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This Is Phenious!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:55 pm
by Phenious
And he has cake! Not really but I wish I did, or at least a cookie or brownie. I'm strange and weird and totally off the wall. At least that is what "normies" label me. I prefer to think I keep myself entertained with a fun and interesting way of living.
I like to try almost anything, but have a few things that I have stuck with and will continue to do till I die, or get bored of it. Which ever happens first.
First, art. Everything and anything. I paint, air brush, body paint, illustrate, doodle, draw and sketch. I have plenty of art work on my Deviant Art page. Will have to set up a link in my profile then a link to my profile in my signature.
I have gotten quite into the whole Japan scene. I go to an Anime Con here in Denver every Sept. NDK is a time and a half, though its getting crowded for the venue, but maybe the people in charge will realize the same and will set up a bigger convention hall. And if you go to one of these you are weird if you don't dress up. I Cosplay, its tons of fun to become your favorite character from a comic or cartoon.
And my last obsession (other then my fantastic girl) and newest, being only about 2 and a half years to date, is Warhammer 40k. I have always loved RTS games like Age of Empires, Tiberian Sun or Star Craft. Always seeing the stores with Warhammer in it but reluctant to actually becoming one of those people, not to mention not having the funds to dedicate to it. But one day I decided to go in and start up. If you care to know, I picked the inspiration for the Zerg, the Tyranid swarm. Think Space Locust for those that aren't into Blizzard games or table tops. I love that not only do I get to build models (another thing I loved doing from time to time) but I got to play with them instead of just setting them up on the shelf to collect dust like most models.
And those are my interests. They say what we love defines me, so if you want more you will have to ask my sweet heart.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:47 pm
by Eaquae Legit
.... I admit, I was really confused when I started reading this because I thought you were a lizard. A bearded dragon, actually. I've been a bit sleep deprived, and the name was too similar.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:13 pm
by Luet
Awww, I wish! If she started posting, you can bet she would have her picture as her avatar. She's a total camera whore.

But welcome to you, Phenious (even though you aren't my beardie, Pheeny). Have some limeade. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:30 pm
by Phenious
Well I always wanted to be a dragon so that is like the ultimate complement.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:38 pm
by Eaquae Legit
I just figured you hadn't gotten around to uploading pics yet. But since you already have a bunch online, that's poor reasoning.


Re: This Is Phenious!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:58 pm
by fawkes
If you care to know, I picked the inspiration for the Zerg, the Tyranid swarm. Think Space Locust for those that aren't into Blizzard games or table tops...
AKA Buggers.