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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:09 am
by Dr. Mobius
omg okay this doesn't have much to do with the whole conversation I'm sorry but I've been looking non stop for two hours don't ask why but has any one seen the post where I say my favorite smell is my violin??? by the way you look beautiful but yeah
Zelda, I hate to break it to you but I think you might be pregnant. You don't have a period.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:11 am
by Jayelle
omg okay this doesn't have much to do with the whole conversation I'm sorry but I've been looking non stop for two hours don't ask why but has any one seen the post where I say my favorite smell is my violin??? by the way you look beautiful but yeah
If you click the word "profile" under any of your posts, you can click on "view all posts by zeldagirl1234", shouldn't be too hard to find from there. Or you can use the search, but it is being wonky lately.

Oh and Brain?
Kudos on being a walking stereotype.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:13 pm
by zeldagirl1234
omg okay this doesn't have much to do with the whole conversation I'm sorry but I've been looking non stop for two hours don't ask why but has any one seen the post where I say my favorite smell is my violin??? by the way you look beautiful but yeah
Zelda, I hate to break it to you but I think you might be pregnant. You don't have a period.
ha.ha. very. funny. >:P

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:33 pm
by Jebus
Dude, I'm like, 30. How long am I supposed to wait?
Longer, much longer. Just put your ovaries in an icebox, or whatever it is people do.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:24 pm
by mr_thebrain
stereotype is fine.. but i speak the truth. marriage is a horrible thing for men and they need to be warned. kids are cool and all, but they are a trap too.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:06 pm
by Jayelle

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:40 pm
by Rei
Gotta say, I'm with Jan.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:26 pm
by mr_thebrain
you would be.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:30 am
by Luet
Josh has become our new single-Adam.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:31 am
by starlooker
Okay, question:

Does anyone know a medical reason that my period would shift from over a decade of 28-day cycles to suddenly about 21-day cycles, also completely regular? No changes in PMS, heaviness of flow, anything except that there are just more of them. I do not like it.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:29 pm
by mr_thebrain
Josh has become our new single-Adam.
except that i'm not single. just bitter about marriage. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:41 pm
by powerfulcheese04
I think she's saying that you're as bitter about relationships as Adam was when he was single.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:59 pm
by mr_thebrain
oh, i like relationships. being in love is excellent. almost as good as sex. :P

i just think that women are out to get us. and marriage is a trap devised to torture us men. and married men are unfortunately either brainwashed or coerced into keeping the secret. but i make it a point to mention that it's a trap to all men i meet that are getting married.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:08 pm
by Caspian
I'm sorry you're unhappy, Josh. Do you want to talk about it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:04 pm
by Luet
I think she's saying that you're as bitter about relationships as Adam was when he was single.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:06 pm
by Luet
Okay, question:

Does anyone know a medical reason that my period would shift from over a decade of 28-day cycles to suddenly about 21-day cycles, also completely regular? No changes in PMS, heaviness of flow, anything except that there are just more of them. I do not like it.
I don't know other than women can go through changes over the years. I have had years where my period is a certain way and then it changes and is a totally different way for years. And that is without changing anything hormonally, etc. But it is worth mentioning to your ob/gyn next time you are in for your annual.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:42 pm
by Gravity Defier
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

Just to be fair, my answers would be 1A: Somewhere in between not at all and somewhat, but definitely never approaching greatly. 2A: No. 16 year marriage, ended in divorce.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:53 pm
by Eaquae Legit
Quite, likewise, yep, and yep.

I know, we're weirdos.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:44 pm
by Jebus
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

Just to be fair, my answers would be 1A: Somewhere in between not at all and somewhat, but definitely never approaching greatly. 2A: No. 16 year marriage, ended in divorce.
1A: In between somewhat and not at all also.

1B: Unsure/kinda, follows the traditions of her religion though.

2A: Married but separated.

2B: Yes

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:01 pm
by Petra456
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

Just to be fair, my answers would be 1A: Somewhere in between not at all and somewhat, but definitely never approaching greatly. 2A: No. 16 year marriage, ended in divorce.
1 A - Not at all.
1 B - Not at all.
2 A - Still married, going on 24 years.
2 B - Still married, going on 31 years.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:21 pm
by neo-dragon
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

1A - Somewhat. I consider myself to be Christian but I might better be described as an agnostic theist; someone who believes while acknowledging that no one can really know. I pray, and I want to believe that there is a God out there listening, but if I somehow found out for certain that there isn't it wouldn't shatter my world or anything.

1B - N/A

2A - Still married. 30+ years.

2B - N/A

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:31 pm
by LilBee91
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1 A- I'd say I'm somewhere between somewhat and greatly, though most others would probably classify me as greatly. I'll copy EL and go with quite.

1 B- Somewhat/undecided.

2 A- Yes, going on 29 years.

2 B- Biological parents never married. Parents who raised him got divorced after 14 years.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:50 pm
by powerfulcheese04
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

Just to be fair, my answers would be 1A: Somewhere in between not at all and somewhat, but definitely never approaching greatly. 2A: No. 16 year marriage, ended in divorce.
1A- Somewhat, I guess. I believe there's a higher power, but I have yet to find a church/faith that I feel comfortable in.

1B- ditto

2A- Yes, 26 years.

2B- Yes, 29 years.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:02 pm
by Young Val
1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1A: Spiritual but not religious? I believe there's something going on. Not quite sure what. I am also pretty new age-y, which I don't know if many people know about me. I suppose I believe in a god that's sort of a combination of my father, Santa Claus, Paul Bunyan, and the big bad wolf. I don't attend religious services of any kind.

1B: David is an atheist.

2A: My parents were married for 14 years and are currently divorced (my mother remarried and my father is in a long-term committed relationship with his live-in girlfriend).

2B: David's father committed suicide when he was three. His mother has been with her current husband for about a decade now, although they've only been married for the last three years. David considers Eric (his mom's husband) to be his step-father, and they are close.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:00 pm
by Luet
1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1A - Very
1B - Very
We are both in the same religion, which occupies a central place in our life.

2A - Divorced and both are remarried (each for about 10 years)
2B - Married for 30+ years

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:15 am
by Jayelle
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1 a) Greatly - I would consider Christianity one of the most important/defining things in my life. It shapes everything about me.

1b) Paul is the same, and I wouldn't/couldn't have a partner who wasn't.

2 a) Yes, married almost 40 years. My mom used to tell me "This is what happily ever after looks like" to keep me grounded.

2 b) Yes, same, married 40 years.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:49 am
by Bean_wannabe
1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?

1.a. Very much so. Actively involved in my church, have been for as long as I can remember.

1.b. N/A

2.a. Yup

2.b. N/A

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:09 am
by megxers
1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1A Not at all
2A Married 25 years.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:15 am
by fawkes
Open to all. Please answer the following to the best of your abilities:

1 A- How religious do you consider yourself to be (e.g. Not at all, somewhat, greatly...or anything in between the scale of not at all to greatly; explanations/clarifications are a-okay)?

1 B- If you are in a relationship, how religious does your partner consider themselves to be?

2 A-Are your parents still married if your parents ever did marry?

2 B-If you are in a relationship, are your SOs parents still married if they ever did marry?
1A Not at all.

1B Not at all.

2A Yes, 26 years.

2B Yes, 28 (?) years.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:30 am
by neo-dragon
If I may ask, is this survey just for general curiosity, or looking for a correlation between religion and faithfulness, or what?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:22 pm
by Gravity Defier
I don't think I asked the right (or enough) questions to draw any conclusions for that particular correlation or any correlations, most likely.

I'm not sure how much sense this is going to make, even with me trying to lay out the path my brain took, but bear with me.

Re: brain's "It's a trap" comments, I thought both sides were wrong and both sides were right, that the real answer is somewhere in between. Marriage/kids can be a trap and bad for either and/or both parties but it can also be good and healthy.

It got me thinking, besides former relationships or current ones, the things that might have some influence on how you felt about them in general.

I was wondering if having more or less faith in a higher being or having basically a relationship role model made it harder to get kind of bitter about that sort of thing. Adam, that damn absentee monkey, is at least somewhat religious, but angry towards certain religions, and his parents are still married but he was undeniably pretty bitter (like me!) about relationships when he wasn't in them.

Anyway, it just seemed to be related in my head. I can't prove anything or draw any real conclusions one way or the other from my questions but learning that stuff was interesting all the same.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:09 pm
by Jayelle
Re: brain's "It's a trap" comments, I thought both sides were wrong and both sides were right, that the real answer is somewhere in between. Marriage/kids can be a trap and bad for either and/or both parties but it can also be good and healthy.

I think the key phrase he was missing was "can be". Sure it can be for some men, but obviously not for all.
And kids are a way different thing then marriage. I don't think kids should ever be referred to as a "trap".

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:21 pm
by Gravity Defier
I think the key phrase he was missing was "can be". Sure it can be for some men, but obviously not for all.
I was cutting him some slack, considering his marriage may or may not be falling apart. People say less than intelligent things when hurt.

And kids are a way different thing then marriage. I don't think kids should ever be referred to as a "trap".
They shouldn't ever be put in that position or conceived with that intention, I will 100% agree with you there but kids are conceived/used in that way by adults sometimes and if you think referring to them as such (hopefully not to their face) changes the reality of things for those kids, you are very naive. This doesn't mean they can't be loved but sometimes kids are brought into this world for less than noble reasons.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:51 pm
by mr_thebrain
i'm glad i was able to be so thought provoking. i can't believe you all didn't realize i was mostly kidding... mostly.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:44 pm
by zeldagirl1234
Open to all. Please answer the following to the...
1.a umm does being agnostic count as religion? I'm never sure..
1.b well i'm perfectly alright with everyone having their own beliefs, so I suppose it varies

2.a yes
2.b no relationship