Buggers and Zombie Movies

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Tiny genius
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Buggers and Zombie Movies

Postby Tiny genius » Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:11 pm

I was wondering about what it is that makes zombie movies so scary (to some). I ran through elements in my head; music, jump-scares such as loud bangs and zombies popping out of nowhere, gore... none of these freak me out. No movie or TV show seems to freak me out anymore so I thought back to the last one that did - Doctor Who "The Empty Child". There it is, zombies. Again, though, none of the other stuff freaked me out so I think it was this: the loss of individual, human identity.

Being human is a big part of what we are and we all enjoy the idea that we're unique, distinct personalities. As a consequence, when we see zombification, the stripping of identity and the turning of entire races into, effectively, the same mindless person, it gets to us. Most of the lines that chilled (and still chill) me in The Empty Child refer to this exact process.

So... here's what I want to know. Would buggers be freaked out by this? Forgetting (for the moment) the revelations about the workers in SiF, they have no individual identity. The Hive Queens do, but they recognise themselves as lots of bodies with one mind, one identity. Since this is the very thing that scares us about zombies, I don't think it would scare the buggers.

What say you?
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Re: Buggers and Zombie Movies

Postby Sparrow » Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:17 pm

I'd say that most types of zombies dont have one mind, they have no mind. The buggars would just consider (human shaped zombies) them animals, like humans were considered animals on first contact because they had no mindsounds. The interesting question would be what the buggars would do if some portion of their own population were zombified out of the queens control. Probably they would be considered an abomination and the queens would work to destroy them, just like humans would in the same situation. I'm sure they would also feel fear if the zombies started winning.
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