0 'til 10: The Pweb Decathlon - Happy 10th Birthday, Pweb!

Talk about anything under the sun or stars - but keep it civil. This is where we really get to know each other. Everyone is welcome, and invited!

How awesome is Alea?

So awesome!
Even more awesome!
Total votes: 13

Gravity Defier
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

0 'til 10: The Pweb Decathlon - Happy 10th Birthday, Pweb!

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:25 am

Unless my math is off (Could be ;)), today marks ten weeks until Pweb turns 10 years old. Leading up to its birthday, I think we should have even more mindless fun or something approximating it.

Closing Ceremonies

The Scoreboard


The Events

10. Know Thy Neighbors - List 10 Pwebbers' First Name
9. Get a Clue - Crosswords
8. Let's Get Visual (Pt 1) - Avatar
7. Let's Get Visual (Pt 2) - Matching
6. Follow the Breadcrumbs - Present Day Pweb
5. Say Hello To My Little Friend - Emo-ku
4. SupercaliSIGilisticexpialidocious - The Sig Scramble
3. Can I Get an Elemenopea? - Wheel of Fortune
2. There was a Defier Who Had A Board - P- W E B
1. You Get Full Points if Your Name Isn't Ed

While I do recognize that some of the events will prevent newer members from participating, I would still like to encourage attempts be made. Guess! If you feel stupid posting guesses, PM me and you can decide if you want to be added to the scoreboard based on your performance. If you're okay showcasing your guesses, all the better. I've tried to design things to allow for partial credit.

At the end of the 10 weeks, I'll give you a point for every event you tried your hand at.

Rules will be different for each event, making checking the opening post at the start of each important. They'll always be updated on a Wednesday and you'll always have until the following Tuesday to reply.

Points will be tallied at least weekly, more than likely more often. In the event of a tie at the end, I'll either come up with an eleventh event or go the lazy way and draw names from a hat.

If enough people continue to play (Basically, as long as it doesn't die before the end), I'll be throwing in a prize at the end and because it's guaranteed to be lame, you know you want it. :mrgreen:

The One Challenge

I present PwebLand, the gameboard:


In this task, there are a grand total of 7 questions but not everyone will get the chance to answer all 7; thank you to those who made sure I had an active email address, as I asked -Kelsey, Nomi, Fred, Rei, and Ed, you get to try all questions. Everyone else, you must wait until Thursday, question 2, to get your first chance to answer. Question 3 will be posted Friday, 4 Saturday, 5 Sunday, 6 Monday, and 7 Tuesday. You do not have to answer the question the day it is posted; you may wait until you have them all, some, or keep up with one at a time.

Your movement across the gameboard will depend upon your answering the question of the day correctly. The number of squares you move was determined by your highest score on the previous challenges. I made the text red and bold on the scoreboard, so you know what movements you're making. (Kelsey, round up to the nearest whole.)

If, by the last day, you have completed the gameboard (134 spaces), you get full points (10).
107-133 spaces: 8
80-106: 6
53-79: 4
26-52: 2
25 or below: 0

Want 5 bonus points? On Tuesday, June the 29th, give me one thing you love about Pweb. Any old thing. Long, short, serious, humorous.

At the beginning I said people would get a point for each task they participated in; that will be added in Tuesday night.

Closing ceremonies will take place on Wednesday, June 30th.

closedYou have until Tuesday, June 29th.closed


Starting off easy:

Question 1:
Don't feed the what? (*No points or bonus for this but if you know and want, name who brought the term to Pweb and from which television show it was borrowed.*)

Question 2: (That is technically not a question)
I created an incomplete "Class Of" list within the past few months, which gave the original sign-up dates for members. Find it and give me the username of one person from each year (2000-2010).

Question 3
Kim had two litters of kittens that she handed out to various Pwebbers. Successfully match one kitten from either group to its godparent. (You may guess on more than one; in fact, I highly recommend it.)

Litter One: Ash, Catweasel, Elli, Lily, Miracle, Piewacket, Stormy

Litter One Possible Owners: big_beans, ferret_guy, Great Saiyaman(Eddie Pinz), JL, LG, MaezrPaktu, strokeman

Litter Two: Carwyn, Gilgamesh, John Michael, Pantalaimon, Patchwork, Scooter

Litter Two Possible Owners: Ekaterina, EL, Rei, thoughtreader, valwiggin (Claire), Virmoli

Question 4
Who was the first person ever to post on Pweb (Ye Olde)?

Question 5


What is the (user)name of this Eye of Argon character, as represented on Pweb?

Question 6
Which mod's child created this drawing of a bugger?

Question 7
Usernames of level one "warned" members on Pweb 2.0 were what color:
black, blue, green, orange, red?

The Two Challenge

There was a Defier who had a board, and Pweb was it's name-o.

This task is a modified game of bingo. Everyone is working from the same board and must complete 5 items in a line. They can be diagonal, columns, or rows but you must complete 5 touching boxes; no picking 5 that are spread apart from each other. Some are actions but most are asking for information to be provided.

Just to be clear, the box that says "Identify who was recognized in SOTG" is referring to the Pwebber who was mentioned by OSC in the acknowledgments of the book, the small lines in the "Pweb Chat battle cry" are punctuation marks, and "Name one of Kimmie's cats" is referring to her Pweb litters, not the cats she currently owns. I didn't format the boxes so the text wraps strangely in some of them (It's not Canad ian, it's Canadian).

This task is worth 15 points (3pts x 5 boxes). For an additional 3 points, you may answer one box that is not part of the line you chose to attempt, meaning there is a possible total of 18 points.

No peeking and closedyou have until Tuesday, June 22nd.closed

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /P_WEB.jpg

The Three Challenge

Nearing the end, guys; thanks for playing so far.

In this task, we're playing a game of Wheel of Fortune, of sorts. Your clue is "Place" and it is Pweb related, naturally. Unlike the show, there is no spinning. Instead, you have the blank puzzle.

If you are able to solve the puzzle without any help, you will receive at minimum 18 points - 1 point per letter (17) + 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 pts depending on how long it takes you to solve. If you solve on day one, you get 7 bonus points; solve on day 7, you get 1 and everything else falls in between. If you need help, the maximum you number of points you can get is 23; you can still get the bonus points (number depending on what day you solve) but you will lose a point from your total for every assist.

You will not guess a letter, you will ask me to reveal one to you and you will specify which letter exactly. For instance, you might want to know the third letter of word two, so you will tell me, "Word 2, Letter 3" or something similar. PM requests for assists to PwebArchivist.

We all know, no peeking at others' answers and you have until closedTuesday, June 15th.closed

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... kTask3.jpg

The Four Challenge

This is the signature scramble; your job is to unscramble the 7 sigs (or parts of sigs, in most cases). Some are still used in slightly altered forms, some are old but all were taken directly from Pweb. Do not add words that aren't in the images, even if the current form of it has more/different words in it. There will be some words shown only once in the image but that are in the saying multiple times; using the same word more than once is not the same as adding an entirely new word, so if you need to use something 2+ times, that is okay.

These are worth 3 points a piece (7x3=21) plus a point for each if you can name its owner (7x1=7), for a total of 28 possible points. As always, no peaking and no using anything on/off the board this time around.

closedYou have until Tuesday, June 8th.closed

Since we're now officially in the finishing half, total points possible will continue to decrease for each event.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA1.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA2.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA3.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA4.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA5.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA6.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... WLIIA7.jpg

The Five Challenge

I like to call this the Say Hello To My Little Friend challenge.

This is a graphic, Pweb related version of Sudoku (for those who have never played: http://www.sudoku.name/rules/en). There are 9 emoticons from Pweb 2.0 in place of numbers and following the rules of Sudoku as though they are numbers, you must place 9 unique emoticons in each region, row, and column. You can EITHER answer using the images OR using the abbreviations on the right side of the image:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... ctions.jpg

For example, if you are using the abbreviations for Region 1, you might say: R1: 2SK, 6BG, 8DOH, 9YA

The Gameboard:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /emoku.jpg

The gameboard is worth 25.5 points - half a point for each blank.

For 4.5 bonus points, who/what/from where is the DOH emoticon? We had many conversations about this emoticon, as many people couldn't tell what it even was. There is a possible 30 points total.

closedAs always, no peeking and you have until Tuesday, June 1st.closed

The Six Challenge

We enter the two middle weeks and so temporarily turn from the members to the board itself; I mean, Pwebbers are great and all but there would be no Pwebbers without Pweb. This and next week's tasks will be testing your knowledge of the place we all gather.

Using this version of EG:

Page 82
Page 104
Page 105
Page 124
Page 127
Page 129
Page 138
Page 175
Page 295

(Due to technical difficulties, I said no answering until 5/20. Things look to be up and running and I'm hoping everyone reads here first, so if you do, you'll hopefully see that it is in fact okay to start posting today, 5/19.)

-use the following directions to piece together the next part to this task. (Use the page links, not the google books link.) You'll notice some numbers are blank; sorry, I couldn't complete it for you, much as I'd like to have -it'll make more sense if you get what I did provide. You will need wordpad, notepad, or an actual pen and paper.

TIP: When you have found everything, smoosh it together; it makes something and is still missing pieces 2, 5, 9, 11. Also, there is some "translating" at the end.

Tip 2: The answer to the bonus is on the board somewhere. You just need to know where to look.

Page-Line # (U=up,from the bottom; D=down, from the top)-Words (L=left, from the left; R=right, from the right)


1. 124-15U-6R
3. 295-10U-7R
4. 129-14U-2L
6. 105-14D-2L
7. 127-13D-5R
8. 295-10U-7R

This task is worth up to 30 points: 2pts for each clue I provided (11x2), 1 for each part of the answer, and 5 for the "bonus question". closedYou have until Tuesday, May 25th.closed

The Seven Challenge

This is a matching game. Below are 8 baby pictures of board members; below that is a list of 12 Pwebbers. There are 2 extra females and 2 extra males listed who did not submit a photo. You may not ask anyone on the list if they submitted a picture and no one is to reveal whether or not they submitted one; if you're one of the extras, congratulations, I'm using you and you'll like it. Please. You may, however, consult the Portraits thread. Every person has posted at least one teenage or adult photo on the board, though I'm not guaranteeing it was recently.

If you are in fact one of the submitters, you must correctly identify 7 other babies . If you are not a submitter, you are free to attempt all 8 but will only get points for 7, for a total of 28 points.

After your set has been submitted, you are free to browse the remainder of the thread. (Sorry for size inconsistency - I got lazy)

closedYou have until Tuesday, May 18th.closed

1. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby1.jpg
2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby2.jpg
3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby3.jpg
4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby4.jpg
5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby5.jpg
6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby6.jpg
7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby7.jpg
8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... /baby8.jpg

A. Alea (GD)
B. Ali (EL)
C. Fred (Petra456)
D. Jan (JL)
E. Kim (powerfulcheese)
F. Nomi (Luet)
G. Steph (steph)

H. Adam (locke)
I. CezeN
J. Jason (neodragon)
K. Jeff (Mich)
L. Michael (syphon)

The Eight Challenge

This is the Avatar Match. There are 21 Pwebbers, past and present, represented by a set of 3 avatars each (21x3=63); there is also a single avatar that does not belong to any of the sets (63+1=64 total). Your job is to correctly identify the sets of 3 for 8 Pwebbers. You may attempt more but you'll only get credit for 8.

If you are represented in this task, you may not count your own as one of the sets for points.

Please order your numbers from smallest to largest in each set to simplify things for me. For instance, if you think 1, 17, and 33 are all one person's avatars from over the years (they're not, so don't use this), please write them in that order: 1-17-33. You do NOT need to name the Pwebber the set belongs to but may, if you wish.

If you have no clue whatsoever, guess. You may hit upon one or two by accident and there is partial credit for 2 out of 3; the total points you can get in this round are 24. Lastly, you may not tell others which are yours or ask if any belong to them. Invisitext or white text, no peeking at other's response until yours are submitted.

closedYou have until Tuesday, May 11.closed

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... rMatch.jpg

The Nine Challenge

There are two crossword puzzles with 9 words each; each word is worth one point, for a total of 18 points. If you can guess some but not all, do so, as you will get credit for everything you get correct, regardless of completeness.

The first is Artists Formerly Known As, in which you are to determine the old/original name of 9 members who have changed usernames between boards. (While I could have created one revolving around Satya alone, these are 9 different members.)

The second is Missing in Action and focuses on those who have been relatively long-gone. To be honest, I'm not sure how clear the clues are on this one (okay, not sure about the other one either but tis part of the fun, right?), so it may prove more difficult determining what I mean vs who I mean.

Only after you've replied are you allowed to look at other responses, as, once again, this is an honor system and I don't want to resort to PMing unless absolutely necessary; I think it's more fun to show your responses.

ETA: Invisitext and/or white text are proving to be useful. Take your pick, if you can tell which to use and when: [ color=#DEE3E7 ] and [ color=#EFEFEF ]

closedYou have until Tuesday, May 4th.closed

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... ssword.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/ ... ssword.jpg

The Ten Challenge:

Without using anything more than the memberlist (if you need it) -meaning no use of other threads, others' responses, AIM, Facebook or any other place you might find the answer- give the first name of ten Pwebbers other than yourself. Award yourself a half point bonus if you know their last name too but NO posting surnames.

Only after you've replied are you allowed to look at other responses.

ClosedThis, of course, is based on the honor system. Now get to it. You have until Tuesday, April 27th to participate in round one. Closed

*Baby pictures can be sent to PwebArchivist at gmail dot com , for those willing.

(Some of this information is also posted below.)
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:02 am, edited 77 times in total.
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Title: Leekmaster Kirbyfu

Postby jotabe » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:41 am

lol i suck at this :D i dunno practically anyone's name.

1. Alea (G_D)
2. Olly (Rahl22)
3. Kim (Powerfulcheese)
4. Adam (locke)
5. Cam (starlooker)
6. Steph is Steph, well that's a given
7. Jayelle is Janelle, that one was easy too
8. I remember Steve, but can't remember his nick >.<
9. Used to know EL's name :(
10. zeroguy's too

And really, that's a bout it :( i suck

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Postby Mich » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:46 am

I will be the first to try and fail, despite recently having a source of pretty much all of them!

I'm assuming you want me to also say usernames? Here we go:

1. Alea (Gravity Defier)
2. Adam (locke)
3. Jan (Jayelle)
4. Stephanie (steph)
5. Naomi (Luet)
6. Ali (Eaquae Legit)
7. [this is where it gets hard for me] Paul (Jebus)
8. Um, Josh? (neo-dragon)
9. Craig (Craig/Alai)
10. ValentineNicole (Nicole, or at least I sure hope it is, because I only picked her for the gimme).

See, the problem is, I'm horrible when put on the spot for things like this. The only ones I can always remember, all the time, are either ones I've had direct conversations about, or nobody refers to by their username, anyway.
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Postby Jayelle » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:47 am


(and I know all of their last names too!)

And Jota you're incorrect. It's just Jan, not Janelle. Janelle is someone else.
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Title: Leekmaster Kirbyfu

Postby jotabe » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:50 am

And Jota you're incorrect. It's just Jan, not Janelle. Janelle is someone else.
Ooops, sorry! :oops:

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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:20 pm

Note: there's no significance in the order of these names, they're just what came to mind.

1. Alea (G_D)
2. Chris (W_S)
3. Thomas (Elfprince)
4. Ed (need I say it?)
5. Wil (see Ed)
6. Fred (Petra456)
7. Steph (see Wil)
8. Kim (powerfulcheese - I feel like I've misspelled that one)
9. Adam (locke)
10. Naomi (Luet).
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Postby Luet » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:21 pm

1. Dave (Taalcon)
2. Adam (Locke)
3. Jan (Jayelle)
4. Cath (v-girl)
5. Ollie (Oliver Dale/Rahl22)
6. Jason (neo-dragon)
7. Paul (Jebus)
8. Ali (EL)
9. Alea (GD)
10. Kelly (Young Val)

I did the names of the first ten that I knew from the member list sorted by joined date. I know the last names of 9 out of the 10 I listed.

I'd be game for baby pictures. Just tell me where/when to send one.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:34 pm

I just went with the people whose last names I knew. I better still get points, even though a bunch of them are inactive.

1. Alea (Gravity Defier)
2. Adam (locke)
3. Oliver (Oliver Dale)
4. Nicole (Valentine)
5. Kim (Petra)
6. Jason (neo-dragon)
7. Jan (Jayelle)
8. Paul (Caspian)
9. Janelle (Virmoli)
10. Claire (valwiggin)
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:40 pm

1. Alea
2. Jan
3. Paul
4. Paul
5. Brenton
6. Oliver
7. Chris
8. Kirsten
9. Kelly
10. Dave

And I know the surnames of all of them. And I didn't even cheat and use pwebbers I brought to the site! :D
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Postby Rei » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:41 pm

1. Ali
2. Jan
3. Paul
4. Alea
5. Adam
6. Kelly
7. Ollie
8. Steve
9. Alex
10. Cam
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:12 pm

I decided to challenge myself to try to name the top 50 posters. These are my results. Plus some others that came to mind that weren't in the top fifty. Sorry if I got any wrong.

1 Gravity Defier - Alea
2 eriador - Fetus(Seth?)
3 Eaquae Legit - Ali
4 Jayelle - Jan
5 locke - Adam
6 zeroguy - N/A
7 Young Val - Kelly
10 Rei - Brent
11 starlooker - Kirsten
12 Luet - Nomi
13 neo-dragon - Jason
14 Dr. Mobius - Josh
16 Mich - Mich
17 hive_king - Nick
18 helenberrycrunch -Helen
19 Petra456 - Fred (Nicole)
21 Jebus - Paul
22 anonshadow - Elena
23 mr_thebrain - Josh?
24 Wil - Wil
25 Syphon the Sun - Michael
27 powerfulcheese - Kim
30 Eddie Pinz - Me
31 AnthonyByakko - Is this a Satya? If so see below, if not Anthony?
32 Hegemon - John
33 daPyr0x - Cam
34 blueantoidgirl - Erica
35 elfprince13 - Thomas
36 human. - Kelsey
37 Oliver Dale - Ollie
38 Virlomi - Janelle
41 Yebra - Alex
44 LilBee91 - Shannon
45 steph - Steph
48 Satya - Zech
v-girl - Catherine
Boothby - Steve
Ela - Ela
ender1 - Will
ValentineNicole - Nicole
Wind Swept - Chris
wizzard - Ethan
Olhado_ - Chris
ratesjul - Rachel
shadow-petra - Jasmine
Taalcon - Dave
Craig - Alai!
Caspian - Paul
Petra - Kim
Borommakot_15 - Dan
thoughtreader - Teresa
big beans - Pat
strokeman - Nick
morningstar - Mike

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Postby Young Val » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:21 pm

show off. :D
you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby Jebus » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:31 pm

My brain does not retain names well, I will be using the above list regularly so that I can make you all feel special and think I remembered what you're called. Because I'm a nice guy.

So thanks... Me, for posting that list, you're swell.

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:22 pm

show off. :D
A bit 8)
So thanks... Me, for posting that list, you're swell.
I try.

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Postby Satya » Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:46 pm

Haha! My multiplicity strikes again. 8)
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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:57 pm

Baby pictures can be sent to PwebArchivist at gmail dot com , for those willing. If I don't get enough, I can't do one of the next two challenges, so I need 6 or 7 more of you to volunteer if that's going to work out. A big thanks to Nomi for playing along there.

I'll tally up points later, so no editing or I'll skip counting you this week. If enough people play, I'll consider throwing in a prize at the end and because it's guaranteed to be lame, you know you want it. :mrgreen:

(I'm adding this to the OP as well.)
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Postby Petra456 » Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:30 pm


I could go on, and I do know all the last names of every one on my list.
Member since March 16th, 2004.

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Postby Luet » Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:49 pm

I'll have to find a picture before the age of 3 because after that, I look exactly the same. I ran into my kindergarten gym teacher a few years ago and, while I didn't recognize him, he knew me right away. :)
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." - Albert Camus in Return to Tipasa

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Postby human. » Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:29 pm

1. Dan
2. Will
3. Fred/Nicole
4. Alea
5. Kim
6. Josh
7. Jason
8. John ( I know he's gone, but I miss him! )
9. Jasmine
10. Wil

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Postby CezeN » Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:35 pm

Gunny and his thoughts on First Earth:

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Postby Mich » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:09 pm

16 Mich - Mich
Ha! I stand by my original conclusion from 6th grade: Mich would be a pretty cool first name to have.
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Postby human. » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:18 pm

Would you pronounce it "Mick" or "Mitch"?

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Postby Mich » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:52 pm

"Mitch," but it causes a lot of confusion. And as to my gender. And if it's a shortened form of "Michigan."

When I was in 6th grade it seemed so intelligent and cool...
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Postby zeroguy » Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:26 pm

Mich [Edit: okay, I admit, I thought that was your first name, even though I have seen before that it is actually something else]
Ami, if that counts?

I think I know three of those surnames.

Edit: Also, I have really been kicking myself for forgetting volfield's name. I used to know it, and I remember it being odd and cool. But I can't remember what it was.

And I don't think N/A for me counts. My first name was even known by a then-pwebber at one point, though they've probably forgotten it by now.

10. zeroguy's too
Wait, really? I don't remember putting it many places.
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Postby jotabe » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:55 am

10. zeroguy's too
Wait, really? I don't remember putting it many places.
Being my memory as bad as it is, i could well be wrong :wink:

Btw, i just remembered i also know Alea's surname! :O

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Postby locke » Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:28 am

1. Ami
2. Dave
3. Jan
4. steph
5. Naomi
6. Alea
7. Ollie
8. Ali
9. Kelly
10. Steve

And I know their last names too.

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Re: 10 'til 10: The Pweb Decathlon

Postby Eddie Pinz » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:22 am

I didn't know we were actually tallying points, I should have known better. I obviously know at least 10 last names.

Gravity Defier - Alea
Jayelle - Jan
locke - Adam
Young Val - Kelly
starlooker - Kirsten
neo-dragon - Jason
powerfulcheese - Kim
big beans - Pat
strokeman - Nick
morningstar - Mike

There's ten that I know.

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:35 am

Alea (know last name)
Ed (know last name)
Jan (know last name)
Paul (know last name)
Ollie (know last name)
Fred/Nicole (know last name)
Nick (makeouthobo- know last name)
Josh (know last name)
Ali (know last name)
Brent (know last name)

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Postby Satya » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:40 am

I give Eddie two points for mine. I'll explain if you want, but not in the board.
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Postby Eddie Pinz » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:40 am

16 Mich - Mich
Ha! I stand by my original conclusion from 6th grade: Mich would be a pretty cool first name to have.
AHHH! I know what it is. And I knew I knew it. Just wasn't thinking.

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Postby Syphon the Sun » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:35 am

Wait, really? I don't remember putting it many places.
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Postby starlooker » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:22 am

1. Ali (Last Name)
2. Brent (Last Name)
3. Kelly (Last Name)
4. Alea (Last Name)
5. Jan (Last Name)
6. Paul (Last Name)
7. Kim (Last Name)
8. Chris (Last Name)
9. Naomi (Last Name)
10. Steph (Last Name)

MAX POINTS! (Not counting the showoff)

And Jotabe, I'm Kirsten, not Cam.
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Postby jotabe » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:38 am

*sigh* :oops: i am just very bad with names...

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Re: 10 'til 10: The Pweb Decathlon

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:59 am

I didn't know we were actually tallying points
I got scared Syphon would beat me up if I didn't. :mrgreen: When I add the new people, I'll fix 'em for those who need it. Probably. More than likely.

I have 5 baby pictures in my possession; 3 or 4 more of you know you want to play.

And Jota, yours was by far my favorite to read.
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Postby Petra456 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:02 pm

Woo, I don't care if it's a four way tie for first, i'm excited!

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