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Two Zero One Three

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:47 pm

I suppose a new introductory post is in order. For you reflective, pensive types who also like milestones, this is the thread for you!

Another big one for Pwebbers: babies, proposals, marriages, school, divorces, break-ups, deaths...

Write up some of your top 10s for the year, look at some national top 10s, or write anything at all that comes to mind to ring in the new year." onclick=";return false;


Two Zero One Two,
There was just so much to do.
Two Zero One Three,
You better be prepared for me!

It's that time of year again to get all mirror-like and start reflecting on things.


So long 2011, welcome, 2012!


2011 is on the way, so it seems it's time to start looking back (or not, for some) on 2010. Since the end of 2009 brought the end of the first decade in the 2000s, some may have done a 10-themed post last year but I invite everyone to do the same for this year anyhow.

I hate locking specific themes into place because, like the RENT song, there are many many ways to measure a year and they all vary depending on person.

How are you going to measure 2010?


As it turns out, Y2K didn't do us all in, so you've had 10 years worth of stuff happening in your life. 10 years of relationships, institutions, world events, pop culture, etc. What big changes have you seen and gone through? What sticks out? What are you glad to leave behind?

If you want, you can also just comment on this past year.

Top 8's of 2008 stuff:
*BuMp and EdIt*

Seeing as we're less than two weeks away from the end of this year, I thought I'd ask you all for some of your top 8's of the year.

What would you rank as your top 8 movies/ songs/ personal moments/ achievements/ etc. of the year? For better of for worse, what made your 2008 a memorable one?

I'll think about mine and possibly come in later to post.
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Postby KennEnder » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:29 am

Top 7 foreign countries (ie, not US) visited in 2007:

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Postby Jayelle » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:04 pm

Top Seven Favorite Moments of my life in 2007 (in no specific order)

My first nephew, Samuel being born
My second nephew, Damien being born
Getting my dream job
My first puppet show
My first storytime that went well
My whole family being together for the first time in 2 years
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Darth Petra » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:02 am

Top Seven books:

1. Ender's Game
2. The Worthing Saga
3. Speaker for the Dead
4. Children of the mind
5. Xenocide
6. Ender's Shadow
7. Pyscho
"Death is the only serious preoccupation in life."
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Title: Ducky Consort

Postby Caspian » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:31 am

Top Seven Favorite Moments of my life in 2007 (in no specific order)
... yeah, that one was pretty awesome!
It's not "noob" to rhyme with "boob". It's "newbie" to rhyme with "boobie".

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:00 pm

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me???

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Postby Jayelle » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:36 pm

Everyone's minds just leap to dirty...
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:51 pm

Come on JL, act like that wasn't what you were going for. :P (By the way, I just realized how unsatisfied I am with the tongue smiley)

Top 7 moment of 2007 (no particular order)
Getting out of the restaurant industry
Graduating college
Getting my first real job
Getting out of a bad relationship before I got hurt
Being blindsided by a new incredible relationship
Falling in love for the first time
Pretty much keeping my New Years Resolution from last year

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Postby starlooker » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:50 pm

Despite my happiness over the holiday season, this has probably been the single hardest year I have had emotionally since my adolescence. All the good moments seem to be recent and rather eclipsed by the bad ones.

Seven Worst Moments of 2007

In No Particular Order

1. Flunking Adv. Social Psych
2. The action I took in May that caused me to lose concentration for a week which caused #1 (and which also propelled me into therapy). Also in September and October.
3. Getting rejected by many, many sites I would've been good at.
4. My big fight with the world's worst supervisor/professor (the one where she scolded me for five minutes and, as I left the office, she yelled after me about me needing to have the last word.)
5. Getting feedback after oral comps.
6. Waking up at 3 AM crying (I mean sobbing) during the week I'm getting rejected by sites and having a lot of very painful and unhealthy thoughts.
7. My first major, major mistake as a therapist on the same day that I first have to deal with screaming group members.


Yes, good stuff happened, too.

1. My last session with my supervisor from last year's fieldwork site.
2. Seeing one of my supervisees make rapid and productive change.
3. Christmas Eve
4. Birthday
5. The memorable party at 710 where I met my boyfriend.
6. Dancing in the rain with my dad at my cousin's wedding.
7. Getting an interview at a site I really want. (God, I hope that next year I don't look back at this and cry due to not getting a site. I'm almost scared to put that one. But that was a moment that saved my sanity, so it deserves to go here.)
There's another home somewhere,
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into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby Wil » Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:23 pm

Bests (no order):

Harry Potter
- I finally read the series. After all the "lol harry potter sucks" I did, I read it, and truly enjoyed it. GREAT series. Feel bad about spending all my years bashing it.

Great First FULL Semester of College
- I managed to ace my math class. Beat the odds, and did it. Aced my other three classes. All my teachers were good and they all knew me out of the hundreds they taught.

Good Entertainment
- I Am Legend. Great Movie. Good games -- Halo 3, Mass Effect, Super Mario Glaxy, Assassins Creed, and now COD4.

Caring/Loving Someone
- Strangely enough, I learned what it felt like to really care for someone. I'm an arrogant prick most of the time, and hide it all the time, but this was the first time I really cared for someone more than myself. The first time I really would lay in bed wishing I could be with someone else so completely.

Learning to snowboard
- More like learning to fall with a piece of polywood strapped to my feet! Good times none the less. Hoped to do more this Winter but doubt I will get that far.

Calling Her/Mailing Her
- Crazily enough, I'm not much for the phone. I've never had to call someone, and I generally dislike using the telephone. It took me an hour and tons of hype to call her. Awkward as s***, and I couldn't concentrate on more than "holy hell I did it" and her strangely quiet voice, but I consider it a big positive. I also used this mailing service to send multiple letters to her and get some in return. Never done that before either.

Getting in a lot better shape
- I learned to run and do it for long distances. I learned my limits and how to push them. I learned to do pullups, pistols, and one armed pushups. I learned the best way to eat to get in great shape, and I felt comfortable enough to experiment with my diet to see what did what.

Worsts (again, no order):

Finishing Harry Potter
- Finished the books. I want more. :( Oh, and horribly incomplete feeling epilogue.

Worst Birthday Ever
- Mother has cancer. Found out it was inoperable and she has a year to live ON MY BIRTHDAY. You manage to scrape out a happy birthday, but also scrape out more incoherent bullshit that it really didn't matter.

You Hate Me/Hating You Hating Me
- This has caused me more grief than my mother sadly enough. I spent many a teenage years hearing many a people tell me how they wish their friends/significant others/family knew them. I quite honestly felt like I knew you very, very well. Maybe it was just all a game. Whatever it was, in the end you stopped talking to me, hated me, and I found out what it felt like to be depressed.

Neighbor MySpace/Grandmother Fiasco
- Haha, great story. Neighbor for a few years moves to live with her father full time. I find her myspace account and being the dumb girl she is she uses her full (first middle last) name multiple times, school of attendance, etc. Common sense tells me that you being an attractive female of breeding age (16) with perky milk glands with full name and school of attendance fully displayed on the world-pedophile-database is NOT a good thing. SprintRelayOnline all the "Hummel"s in Reno, and I manage to track down and fully freak out your grandmother. I spent two hours worrying about police and what not (why? I dunno. It was dumb in the first place.) before I get to talk to your mother who still lives next door. You are now 23 and live in Wisconsin with a private myspace profile. Good ending, but those were two hours of irrational fear HELL.

Thoughtful Gift
- Fully story here, but I still think it totally horrible. You know, I DID expect something from you, but it's common to expect such a thing from a gift. A thanks. I still do not know what became of my gift, but whenever I read that dear you it still pisses me off to no end. Because of all the work I did, but mostly because of how you thought so little of me that your first thought was that I did it to get you to talk to me.

Horrible Depression
- After above few things, that already constitutes a horrible year. Worst I've ever had EVER. For several months there I ran on auto -- just gliding along doing s*** I was supposed to, not really caring. I curse more (a lot more), I see only the bad in people (God damn people are really f****** horrible, myself included), and I constantly think about how easy it is to kill oneself. One night while driving I seriously considered how easy it would have been to kill myself in that car. GOOD times.

- It just seems that since I found PWeb a year ago as of Jan 1st, 2007 at 10:45:55pm (lol logs) my life has gotten worse. Due in large part to one specific person and the entire situation around said situation. Indirect hate, I suppose. There is one other person I got to know and enjoyed talking to quite a bit, but they also quit talking to me and lied about it. Damn I f****** hate liars.

All in all, this year sucked more than I'd have liked. Met peoples. Cared for person. Irrationality won out, lies came in second. Friendships were lost. Hate/resentment beat out normal human curtsies. Mother dieing. Good riddance 2007, hopefully 2008 will be better. Doubt it, though.

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:50 pm

Best (In no particular order):
- Being made executive producer of the MOB. It was a fantastic experience. So many ups and downs, but definitely more ups than downs.

- Going to Africa. It was a really great opportunity.

- Making the cut for a vet school interview!!!!!!!!!!

- GRE! I rocked it. 750 on both sections! Kind of low for math, but super high for verbal.

-Friends! New and Old! My old friends have been, overall, fantastic. Super useful and nice. And I made some really good new friends.

-Tulsa show. It was amazing. I wrote parts of it (and made the framework) and the response was amazing.

- Graduated from Rice. Yep. 2 degrees a semester early. Wow. Go me.

Worst (in no particular order):
- Africa. Parts of it were scary. Parts of it were lonely. I really wanted to go home. And I killed a mouse.

- Broke up with Mark. 3.5 years. It just, wasn't working. And there are issues that I don't think would work in the long run.

- Foster puppies died of parvo. That was so sad.

- Bronchmonia. Bronchitis and pneumonia. Boo. At least it wasn't TB.

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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:39 am

Top 7 Facts I discovered about myself (or re-discovered, actually. No order.):

-I am actually pretty smart. For my age, and in total. I might actually have a decent future =)

-According to this test, I'm actually a high mach. Why that makes me somewhat happy is beyond my understanding; perhaps because of some of the characteristics mentioned there. Oh, and I get to be like Peter and Bean ^^

-Even if you're not the best at Math, you can still be good in programming the computers that use math, so that they'll help you fight math..Somehow it makes sense.

-I can also be quite creative. The only thing that bothers that fact is that I am pretty lazy -_-

-Apparantly, whenever I change something for the positive about myself (is that a sentence? XD), the Lord up there sees it, finds one of my close friends, and changes HIM to be better than me in that subject. DAMMIT.

-I can have pretty bad grammar in English- if I think about the words I'm writing before I write them.

-To me, I may be sane. But to the rest of the world out there, some of the results of my logic (the one that comes after much thinking about a particular subject) can be pretty insane. And that troubles me.

If I celebrated christmas (which I don't), top 7 things I'd like to get:

-World peace, end to hunger and diseases, blah blah blah.

-A new house, preferably really large with a pool that's really hard to break into.

-A new car- an expensive one- would also be nice.

-A girlfriend that'll love me and I will love her. Beauty would also be a nice addition (to both of us, I'm afraid).

-iPhone, or Nokia N95. I don't care which of them, just let it be something hi-tech; mine currently has no MP3 player, Internet and all those other gadgets which you don't think you need but there comes certain times in which you need them.

-PS3 and Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. I've always been a fan of the series, but the PS3's too pricy for me.

-A new computer. A really good one. That can run Crysis in maximum, at the very least. A laptop that could run Crysis in maximum would be even better.[/u]
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We do! We do!
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We do! We do!
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We do, we do!

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Postby Jayelle » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:51 pm

A random selection of seven (good) books I read in 2007:

Ella Minnow Pea -Mark Dunn
High School Confidential: Secrets of an Undercover Student -Jeremy Iverson
Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby? - Allyson Beatrice
Last Summer (of you and me) - Ann Brashares
Y the Last Man (vol. 1-5) - Brian Vaughn
Absolute Sandman vol. 1 - Neil Gaiman
Why Moms are Weird - Pamela Ribon
One Duck to rule them all.
It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:59 am

So, let's have them for 2008. :)
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Title: Ganon's Bane

Postby Eddie Pinz » Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:40 am

Yikes. Seeing that post from last year makes me incredibly sad. To remember how happy I was at that time. Let's just say...not so much anymore. Quite frankly I thought 2008 was going to be a great year and it has done nothing but suck. Here's to 2009.

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Postby Wil » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:57 pm

I agree with Eddie. My post from last year... yuck. Let's just pretend that never happened... *whistles* And at this time last year I thought 2008 would be a better year. It wasn't. It just got less crappy before it nosedived. Here is ALSO to 2009... *raises glass hesitantly*

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Postby VelvetElvis » Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:02 pm

1. Got accepted into upper division nursing (Which, while not as competitive to get into as vet school, it is not easy!)
2. Finished the first semester of the program (which gave me eight migraines, five crying fits, and two ulcers)
3. Witnessed all but one of my female friends get married or engaged (Honestly, ladies, we’re not even old enough to drink!)
4. Had two of the best roommates EVER.
5. Got what I had unwittingly had coming for over a year, and in doing so became surer of a person than I ever thought possible.
6. Been less sure of my life than I ever thought possible.
7. Picked up the pieces of my mother’s life and try to glue them, the family, and my heart back together. I’m still not sure how well I’ve done with any of them.
8. For the first time in my life (with three sisters), I actually feel like I have a sister.
Yay, I'm a llama again!

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Postby starlooker » Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:48 am

2008 was a MUCH better year than 2007. Much much much better.

(Not that topping 2007 really took a lot for me. Yeesh.)

Top 8s of 2008

1. Match Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Finishing my last class of grad school with the highest grade on the final, beating the class average by over 20 points.
3. The time I spent on my friend's couch watching Bones and ANTM and SuperNanny and Sex In The City this past summer.
4. My Ella Enchanted life story realization.
5. Making new friends.
6. My going away party (and all the backyard fires of the summer).
7. Spending a day with my best friend's 2 year old at the park.
8. My family being here for Thanksgiving.
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
There's another way to lean
into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby locke » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:37 pm

I want to post in this thread but I feel like my top 8 will be lame. :-P

1. making new pweb friends and chatting with them a lot.
2. finishing off all the AFI lists (a project begun December of 2002)
3. Working on the AFI tv special for this years list (10 of 10) for one night and getting to see the full list a week or so early.
4. Working the full season of idol including the finale and not being fired for some silly mistake or another I feel I was making all the time.
5. seeing a bunch of silent Ozu films at the silent movie theatre with live accompaniment (piano)
6. Rereading a whole bunch of Terry Pratchett books over the spring/summer
7. Making Christmas candy and sending it out to pwebbers, that was a lot of fun. :)
8. Developing some self control over thanksgiving and christmas breaks regarding junk food and snacks/candy etc.
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Postby Valentine » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:08 pm

1. Getting into my MBA
2. Successfully completing semester one, with a 3.5 (sad, really wanted the 4.0, nearly had it.)
3. Baltic cruise, finishing off seeing all of Europe
4. Finally set my mind on what I'd like to do "once I grew up"
5. Going to the Islands (more never visited places) and getting my Wii!
6. Thanksgiving with my family, as I hadn't seen them in over a year.
7. Over 90% on my GMAT test!
8. Rejoining the board, and reuniting with a few pwebbers (one awesome one stands out, in particular), and starting to talk to another (also very awesome one) for the first time.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:21 am

1. I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you.
2. Hearing my mom's surgeries were finally all over.
3. Moving to England.
4. Making a fantastic new friend at Kalamazoo.
5. Making friends in England.
6. Seeing David Tennant and Patrick Stewart's Hamlet.
6a. Seeing it again.
7. Getting to go camping when I thought I wouldn't have the chance.
8. Finding out I'm going to be an auntie.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby Luet » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:05 pm

#1 is quite tantalizing, missy...
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." - Albert Camus in Return to Tipasa

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Postby Jayelle » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:55 pm

Top 8's of 2008:

8 Purchase: Our awesome highchair
7 Internet: Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
6 Pweb: Using the mod hammer to killevilban
5 Book: The Kite Runner
4 T.V. Show: The Middleman
3 Food: Sushi (finally eating it post-pregnancy!)
2 Movie: The Dark Knight
1 Moment: The birth of Guinevere

(oh, and for anyone who's wondering, the censored moment from last year was finding out I was pregnant)
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It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:44 pm

You'll find out eventually. Can't talk about it here yet, though.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Postby locke » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:31 pm

1. I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you.
is that what happened to Janelle?
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:39 pm

*bump!* Old thread, new title for the easily confused.

I suppose a new introductory post is in order. For you reflective, pensive types who also like milestones, this is the thread for you!

As it turns out, Y2K didn't do us all in, so you've had 10 years worth of stuff happening in your life. 10 years of relationships, institutions, world events, pop culture, etc. What big changes have you seen and gone through? What sticks out? What are you glad to leave behind?

If you want, you can also just comment on this past year.
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Postby starlooker » Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:42 pm

I don't know. I can't even do a top nine. The days of the past year all sort of blend together. Maybe that's my new years resolution -- to make them a bit more different. However, that aside, these are the things that stick out. It has not been uneventful.

My grandfather, who was my last grandparent, died. I grieved, and I grieve. I graduated from my predoctoral internship. My closest friend in Wichita moved away. I got my first professional job. I got engaged, and am amazed daily by how on earth I could've gotten so lucky. I look back at my life, and look at where I am now, and have to gasp for air because the gap is so dizzying. I reconnected with a friend I thought was lost to me. My childhood dog died, and when I went home for Thanksgiving, the backyard was boring and empty. We put up our Christmas tree together for the second time, and it began to feel like tradition.

And I procrastinated a lot and disappointed myself in a lot of ways. And I was profoundly cheerful and optimistic nearly every Monday morning.
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
There's another way to lean
into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

~~Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:36 pm

Not much happened this year. It was a pretty okay year; I lost weight, swam a lot and remained good (even improved) in school, everything (god bless) is okay at home, and even though the town's basketball team sucked sometimes, they sucked nicely. So generally, I look at this year with a half thumbs-up.

The decade, however, was full of stuff. Moving (twice), making new friends, transfering to a new school..all the idiotic things that I've done, whether out of shyness and will to prove myself, plain stupidity or something else, and all the good things that have happened to me- there's too much to remember. But all in all (save for world events, of course, as this was a pretty crappy decade), I'd say the decade was ok as well.

What am I glad to leave behind? Currently, about 30 and a half pounds of overweight, some insecurity and being jobless. That's pretty much what I can think about right now; my year has been a year of self improvement, mostly.

What sticks out? I've still received NO Christmas presents in the Christmas presents thread. :cry:

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Postby megxers » Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:18 am

This year, I've graduated college and moved up the coast from one end to the other, basically. Before that, commuted to nearly every corner of the metro I lived in on a daily basis which was kind of awesome, because I get anxious being in the same place every day. Started my first full-time job. Accepted the fact my BA needs help and took more science courses. Did, technically, travel out of the country. Lost at least 20 pounds (though was way over my normal slightly-need-to-lose-weight at the start, hmpf). I am also no longer a teenager!?

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Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:47 am

*laughs* I forgot about #1 from last year. It was "getting engaged to a sweet, wonderful man who jumped through major - and sneaky - hoops to make the moment special".

For this year:
1. Getting married.
2. Becoming an auntie.

And I'll get back to you on the rest.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Title: Shadow Zebra

Postby Yebra » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:10 am

*laughs* I forgot about #1 from last year. It was "getting engaged to a sweet, wonderful man who jumped through major - and sneaky - hoops to make the moment special".

...Does Rei know about this guy?
Yebra: A cross between a zebra and something that fancied a zebra.

Eaquae Legit
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:37 am

They're acquainted, yes.
"Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul." -- Pope John XXIII

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Title: pequenino

Postby human. » Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:48 pm

This year was awesome mostly!
1. Celebrated my two year anniversary with a boy I met on this very forum. (Thanks for existing, Pweb!)(On a side note, I've liked far too many boys from this forum...)
2. Traveled to Greece, Italy, and Turkey on an absolutely wonderful cruise.
3. Became president of the ping pong and chess clubs at my school, and the BEST leader in robotics, where we just won 3rd place at the state competition this past weekend!
4. Found someone who I truly hate. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. =[
5. Already got into two of the colleges I applied to!
6. Lost one of my closest friends because I'm a girl.
7. Got glasses! And lost them a week later...
8. Finally played/playing FFVII.
9. Turned 18.
10. Will, in a few days, be seeing my brother again for the first time in two years.

This decade has been awesome to me, too. Ten years ago, I was in elementary school, still trying to fit in with those popular kids. Nine years ago, my parents divorced after 16 years of marriage. Eight years ago, I got braces (they were so cool back then). Seven years ago, I entered intermediate school as shy as something that's extremely shy. Six years ago, I found Ender's Game in the library when looking for an AR book. Four years ago, I joined this forum, where I met some people who completely changed me. Three point five years ago, I started high school just wanting to be different. I had my first real boyfriend, I went on my first date, I learned how to flirt and be manipulative, I broke up with my first boyfriend to go on my first date... Two years ago a boy told me he couldn't live without me. One year ago, I suffered through junior year with mono. This year is my final year of high school!

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Postby Jayelle » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:01 pm

I am still in shock that 1999 was only ten years ago. Where did that time go? I remember celebrating the millennium like it was yesterday.

And yet, I also can't believe how much has happened in those 10 years!

Top Ten moments of the past decade in the life of Jan:

10. Going away to school for the first time
9. Really, truly moving out on my own
8. First boyfriend, first kiss
7. Graduating from University
6. Third boyfriend - best ever!
5. Going to Australia
4. Getting the job I actually wanted at the library
3. Third Boyfriend becoming fiance
2. Married!
1. The birth of my beautiful daughter

Bottom Five moments (fewer, so I focus on the positive!)

5. Second Boyfriend, stupid mistakes
4. Being a bad roommate
3. Seeing two friends get divorced and losing that friendship
2. The aftermath of #1 - not going to Guatemala as planned.
1. Car accident (10 years ago next week) that changed everything.
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It needs to be about 20% cooler.

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Postby Petra456 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:20 pm

It's really weird to think back and try to pick the top moments from when I was 12 until now. Most of them happened in the last five years or so.

11. Being a part of Pweb.
10. Meeting my Buddy.
9. Going to Canada.
8. My teenage years (I thought they were awesome anyways).
7. Taking in a stray cat who went on to be named Cat.
6. Many trips out of state on my own (not family trips).
5. Living with my best friend for a couple of years with no fights.
4. Finding out both my parents have beat cancer.
3. Dating Will.
2. My nephew being born.
1. Having Will move in.

I don't even want to make a list of the worst times.
Member since March 16th, 2004.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

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