Best Trailer Lines from Ender's Game & Ender's Shadow

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Best Trailer Lines from Ender's Game & Ender's Shadow

Postby Psudo » Thu May 13, 2010 2:38 am

I'm vaguely planning on perhaps someday making an animated Ender's Game trailer to 1) practice making homemade animation, and 2) raise interest in getting the movie made. Because I don't know any kids who can voice act, and I can't do voices, I was thinking the script would stick mostly to quotes between Anderson and Graff saying what Ender is good for and regretting the horrors he'd have to endure, but that's not an absolute requirement.

Blah blah. In short, what are some Ender's Game/Shadow quotes that would be good for a movie trailer? Things that give non-initiates a kind of teaser/hint as to the plot without giving it all away would be best.

Some examples I've come up with so far:

Graff: "I've looked through his eyes, I've heard with his ears, and I tell you he's the one."

Graff: "If Ender isn't the one, if his peak of military brilliance does not coincide with [the invasion] we'll all be bugger meat."

Anderson: "So what do we do? Surrounding him with enemies all the time?"
Graff: "If we have to."

Anderson: "Sometimes I think you enjoy breaking these little geniuses."
Graff: "There is an art to it, and I'm very, very good at it. But enjoy? Well, maybe."

General Levy: "Don't hurt this boy."
Graff: "Are you joking?"
General Levy: "I mean, don't hurt him any more than you have to."

Val: "What horrible things are you doing to him up there?"
Graff: "Valentine, my dear girl, the horrible things are only about to begin."

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Postby akrolsmir » Mon May 24, 2010 8:48 pm

Hmph. You've stolen all the good quotes by Graff.

Anyway, your project sounds interesting. Good luck with it!

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Postby Psudo » Tue May 25, 2010 12:17 pm

I did not get all the good quotes from Graff in that first post. Here's another:

"He didn't just beat him, he beat him deep. Like Mazer Rackham at the--"
"Spare me."

(Actually, I don't know if that's actually Graff. No one is identified in those chapter introduction dialogues, and I'm only guessing from the style of speech and the line "I'm not used to seeing his facial expressions. I'm used to feeling them." And yet, the series never actually SAYS it was Graff watching him through the montior, does it? It could be Dap saying "beat him deep" and Graff saying "Spare me." Or it could be Dap talking to Major Imbu, or unidentified soldier A talking to unidentified soldier B.)

Even so, it really doesn't have to be Graff. Adult male voices are easier for an adult male to fake, but I don't actually know how to animate either. Maybe the whole project will be the same rushed high school project level of quality, and my horrible voice acting of, say, Achilles or Valentine or Petra won't be any worse than the rest. Even more likely, the project will probably never actually happen, so the whole point is moot.

Except for the fun part where we think up cool quotes. =]

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Postby Pseudonym » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:34 am

“As a species, we have evolved to survive. And the way we do it is by straining and straining and, at last, every few generations, giving birth to genius. The one who invents the wheel. And light. And flight. The one who builds a city, a nation, an empire.... Human beings are free except when humanity needs them. Maybe humanity needs you. To do something.” - Graff

"Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth." - Graff

“I didn’t want to kill them all. I didn’t want to kill anybody! I’m not a killer! You didn’t want me, you bastards, you wanted Peter, but you made me do it, you tricked me into it!" - Ender

"I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher." - Mazer

I don't care if I pass your test, I don't care if I follow your rules. If you can cheat, so can I. I won't let you beat me unfairly-I'll beat you unfairly first. - Ender
I wont be coming home tonight.
My generation will put it right.
We're not just making promises,
that we know, well never keep.

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