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OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:10 am
by Cassandra
I'm well aware that OSC is strongly anti-fan-fiction, but it looks like he's changed his mind!
He's going to host a fan-fiction contest this wall!
Toooooo excited! ... n-contest/

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:13 am
by Boothby
All I can think of is a story about how the aerospace industry starts to respond to world events and RFQs after the scathing of China...

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:06 am
by LilBee91
First EG gets made into a movie and then OSC endorses fan fiction. Did hell freeze over recently and I missed it?

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:36 pm
by drobbins
All I can think of is a story about how the aerospace industry starts to respond to world events and RFQs after the scathing of China...
The race to reverse engineer and develop alien technology to give us the weaponry to defend ourselves before the aliens come back again?

I'm in... Steve, let's talk!


Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:47 pm
by drobbins
I got a couple stories I would love to delve into:

1. Story about the pilots and soldiers in the fleet when they realize that they are being led by kids.
2. IF Fleet's Flight School: Top gun for the Ender's Game Universe, taking the world's best pilots and training them to fight in humanities greatest war.
3. Dragon Army before Ender
4. Story of a brilliant child forced to be a soldier in some civil war riveted Sub Saharan African country and his journey to Battle School.
5. The creation of the Giants Drink Game
6. Battle School Construction
7. Anti-I.F. Fleet and Anti-Hegemony activism

Oh what to do...


Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:28 pm
by KennEnder
wow. I would love to submit something for this too! I better stop looking at this forum or I'll end up using too many idea of others.... wait... that's Card's whole objection to Fan Fiction to begin with...

I guess I could rest on my laurels and be happy with my part in "Ender's Epic" (poem done with others on this forum LONG ago) ... but writing a short story in that universe could be fun!

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:08 pm
by Ela
Wow, color me surprised. OSC often said that he disliked fanfic.

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:45 pm
by Taalcon
For those who are will not be writing stories, what are some EnderVerse stories you would like to see told?

This would be a great list to give individuals who may be interested in participating some ideas! Brainstorm away!

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:25 pm
by Boothby
Oh...god. I just realized what is going to happen, and it's not good. No, it's not good at all.

Knowing OSC's stand on homosexuals (not homophobia, but something...else) and his position on the board of the National Organization for Marriage (a group that opposes homosexual marriage), AND, coupled unnaturally with all that information, also knowing what the history of "Fan Fiction" has been for lo, these many years ("No, please don't do that..." Ron said, gingerly, to Harry. "Well, all right, maybe just this once..."), I can see where this whole thing is heading.

No, it's too horrible to contemplate.

All I can say is that, even as a staunch Liberal, I don't think even *I* would want to have to vet those short stories about to start pouring in. I wish Jake Black all the luck in the world. ... r_Marriage" onclick=";return false;

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:43 pm
by Taalcon

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:38 pm
by Dr. Mobius
Personally, I'd be interested in an account of the first and second invasions from the Formic point of view and their (it's?) realization that the indeginous primates inhabiting their newest colony system are in fact sentient.

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:30 pm
by KennEnder
Personally, I'd be interested in an account of the first and second invasions from the Formic point of view and their (it's?) realization that the indeginous primates inhabiting their newest colony system are in fact sentient.
That'd be interesting indeed... and with the info provided in "Shadows in Flight," it might even be possible to reveal something of the relationships between the queens and their various drones/workers.

Re: OSC Hosts Ender Fan Fiction Contest

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:56 am
by Taalcon
Anyone ever read Tim Zahn's Conquerer's books? First volume Conqueror's Pride is from Humans POV - where they encounter an alien vessel, send a welcome message, and immediately get bombarded/destroyed by the Alien race. Clearly hostile, right?

The second book Conqueror's Heritage contains much of the same time period from the Aliens' POV. And their interpretation of events, and who started the conflict, was very, very different for very fascinating reasons.

The Third Book, Conqueror's Legacy, went back and forth between both sides moving forward.

I don't remember many details, but I thought the concept was fascinating, and loved it when I read it a decade and a half or so ago. Anyway, that's what this discussion reminded me of.