The Obligatory Buffy thread

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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:35 am

I really liked Faith when she first popped up. She was troubled, confused and had a bad girl streak. But by the end, she was decidedly one note.
Do you plan to watch Angel at all? (do it!)
I do. I think I have actually watched more episodes of it than Buffy, and I really enjoyed what I saw. I was actually watching an episode of Angel a couple of weeks ago when I decided I should watch Buffy. I figured that I would watch Buffy first and then move on to Angel.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Platypi007 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:28 pm

I just got done with season 3, too! I loved the graduation scene when everyone is fighting. It was pretty cheesy but so awesome!

Also, I did things kind of totally backward: I have seen all of Angel (most of the episodes twice) since the networks to run Angel but not Buffy for whatever reason. I started watching it back when it was actually still airing, not having seen Buffy at all before that. I was a fan of Charmed and Angel always seems to come on just before or after Charmed, no matter what station it is on so I just watched that too, and loved it.

Then when I got my PS3 last year and started making use of Netflix streaming (it hates my old, decrepit computers) I discovered the wonders of Buffy and Bones, and the UK Being Human, and so much anime, and how fun watching Cheers is, and... way too much tv!

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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:49 am

I just finished Season 4 and I was thinking about all of the stuff that I could write in here recapping the season. But I have this problem, that I have to watch the first episode of the next season if it is available. So I did and I hated that episode so much that it zapped everything I wanted to write about Season 4 right out of me. Episode 1 of Season 5 might be my least favorite episode so far, certainly since the first season. Oh my god, I hate it so much.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:52 am

Oooo what did you hate about it? That's the Dracula episode, yes? And the one where Michelle "I Speak Out Of My Nose" Trachtenberg shows up in final 30 seconds?
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:05 am

I remember not much liking that one, either. It seemed strangely timed or something, I can't remember what (it was over a year ago when I watched it). The whole Dawn thing didn't phase me a bit, though.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:17 am

It just all seemed so forced. It was like they took the worst characterture of Dracula and forced him into an episode for no real reason. All of the dialogue about him or with him seemed silly and out of character. So he has mind control powers, can turn into mist, can turn into a bat and can get staked multiple times without dying, yet none of that is explained. It was like here are the rules for Vampires in the Buffy universe and any exception to those rules shall be explained. But look over there! There's Dracula! Look at all the cool s*** he can do! Why? I don't know!

Then, he is supposed to be this badass, but doesn't put up much of a fight. Gets staked twice and yet still might be alive. Just god awful. I hated Buffy, Willow, Riley, Xander, Anya and Spike in this entire episode. Giles was still Giles and it was pretty funny seeing him trying to make it with three Vamps. The only redeeming quality of this episode was Buffy's talk with Giles about she wants to know more about her power, where it came from and that she needs him.

As for Michelle, I did know that she popped up out of nowhere after watching the first season with no sister mentioned. I just didn't think it would be that literal.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby neo-dragon » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:14 am

It just all seemed so forced. It was like they took the worst characterture of Dracula and forced him into an episode for no real reason. All of the dialogue about him or with him seemed silly and out of character. So he has mind control powers, can turn into mist, can turn into a bat and can get staked multiple times without dying, yet none of that is explained. It was like here are the rules for Vampires in the Buffy universe and any exception to those rules shall be explained. But look over there! There's Dracula! Look at all the cool s*** he can do! Why? I don't know!
Wasn't that kind of the point? I think the episode was meant to be a parody of the cheesiest aspects of the vampire genre. If it had been produced post-Twilight they probably would have had him take off his shirt and sparkle in the sunlight, and not explain that either. The whole thing was tongue-in-cheek.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:38 am

So the entire point of the episode (A season premiere episode no less) was to show how cheesy the vampire genre can be, even though this series is trying to not be cheesy? The only thing that could have made this episode worse, was if I was eagerly awaiting the new season and this what I waited for.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby neo-dragon » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:13 pm

I think Joss likes to remind his fans not to take things too seriously sometimes. :wink:
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:29 pm

That's fine. I just hope he picks better spots to do it (if he does something like this later in the series) and...errr... does it better. Because I really didn't like any of it.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby GS » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:34 am

Wow. It turns out I knew more than I let when I started this series. I knew a lot about the first five seasons. This is going to be all spoiler, just in case people read this thread without seeing the series first.

Things I knew before hand: Angel is a vamp and eventually leaves the show. I knew there was another slayer and I knew it was Eliza Dushku. I knew Cordelia left. I knew Willow became a bad ass witch and dated Oz. I knew Oz was werewolf and left the show. I knew about Riley and the initiative. I also knew that he left the show. I knew about Spike and that he eventually gets a chip put in his head. I knew about Anya and Anya/Xander. I knew about Tara and Willow/Tara. I knew about Dawn and that she was the key. I knew about Glory(well I should say that I knew about crazy, badass, blond bitch because I remembered her name being Faith and was shocked when the other slayer was Faith). I sort of knew about Ben. I knew Buffy's mom died, although I thought it was because of the brain tumor and not suddenly afterward. It turns out that I knew more and more of what was coming as the seasons went on.

I knew almost nothing about season one, which was good because I was very meh about it. It is understandable because the series was just getting its footing and the villain wasn't that great. Although the last three or four episodes really got better.

Season two! I loved season two. I didn't know much about it before hand except that Spike and Oz were going to pop up. It is definitely one of the best seasons of any show that I have ever watched. This entire show would be rewatchable just to see this season again.

Season three and four pretty much are on the same level. I was very down on season three after I watched it. I think this was because of how awesome season two was, that there was almost no Spike and I knew Angel and Cordelia were essentially gone at the end. Even with that, I did like it. But I realized how hard I was on it after watching season four. I really liked season four, but then I thought about it. Is this really any better than season three? And it wasn't in my mind. But things I still don't like about season three. Willow/Xander, ugh, I wish they just would have let that one go. How Faith ended up. I am okay with her siding with the Mayor, I just think it could have been done better. She comes in as this confident, badass that likes slaying a little to much and has a bit of wild side, that is ultimately on the run and terrified because she witnessed her watcher tortured to death. She then becomes jealous of Buffy because of the way she is and her friends. She accidentally stakes a human which leads to a crazy conflict. But then she decides to become evil and can kill without remorse on command. I just didn't buy it all the way. But I really wasn't that fond of the Mayor as the main villain. He was creepy, but not in a good way at all. But I thought it was a good season.

I liked season four. I liked Riley enough, but he was just never going to be Angel. Anya! It took a while for me to warm up to her because I liked Cordelia so much. But my god I love her character. Tara on the other hand, yuck. I liked Oz, how he fit in with the group and I liked him and Willow. But I didn't like him enough to not like Tara on instinct because she wasn't him. But I don't really think she brings anything to the table, outside of getting Willow into witchcraft more. I liked the Initiative. I like that there is a human element that interferes with Buffy's slaying duties. Be it the Initiative or Buffy's mom or the principal from other seasons. But I did not like Adam as the main villain at all. I guess you could say the Initiative ended up being the main villain, but (in the words of Spike) Adam was the big bad this season. I did not care for him.

I just finished season five and as it turns out, I had seen almost every episode from this season. Except the Dracula one (Thank god!). An episode would start and I would say, "Oh my god, I've seen this one." That became a trend. I loved this season. I loved Glory as the villain. And with a super hero story, you have to be compelled by the villains or it just doesn't work. Dawn took a long, long while to grow on me, but I didn't hate her by the end of it. I loved everyone else as usual, except Tara. I think she had more personality after Glory brain sucked her. Spike is creepily, stalkerishly awesome this season. And Buffy-bot for the win! When Ben popped up, I knew he had a connection with Glory, but I couldn't remember what. So when the first transformation happened, I went, "Ah! Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben!" It made the scene where Spike is trying to explain that fact to the gang that much funnier.

But one episode stood out. And that is when Buffy's mom dies. Oh my god. It probably is the best episode of the entire series, and I say this without seeing the last two. Everything was captured perfectly. It was unnerving though, because it really brought me back to the times when I lost someone close. Whether it be as the person who lost a loved one or as a person trying to help a friend cope. And the deadening silence in the background of this entire episode is amazing. Not one that I want to watch everyday, but my lord was it beautifully done.

But I have a question. Having remembered watching this in the past now, was season five supposed to be the last season? Back then, I thought it was the end of the series. So I don't know anything about seasons six or seven. And that would have been an awesome way to go out. With Buffy's grave. "She saved the world...A Lot." I am somewhat dreading the next two seasons. Because obviously they bring her back right?
Last edited by GS on Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:42 am

Season five was the end of the show on WB. It moved to a new network for seasons six and seven, so the season finale did sort of double as a possible series finale in the event that no one else picked up the show. (I think).
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Yebra » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:13 pm are we say there's some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:26 pm are we say there's some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?
I nominate this post for best post of 2012.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:49 pm


Mark ( has enjoyed Buffy so much (he just started season 4, and yes, I have become a passionate Mark Does Stuff follower) that's he now doing Angel simultaneously! Yessss!

The supreme excitement I felt when he announced this clinched it for me: Angel is my favorite Whedon show. I love it.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Jayelle » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:04 pm

I've become a devoted reader too! His reviews are fun and it's so awesome how little he knows.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Jayelle » Wed May 09, 2012 3:04 pm

Anyone else reading MarkWatches besides Kelly and I? He's on Season 5 and OhHolyCrap, his mom had cancer and his dad died of cancer young. He is not going to be okay when Joyce dies. I am waiting in horror for him to get to that episode.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Bean_wannabe » Thu May 10, 2012 12:25 am

Aye, started reading when I found the time-sink that is Netflix. Forget Joyce dying, how's he going to react when Tara's shot?
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:57 am

It's Once More With Feeling day over at Mark Watches! The review went up super early today! :dance:
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Wind Swept » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:37 am

I have now watched one, single episode of Buffy.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:40 am

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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Wind Swept » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:48 am

It was enjoyable. Pleasant, even.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Jayelle » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:53 am

Which one was it? The first one or a random middle one?
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Wind Swept » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:24 am

The first one.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:32 pm

I gets so much better, friend.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:26 am

Oh, hey.

Don't watch "Hells Bells" 38 days before you get married.

Only an idiot would do that.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Jayelle » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:22 pm

Oh, hey.

Don't watch "Hells Bells" 38 days before you get married.

Only an idiot would do that.

No, no, only an idiot would do what Xander did.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Syphon the Sun » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:30 pm

I really, really hated that episode.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:25 pm

Oh god that episode made me so mad. I didn't even really realize that I like Anya that much until that episode.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby starlooker » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:51 pm

The closer.Mark gets to Seeing Red, the more I just want to cry for him. My stomach gets all knotty with every new Buffy post.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Young Val » Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:25 pm

YOU GUYS, MARK READS THE EYE OF ARGON! ... plpp_video" onclick=";return false;

Whatever, I can't embed it, but YOU GUYS!
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby starlooker » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:16 am

The guy who played Riley was the patient on a House episode I just watched. He even was in the military. They couldn't figure out what was wrong and I was all, "YOU GUYS! Ask him about the top secret military program that drugged and conditioned him! That's the cause! Why aren't you listening to me? You guys? Guys! Hey, i'm talking to you!"

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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby LilBee91 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:37 pm

I decided to take advantage of my Netflix subscription and watch Buffy. I watched it a bit growing up, but haven't seen a lot of the episodes. So why not?

The Pilot is so 90s. I love it.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby LilBee91 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:14 pm

*double post*

"The Pack" is the most disturbing episode ever. Maybe in the whole history of television. *shudder*

And I need Spike to show up. I like him.
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Re: The Obligatory Buffy thread

Postby Mich » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:14 am

Yeah, as usual with most long-runners that have a huge fanbase, the first season is pretty much missing everything that everyone ever talks about, apart from many, many things to make you recall the 90s.
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