Periodic Movie Review

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:53 pm

The Company Men:

Boston accents? Check.
Relevant to the times? Check.
Stellar cast? Check.

I wouldn't say it is Up in the Air quality but it's not much lower; though perhaps that's an unfair comparison, since they only share a similar thread and aren't trying to tell the same type of story, exactly.
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Postby locke » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:17 pm

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boobies? - no check (only Kutcher ass, sadly)
relevant to the times? check
Stellar cast? check

It's no Juno, but it's a damn entertaining movie, very funny and avoids the romcom formula of a late second act misunderstanding leading to an undesired breakup before a middle third act reunion. More like When Harry Met Sally this movie has a very natural plot progression because when the inevitabl genre-demanded separation occurs it feels natural and not a rote adherence to formula. I was actually half expecting it to end up with them not together.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:24 pm

it's a damn entertaining movie, very funny

I thought it delivered on being not quite the norm -though it didn't deviate as much as I think you imply- but I wanted to find it funnier than I think it actually was. Color Me Badd music in the intro was a nice touch but being honest, I was a bit disappointed.

I can't wait to see the Justin/Mila attempt.
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Postby locke » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:29 pm

it's a damn entertaining movie, very funny

One, I'm an easy mark when it comes to comedy, see Take Me Home Tonight, which was a terrible movie but still made me laugh.

Two, the sheer amount of injokes on the production side of things made me laugh, and the assistant that gets him to be a writer, wow, I know a lot of women in that age frame that are very like that. I swear I've heard more than one person say, "f*** yeah, a chair" after being asked to sit down, like she did.

Three, really nice lighting design, which I attribute to Ivan Reitman. Most Rom Coms are very lazy on the production side of things, this film was made with care and was fun to look at as well.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:33 pm

see Take Me Home Tonight, which was a terrible movie but still made me laugh.
For me, I attribute my enjoyment of that movie to high nostalgia factor. It killed in the tone and overall feel of the movie, not to mention it had a flipping awesome soundtrack.

But right, humor = to each his own.
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Postby locke » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:45 pm

It was worth seeing just for Suncoast.
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Postby LilBee91 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:23 pm

My roommate and I just watched Beastly (her choice). I went into it assuming it would be incredibly stupid, and I was not disappointed. Actually, I think I enjoyed it more because of my low expectations.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:01 am


I may or may not have rented that a few weeks ago and got scarily swept up in the cheesiness of it all but I would not recommend it to anyone, ever save the most kindred of kindred spirits.
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Postby LilBee91 » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:23 pm


I may or may not have rented that a few weeks ago and got scarily swept up in the cheesiness of it all but I would not recommend it to anyone, ever save the most kindred of kindred spirits.
I may or may not confess to having similar feelings.

In other movie news, I am watching Prince of Egypt again. I think it may be one of the greatest movies ever, if for no other reason than its soundtrack (and it is not short on other reasons either).
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:17 am

I really love the Prince of Egypt soundtrack! I play it frequently so I can sing along.
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Postby locke » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:48 pm

Captain America is probably the best of the avengers movies since the first Iron Man. Really enjoyable.
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Postby locke » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:21 am

Madeline - indifferent David Lean film based on a true story about a broad who was carrying on with a french fellow behind her father's back and then when she realized he was just social climbing fobbed him off for the fellow her father wanted her to marry. He wasn't happy so she gave him arsenic in his cocoa and he got sick and died and she was put on trial and found 'not proven' (uniquely scottish verdict) which was mainly due to being a woman of good blood and it's unseemly to give them the death penalty, I presume.

The film is high on the female melodrama, and is damn near intolerable for the first two thirds where she is all twilight over the french fellow. Then she does a complete 180 and poisons him so she can go slobber on Taylor. The problem is the film is hampered enough by the era it was made in that everything is a bit muffled and pseudo censored. so we get a sort of romance that does not work, along with a period social-melodrama (austen esque, all wringing of the hands over marrying someone for something other than love) that does not work, along with a courtroom drama that does not work. And although you have a lot of strong elements here for a good film, it just never really comes together very well. which is unfortunate.

Two Rode Together - Phenomenal John Ford film with Jimmy Stewart in the lead. this is hands down one of Stewart's best westerns and one of ford's better films, certainly it is a late career highlight for him. it's also advantaged by being late enough in his career that they can talk openly of rape, slavery, lynching and racism, all of which are central to the film's plot. And the realism of the film's outlook makes it so refreshing in comparison to the films of the fifties.

Basically, Stewart has a decent life as a Sheriff in a small town. Unfortunately the town madam and owner of the saloon wants him to marry her. So when an old buddy rides into town with the cavalry asking for him, he goes with. Turns out he was summoned to go treat with a local Comanche chief. Since peace has been made with the Comanche a few years prior, more and more families have been pouring into this fort to demand that their children be returned to them. Over the past twenty years, hundreds of children have been abducted by Comanche raiding parties, and raised thereafter as Comanche. These folks now want their kids back. The army can't even go to meet to speak with the Comanche without breaking the peace, so they summon in Stewart to sort it out for them. He and his buddy ride into the Comanche camp to try and buy as many white captives as they can. But before they do that, they lay out, in no uncertain terms, that most of these parents haven't seen their children for fifteen-twenty years and that they probably would not recognize their children who would probably not recognize them. The rest of the film plays out from what happens as a result of their meeting with the Comanche. It's a spectacular western, not as great as Searchers or Liberty Valence, or Yellow Ribbon, but this is probably top five westerns for Ford. It's a shame the film is so underseen and unavailable, and I now feel bad for having it unwatched on my DVR for nearly 15 months. :-p
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Postby Mich » Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:12 pm

Over the past week or so I rewatched the Matrix trilogy, including the Animatrix and the live-action scenes from Enter the Matrix, both between Reloaded and Revolutions. If I had thought about it, I should have watched the Animatrix before Reloaded, as it makes a lot more sense there, but I didn't. Here are my thoughts, which probably aren't news to anyone:

First of all, the trilogy stands up a lot better together like that, although the change from the first to the second movies is still a stark one. One is a completely contained story, the other is... not. At all. But that's okay.

The Matrix is still great. Like, really great. The action scenes are still extremely fun, the philosophical debates that can arise from it (and the completely random references thrown around by the Wachowskis) are just spectacular to think about and consider, and all of the characters are likable. The effects stand mostly up with today's, as it relies mostly on wires and special camera techniques.

Reloaded is actually really, really good. Keanu makes an expression at least once in it, which gave me great joy. The action is well-balanced with more random philosophical musings, although by the time you're halfway through the final one on the highway you're probably tired to heck of it all. I'm not sure if I had actually sat down and watched Reloaded all in one go with no distractions before, and I appreciated it a lot. Love the Architect, despite his completely ridiculous exposition drop, love the shock moments of realization about the One, love the Merovingian, love everything, really. It's a pretty great movie.

The Animatrix I had never seen before and it really drew me in. There's a lot of meat there. A number of things don't really jive with the lore of the Matrix universe at a few points, but these can generally be overlooked: they're either reinterpretations or being told wrong by whoever the storyteller is. The Second Renaissance, the story about how the machines took over, was almost kind of heartbreaking and left me pondering exactly how humans will react if we ever reach the technological singularity. The Square-animated one made me cringe with the lack of emotion displayed on the virtual actors, but I wonder how it would have affected me if I had seen it in high school. Probably would have loved it.

The scenes from Enter the Matrix really helped tie a lot of things together that I hadn't paid attention to before or had lost. I played the game way back when, but the gameplay was so atrocious that I remember very little about it other than the hacking minigame which was cool and that Ghost was a badass. The scenes in it are almost necessary to watch to understand a bunch of stuff that happens in Revolutions (as well as showcasing how awesome Sparks is as a character), and I'm glad I took the hour to watch them all.

Finally, Revolutions. The one where it loses it. The crazy thing is that there's still a lot of fun, interesting stuff there. The scene in the subway station, talking about "love" and "karma" particularly comes to mind. As usual, the Merovingian was deliciously evil. But that's. About. It. What else happens in the movie? Jada Pinkett Smith has a few moments of awesome. There's a huge war scene that's probably kind of necessary for storytelling reasons but is really, really boring when you're used to hand-to-hand and philosophical musings. Neo and Trinity finish up their romance storyline. And then a bunch of characters that we only got introduced to in the last movie had a billion scenes that we don't really care about, with the movie ending on a character we only met this movie, a character who is a "reskin" of another character that again only appeared this movie (or in the Enter the Matrix scenes, if you watched), and another character who is awesome but we don't care about.

No Morpheus other than his triumphant grin? No final view of Neo? No Zion?

Still annoyed at it all.

In any case, it holds up a lot better than it all did when we first saw it, I think. You know, without a gigantic gap between the movies, without the years of wondering what it all meant. I liked it. I'm glad I picked up the collected edition or whatever. The commentaries included, half of which is from philosophers who loved it, the other half from critics who didn't, should be very interesting when I later listen to/watch them.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:56 pm

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Are you going to watch Friends With Benefits?

I just saw this and I have to say, if there were a Black Swan-sleep-with-your-buddy-movie throwdown, Mila would win. Easily.

15 year old me would have passed out after having seen Justin Timberlake's ass but that aside, it was a really funny, relatively clever movie for the genre. And when I say funny, I don't mean I laughed because it got so awkward, I didn't know what else to do.

Woody Harrelson was hilarious, Mila and Justin worked well together and did not feel contrived at all. There was even a flash mob, so choreographed group dancing? Oh yes. Great soundtrack (Death Cab, Semisonic, Kris Kross!). And a pretty touching family story thrown in for good measure.
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Postby Jayelle » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:08 pm

Captain America - Totally the best of the superhero movies this summer. I was surprised and pleased by this one. The CGI of skinny Steve Rogers at the beginning was practically flawless, it really added to the experience. I think it was really wise to set it almost entirely in the 40's. The America of the 40's is easy to cheer for, and easy to feel patriotic about, even as a Canadian.
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Postby CezeN » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:00 pm

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?

...This movie was too good for words.

The videogame-esque fights. The Canadians.
Is that how they fight in Canadia? ('-' )
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Postby locke » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:24 pm

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Are you going to watch Friends With Benefits?
probably, but midnight in paris first.
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Postby LilBee91 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:33 am

I watched Say Anything for the first time last night. I forget how spectacularly awesome 80s movies are.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:21 pm

Say Anything took me by surprise. That was one of the big 80s movies I didn't see in the 80s (or 90s), so I had seen references to it left and right and sort of formed my own idea of how the movie would play out. The iconic scene, for instance, was not warmly received by Diane and I thought it would be. Then Lloyd...he portrayed this character that, if I had known him in real life, would simultaneously be insufferable and just a tad bit pathetic, yet charming and really freaking sexy. In fact, a good number of characters John Cusack played earlier in his career could be described that way, I think. But yes, great movie.

Speaking of 80s movies...word is, they're shooting a remake of Dirty Dancing. Not a "reimagining" or whatever Havanah Nights was, an actual remake; though make no mistake, Havanah Nights, as fun as it was in a cheesy way, was a mistake in and of itself. For the love of all that is holy, Hollywood, and to quote BTTF, "Hey, you! Get your damn hands off [it]!"
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Postby Jayelle » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:10 am

Speaking of 80s movies...word is, they're shooting a remake of Dirty Dancing. Not a "reimagining" or whatever Havanah Nights was, an actual remake; though make no mistake, Havanah Nights, as fun as it was in a cheesy way, was a mistake in and of itself. For the love of all that is holy, Hollywood, and to quote BTTF, "Hey, you! Get your damn hands off [it]!"

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:00 pm

I'm not even going to try to do a review.

Black Swan: UGH *thumbs down*
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Postby Noodle » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:14 pm

Speaking of a Dirty Dancing remake, they are also making a Blade Runner Sequel. This. makes. me. sad.
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Postby Luet » Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:02 pm

Alea, what did you think of The Beaver? I'm not a fan of Mel Gibson but I thought the movie was interesting. Mostly I was thinking that it was a movie that my younger brother should not see. It might give him ideas about using the stuffed dog that he carries everywhere as a puppet.
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:13 pm

Alea, what did you think of The Beaver? I'm not a fan of Mel Gibson but I thought the movie was interesting. Mostly I was thinking that it was a movie that my younger brother should not see. It might give him ideas about using the stuffed dog that he carries everywhere as a puppet.

I am not a fan of Mel Gibson the human being but Mel Gibson the actor has done amazing things in his career and I think this was no exception. He did it all, from spot on comedic timing to lights out, shut down depressed.

It took a turn near the end that I wasn't expecting and while I wish it had gone in another direction, I think it made sense in context; his character was sick and sick people do unbelievable things.

The family dynamics were realistic and multi-dimensional and somehow it managed to end on a hopeful note. Interesting, as you said, is an apt descriptor.

I wouldn't recommend it to everyone but I would say to anyone who has an interest in somewhat offbeat or quirky movies, they should definitely give it a try. And no, I don't think it is for some who themselves suffer from mental illness(es), though some should be able to handle it.
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Postby steph » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:42 am

We watched The World's Greatest Athlete with the kids the other night. I was a kid the last time I watched that movie. It was just as good as I remembered. Cheesy? Yes. Awesome? Yes!
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Postby Luet » Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:14 pm

I saw two lesser known movies this past week that I really enjoyed.

One was called The Music Never Stopped. It's about a grown son who had been estranged from his parents for years and is found and returned to them with a brain tumor and amnesia. They are only able to reconnect with him through music (like Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc.).

The other was Peacock. It has Cillian Murphy and Ellen Page. It's a psychological thriller and the performance by Cillian Murphy is just incredible. He plays a man and a woman. The freaky thing is how much he looks like Felicia Day when he is dressed up like a woman.
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Postby mr_thebrain » Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:19 pm

i just saw on imdb that they're going to remake point break.
kind of wonder how it'll go. i'm assuming straight to dvd. lol

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Postby Mich » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:32 pm

kind of wonder how it'll go. i'm assuming straight to dvd. lol
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Postby CezeN » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:23 pm

Saw this movie called Dumplings about some women who use baby fetuses, cooked in dumplings, as a fountain of youth.
But then it didn't work when the fetus was of an inbred child.

...I will never eat dumplings again.
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Postby VelvetElvis » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:33 am

I'm going to see The Lion King 3D THIS WEEKEND with my husband come hell or high water.
Yay, I'm a llama again!

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Re: Periodic Movie Review

Postby Luet » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:22 pm

I saw the movie A Big Year yesterday because, well, it's about competitive birdwatching. Also, it has Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson. I can't say that I see this movie having a very wide target audience. I enjoyed it but mostly because I'm into birding. It was a nice, benign, family friendly pseudo-comedy. But it wasn't much of anything in particular. I mean, there aren't many non-kid movies out there that are rated PG, so that should tell you something about what's in it and what is not.
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Re: Periodic Movie Review

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:31 pm

I would recommend Happy Feet Two just for Will and Bill the Krill. They stole the movie with their hilariousness.
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Re: Periodic Movie Review

Postby LilBee91 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:55 pm

I want I see Happy Feet Two, though I'll have to wait till it's out on DVD.

I am watching Pursuit of Happyness again. I just love Will Smith. Has anyone here read the book to tell me if it's any good?

Also, I will never ever get tired of watching the last five minutes of North and South. Best. Ending. Ever. Like my heart melts every single time.
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Re: Periodic Movie Review

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:39 pm

Hesher, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is one of the weirdest, most nonsensical, stupidest movies I've ever seen that is also a bit touching and funny, in a way. There's one speech that JGL gives at the end that will probably make its way into family quote-athons. I probably couldn't make myself sit through it a second time but it was tolerable for a once-through.
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Re: Periodic Movie Review

Postby Mich » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:25 am

Just saw Hugo! We were all sitting around, feeling absolutely stuffed, and decided to take advantage of the empty movie theaters. It was pretty good; I felt like the story overall was a little scattered, but it all came somewhat together at the end and still managed to almost bring a tear to my eye. A lot of very awesome names on the cast list (Sir Ben Kingsley is always, always, always appreciated) and Hugo himself was extremely likable and very well-acted.

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