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The Loss of "Mystery" in Bean/Ender (Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:48 pm
by Stormcrown
At the end of the "Ender's Shadow" audiobook, I believe the excerpt from Orson Scott Card talks about the movie mixing the two stories.

The says the largest issue was explaining Ender's motives. Books easily tell you what someone is thinking, but having Ender explain it would be horrible because he doesn't talk much...and a voice over would just be silly he ended up making it into a buddy movie. This obviously means Ender and Bean will communicate WAY more than in the books (Between Shadow and Game). Part of Bean's incredible story is that he rarely talks with Ender, and values his respect more than anyone...and he receives it through very small gestures that Ender doesn't think much about but Bean certainly does.

I usually try to separate movies and books, and understand that too often people expect them to be the same story and this is impossible, due to the same fact of "explaining" something in a book that you cannot in a movie.

Do you guys think the loss of mystery will be okay? (Will you be happy with it?) Although I think I will be happy with anything this movie turns into, this part of the series is something I was very attracted too and something I personally identify and care about.

Re: The Loss of "Mystery" in Bean/Ender (Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:06 pm
by Dr. Mobius
I don't know how old your audiobook is, but I'm pretty sure the script has changed a bajillion times since then.

Re: The Loss of "Mystery" in Bean/Ender (Movie)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:49 pm
by Stormcrown
I don't know how old your audiobook is, but I'm pretty sure the script has changed a bajillion times since then.
I'm not sure either.

But the Bean/Ender buddy system seems to fit the current cast. The removal of Shen means that Ender doesn't need him to "Talk" too.

Although if Orson Scott Card has enough control over the script I think we should be happy with whatever we get.
