The Hegemon, the Polemarch, the Strategos

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The Hegemon, the Polemarch, the Strategos

Postby Penta » Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:02 pm


I'm thinking about pre-Ender only (I realize that things rapidly get confused after Ender arrives)...

What the heck is the division of responsibility/nationality between these three figures?

I know that the Hegemon is basically an amped-up UN Secretary General; is he or she always American? Always Jewish? (A question I also ask with regards to the Polemarch being a Russian Jew and the Strategos an Israeli Jew: Always?) Is the position ex officio with the US Presidency, ie the President is always the Hegemon?

Similarly, while the Polemarch's position as the head of the IF makes sense, and seems clear enough, it leads me to wonder: What the heck is the purpose of the Strategos? I thought the IF was all the Earth had in terms of space defense.

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Postby Person122 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:58 pm

The Polemarch and Hegemon have not always been of the nationalities they were during the Second Invasion, but it is said that the Strategos had always been a Jew, but it didn't specify if they were Israeli. Spoiler Select to View (that is until Bean as appointed). About the Polemarch, I don't think they were always a Russian Jew. The US President has probably not always been the Hegemon during the Bugger Wars. To answer another question, apparently the office of the Strategos was much more important back in the day when the Buggers had the humans at their knees, and Strategos General Shimon Levy isn't very important seeming during Ender's training.
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Postby akrolsmir » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:46 am

I'm not sure if I'm quite right, but I was under the impression that the Hegemon was the ruler of earth, had power to stop wars and stuff like that before the third invasion, and that the Polemarch commanded the International Fleet (b/c he's always involved in fleet affairs) while the Strategos commanded the Hegemon's land-based forces (b/c bean was strategos after giving Peter his army from Thailand)

Also, the part about being a Jew was apparently because "there was a myth that Jewish commanders don't lose wars, and so far it was true.", as a lead in to Rose de Nose.

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