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Postby Rei » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:24 pm

I <3 the Grammar Nazi.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:09 pm

I <3 the Grammar Nazi.
I <3 transitive pictograph verbalizations.

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Postby Rei » Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:11 pm

Descriptive grammar's got to be good for something!
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.
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Postby bc_hornet » Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:20 pm

I <3 transitive pictograph verbalizations.
I <3 you.

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Postby Slim » Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:44 pm

It was my sister that showed me the Young Writers Forum at Hatrack. A guy there asked if anyone was on PhiloticWeb, so I checked it out and stayed. I never really attached myself to the main forum of Hatrack, when the YWF closed (though I do check it occasionally). Then after my mission, I saw that Sleepless/Whispers disappeared, and I was all "meh, it wasn't all that great anyway. And I have PWeb, anyway!"

My username was my nickname during jr. high and high school. At a scouting activity, we were playing flag football, and a new leader didn't know my name, so he called me "Slim" and the name stuck.

The peacock is my favorite bird, and when I learned that some believe it to be a symbol of peace, I chose that as my avatar, and haven't changed it since.

I read Ender's game probably when I was ten, and I read the others soon afterwards. The ending was spoiled for me, though, because my mom had told me about the book years prior, and as I read it I realized, "hey! this is that book mom was talking about!" I really liked the whole mind game thing in Ender's Game, and I could really feel for Ender. I could really relate to him as a lonely smart kid.

I read the first two shadow books as they were published, but I still have yet to read those that came out since I began my mission. In my opinion, none of the other books is as great as Ender's Game, and is the only one of the books I have read more than once.
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Postby Wind Swept » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:07 pm

How did you find this site?
It was cited in one of the Bean books.
What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
Ender's Game. It was recommended to me by Latin teacher, October of 2002. I acquired the rest of the quartet and read them in the car as my family drove out to Colorado for Thanksgiving.
What about that novel did you like?
What Luet said: "I think many of us related to being young and intelligent and feeling misunderstood by adults."
How old were you when you read that novel?
Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
From the moment I picked up, it was my favorite book ever. It's been replaced since then, but that's beside the point. I had nothing against Science Fiction/Fantasy going into reading it, but I wasn't actively searching it out. If not for Ender's Game, I'd probably never have gotten around to Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett, neither of whose books I could live very comfortably without.
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
What Jan said.
What about names?
The old name was a spoonerism with a less mispronounceable spelling. The new one is to remind me that I need to write more.


And a question:
thatguy1944 - I don't suppose your real name is Matt, is it?[/quote]
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Postby Ela » Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:00 pm

How did you find this site?
JaneX did a search for Ender's Game and found PWeb, then convinced me I had to join, too.
What novel turned you on to the Enderverse?
Ender's Game. My sister gave it to me, along with SFtD and Xenocide, as a birthday present.
What about that novel did you like?
I thought it was a powerful and well-written story.
How old were you when you read that novel?
Let's just say I read it as an adult. ;)
Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
I read the whole Ender's series first. The Bean/Shadow series wasn't written yet when I first picked up the books.
(Or what Jayelle said. :))
What about names?
I picked the name Ela after the character in SFtD, because we are both trained in biology.

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:58 pm

How did you find this site?
I searched for Ender's Game and found Hatrack shortly after Endercon. There was some talk on the boards there about this other site that had a sizable presence at the con. So, being curious, I checked it out and decided I liked blue and avatars better than yellow and no images at all.
What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
A friend of mine recommended Ender's Game to me when I was at the library one day. I initially turned him down because I wasn't much into scifi at the time and that big tower thingamajig on the cover didn't look very interesting. I changed my mind a little while later, though, and grabbed the book (and checked it out) on my way out the door.
What about that novel did you like?
Um, everything?
How old were you when you read that novel?
14 or 15, I think.
Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
Yes. Mostly, it opened the door for me to a genre I hadn't really considered before.
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
I read EG, SftD, Xeno, and CotM in sequence. Then took a break from the enderverse and read some other things (it might've been Clarke's Rama series, I don't remember). Came back a bit later and read ES and SotH, the latter two books weren't published yet.
What about names?
Dr. Mobius is a character from the original Command & Conquer RTS game. It wasn't until later that I discovered there was a real Dr. Mobius, which is where my avatar comes from.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:00 am

How did you find this site?
Well my younger brother and a couple of his friends were yammering about this site, so I decided to check it out. I joined Ye Olde Pweb rigth before the first crash.
What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
EG of course. Is anyone's answer different for this question? I mean EG doesn't have to be your favorite, but wouldn't make sense that everyone would have EG as the novel that turned you on to the series?
How old were you when you read that novel?
16 or 17. I wasn't much of a reader and really only read the books at the urging of several Pwebbers.
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
I read EG first. Again, is there anyone who didn't read EG first? I wanted to read the shadow books first because I want to find out what became of the battle school kids, but I knew the shadow series wasn't finished at the time, so I read Speaker. All the while my anticipation for the shadow series grew because the Speaker series was soo good. Boy was I disappointed.
What about names?
Eddie Pinz was a nickname given to me in high school because my name is Edward and I was on the bowling team. My one friend started calling me it and it caught on very quickly. Most of my friends still call me Pinz or Pinzy to this day. My old name was a silly character from Dragonball Z. I don't remember why I choose it but it stuck and I was GS. After the crash I decided that the name never really suited me so now GS has become EP.

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Postby Darth Petra » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:27 am

How did you find this site?
It was mentioned in one of the books. Then, I googled it.

What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
Ender's Game

What about that novel did you like?
Oh, everything. But mostly the characters. They seemed more like people than characters to me.

How old were you when you read that novel?
14. But I was 15 by the time I finished the series.

Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
I picked it up to save me from bordem. But it ingrained itself permenately in my mind and heart. It was strangely moving in a weird sort of way...and it gave me something to think about.

If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
Speaker. I was so wrapped up in the story, that I needed to know what happened to Ender next.

What about names?

Well, Petra was one of my favorite characters. And after my Youth Pastor said I was sort of like her, I adopted the name for myself. But that wasn't good enough for me....I needed a title. So the "Darth" part just sort of made sense to me. Then "Darth Petra" became "Darth Petra, Stewardess of Gondor", and stewardess later became "hegemon". So now I'm Darth Petra, Hegemon of Gondor, but that's far to long for a user name, so I shortened it to "Darth Petra", and it works.
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Postby Young Val » Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:20 am

How did you find this site?
I googled "philotic twine."
What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
I read Ender's Game first at the suggestion of my then-boyfriend Joey. Under duress, I might add. ("I can't read this. It has a spaceship on the cover!")
What about that novel did you like?
To an extent I have to echo what Luet said about being young and intelligent, but mostly it was Valentine. I identified with her far more than any other character in the series, and what made me love the books was the relationships between her and her two brothers.
How old were you when you read that novel?
Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
It meant something the first time. I read it at Joey's request, 3 days before he went into boot camp for the Marines. Very emotional timing.
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
I read them in published order.
What about names?
My first user name on Ye Olde Pweb was "Valentine Wiggin" (with the space). After the first crash I had no internet access and was delayed signing up again. By the time I rejoined, Nicole had joined pweb and signed on as "ValentineWiggin." Knowing I wanted to hang on to the moniker of my favorite character, I opted for her reincarnation. Thus--Young Val
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Postby Mich » Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:04 pm

I read EG first. Again, is there anyone who didn't read EG first?
Generally, in the "great" Bean vs. Ender debate the Bean supporters read Shadow first, in my experience. I think I've met at least three people who have read Shadow first, and all three think Bean is better.
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Postby neo-dragon » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:25 am

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?

For me, it's about 6:00-6:30 AM wake-up, and anywhere from 10:30 pm (when I'm lucky) to 1:00 am bed time. I average about 5-6 hours of sleep per night during the week, but then I sleep like 9 hours on weekends.
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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:55 am

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?
In school days, I get up in 6:30-7:00 AM and go to sleep at 11:00 PM minimum, managing a maximum of 8 hours of sleep a day (which is wonderful), but usually I sleep much less.

In the weekends I usually go to sleep at 12:00 PM or more, and wake up at about 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. I can't sleep more than 10 hours straight; I have no idea why.
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Postby Jayelle » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:15 am

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?
I usually aim to go to bed before midnight - though with the tiredness of pregnancy, it's often before 11pm. I work at 10, so I usually get up around 8:30am. On weekends/days when I don't work I often sleep in till 10am.
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Postby Virlomi » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:32 am

Anywhere from 1ish to 3 or 4, or not at all, depending on how bad the next day is looking. Fortunately my earliest class is at 12:30. Even so, I usually wake up around 9 or so.

There's construction outside of my window this month though and they keep ungodly hours for a college campus... so lately I've been forced awake by no later than 7. ugh.

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Postby locke » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:41 am

go to sleep between 5 and 9 am usually depending on when I get home from work. Get up between 1 and 4pm depending on when I fell asleep and what time I'm supposed to be at work (show days I have to be 2.5 and 1.5 hours earlier, respectively, tonight I'm supposed to go in 3 hours early because Give Back got bumped to 2.5 hrs of goodness. Yay, raise more money). I shouldn't be up now. I should have been asleep three hours ago. damn you biggest loser for being such an addictive show. and damn you more being two hours (less than one with tivo, bleep bloop). Time to go to bed.
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Postby Ela » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:43 am

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?
The times I get up and go to bed are very variable, cause of my work schedule. Sometimes I work days, sometimes evenings, sometimes nights.

So, when I'm working days, I get up anywhere from 6:30-7:30 am. When I am working at home, I generally get up at 9-10am.

I go to bed way too late. My goal is to be in bed by midnight, unless I'm working nights. But if I am not working the next morning, I've been known to stay up to 1, 2 and 3 am. It's not a good thing.

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Postby Jebus » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:53 am

I have a question for everyone - Does anyone remember me or do I just look like some random rude newbie? lol
I remember your username, but I can't remember anything about who you are and what you do. :)

Why don't you enlighten us? :)
When I was my most active here i was at the end of highschool. I've been out for probably seven years now (i can't believe i've been around pweb for seven years...) I actually was pretty good pals with otaku, and NG if anyone remembers him, and I are friends IRL.

I also was known for the fact that I dated mostly members of the same sex, however, since I left and came back I've gotten married, had a daughter, moved around a lot, got a godson with autism who is my whole world, and a lot of other pretty big things. I'm really nowhere near the same person i used to be, but I remember everyone so well and am a little sad that no one probably remembers me at all.
I remember you of course, big lesbo then some guy straightened you out, used to really like 80s music (still do, maybe?), threatened me with a picture of you wielding a tire iron once. Good times.

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Postby Dr. Mobius » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:35 pm

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?
On work days, my alarm is set for 1:00 PM. I have to be at work by 3:30 PM and that goes until 12:30 AM, though recently we've been having to stay until 1:30 AM. I usually try to go to bed by 5:00 AM, but have been known to stay up as late as 8:00 AM.

On off days, my already screwy sleep schedule is completely fubar. Pretty much a whenever I feel like it thing.
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Postby Wind Swept » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:45 pm

In the weekends I usually go to sleep at 12:00 PM or more, and wake up at about 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. I can't sleep more than 10 hours straight; I have no idea why.
I'm no math major, but that seems to be a bit more than ten hours straight. ;)

I currently don't have class until 1:30 in the afternoon, which has resulted in my sleep schedule being shot completely to hell. I'm asleep anywhere between 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM, depending on how late the previous night was. I'm usually up around ten no matter what, though.
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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:00 pm

In the weekends I usually go to sleep at 12:00 PM or more, and wake up at about 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. I can't sleep more than 10 hours straight; I have no idea why.
I'm no math major, but that seems to be a bit more than ten hours straight. ;)
XD, you're right. I meant to write 12:00 AM (midnight) but I always get confused with that my watch, it's simply 0:00.
I wish I could sleep from 12:00 PM to 8:00 AM the next morning... that would mean a LOT of dreaming.
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Postby wigginboy » Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:29 pm

How did you find this site?
I had just read Speaker and was hooked on the idea of philotic physics so i checked it out online and ran into the last incarnation of this site. That was 5 years ago

What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
Honestly, it wasn't even a novel per se. I was on an Air Cadet survival instructor course and one of the guys in my barracks had an audiobook recording of Ender's Game. so we listened to that to pass the time. I was hooked and after the course I begged my library to get it in because I wanted to read it.

What about that novel did you like?
The first time I heard the novel read on audiobook, I was thinking wow, this is a great story. Also, my flight (squad) on the course was called Dragonfly, so we all kind of identified with that. There was a kid named Allen who looked like Mr Bean so we called him Bean, and then had a good laugh when a character with the same name popped up in the story. Aside from that, I think I identified a lot with what Peter and Val were doing because I have always been the type to try to use words to my advantage.

How old were you when you read that novel?

Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
I think it took me reading the rest of the series to really appreciate the message in EG

If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
Well, I read EG, then the Entire speaker series, then ES. The for almost I year, I read other things because my school library didnt have anything else in the Shadow Series. But after perusing the public library i found both Hegemon and Puppets

What about names?
My original name on what is commonly accepted as PWeb II was beans_shadow7. I chose that name because I liked bean, he didnt have a shadowm, and my favourite number is 49 and its root, 7. My new name: after PWeb crashed and was brought back to life I rethought who I most identify with in the series (having read the whole series at least twice per book, sometimes more). The one character I found harmony with was Peter Wiggin. I also found accord with John-Paul Wiggin as referenced in the First Meeting collection. From there I took my new name, The Wiggin Boy.


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Postby mazer » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:30 pm

How did you find this site?
in the back of one of the shadow books they mentioned here and hatrack. I went to hatrack first but could not find my way around so iwent to the second sight and well Iliked
What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
I actually did not get into the endersverse until I read enders shadow. i read the shadow books first but I like Enders story better now.
What about that novel did you like?
it was really well written and i connected with the charactors more than I ever have to other books
Did it mean something to you the first time you read it? or did it take a few reads?
when i read Enders game I was to young to understand it well about a year later i picked up enders shadow and loved it after that i tried to read any thing by OSC.
If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?
if you read above you should know

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Postby zeroguy » Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:52 am

Open Question: On a typical work/school day at what times do you get up and go to bed?
Asleep between 0300 and 0600. Usually. Awake at about 1300. Usually. And it's the same on weekends or weekdays. Occaisionally I have to actually go to my 11AM class or other such nonsense, in which case I usually don't go to sleep any earlier.

I'm starting to think of some questions to people in general.... but I think they will be better as polls.
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Postby v-girl » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:41 am

I usually sleep from 10:30 or 11:00pm to 5:30am. During exam times it always shifts for some reason, one way or the other. I've been known to keep a 9pm-3am sleeping schedule but sometimes it shifts to 1:00am to 7:00am. It always seems to be about 6 hours though, so I really see no reason for the shift.

I catch up on Saturdays and sleep 9-10 hours.

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Postby Slim » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:25 am

Currently, my first class is at 7 in the morning at Weber State, so I try to wake up at 5:30 so I can have time to get ready and get there on time. I get an extra hour of sleep on Thursdays when class is an hour later. Saturdays and Sundays I can sleep in until 8 or 9 usually.

Going to bed depends on my mood and awakeness. Usually I go to sleep between 10 and midnight.
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Postby Rei » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:10 am

I tend to go to sleep between six to eight hours before I have to be up, which is an hour and a half to two hours before I have to be anywhere. So for example, for work I will usually go to bed around 2am and then wake up at 9.45am so that I can be there for 11.45.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:54 am

I usually go to bed anywhere between 1:00 and 4:00. I hate getting up in the mornings, so I usually sleep in until 8:45. I'd sleep later, but it takes half an hour to get to campus and my first class is at 9:30.

Edit: I find it rather amusing that it takes me fifteen minutes to shower, shave, get dressed, and be out the door. Then, I look at Rei's post and he gets up two hours before he needs to be anywhere. The different lives we lead.

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Postby neo-dragon » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:18 pm

Personally, I save time by only shaving once a week. :D
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Postby steph » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:51 pm

I go to bed whenever I have both kids in bed, and after I've tried to make our home somewhat livable and I can successfully fall asleep. Sometimes I take a shower first, because it's the only time I can get one in. Then I wake whenever the baby wakes up. Some nights it 5 times. Luckily, last night was only once, at 5 am. We're up for the day by 7am at the latest. I'm usually running on about 3-5 hours of sleep a night. I usually get dressed about 12 or 1pm when Brian wakes up after getting home from work at 6am.

Yeah. We need a new system. My ideal system involves the baby sleeping at night!!!
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Postby Rei » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:42 pm

I find it rather amusing that it takes me fifteen minutes to shower, shave, get dressed, and be out the door. Then, I look at Rei's post and he gets up two hours before he needs to be anywhere. The different lives we lead.
Part of that is because it takes me almost an hour to get to anywhere I need to be. And it takes me time to, you know, get out of bed in the morning. I am very slow to feel remotely human.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:54 pm

The time I get up is determined by when I need to be somewhere. Swimming morning I am usually up at 6:45, to leave at 7:15. Since I don't need a shower, I use the time to have breakfast. Latin mornings or study mornings are usually around 9:30, to give me a half hour to shower. Days off can be anywhere from 10am to 12pm. I am not a morning person, and am usually up till 2am or later, so swimming days mean I get not a lot of sleep.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby GodInYourEyes » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:10 am

How did you find this site?
googled it

What novel turned you on to the Bean/Enderverse?
ender's game

What about that novel did you like?

How old were you when you read that novel?

If you read EG first did you read EShadow or Speaker next?

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Postby Jayelle » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:17 am

Specific question to powerfulcheese: Are you done your degree or are you still at Rice? I remember when you got in but I can't recall how long ago that was...

Open question to anyone:
What's your highest level of education and do you see yourself getting more? (for those still in HS - are you going to University?)
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