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Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:03 pm
by neo-dragon
I HATE writing report card comments. I don't know why I put so much effort into them.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:33 pm
by Mich
I HATE writing report card comments. I don't know why I put so much effort into them.
It's because you're actually a good teacher.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:53 pm
by Gravity Defier
You're trying too hard. Let me help you out.

For those students who are passing, write: You obviously have this school stuff down, good job, keep it up next year.

For those who are not, write: You will eventually be required to B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Brain). You may as well start now.

Or what Jeff said. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:28 pm
by zeroguy
I don't remember what these are. Are these comments to the students, or the students parents?

Also, googling "report card comments" brings up sites giving lists of premade ones instead of telling me what they are. Apparently they are indeed difficult.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:55 pm
by neo-dragon
I don't remember what these are. Are these comments to the students, or the students parents?
Sort of both. Something like comments to the parent about the student, but the student is obviously meant to read them as well.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:56 am
by BonitoDeMadrid
In my school, the teachers have a "report card comment bank" that they take the appropriate comments from, and add it to the report card. It might seem a little mundane and lacking in emotion, but it makes preparing the report card a LOT easier, IMO.
Ditto. (What is it, with 3 active forum members moving this summer?)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:29 am
by neo-dragon
In my school, the teachers have a "report card comment bank" that they take the appropriate comments from, and add it to the report card. It might seem a little mundane and lacking in emotion, but it makes preparing the report card a LOT easier, IMO.
We have that too, I'm just really bad at using it because none of the preset comments seem to say what I want them to. I can even add my own comments to the bank, but I seldom actually do that. But enough about my suffering.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:03 am
by BonitoDeMadrid
Being sick. Especially being diagnosed with 114 degrees Fahrenheit fever (41 degrees Celsius), coughing and sneezing all the time.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:35 am
by BonitoDeMadrid
Sorry for the double post...

Swine flu. I've been on pills for the last 5 days, still feeling horrible, and apparently it's not going to change for a while.

(positive side though- due to not eating, I lose weight really really fast; I think I lost about 6 pounds since I got sick)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:15 am
by Luet
Wow, you were confirmed to have swine flu? You're the first person I've actually "known" to have it. Are you sure the fever was 114 F? I didn't think you could have a temperature that high and be alive.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:29 am
by BonitoDeMadrid
Not confirmed yet, but all the symptoms match, and also I just returned from summer camp where 5 people were diagnosed with swine flu, and 45 more were sent home due to "weakness"- which might imply they have it too.

I had the tests today, so tomorrow I'll know if it's really swine flu or some kind of very violent virus not yet known to man.

About the high temp: thankfully, it is possible to live with such temperature (or else I wouldn't be here) but everything is a pain to do.
(I had to use a five-step-plan just to get out of bed, it took me 15 minutes to take the pills to lower down the fever, and even talking was tough as heck).
I don't think I could live in such a temperature much longer. (luckily it lasted for only about half a day, then the temperature went down to the "normal" borders of 108-110)

Also: being sick and taken care of by your parents really makes you admire and worship them, if you didn't already. Also, it makes you worship tea, which always makes me feel better.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:31 am
by powerfulcheese04
Even at 108-110 you would be worrying about brain damage.

105-106 is where they start taking rapid measures to cool adults down.

I got up to 106 once and I got put on an IV of cool saline to bring my temperature down fast.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:38 am
by Luet
Yeah, I think you must be making some error in the conversion from celsius, Bonito.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:13 am
by BonitoDeMadrid
You're right, my formula was completely off. My high temperature was not 114 (thanks god for that), but rather 106, and the "normal" fever temperatures I was referring to were 100-102. (If I were at 114- about 46 degrees celsius- I'd be dead). Sorry about the mistake.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:48 pm
by Gravity Defier
Throwing up.

Then throwing up from seeing/smelling the previous throw up.

And throwing up from that.

Finally, having nothing left to throw up -including some stomach acid that came up- and so having to go through the dry heaves.

Having to clean that up when I miss the receptacle. Which gives me the dry heaves again.

The empty, tired feeling in my stomach and a nervousness to try filling it again.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:00 pm
by BonitoDeMadrid
Getting imperfect scores. I just found out that I got a 95 in last year's Math final, and together with the 90 and 97 from the English finals I'm more upset than happy.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:18 pm
by Syphon the Sun
Does it really matter, when everything between 90 and 100 is a perfect 4.0?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:30 pm
by Mich
Does it really matter, when everything between 90 and 100 is a perfect 4.0?
Unless your place of education doesn't grade from 90-100 for A's. My high school did 92-100.

Of course, I have to say, a 97 is hard to complain about.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:02 pm
by zeroguy
Does it really matter, when everything between 90 and 100 is a perfect 4.0?
A 93 was a 3.5 where I come from. And 4.0 isn't always 'perfect'; friggin high school grade scales are so weird some places.

And psh, grades. Maybe such scores just aren't up to his own personal standards.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:06 pm
by P3+J3^u!
Today. Not a good day for me.

Tomorrow's not looking so hot either.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:14 pm
by zeroguy
ustream, sometimes. I do not understand how you have a realtime video stream widget that is more reliable than a f****** irc client widget. Okay, maybe my anger should really be directed at firefox or flash (probably flash, actually), but 'argh' nonetheless.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:53 am
by Froth

And forgive me for any bitterness I have to girls in the future. My girlfriend broke up with me over a text recently, and after a few days I was able to forgive her (not easy btw) and try to be friends again, and she doesnt want to talk to me anymore cause of stuff I said. And I want to compare scars so to speak. I think the things shes done, and Ive forgiven her for are much more than what I said in a moment of anger over a damned text.

Ah, why do I care so much?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:36 pm
by starlooker
Waiting for the f****** test results.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:24 pm
by locke

And forgive me for any bitterness I have to girls in the future. My girlfriend broke up with me over a text recently, and after a few days I was able to forgive her (not easy btw) and try to be friends again, and she doesnt want to talk to me anymore cause of stuff I said. And I want to compare scars so to speak. I think the things shes done, and Ive forgiven her for are much more than what I said in a moment of anger over a damned text.

Ah, why do I care so much?
don't be the badguy but recognize that you'll have to be okay with some people seeing you as the badguy in a breakup situation, even if your behavior is perfect (which it is usually not). someone who breaks up with someone else often needs internal validation that it's not their own fault, as the brain's tendancy is to do backflips before blaming yourself. So your brain recruits information and presents it in a way that justifies your behavior and assigns blame to the other party in a neat self-enclosed bubble of 'reality'. I say this having done this myself in initiating a breakup and in having it done to me many times over by someone breaking up with me.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:27 pm
by Gravity Defier
Hearings. Even in a best case scenario, these are brutal. In two hours, I will be on my way to being done with this for two years or being done with it forever. I still want to throw up, something else I hate and have been doing too much of lately if you'll scroll up.


Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:56 pm
by ender1
Hearings. Even in a best case scenario, these are brutal. In two hours, I will be on my way to being done with this for two years or being done with it forever. I still want to throw up, something else I hate and have been doing too much of lately if you'll scroll up.
Good luck.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:36 pm
by powerfulcheese04
World of Warcraft.

Seriously. And I'd bet the majority of the female population probably agrees with me. Why is it that that game, in specific, seems to have the power to get guys to choose a virtual world over their girlfriends? I think every girl I know who has a boyfriend who plays, who does not play herself, has played second fiddle to the damn game. And probably even been lied to about it.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:14 pm
by zeroguy
World of Warcraft.

Seriously. And I'd bet the majority of the female population probably agrees with me.
Psh. I know about the same number of guys that play as girls.

Although this reminded me of a couple comics I recently saw.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:58 pm
by Mich
The single most aggravating WoW player I've ever met was a woman. She played it with her husband. It is she that made me dislike most WoW players by face value, even though that's something I always try to avoid for any reason, but she would not. Shut. Up about it. And she wasn't even this extremely realistic stereotype.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:32 am
by locke
I loved RPGs on the SNES and can honestly say I've never played them on any other system other than a portable. in middle school high school I could sink 100+ hours easily into FFIII or Chrono Trigger and it drove my mom nuts. I've never let myself play any MMOs or other RPGs just because it's such a huge time investment/time sink. :-p

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:54 am
by Froth

And forgive me for any bitterness I have to girls in the future. My girlfriend broke up with me over a text recently, and after a few days I was able to forgive her (not easy btw) and try to be friends again, and she doesnt want to talk to me anymore cause of stuff I said. And I want to compare scars so to speak. I think the things shes done, and Ive forgiven her for are much more than what I said in a moment of anger over a damned text.

Ah, why do I care so much?
don't be the badguy but recognize that you'll have to be okay with some people seeing you as the badguy in a breakup situation, even if your behavior is perfect (which it is usually not). someone who breaks up with someone else often needs internal validation that it's not their own fault, as the brain's tendancy is to do backflips before blaming yourself. So your brain recruits information and presents it in a way that justifies your behavior and assigns blame to the other party in a neat self-enclosed bubble of 'reality'. I say this having done this myself in initiating a breakup and in having it done to me many times over by someone breaking up with me.
Never heard it put so scientifically. But it does make perfect sense, and I guess I kind of knew it already, just hadnt ever really put it into words before. I know Im not perfect, but its still frustrating for me because Im one of the most forgiving people ever. We broke up once, and she told me she had dry sex (dry humping I guess is the more common term?) with her ex while we were together, and I forgave her and we actually got back together. When I understand someone, I cant get mat at them if they themselves feel bad about it, or atleast I cant stay mad for long. and so it frustrates me when someone else cant forgive me.

Anyways, im babbling about inconsequential things.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:59 pm
by Luet
That they have discontinued french crullers from all of the Dunkin' Donuts in my area. I know they still have them in other states/areas but not here. They are my favorite and I'm very mad!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:33 pm
by Syphon the Sun
I think every girl I know who has a boyfriend who plays, who does not play herself, has played second fiddle to the damn game.
I've seen quite a few relationships (and lives) ruined because of it. I've seen people ignore their significant other for weeks at a time and I've seen people cheat on their significant other with someone they met over the game. I've seen people drop out (and flunk out) of school, quit jobs, lose their car, their apartment, and their spouse, all over a game.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:40 pm
by powerfulcheese04
I think every girl I know who has a boyfriend who plays, who does not play herself, has played second fiddle to the damn game.
I've seen quite a few relationships (and lives) ruined because of it. I've seen people ignore their significant other for weeks at a time and I've seen people cheat on their significant other with someone they met over the game. I've seen people drop out (and flunk out) of school, quit jobs, lose their car, their apartment, and their spouse, all over a game.
Yeah, I've seen that, too. It's just... ridiculous.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:37 pm
by Gravity Defier
That my dumbshit brother failed to mention, when asking if he could borrow my headphones, that he was leaving the house for the night. I use them every night right before bed. I am LIVID.

That I'm stupid enough to think he'd care if he was inconveniencing me and with my own possession nonetheless.

That my indirect coworkers act like a bunch of junior high school kids. First there were the emails/calls before about them taking my supplies. I tried damn hard to not get all dramatic and simply state why I was concerned, reasons I felt were legitimate. If they weren't, then was the time to say something. Now, they refuse to interact with me at all. They go to my direct, in the building boss with requests, who then has to come to me. Fine, whatever. But when I do what they ask (look for a book on the shelf, in more than just the area it should be...patrons give books legs) and have the bad news that it's not there even if the computer says it should be, you don't f****** send another non-departmental third party all the way across town to double check and have them ignore me in the process. I do see you, asshat, and I see you looking where it should be. Why would I lie about it not being there? Why would my boss lie about it not being there? UGH.

A volunteer opportunity presented itself today and I can't do it. It was to help teach juvenile delinquents how to read, something I would have jumped all over doing Before. But to do anything like that, you have to pass background checks before you can start training. In fact, to do just about any volunteer work in this town, you have to pass background checks.