*pulls pop-up string on the canadian alliance hq*
-from the canadian alliance-
*confetii and ballons popup everwhere*
Ahh its good to be back.
*pulls up chair, cooler of limeade ready to go*

I am one of the age old lurkers that finally fell by the way side and created an account. . . I used to read but not comment, then one day i got in. . .
Simple...after the enders game movie there was no reason to live on here anymore...=PHow has this thread not been bumped yet?
love this it's a great pickI wish I could come! I'm so excited about the movie, though I don't know when I'm actually going to see it.
Here's a hilarious outtake of a Lizzy picture:
Ohh, I see! I'll keep that in mind.Actually, limeades. That is the official drink of pweb!