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THE PHILOTIC ANSIBLE: Episode #001 - The First Battle School Engineer
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We are very pleased to present the first of (we hope) many podcast features resulting from the partnership of The Philotic Web Ender Fan Community, and Ender’s Ansible.
This, our first, features an interview by Alea (GravityDefier) with Steve Sywak (Boothby), one of the original Five Founders of The Philotic Web over a decade ago, and the first ‘official’ Battle School Engineer. His designs, science, and practical explanations of Battle School technology were featured at Orson Scott Card’s EnderCon 2002, an in depth chapter on Battle School technology and design for The Authorized Ender Companion, and are the basis for the designs of the Battle School as seen in the Marvel Comics adaptation of Ender’s Game (see below).
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In this insightful podcast, recorded a few months ago, Steve explains his history, background, and experience, such as being lead mechanical engineer for the Cirque Du Soleil show Ka, which, according to Steve, featured the best, and closest approximation to live Zero G Battle sequences he could have imagined. (After listening to his description of the “battle belts” Steve engineered for Ka, you might re-visit OSC’s set visit, and description of the Zero G fight system being used in the film!)
Steve's Work, as realized by Darian Robbins, Marvel Comics, and himself!
NOTE: While Steve has worked with OSC on developing this material for the Ender fan community for over a decade, as far as we are aware, his visual designs have not been utilized by Summit Entertainment for their film version of the Battle School (Much to Steve’s great disappointment). Thus, what you see below most likely has no connection with the film’s version of the Battle School.