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Postby RoyalMother » Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:37 pm

Dear Lady,
we're all here with you, just be still. you were a good dog.

Ok, now i want to cry!
"I only came into existence a short while ago"

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:00 am

Dear You,

Last edited by Gravity Defier on Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wil » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:31 am

Dear PWEB,

Been a month! Last time I posted was on the 17th on Jan, and let me tell you, a lot has happened!

On the 20th, my first day of school for the Spring semester, I woke up sick. Horribly sick. I made it to school, but I just sat around suffering in the back of class. About 1am on Wednesday morning I went in to the doctors as my fever hadn't gone down from 104f in a few hours. They gave me z-pack (read: crap) antibiotics and kicked me out. I skipped school that Wednesday, and then on Thursday my voice started to get scratchy and I was still feeling pretty bad, but I damn well made it through the school day. By Friday I couldn't talk without my throat hurting and I resorted to spitting in a cup as I couldn't even swallow. Doctors, once again!

This time they told me I had developed tonsillitis. It was bad enough where they decided to jump-start the recovery that I should get a nice painful penicillin shot smack in the middle of my right butt-cheek. Followed that up with an insane amount of antibiotics over a 10 day period. By Monday I was well enough where I could go to school once again.

Ironically enough, my father got sick also! As did my sister! I caught this sickness from my cousin, playing Rock Band in his small-ish living room for a night. Also ironically enough, whatever was passed around had an infection rate of 10/13. Meaning, ten of the ten out of the thirteen people in that room that night got sick almost right away. My father had gone in to work that Monday, started feeling sick, and didn't go back all week. When he got back to work the following Monday much of the hospital was out sick (irony!). So, chances are he spread the sickness there.

My cousins best friend, Amber, went to work that Monday also. When she got back the NEXT Monday, most of her co-workers were out sick. Damn, this thing just doesn't stop! Basically it took down nearly the entire family for several weeks.

On top of that sickness, I developed quite the nice bit of depression there. Being sick, missing days of school already, feeling lost, loosing my mother, etc just kind of weighed me down. As it was I decided to drop 6 out of the 18 credits I was planning to take this semester. Basically just enough (12) to be considered full time so that I could remain on the insurance (to pay for my recent wisdom teeth removal and the doctor visits). Also so that if the worst came about I wouldn't be wasting so much money if I had to withdraw from the other classes later on. The entire second week of school I was just dragging along, trying my damnedest to not be so depressed. On Thursday I decided that it wasn't worth it anymore, and I just pounded right through that depression. I got up early, I finally shaved, and I caught up on all my work. I cleaned the house, and I basically made myself do things.

Since then I've just been trying to keep busy. Usually, just about every weekend, I'm spending time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. When not with them I find something to do. Three weeks ago I went down to the Vegas strip with my father and sister and we checked out a few of the casinos. Caught a few of the Beliago water fountain shows, walked down and saw the new volcano show, walked around in The Venetian. Was fun. Two weeks ago I saw Push, as I refused to not do anything that weekend -- I had spent all week working ahead to do something that weekend and at the last minute cancellations were brought about by the bubonic plague still working its way through my extended family.

Last weekend was great! After my two tests on Thursday, my father, my sister, and myself all drove up to Cedar City, UT to stay at our condo. (I found a number, HER number, that I wrote on a piece of paper two years ago, in my desk >.>). On Friday we woke up early and drove up to Brian Head Ski Resort, and my sister and myself took snowboarding lessons! Drove home, in pain, on Saturday for a Valentines Day party, and then went over to my cousins on Sunday for more Rock Band. (Keeping some anti-bacterial gel in my pocket and using it often around them, now, though >.>)

Turns out I did quite well on my precalc test: 97/100. Not bad for not doing the recommended-but-optional-homework and not have even opened the math book since class started. Not such a good story about my other class: Physics. I keep up with the reading, I'm doing good in the labs, but the test I did horrible on. I got a 31/39, or a 114/150, or a 79%. But, to be COMPLETELY fair, the class average was 69% and the highest score was 91%. That either means we're all bad at physics, the teacher is bad at teaching physics, or the test just blew. Choose two, most likely.

Oh! I got a scholarship! The Millennium Scholarship! Woohoo! $10,000, good until 2012. Which kind of complicates things because now I feel compelled to use it. The whole "graduate by Spring 2010" thing is out the window since I dropped the classes this semester. But, that's okay. In some ways I'm feeling anxious to get on with the schooling and get a job, but in other ways not so much. Any plans I had don't really matter at the moment, and in fact I'd rather keep an open mind to what may or may not happen in the near future anyways, especially with the next few paragraphs of sappiness:

There is this girl I'm interested in right now, but it is completely insane and completely improbable that anything will come about with it. You see, my cousin, she has this friend. This friend, named above, I've seemed to develop a slight attraction to. At first, the way she talked, and the way she acted... it 'annoyed' me. But now, for reasons beyond my comprehension, I find them funny, entertaining, and attractive. She is quite beautiful! Problem is, while not technically a problem and more just a weird turn of events, she happens to be seven years older than myself.

Thing is, I've always found myself to have this "stigmata" that the woman should be younger than me. Not because I need to feel "older and wiser" but simply because it seems to be such a cultural norm. But, does it make sense? Not really. Think about it: women live longer than men. So, going on a purely old-age ideal, the woman should be older than the man. Er, yeah, right. Anyways, with her, I realized that I don't care that she is nearly 1/3rd my age older than me, I still find her quite attractive.

Most interesting thing I've realized when it comes to older women is this: Damn if they don't get wiser. Stupid women, and their learning to not wear emotions on their sleeve and keep thoughts inside the book, so to speak! I'm so used to dealing with women that make emotions plainly known, even if they don't want them to be, and thoughts easily read, even if they don't want them to be, that I'm flying completely blind with this girl!

I catch her eyes from across the room and instead of a definite "yes" or "no" stare back, I get a more "I know what you're thinking but you don't know what I'm thinking HA HA" stare. Bah! At times I think she MIGHT be interested, just by what she says, or how she looks at me, but then when I think more about it I realize I have no idea what to think! Driving me crazy, but I find it so awesomely entertaining at the same time.

She has this job working, right now, at a store inside a casino. Apparently she also dresses the go-go dancers and the models for the different casinos and ad-shoots the casino does. Seeing some of her pictures she often dresses up (80's night is most prominent it seems, and I'm just barely an 80's baby :P) working at said night clubs. While I'm not one to usually even think about going outside my comfort zone (read: home, school, little else)... she's so strangely entertaining that I'd definitely go just to see her. Hey, only about six and a half more months until the alcohol poisoning and the kidney damage can commence!

On top of that, I'm less stressed. We just stopped making payments on the other house so money is a very little issue now. I'm no longer depressed: I have things to look forward to like spending time with cousins and perhaps getting to see above stated girl. I'm working out a bit (feel like a bit of an ass: I jumped all over locke a few months ago for working out until he couldn't move his arms and here I did the exact same thing on Monday haha). Besides physics, school is going perfectly fine. Couldn't ask for much else just two months and two weeks after my mothers death.

We (family) plan to go to Oklahoma in June to bury my mother, and on the way back perhaps make a small vacation out of it because we are driving. I haven't decided yet but I might even be able to talk my father in to letting me drive down to THE FALLS, TX (Hard name to spell, call it that for my sanity) which is just a few hours drive away, and meet up with all the guys I've been playing with/talking to online/over XBL for YEARS.

That's about it; I've not been avoiding you. Okay, that's a blatant lie. I've been deliberately not posting. I've been keeping up with the threads, and some things I really felt like posting about... mostly the recent posts in the guy thread. I've just... not been in the mood to cause friction I suppose. Nothing against any of you; you lot are great most of the time. I've just been trying to deal with things and get to be less of a downer. Not be so resentful to a specific someone, and just overall be better.

Also, this is much longer than I expected it to be... at least it isn't this much text on depressing stuff! Woot, already a change for the better!

~ Wil

Dear elfprince13,

I am Wil. The Will you were thinking of is obviously named Will, with two L's. I am far superior to the one you mistook me for. Don't let it happen again. ;)

~ The Less Picturific Wil

Dear GD,

I would like to apologize for my apparent "quits talking back at some point with no explanation" actions. This is just how I am with everyone I talk to; we talk until there is nothing left to say and then we just quit talking. I don't normally say goodbye unless someone has to leave and we are currently still speaking often. I'm also not one to just artificially progress a conversation by making small talk.

Just know that if you say something, I'll respond to it, even if it just a "lol" or a "That's cool!". If nothing else is said, don't take offense, I just have nothing else I can think of to say. I don't close the window and just start ignoring the conversation, honest!

~ [screen name removed so google doesn't index this s***]
Last edited by Wil on Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:48 am

Dear You,
What? The very last thing I said to you in IM was a question, so I fail to see how you ran out of things to say. I can sort of see how it may have seemed liked an easy response that was merely put forth to say something, but I was honest to goodness interested in getting an answer and I hate repeating myself, so nyah!

Also, yay! that you posted.

Rhetorical question: What is it with guys, and maybe girls, not giving any closure in conversations? That's one of my biggest pet peeves ever and if I do it to anyone, sorry. It's just...if you're done with the conversation, some sort of 'goodbye' or 'goodnight' or something is appreciated, just so I know.

And, yes to this:
but then when I think more about it I realize I have no idea what to think! Driving me crazy
-Alea (Um, is there a reason you always refer to me by GD?)
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Postby Mich » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:54 am

God Damn, you half-Japanese girl. You do it to him every time.

Also, Wil, that is quite a story, but actually interesting. I'd say Rock Band is hardly worth the trade of getting most of your family sick, but maybe you liked it! Passing along the Andromeda Strain, from what it sounds like, is not as fun as not playing Rock Band, but not being sick with a super-virus. And, if you're feeling guilty for being compelled to spend your scholarship, I would be happy to take some off your hands. My own $10,000-over-four-years one isn't covering as many costs as I thought it would.

And I believe "stigma" was the word you were looking for.

But good to see you back.
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Postby Wil » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:05 am

Dear You,

I went back, just now, and looked at all my logs. Every stop to the conversation has been in the form of a statement from you, not a question. There was one time you asked a question, "Why do you say that?", and I replied with another question, and then you didn't reply. That was the last time we talked. So, I guess you didn't get my reply or I never got your next question/response.

Pseudo unrelated answer to rhetorical question: Just because there is nothing to say in an AIM conversation at the moment doesn't mean I want to stop talking. Saying "goodbye" is finalizing -- like.. 'okay, we're done talking now'. But, it isn't like that! If you are leaving, I'll say goodbye! If I am leaving, I'd say goodbye, so long as it hasn't been hours since we last said anything. Just because I haven't said anything else doesn't mean the talking has to "close"... I just have nothing more to add, and nothing further to progress the current conversation at that time. *shrugs*

Why do I call you GD? Because I have this weird thing where I will go a long time calling people by their nicknames even if I know their real names. I called one of my good friends online "Hogmasta" for probably four years, even though I knew his name was Brian for just as long, and he hadn't gone by that nickname in just as long a time. If you really insist I call you Alea, though, I'm sure I could put a post-it note on my monitor or SOMETHING. ;)

~ Me

Dear You,

Well, the $10,000 only covers something like $48/credit up to 12 credits/semester. But, they're paying me back for last semester and this semester!

Also, we didn't know the-one-who-spreads-disease was sick at the time. So, friendly night of Rock Band turned in to the most horrible two weeks of everyone at that parties lives. ;)

Stigma, stigmata... close enough. Will keep it in mind though. :P :roll:

~ Still Me

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:16 am

Dear You,
I didn't get your question, then. Pseudo answer makes sense; I guess I'm only used to that with a select few. And no post-its will be necessary; I was just curious.

Okay, I'm done hijacking the thread!

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Postby locke » Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:40 am

Dear you, Good luck!

Dear you, I wish I were able to offer more insight that you'd find helpful or useful

Dear you, you lost your dad, which is always a hard time to go through, more or less, though, I'm astonished that my empathy has not kicked in to a greater degree. I never thought someone could drive me more nuts than Genette, and yet you, roommate, have managed to do that even though I have one one thousandth of one percent of the amount of contact time with you compared to her. Just being around you makes me seethe. I can't wait to move away, I feel bad that I appreciate how peaceful and soothing the house has been the last week and a half since you haven't really been here. ugh. but anyway, consider a truce to be in the air so to speak, clean slate and all that in respect of your situation.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:27 am

Dear you,

It's stigma, not stigmata.

And do you mean Wichita Falls?

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Title: The Bombadil

Postby elfprince13 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:21 am

Why do I call you GD? Because I have this weird thing where I will go a long time calling people by their nicknames even if I know their real names. I called one of my good friends online "Hogmasta" for probably four years, even though I knew his name was Brian for just as long, and he hadn't gone by that nickname in just as long a time. If you really insist I call you Alea, though, I'm sure I could put a post-it note on my monitor or SOMETHING. ;)
on that note, I have a friend who's online name is "KermMartian" so everyone calls him Kerm.....we were having a chat on skype like a week after he started college, and of course I called him Kerm and not Chris, and all his roommates started calling him Kerm too.
"But the conversation of the mind was truer than any language, and they knew each other better than they ever could have by use of mere sight and touch."

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Postby Wil » Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:11 am

powerfulcheese04: Yep, yep. I never can spell that name correctly.

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Postby Wil » Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:00 am

Dear locke,

Watch this. Watch it again. And again. Now, see, relationships aren't worth it, right? RIGHT?!


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Postby locke » Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:02 am

Dear Wil,
thanks, very amusing, I'll keep that in mind next time I have a girlfriend, but since it's been oh, 13-14 months or so since I had a girlfriend/dated anyone I'm probably due to reach the end of the video soon so I can start all over again.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Title: The Bombadil

Postby elfprince13 » Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:25 pm

you might enjoy watching the series "We Need Girlfriends" on youtube. It's pretty hilarious
"But the conversation of the mind was truer than any language, and they knew each other better than they ever could have by use of mere sight and touch."

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Postby human. » Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:25 pm

Dear you,

I feel older! Finally! Something just now did it.. And I like it. Age has felt stagnant for the past few years. And now it's with me again. And at this point in life, it's supposed to seem like it means a lot! So I'm going to enjoy this! Seriously.. life just feels interesting again! I don't know why. And by life, I mean school and anything that counts as socially/culturally accepted for people my age (life has been interesting outside of those!). I haven't written something that sounds this silly since two years ago! And I only know that because I found a letter I wrote on the floor in my closet. Geez, why didn't you tell me I was so silly? But it's refreshing... And exhilarating.

I also just read The Great Gatsby. Which, I agree with my English teacher, is one of the most perfectly written books written on American soil. Supposing that's what he said exactly. Realism sucks. But Gatsby is great. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is creepy, Of Mice and Men is sickening, but I think Gatsby has saved Realism for me. I don't know why I'm telling you this. But it just fits with this emotion that has come over me at the moment.

I'm sure the indifference will return soon. I'm not very good at keeping my emotions in check. It's kind of nice to feel them swinging wildly as they like. Stupid school. Why is it no longer fun? I love school. School is fun. What am I saying? I'm just lazy. School registration has commenced! My second favorite time of the year (following the first day of school). Why am I telling you this? I'm not sure. But this is what I like to call my emotions. Life is good.

Have a great day!

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:25 pm

Dear You Four,
I know for a fact you are decent men and my outburst in the other thread does not apply to you and your tendencies to show me your, er, more feminine sides. Thank you for allowing me to not hate you.

Aleax2/G D/Leaster
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Postby daPyr0x » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:02 pm

Dear You,

Please don't say it. I know you're thinking it. I know I'm thinking it. I know we both know the other person is thinking it. Please, just let it stay that way for now. I can't do that now.

This is almost every relationship I've ever been in. Within 2 months, it's out there, and not by my volition. Every woman gets infatuated. Every woman thinks I'm suddenly God's gift to them. 2 months with any woman and this is what happens. I don't want you to be every other woman, and I don't want this to be every other relationship I've been in.

Most of all, though, I don't know you well enough, and you don't know me either.

Please, just leave it unsaid for now.


Dear You,

What. The. f***? You call me to tell me you made fish for yourself for dinner tonight "in my honour" because you know I don't like it. Then you decide you need to lecture me on trying new things. Then when I tell you that I do, that I have eaten fish recently, and no I still don't like it, you get all hurt like somehow that's offensive to you. Yes, I do eat foods that I don't like when I'm not at home. You know, when someone else cooks a meal for you, it's kinda rude to say "no thanks, I don't like that," so I eat it. No, that doesn't mean your cooking sucks. No, that doesn't mean I prefer anyone else's over yours (though, because you'll never read this, I'm well aware of the complex it'd give you if I told you that there are people who's cooking I do prefer). It just means that I prefer not to eat certain things, and if you're going to choose to only cook things I like when I'm home, then no, I'm not going to eat the fish you cook.

This is why I can't live with you.

--Your son
Stop trying to be perfect. Focus on being you; perfect will come.
"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won"

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Title: Guilty

Postby Confessions » Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:39 am

Dear You,

Happy Birthday!

I'll see you soon. I really will.

The password is "guilty"

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:56 pm

Dear Yous,
I have a favor to ask, that may sound harsh, mean, rude, all of the above. I know what a bitch I am for doing it this way but it's the best I can do right now since I'm not sure I could sit through all the questions or conversations that would occur as a result of me approaching you all one by one. The favor is to please ease up, back off a bit. I'm feeling largely overwhelmed and caged in with the direction things have been going in.

It's so easy right now for me to spend every waking moment in front of this computer, trying to accommodate your schedules or lack thereof and it makes me feel like s*** for 1)not doing anything productive as a result and 2)feeling like I'd be a bad person for wanting the freedom to just wander off if I either want to or need to, without explanation or expectations. It's not a judgment on your personalities or anything of that sort. You guys are enjoyable to speak to and far more entertaining/interesting than I consider myself but I need things to be more on my terms and I don't feel like they realistically can be unless I just back off a bit myself and only reach out when I'm ready/in a position to do so without feeling bad.

I will be on Pweb, the same way I've always been and not to inflate my importance, because I don't think I'm worth all this trouble in the first place, but if you really want to it on the board. It's at a pace that's slower and it allows me all the control over being here or not as I please. I feel terrible thinking this out, let alone typing it or posting it, but there it is. That is what I need right now and you either respect that or you don't.

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Postby starlooker » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:03 pm

Dear You,


Dear A Whole Bunch of People Who I've Talked to This Year With Whom I Am Fed UP,

I AM one of "those people," "people like that," "them" who you "can't imagine," "don't understand," who you roll your eyes at or laugh at or try to use so-called shocking little factoids to let people like me (who you assume is a person like you) know that you have the inside scoop on this bizarre phenomenon, wink wink, nudge nudge. "The hard core ones" feel this way, with a sly grin to let our class know that you realize that's ridiculous. "They like to" do such and such looking at me to see if I'm shocked or surprised.

I am one of "those people" who you think of as another number, another case, a same old story. You have no idea, because I'm normal and accomplished and one of you, and you could never be one of them.

I am one of you and one of them.

I have one hell of a life's story. About change and growth. But it doesn't mean the past didn't exist or wasn't important or was just a cliche. I will not disown it -- I can't, not and accomplish what I want to accomplish with people like me -- but it does not define me. Like it defines them. To you.

Your student/colleague/QMHP/cohort member/supervisee
There's another home somewhere,
There's another glimpse of sky...
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into the wind, unafraid.
There's another life out there...

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Title: Guilty

Postby Confessions » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:25 am

Dear You,

Your cat is ugly.

The password is "guilty"

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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:18 pm

Last edited by Gravity Defier on Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby locke » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:47 am

dear you

The white noise stupid instrumental music bullshit you often leave your tv on I don't have much of a problem with.

Leaving it on a channel that runs infomercials all night is a f****** problem.

especially with the volume loud enough that I can clearly hear every single word despite both your door and mine being closed.

screw the passive aggressive stuff. I'm walking in and turning the TV off. :-p
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Title: Guilty

Postby Confessions » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:51 am

Dear You,

You're really bad at filming. I'm sorry, but it's true. If you're going out of your way to film something that interests no one (except me, for really stupid reasons) and post it, you might as well film it decently. Geez.

and on the same note...

Dear You (2),

Over the past year, I've developed some skill at really subtly making people say stuff. I'm good at that. I can make it work with many different people. Yesterday I (not entirely willingly) tried almost every trick in the book to make you say stuff, but it didn't work. What the hell is wrong with you? (A funny question, coming from me). I guess I don't really know you well enough to understand what will make you say stuff. Well, don't worry, I have a while to figure it out. I do believe that one day, I will, unfortunately, make you say something.

-An idiot
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Postby Jebus » Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:25 pm

Dear you,

I love you, and I love not being with you, and I miss being with you, and I want to be with her.


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Postby Eddie Pinz » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:13 am

Dear You,

You always seem to come back in my life at just the right time. Stay for just long enough. Do somethings that make me remember why we were together in the first place and then completely f*** me over 5 minutes later. Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. Not to mention, I no longer believe that you never cheated on me. I mean how can I anymore. Not to mention, I am starting to question whether you ever loved me or if anything that we had was real. But I guess that is neither here nor there and I'm sure you probably wouldn't care any how.

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Postby Wise Goat » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:44 pm

Dear You,



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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:38 pm

Dear You,

Thank you. :) *huges* You make me feel old...I can hardly believe I was 20 when we met (and don't remind me of how old you were, ugh). You are, far and away, one of the best friends I've ever had.


P.S. Shish says hi and he is still glad he gets to sleep with me and not you.

Dear Yous,

Look what I got! Perfect timing. :D


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Twinny...and er, not your Twinny
Last edited by Gravity Defier on Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Petra456 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:17 pm

Woo! I was really hoping it would get there on time : )
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Postby Wil » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:24 am

Dear Pweb,

Hope you're wearing green, because it is St. Patrick's Day! I'm definitely prepared*.

* My sister talked me in to letting her paint my nails green. I do not look pleased.


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Title: Ewok in Tauntaun-land

Postby Gravity Defier » Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:43 am

Only tangentially related, I quit wearing nail polish once I got to college, started playing around in the online databases of the library, and stumbled upon a study published in a science journal that said nail polish is harmful to unborn males...that is, chemicals in the polish could lead to male children you gave birth to having issues with their penis/sperm/reproductive system.

I may never have kids or male kids if I do, it could have just been nail polish use while pregnant, maybe cosmetic companies have stopped using the offending chemicals, it all could have been incorrect/proven wrong, and I may have even misunderstood but seeing as I am not big into anything that could fall under the makeup umbrella, it was easier for me to err on the side of caution and just stop using it.
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Postby Luet » Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:17 am

There are three possibly dangerous ingredients: toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate (DBP). There are some nail polish brands that are "big 3 free" (Zoya being the most common) and I think many others are slowly taking those ingredients out.
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Postby Wil » Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:11 am

*looks at nails* ... *looks at his crotch* ... whut?!

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Postby starlooker » Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:58 pm

Dear You,

Yes, I have North Dakota license plates. Yes, I am in Kansas. Yes, you are a KU fan. However, honking at me and waving your KU Jayhawks hat at me triumphantly while we were driving on the highway is a little bit pointless. I am a UND student, which, by definition, means that I despise NDSU.

(Although, I wouldn't have minded seeing them win, just because I'm living around a bunch of smug Kansans like you.)

Anyhow, congrats and rock chalk jayhawk and all that. Have fun partying tonight.

The Blue Car with North Dakota Plates
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Postby Wil » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:37 am

Dear Aunt and Girl Cousins,

Please, please stop trying to think of people you know with children my age to "hook [me] up with". Seriously. I don't need that kind of pressure to perform. >.>

But also seriously, chances are they'll be a bitchy, immature, unintelligent little girl... and I really, really would rather not have to explain this to you and have to humor you by wasting time with them. It is why I find myself more attracted to your friends older daughters (aunt) and your friends (cousins) than I did to the seventeen year old girl who was at your house tonight. These older women tend to act in a more sane, logical way than their younger counterparts do. Those older women tend to not go "I just wasted a week of my life, wasted my spring break, coming on this trip with my parents to this boring ass town." -- believe it or not but as you get older you might actually ENJOY spending time with your parents. WHOA.

Thank God I never went through that teenage douche stage. Mostly because it is annoying as hell and also because it allowed me 20 good years with my mother instead of 12 I can't really fully remember and 8 of me being a retard.

Your Nephew and Cousin,

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