancestors were cannibals
WE are not our ancestors. Nor do I believe this bullshit.
Just so you know; I am NOT a cop. And that has nothing to do with the fact that human beings engage in cannibalism.
No, but I didn't say it did. Tt has everything to do with the fact that you're very closed-minded, and you have a tendency to treat humans as large groups of people and not as individuals.
Do some research. Or hell just type in "cannibalistic species" in a search bar.
Don't you get it? YOU are the one who needs to do your research! YOU are the one going against public opinion, and therefore it is YOUR duty to provide facts!
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Postby Fish Tank » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:21 pm

Public "opinion". Opinion being the key word. Also I'm ignoring all of your posts from now on.
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Postby luminousnerd » Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:13 pm

Lol, okay, fine with me.

Can't handle a healthy debate eh?
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Postby vendor » Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:03 am

You're both wrong! we're psychadelic toads just living our latest high!
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....I'll let you lick me, if you let me lick you. :lol:
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Postby Boothby » Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:57 pm


I read the British article.

What a load of cr@p.

It alleges:

* Humans carry a gene (a "protective gene signature") that supposedly protects us against prions.

* Prions are "proteins that can be transmitted in infected meat", and "Prions can be acquired from eating infected animals, as in the case of the mad cow disease that in 1996 spread to people in England, but they spread even more easily through eating infected humans"

* The Fore...started to practice ritual cannibalism at the end of the 19th century. [and] were being devastated by a neurodegenerative disease known as kuru...linked [to] their practice of eating the brains of their dead in mortuary feasts.

So, we have an INEFFECTUAL gene "signature" that prevents us against...what? Not cannibalistic tendencies, that's stated in the article. Maybe from eating infected cows or chickens (for all I know).

And you say that this is somehow proof that we used to all be cannibals? Try again.

Vendor, as a Mod, I must remind you--toad licking is strictly prohibited on this forum--even the invitation to toad licking is strongly discouraged.

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Postby jotabe » Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:31 pm

toad licking?
is that any kind of metaphore for... what?

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