Reaction to Enders Game

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby ak821 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:02 pm

Like many others I recently read Enders Game. This novel was almost like was a video game. The battles were some of the most interesting parts of the book in my opinion. You could almost sense the zero gravity around you and you vision Ender fighting in your mind. I did not enjoy how Ender sometimes would lose hope and interest in these games but find it fascinating Ender was not just playing the game but was part of the game. The whole concept of him actually being in reality and not training was great. However, it was frustrating at times, especially when I look at it from his superior’s perspective. Graff just manipulate the hell out of him. After looking at some of these posts I realize that many people read this book at a young age for school. Say 6th or 7th grade. I believe if I read this book at that age I would feel a lot more anger towards the manipulation because I would have been a kid just how Ender was. Overall I enjoyed this novel. I am excited for the film to be released in 2013.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby horosh » Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:13 pm

I thought this book was awesome! I fell in love with Ender Wiggin. He was so naive in most parts of the book he was a likable character despite his unintentional murders. It's sad that this little boy was forced to grow up so fast and become essentially a killing machine. He is so hard on himself he thinks that he is so cold and basically a replica of Peter. I didn't view him the way he viewed himself. I felt bad for the kid. I am really excited for the movie to come out!

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby smit4125 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:28 am

I really enjoyed Enders Game because I liked how it was written through the perspective of Ender. I really would like to know more about Enders parents, and how they seemed so normal, yet they have three brilliant children? I also thought it was interesting that society had set the family limit of children to two kids only, and that Ender was a third child that was a taboo in their society and the Wiggen family was shunned.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby plats001 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:30 pm

I thought that Ender’s Game was really interesting being told about young children. Though they exhibited many qualities of adults, they still faced moments of innocence of being a young child. Though Ender committed some pretty brutal murders, it was completely in self-defense, and he felt the deep remorse after each one. This is where I liked Orson Scott Card’s creation of the Peter character. In relation to Peter, Ender was an angel. He did do some bad things yes, but only because he needed to, and how he felt afterward was very important to keeping me liking him. Peter on the other hand was ruthless, cruel, and brutal. I had no remorse for any him not getting into the battle school, or any other thing that happened to him. He got what he deserved. I was pretty shocked to find out that they just used Ender in an attempt to gain power at the I.F. However, I did like that Valentine remained a vital part of his life, though not necessarily directly.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby sirriles » Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:16 pm

I really enjoyed reading Enders Game for the first time. Even though Enders Game is a sci fi novel I found it hard to believe that the lead character, Ender, started off by being a 6 year old. Throughout the book I kept picturing these grown up battle and fight scenes and had to keep reminding my-self that it was really young kids that were doing all the killing and fighting. After thinking about it a little though I like the way that Orson decided these young killers were going be trained. He trained them through an alternative reality with video games. Many people will contest that much of teen violence and killings today are learned through video games. After thinking about it that way I can see how the young kids were manipulated into killing the Buggers.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby rova0007 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:18 pm

I really enjoyed the story of Ender's Game. Ender was made out to be a "Hero", even though he hadn't really performed heroically, and didn't desire to take the actions he had taken. Although Ender seemingly saved the earth, it came at the cost of the entire Bugger nation, and many of his fellow men. Ender's game made me think a lot about morality. Was Ender free of guilt? What about Graff, Rackham, or the other staff that fooled him? In the end of the book, Ender comes to terms with the fact that his, and the IF's actions, were probably unnecessarily brutal.

Another poster, "TylerZenner", talks about how Ender lost his childhood, similar to children forced in to child labor. While I agree that he lost his childhood, I think that there is a distinct difference between the two- Ender, if he so pleases, has a lifetime of military prestige ahead of him. The children in factories, however, are more than likely doomed to stay as they are. That said, I feel that there's definitely a comparison to be made- both were born and raised, it seems, for the purpose they serve. Although Ender's outcome is much more positive, I don't know that it makes his situation any more "right".

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby TerresaWiggin » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:34 pm

The real difference here is that for Ender it was necessary for him to lose his childhood to save the human race. Does that make his situation less morally incorrect? Certainty not, however unless you can prove that they could have won any other way, it is a unquestionable decision that was made.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby HotelRyan » Fri May 10, 2013 12:46 am

As with many of the other posters, this was my first time reading Ender's Game, and was also done for the science fiction class at UMD.

I found Ender's character to be one that was very easy to relate to. Though he was the hero, and obviously more gifted than the other children, we're still exposed to very human and childlike emotions that he has. Although it's very easy to lose sight of the fact that this is a young boy leading an army and taking part in wiping out an entire species, the moments that we're exposed to Ender's childlike emotions serve as a very clear reminder of how young he really is. Ender doesn't like using acts of violence, and he feels very remorseful when he's put in positions where he HAS to use force, and he does so without fully knowing the full extent of the damage that he causes. Ender repeatedly shows us his longing for the love and affection of his older brother Peter. And I think the most telling sign of Ender's youth is his ability to think outside of the box. As we get older, it's very typical for our creative sides to grow dull, and the actions that we take are, more often than not, predictable in some way. Ender is able to use his imagination in various ways to outsmart his fellow students and thus set himself apart from everyone else. While this certainly can be attributed to the fact that Ender is a genius, is it crazy to give some credit to the fact that he's the youngest of his classmates, and thus still possesses that childlike imagination?

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby yetze013 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:47 pm

I really enjoyed reading Ender's Game and it seemed different to me than the SF books I have read in the past. I think it was the fact that the story was based around a child. There was something about the way Ender thought and reacted to different situations that seemed very "real" to me. I couldn't help but feel bad for Ender because he was such an innocent and kind person at heart, but was forced into violence and training that you would hope a kid that age would never have to experience. Although the story had a fictional setting, it was made very real by the fact that the way Ender thought and responded to events very similar to how a real kid would. He was the most gifted person and could of used his gifts to seek power (like Peter), but instead Ender's acted like a normal kid. He wanted to make friends and be a good person, but the fact other people resented him because he was so gifted didn't always allow him to do things the way he wanted. I also really liked how no matter what seemingly impossible situations Ender was put into he always found a way to win. Overall, this is my favorite SF book that I have read.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby mywildimagination » Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:20 am

I don't think I was ready for Ender's Game the first time I read it. But then I read the Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide several years later and was all like :bow: Recently I went back and reread Ender's Game. I appreciated it a lot more, but I still like Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide better.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby BobbyOodle » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:51 am

To story as a whole, I reacted mostly to Ender as a human being. I think how Ender works is something many humans should strive to become. And the fact that he is so symmetrical (being both Peter, and Valentine) is something we should do. His self analysis, his ambition, his willingness to do what is necessary, and face the consequences, and not only face them, but right what he has wronged in the process of fixing a problem bigger than himself. (I.e.: killing the buggers for the good of humanity, then facing the guilt of Xenocide and reviving the Hive Queen to not only do what is right for their species but to undo his 3000 year guilt.) Ender's Game is guideline on how to deal with what life throws at you. Some will say we already have the bible for that, but I'd rather have Ender. And Bean for that matter.
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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby Adam M » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:39 pm

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. At first I did not think that I would like it that much, but I got into the storyline after reading it for a while. It was unfortunate for Ender that adults took advantage of him at a young age, and used for their own gains at his expense. Ender should have had a normal childhood, but instead of children’s games, he was being trained to be a warrior. I thought that this book was written very well, and that it really allowed you to get a feel for the characters in it. I really enjoyed the Wiggin’s and getting to know them and their background. I struggled to understand everything that was going on in the book all the time, and it took me awhile to figure out the “games” and how the book was structured with them. Ender doesn't like violence and killing people, but he was forced into it, and he handles it the best he can.

I was reading some of the other posters comments, and read some from regular posters to the board. A few had positive things to say to the first time posters, and most of them commented on how the first time posters are all surprised that they enjoyed reading the book so much, I though that was funny.

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby EAGLE » Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:52 am

To story as a whole, I reacted mostly to Ender as a human being. I think how Ender works is something many humans should strive to become. And the fact that he is so symmetrical (being both Peter, and Valentine) is something we should do. His self analysis, his ambition, his willingness to do what is necessary, and face the consequences, and not only face them, but right what he has wronged in the process of fixing a problem bigger than himself. (I.e.: killing the buggers for the good of humanity, then facing the guilt of Xenocide and reviving the Hive Queen to not only do what is right for their species but to undo his 3000 year guilt.) Ender's Game is guideline on how to deal with what life throws at you. Some will say we already have the bible for that, but I'd rather have Ender. And Bean for that matter.
First off to you and Adam M, welcome to Pweb!! As is customary from us old farts here :limeaid: for you both!!

Past that i agree about having Ender and Bean. Would be a very ineresting world with those 2. Especially bean later on in life. Bobby have you read the rest of the series for Ender? Or the shadow series? I love Ender when he's older (fell in love with the idea for a Speaker for the Dead); same goes for Bean.
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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby EAGLE » Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:56 am

I don't think I was ready for Ender's Game the first time I read it. But then I read the Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide several years later and was all like :bow: Recently I went back and reread Ender's Game. I appreciated it a lot more, but I still like Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide better.

What about Children of the Mind? Especially since Xenocide is such a slow paced book till the end
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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby GiantsDrink » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:33 am

This being my first time reading Ender's Game I have to say that I was very impressed. It was a quick read that also kept you interested in the story and how the plot was developing. I ended up having a lot of sympathy for Ender throughout the novel. He is just a child and is taken and manipulated into becoming a great commander. He is also kept in the dark for much of his training, especially at the end when he is actually commanding the fleet that is carrying out his orders. However, I have to wonder that if Ender knew that his commands were being carried out in real life, would he still have done as well? Like some of you, I also found it hard to think of the children within the book as children. Their characters are much mature than "normal" children's on some level (they are very intelligent) but on some level (emotionally, thinking of future consequences) they do seem to just be kids. At times, I did not like Graff very much, the way he seemed to manipulate Ender and the other children and how he seemed to push Ender beyond his limits. Then at other times I did have to sit and think that maybe Graff was also manipulated by fear, which made me like him a little more. Overall, I think this was a very well written book that is easy to read for people of all ages/reading levels. It's also a great book to get into sci fi with!

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby Jaxn » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:30 pm

Instantly hooked and have read eight books in total during the past ten days. I'm retired, so I have time to feed my obsessions now. :lol:

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Re: Reaction to Enders Game

Postby EAGLE » Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:56 pm

Instantly hooked and have read eight books in total during the past ten days. I'm retired, so I have time to feed my obsessions now. :lol:
only problem is when your waiting for a book to come out
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