Complete Randomness

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby starlooker » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:19 am

First time, ever. You do know me! I'm your friend who is seriously out of touch with cultural touchstones.

The snrrrrk, jota, is cuz one-eyed Willy sounds a bit -double-entendre-ish..

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:38 pm

First time, ever. You do know me! I'm your friend who is seriously out of touch with cultural touchstones.

I hope you liked it. That's my snob department; things that I grew up with that I think everyone should have grown up with. I'm trying to be less snobby about it.


Apparently my body hates being at rest. I was having some pretty wicked, but apparently endurable, back pain for weeks -I've also been a lot more stationary trying to read as much as possible- and once I started getting up and moving again over this weekend, I haven't noticed any pain at all. This is a bit of a relief.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby jotabe » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:47 pm

The snrrrrk, jota, is cuz one-eyed Willy sounds a bit -double-entendre-ish..

Haha yes, i was thinking there had to be a double-entendre somewhere... but what is the "second" entendre of the two? :| I'm not being facetious here!

Edit: and Alea, if you are going to make trouble, i'll make it double. This is who you should have grown up with, too:
Espinete and Don Pimpón, from the spanish version of Sesame Street.
I think they were meant to be the Big Bird equivalents, as they were the stars of the segments that included stories mostly with real life actors.
15% cooler!

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Luet » Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:30 am

One eyed willy is a slang for a part of the male anatomy...the looks like it has one eye. ;)
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby jotabe » Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:20 am

doh! :faceplant:

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Eaquae Legit » Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:09 am

Never fails. You sit down to finally bother updating your kid's tumblr, and the camera is nowhere to be found!
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby LilBee91 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:46 pm

When did Noodle lose the lime?!

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:58 pm

Read this in your MOST DRAMATIC VOICE.

Rabid beaver proves a formidable foe in attack of 83-year-old woman
Before he could maneuver his boat to come to her aid, the beaver took a chunk out of Peterson's right calf, tried to gnaw off her thumb and left a series of bite marks all over her body.

But the athletic senior wasn't going down without a fight.

Peterson told the paper she tried to blind the beaver by grabbing a walking stick and aiming for its eyes.

But like the cyborg T-1000 in Terminator 2, the beaver could not be stopped.

After taking its pound of flesh, the beaver headed straight toward Korin's boat, perhaps seeking an escape route. Instead, it met with Korin's canoe paddle, with which he said he began to "savagely" beat the creature.

While the beating broke Korin's paddle, it only managed to stun the unflappable animal.

Using the brief respite to attend to his co-worker, Korin raced toward Peterson, only to watch as the beaver ran for them once more.

A few more blows with a broken paddle seemed to finally do the trick. The beaver lay still until an emergency medical crew arrived.

Then, just as they began to treat Peterson's wounds… "All of a sudden, the beaver flips over and comes back to life," Korin said.

A third beating, this time by paramedics, allowed Korin to trap the animal with a net.

This proved an effective tactic until animal control officers would arrive to put the creature down.

To add more pain to her already considerable ordeal, Peterson is also being treated for rabies with those gigantic needles your mother used to warn you about so you'd steer clear of raccoons.

Who would have ever believed Canada's national animal could prove so much more terrifying?
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:59 pm

While on my walk, I passed by a young man guzzling down an energy drink of some variety and, as I do with all people I pass, I gave a smile and made eye contact as I did so. I continued to walk during this very briefest of brief exchanges.

Less than a minute later...

*tap on my arm*
Boy: Hi, can you tell me what time it is?
Somewhat expecting to be mugged, reaches into pocket for phone
Me: It's 4:50
Boy: You're the one who, like, waved at me, right?
smiled...but close enough *nod*
Boy: What high school do you go to?
Me: I don't go to high school.
Boy: I go to [name of high school]. What school do you go to?
Me: I don't. I graduated.
Boy: From high school?
Me: Yeah.
Boy: Do you go to any school?
Me: Nope, I graduated.
Boy: Not even college?
Me: Not even college; graduated from there, too.
Boy: When's your birthday?
Beginning to wonder if he's distracting me so a partner can pickpocket me
Me: 1983.
Boy: 1993?
Boy: Daaaang. I was born in 1995. I bet you're married.
Me: Not yet.
Boy: But you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yep
Boy: What's his name?
Me: [boy's name]
Boy: What's your name?
Me: Alea
s***. Now wondering if he's an identity thief...oh, and did he just say his name? Didn't hear it but that's what he gets for talking into my ear with the headphone in it
Boy: I play soccer.
Me: What position?
Ah, crap...the only part of this conversation I'm interested in and I can't hear his response, oh well
Boy: Well, it was nice to meet you *puts hand out for a shake*
*shakes hand*

And that was that. I always feel a little mean for coming across as such a bitch but a smile is about as far as I want to go towards making friends with strangers I pass on the street. And a kid? Noooo thanks.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby jotabe » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:34 pm

haha sorry but i had to laugh XD i was picturing the kid.... "daaaang" hehe so funny :D

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby LilBee91 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:43 pm

*does the math*

Most kids born in 1995 are seniors in high school this year. How is that even possible?

Is this same conversation going to happen to me in 8 years?
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:01 pm

That you smile at strangers?

Jota, I laugh at his realization that I am Old, too. :mrgreen:
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby LilBee91 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:26 pm

That you smile at strangers?
Yes...but only when I want something. :wink:

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:38 pm

So that's what I'm doing wrong.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby jotabe » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:22 pm

Stranger girls don't normally smile at me.
But when they do, I'm entering the Spanish embassy in Beijing and they are queueing outside for a visa.

I have to tell you, that was a freak out moment. Mostly because yes, i had never had a random girl look at me and smile. (Only look at me and laugh! *rimshot*).

So i was thinking "what does she want? is she going to kill me and steal my passport?"

Am i really a horrible person for thinking like that?

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Mich » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:05 pm

So, this was pretty much completely random: I got messaged on a well-known but fairly-anonymous message board, randomly, by a person who wanted to tell me that she's been noticing that I tend to give quality posts and that she wanted to thank me for it. At first I was amused, then a little freaked out, but she's fun to talk to.

Anyway, I have a fangirl. That's pretty much it. :D
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:03 pm

Random question for all: is anyone else able to pay off money on a credit card the same day that money is spent or does the fact that the charge is pending prevent that?
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby thoughtreader » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:48 pm

I've never tried it. but I know when I worked at the Home Depot a customer could open a card spend a butt load of money and save 10% all at my register in 1 transaction and then in the next pay it all off. But I don't know if that translates into non store cards...

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:00 pm

Ah, I assume it's the same as what I can do with my regular credit card, then. zero has to wait a few days to be able to pay his credit card off, since that's about how long it takes for the charge to switch from pending to...whatever it becomes when it's finalized as a charge; his account will not let him move the money. My account will let me apply payments as soon as I have a charge, pending or otherwise, and I've sometimes supposedly had a credit until the charge hits, at which point I'm back at a 0 balance.

We were just talking about how I have a better credit score than him despite him having a more diverse set of investments and much more money than I do. The balance he has to carry was quoted to him as one of the reasons, which seems unfair.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Syphon the Sun » Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:45 am

Your credit history is probably a few years longer, too.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:00 pm

I wouldn't bet on it.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Syphon the Sun » Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:42 pm

But you're like.... ancient.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby elfprince13 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:49 pm

I still don't have a credit score!
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:05 pm

But you're like.... ancient.
Back in my day, when we used to walk out pet dinosaurs to keep them from stinking up our caves...

Also, zero would like me to point out that a few spots downtown smelled really awful this morning and it's not just NYC that smells, while I maintain Chicago's smells are not city-wide like NYC and in one case, he said it smelled when we standing next to a trash can.

I am telling you this, Syphon, because I made it a point of telling him months ago how offended I was at your suggestion that Chicago stinks. :mrgreen:
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Dr. Mobius » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:40 am

Is the quote script on the index broken for anyone else? Here's how it looks on my iPhone:


*pokes Chris* I think you're the one who made that. If you're around, could you take a look at it?
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:01 am

It's been like that for a few days.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby CezeN » Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:20 pm

Made this poem for elsewhere on the internet, might as well save it here:

Twas the night of our homecoming, and all through the fest
not a creature was studying, not even Pre-med
Tho the dance actually ended and clos ed at twelve
the night had just started for those drinking themselves
into blubbering buffoons and stumbling elves.
By some point that night, I'd found myself at
a glorious dance party at some douchy frat
I busted some moves, and showed off my groove
I mingled among random dancing groups, smooth,
In time, I spotted a girl I'd caught giving a stare,
out the corner of my eyes, so she was unaware
and with courage and confidence, I walked up and 'charmed',
"may I have this dance" hand softly on the back of her arm
With the flash of a smile, her approval was gained
she turned her back and started shaking her thang,
but I turned her back around and offered my hand,
and too her astonishment, I started to actually dance

but after a while, bored with my Salsa-esque twirls and spins,
she pinned me against the wall and turned her back again
and started gyratin and booty shakin
but alas, this girl had it all mistakin
...for a man's crotch is a sensitive thing,
and her aggressive movements
had me wincing!
For 20 seconds, I took quite a barrage
of hard booty bumps ramming a sensitive spot
I had never before felt such a painfully strong,
grind, seriously, this girl was doing it painfully wrong
Alas, I stopped her, longing for no more
I shook off the pain and whispered these words
"...that was actually really painful"
looking back, it might have came out disdainful
Because her reaction was a sort of angry prance,
with no word of reply, she grabbed her friend,
and went to opposite side of the room to dance.
I laughed, I lold, I smiled, I crowed
in my mind, the moment lives on as comedic gold
and now you know through my poetic render
of an embarrassing moment with the opposite gender.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:39 am

I ordered shoes off Zappos and they're scheduled for delivery today (tracking number says they are on the truck!). Unless they get here in the next 1.5 hours, it's going to be a major pain in the ass to get them as they won't leave packages at my door and there's no office to leave them in.

I keep hoping the fact that I'm looking ridiculously trashy in a Disney thermal shirt sans bra and fuzzy bright blue Tinkerbell pajama pants will be enough incentive for the universe to send them my way ASAP.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Jayelle » Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:17 am

YOU GUYS!!! Curious George is not a monkey. They call him a monkey all the time, but he's an ape. He has no tail and never has. Also his front legs are longer then his back.

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby wizzard » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:03 am

YOU GUYS!!! Curious George is not a monkey. They call him a monkey all the time, but he's an ape. He has no tail and never has. Also his front legs are longer then his back.

Holy crap, you're right! I'm going to notice that every time now ><
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Mich » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:42 am

When Paul tweeted that I nearly had a little meltdown. My coworker was less impressed.
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Dr. Mobius » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:49 pm

Mind = blown
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby thoughtreader » Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:20 pm

YOU GUYS!!! Curious George is not a monkey. They call him a monkey all the time, but he's an ape. He has no tail and never has. Also his front legs are longer then his back.

I came to terms with this with a group of friends in 2004 while we were taking a chimpanzee behavior class and realized he is A) an ape not a monkey and B) of all the great apes he is most likely a chimp. Great apes are us humans, orangutans, gorillas, chimps, and banobos (a sup spices of chimps who's society is ruled by sex instead of aggression).

Think of it this way... how many times have you been at the zoo observing the chimps (for these classes we went almost every weekend for a year) and practically every parent who walks up with kids says "look at the monkey!" *points at chimp*. If a family actually spent more than the one second point at the enclosure us college kids would spend time explaining that they were apes and explaining interesting facts bout their behavior but most people just don't know there is a difference and don't spend the time to learn. So the author might as well call him a silly curious little monkey because thats what everyone thinks he is anyways. Very few children in the target age group know and most of there parents don't know either.

ps... apparently I should have told you guys 8 years ago.... sorry

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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby Jayelle » Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:03 pm

Very few children in the target age group know and most of there parents don't know either.
But, but, but... the point of books is to educate, especially kids books. :(
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Re: Complete Randomness

Postby thoughtreader » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:45 pm

Very few children in the target age group know and most of there parents don't know either.
But, but, but... the point of books is to educate, especially kids books. :(
Yeah kinda bugs the crap out of me... I notice a LOT of errors, mainly do to over simplification of details, in children's books when it comes to biology. I tend to try to explain more details when I see a good place in a book/zoo outing/whatever if I can.

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