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You know...

Postby Dink_Meeker » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:19 pm

I know that many of you barely know me and those of you who do remember me from PWEB 2.0 most likely think of me as a stupid prick who just wants attention.

But I have a very real problem. I suffer from depression. The depression has gotten so heavy that I am seriously pondering killing myself. I have no one in the world who loves me. Both of my parents are guilty of neglect and my grandparents don't appreciate me because I'm half black. I mess up their perfect little white, happy lives. I just wish there was one human being that loved me with an undying love. Living where I live I am treated like Cinderella forced to live with people who only have me around to make their life easier. I have too much on my plate and I can barely stand it.

I hate this feeling of being unloved. I am unhappy.

Can someone help me or give me encouragement?
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Postby Hegemon » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:25 pm

I am really sorry that your family neglects you... That must be terrible.

However, on the up side, you will be able to move out eventually and live you own life where people apprecite you more for who you are. The best advice i can give you is to not give up and try to work towards a better life. It won't be easy, but try to take it incrementally. Depending on how old you are and where you are in life some of this might no longer apply, but what i suggest is to first focus on geting a good education. Whether it be a college degree or a trade, focus on getting something that makes you highly employable. Once you can get a solid job, you can look into living on your own and surrounding yoursewlf with people who are more understanding.

Regadless of what you do, I hope things work out.

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Postby steph » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:46 pm

Don't lose hope.
"When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time." - Jamie Cullum

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Postby Claire » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:48 pm

Don't lose hope.

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Postby Paul » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:18 am

hey man, im going to make a couple assumptions here. Feel free to correct me if im wrong...

A. Im guessing your young, still in high-school?

B. You're a nerd. (this is NOT an insult, im pretty sure everyone on the forum is)

Life in highschool (and middle school) is not a realistic portrayal of what life actually is like. In fact its almost the complete oposite of how the real world actually is.

For example, in high school, nerds get weggies. In the real world nerds are the ones with the power to give the weggies. Nerds go to college (no offense to people that dont... everyone has a different path) and find other people who are actually similar to them selves. Then go one to find good jobs and end up being the boss of the a****** that used to pick on them.

That kid that beat you up in 4th grade, lets face it, he will be pumping your gas in 15 years.


Trust me, ive been there. There are many ways to beat that, but really none of them are easy. One of the biggest reasons i was alway depressed was because i didnt have the will to make changes in my life. The first step to getting better, is to accept the fact that you have problems. This is the easy part. The next step is the MUCH harder one. You have to make changes in your life. You wont get better until you can fix whats wrong. Heres my full-proof (well, it worked for me...) plan for digging your self out of the hole.

Drugs. Depression is caused (at least in part) by a chemical inbalance in your brain. There are some really great drugs that can help the process. Talk to a doctor and do exactly what he says, start a anti-depressant and stick with it for how ever long the dr says, if it doesnt work, dont just give up, talk to your dr and try another one... they all work in different ways, jsut because one doesnt work, it doesnt mean another wont.

Excersice. Excersice is honestly one of the best anti-depressents there is. This is for MANY reason. After a good run, your brain releases tons of endorphins (uhh, spelling is hard...) into your blood stream. This gives me one of the greatest almost 'highs' after a good run.

Now its hard to get into the habit of excersice. The trick is to actually work it into your schedule, so its just part of your daily schedule. Set a specific time when you run (swim, bike...) and stick with it. Make little rules for your self, (I cant smoke any pot unless you have run that day, lol, that worked great for me) or rewards for your self once your done with your run. After a couple of months it just becomes natureal for your self. I started out barely being able to run anywhere, now i run between 4 and 6 miles.

But excersice does have several side effects. One is that you get better looking, which in tern leads to higher self esteem. Im not the best looking guy in the world, but i get check out by some HOT women every time i go running.

Stress. Get rid of it. If there is something in your life that you more stress than it is worth, drop it. If there are people that you dont like, dont hang around them. If your grades are s***, make better grades.

Be a little selfish. Hey, have some fun, do stuff that you want to do, dont put off with crap, either avoid it or give it back. If some jerk treats you like crap, f*ck um. they're not worth your time.

Girls. This was always a stressful area for me (hell, still can be). Girls will never like you until you like yourself. Thats the honest truth and until you pick your self up, dust your self off, and raise your head, no girl will ever be attracted to you.

Girls, unlike guys (sorry we're shallow, we cant help it), dont only look at looks. Self confidence and a joke can be just as big of a turn on for many girls as looking like brad pit (though it does help).

Dont be afraid of rejection. Lets face it, 3 out of 4 girls that your are intersted in will blow you off. Just because they said no, doesnt mean the next one will. Damn, i wish someone would have told me this, would have help me out alot...

anyway, good luck. Hopefully you dont get to pissed at me, but i really meant this advise as a friendly boot, to kick you in the butt and get you moving. You can do it.

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