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Postby Rei » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:34 pm

Caspian: I'm just starting to, now. It's looking optimistic with this counsellor, I hope.
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Postby neo-dragon » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:25 am

Fun fact:

Evidence suggests that people who punch pillows and walls, far from venting their anger, are infact rehearsing to respond violently to frustration, and are therefore more likely to lash out violently at a person.
Pfft! This is supposed to be the guy's thread! We'll have none of that touchy-feely nonsense here. Now drop and give me 20!
How is that touchy-feely?

I see the women's influence is starting to take over here...
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Postby locke » Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:44 am

where do I sign up for the draft, sarge?

[pumps fist into chest] Killin things and hittin things is manly!
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Postby Wind Swept » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:36 am

To catch up, a bit:

First grade. I'm getting on the bus, about to sit down. A girl in my class stands up, and kicks me in the balls. Then sits down giggling like mad, while I consider curling up under the seat and DIEING.

Later in life, I joined my high school's baseball team. One rainy day, we had practice in the gymnasium, where we had a net set up for batting practice. I'm batting. I happen to skim the top of a pitch, sending the ball straight down into the floor. The rather hard floor, which wasn't too keen on catching the ball, instead, sent it back up in my direction. That's about the time I decided to give up on baseball.

I only have one, tiny, visible scar on the middle finger of my left hand. It's most definitely from a knife fight. Not from a counter with a sharp edge. I guess the ring finger on my right hand is also still showing signs of the scalding water I dropped on it last winter. I certainly was not microwaving a hot dog at the time.

I only discovered about a year ago that if I "feel" the pain I'm in, I can ignore it with moderate success. Not touch it with my finger feel it, but... I really do not have the proper words to explain this. Regardless, the horrible sunburn my shoulders are currently suffering is mostly beyond my ability to ignore, so it's rather a moot point, at current.

I've occasionally punched a wall. Mostly, I almost punch walls, then realize that I'm probably going to break either the wall or my hand, depending on the wall. I usually end up wanting to break things, not doing so after realizing it's a bad idea, and getting more frustrated because of it. Luckily, it doesn't happen terribly often.

To touch on another point, one of the few things that gets me close to regretting my actions is girls doing unexplainable things. I'm a big fan of logic and reason, and when I can't see any in the actions of an otherwise intelligent female sort, it bothers me.
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Postby CezeN » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:57 pm

To catch up, a bit:

First grade. I'm getting on the bus, about to sit down. A girl in my class stands up, and kicks me in the balls. Then sits down giggling like mad, while I consider curling up under the seat and DIEING.

Later in life, I joined my high school's baseball team. One rainy day, we had practice in the gymnasium, where we had a net set up for batting practice. I'm batting. I happen to skim the top of a pitch, sending the ball straight down into the floor. The rather hard floor, which wasn't too keen on catching the ball, instead, sent it back up in my direction. That's about the time I decided to give up on baseball.

Ive always wondered why girls giggle at our pain. I think it makes them feel powerful or something. I find it rather ironic that guys are taught not to hit girls, but girls aren't taught ,not to potentially kill guy's future children. Do any of the girls in this forum, want to answer my question, as to why yall like to inflict pain on us??????????

And Neo-dragon your right :( Im sorry, women are getting to me.
Ill do 1,000 pushups to make up for it. *drops down* *trys to do one*
*fails miserably* :oops: *breaks down sobbing* Ive become more of a women than I ever imagined
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Postby CezeN » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:57 pm

To catch up, a bit:

First grade. I'm getting on the bus, about to sit down. A girl in my class stands up, and kicks me in the balls. Then sits down giggling like mad, while I consider curling up under the seat and DIEING.

Later in life, I joined my high school's baseball team. One rainy day, we had practice in the gymnasium, where we had a net set up for batting practice. I'm batting. I happen to skim the top of a pitch, sending the ball straight down into the floor. The rather hard floor, which wasn't too keen on catching the ball, instead, sent it back up in my direction. That's about the time I decided to give up on baseball.

Ive always wondered why girls giggle at our pain. I think it makes them feel powerful or something. I find it rather ironic that guys are taught not to hit girls, but girls aren't taught ,not to potentially kill guy's future children. Do any of the girls in this forum, want to answer my question, as to why yall like to inflict pain on us??????????

And Neo-dragon your right :( Im sorry, women are getting to me.
Ill do 1,000 pushups to make up for it. *drops down* *trys to do one*
*fails miserably* :oops: *breaks down sobbing* Ive become more of a women than I ever imagined
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Postby wizzard » Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:48 pm

Not sure if I should post this here, or start a new thread, but it is a random question aimed at the guys: What are your thoughts on "chivalry" (not actual medieval chivalry, but the idea that the guy takes care of the girl, opening doors for her, that kind of thing)? Is it respectful, sexist, shallow posturing, what?

I was brought up to be very respectful to women, and for the most part I still do this. It's not like I'm rude to guys, but I do, in general, tend to be more respectful to women. If I'm going on a date with a girl, I'll pay for her meal, I'll hold doors for her, etc.

That being said, I believe in "speaking to everyone in their own language". I try to figure out how they express themselves, and then express myself in the same way. If I respect someone, I try to act in ways that they would interpret as respect. If I love someone, I try to act in ways that they would interpret as love. This can mean that I end up acting very differently towards two people, both of whom I feel similarly about. I used to think this meant I was shallow, that I'd change who I was depending on who was around, but I think it really is an attempt to be deeper, to really connect with people on their own terms, and to treat everyone how they want to be treated.

Sorry, that ended up being a lot longer and more rambly than I'd planned. If this is too touchy-feely, feel free to ignore it, and kick me out of the manly club :P I've heard a lot of opinions from women on the subject, but I'd like to hear what the guys think.
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Postby locke » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:32 am

I do things like opening doors and paying for a meal/movie automatically unless they tell me not to. I do appreciate it when they pick up the tab for the next date if they have expressed they don't like me paying for everything (I am not made of money and girlfriends can quickly get expensive). If they have told me they don't like my being considerate enough to open doors and whatnot then I will only do those things if I know her well and want to tease her a bit.
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Postby Gravity Defier » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:49 am

Ive always wondered why girls giggle at our pain. I think it makes them feel powerful or something.
On the contrary, it doesn't make me feel the least bit powerful seeing a guy in pain, especially if it's pain from a shot to the crotch. Any time I've laughed/giggled at this happening, it's a nervous, guilty (if I accidently did it), "Oh, s***" sort of thing where I know there's nothing I can do but wait for the guy in question to ride it out.
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Postby CezeN » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:26 pm

Chivalry...........hmmmmmmmmmm.................depends on the women. I mean this is the age of feminist and equal rights, so some women feel diminished when you do stuff for them, that they know they can do themselves.
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Postby neo-dragon » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:33 pm

I'm all for chivalry. I don't think that most women need to prove that they can do simple things like open a door or carry shopping bags themselves, and the gesture (in my experience) is almost always appreciated. In fact, I'm reasonable sure that the only reason why women bring men along when they're shopping for clothes is to hold their stuff while they try things on.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:52 pm

I don't think of that as chivalry, though. I mean, I hold doors for anyone who might get bopped in the nose if I let it swing shut just because I got there first, or for anyone who looks like they could use a hand. And I'll hold stuff or carry stuff or whatever, just cause it's a nice thing to do.
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Postby vendor » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:00 pm

I just try to be a good frame for their picture.
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Postby neo-dragon » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:21 pm

I don't think of that as chivalry, though. I mean, I hold doors for anyone who might get bopped in the nose if I let it swing shut just because I got there first, or for anyone who looks like they could use a hand. And I'll hold stuff or carry stuff or whatever, just cause it's a nice thing to do.
I think of chivalry as being more deliberate though. Instead of just not letting the door swing back if you happen to get there first, it's deliberately speeding up a few steps to make sure that she doesn't have to trouble herself with that pesky obstruction, even if her hands are empty. It's not just helping to carry some stuff because your hands are free, it's carrying all of her bags and your own (within reason) while she carries nothing. Basically, it's being a voluntary man-servant. :)

How far you take it depends on the person involved and the specifics of the situation.
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Postby Rei » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:11 pm

I'm a fan of it and find it important. It is a way of showing respect, and it should be treated as such.

That said, I won't stop someone from paying the bill or holding the door for me, but I do believe it's important to at least make an attempt at being chivalrous.

As a side note, when my sisters began dating, my dad made sure their boyfriends learned to open the car door for them. This amused me, and them.
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Postby CezeN » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:48 pm

Hey, do any of you Christians on this forum want to read a good religous debate????
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:38 pm

My criteria for "good religious debate" are tough to meet. But if you want to start a discussion, go check the Religion and Moral Philosophy section of the boards. Be sure to read the posting rules there first.
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Postby UnnDunn » Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:07 pm

In New York, being chivalrous will get you killed. Or at least it'll get you a funny look or two. 8)

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Postby zeroguy » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:42 pm

I think of chivalry as being more deliberate though. Instead of just not letting the door swing back if you happen to get there first, it's deliberately speeding up a few steps to make sure that she doesn't have to trouble herself with that pesky obstruction, even if her hands are empty. It's not just helping to carry some stuff because your hands are free, it's carrying all of her bags and your own (within reason) while she carries nothing. Basically, it's being a voluntary man-servant. :)
I dunno, I think this rather describes what I do for everyone (or try to, anyway). But that's probably just me, though, and has nothing to do with chivalry.

I will try to pay for stuff, though, if it's supposed to be some romantic thing or something. This whole question reminds of an episode of the old show Doug, where Doug is debating whether or not he's actually going out on a date with a girl. One of his indicators is "if she lets you buy her a ticket for the movie, it's a date". So, he buys two tickets, and the girl (next in line) immediately buys a single ticket for herself, leaving Doug looking at his two tickets a little forlornly.
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Postby starlooker » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:27 am

I remember that episode! *giggles*

*happily hums the Doug song*

I grew up in a culture where men automatically, always, always hold doors for women. Religiously. When I was about sixteen or so, I was about to open the (very heavy) glass doors in our church kitchen to go outside. A little two or three year old boy was bound and determined he was going to open it for me, and by gum, he got that door open. One of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life was his six-foot four cowboy-hatted daddy beaming down on him saying proudly, "That's right, son, you hold the door for the lady."

On the one hand, in theory, I thought it was silly. However, since it was such a cultural norm for showing respect to women that if I'd dated a guy who didn't do it, I'd be a little worried about how he was raised.

I tend to be of the school that whoever invites should pay. And I always at least reach for the purse (which always contains enough to pay for myself, at least). I think, too, that especially after a relationship is established it's ridiculous to let the guy keep paying for everything. So, if he pays for one meal, I usually make a point to get the next one.
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Postby Young Val » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:53 am

I tend to be of the school that whoever invites should pay. And I always at least reach for the purse (which always contains enough to pay for myself, at least). I think, too, that especially after a relationship is established it's ridiculous to let the guy keep paying for everything. So, if he pays for one meal, I usually make a point to get the next one.

That's my school of thought as well.

(And I, too, remember that episode of DOUG. *sigh* I loved that show).
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Postby Mich » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:49 am

I totally watched Doug yesterday on YouTube! And Secrets of the Hidden Temple and Rocko's Modern Life! We couldn't find any episodes of GUTS anywhere, though.

As for chivalry, I guess I only tend to hang around the kind of girls who won't get offended if you attempt to pay for them, but also don't think it's cute and will then buy their own ticket/meal. As for doors, well, I suppose I've never tried to let them open it on their own, but that's because it seems all doors are a two-step process nowadays, so it's really awkward if I try to open both sets of doors for them. We do the trade-off.
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Postby CezeN » Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:41 pm

Last edited by CezeN on Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wizzard » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:26 pm

This still isn't the place to post this.
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Postby Luet » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:52 pm

Why would you post that in this thread as opposed to the Religion forum? Very weird.
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Postby neo-dragon » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:31 pm

Because such matters are beyond the understanding of women? This is the guy's thread, after all. Perhaps you'd best not worry your pretty little head over it.

I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist! :mrgreen:
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:16 pm

I would like to state for the record that I have never kicked a guy in the nuts.
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:17 pm

This seems like a good place for:


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Postby zeroguy » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:57 pm

As for doors, well, I suppose I've never tried to let them open it on their own, but that's because it seems all doors are a two-step process nowadays, so it's really awkward if I try to open both sets of doors for them. We do the trade-off.
It's possible to hold the door open when you've already entered it.... I assumed that was considered "holding open a door", because about half of what I was talking about above was the enter-then-hold version.

Edit: Oh, and since we seem to be naming childhood shows (which seems to happen about weekly in college): Dexter's Lab. f*** yeah, "Omelette dü fromage".
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Postby locke » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:28 am

This seems like a good place for:


Mizzou v. Illinois

USC @ Virginia

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Postby VelvetElvis » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:00 am

"Omelette dü fromage".

I say this ALL THE TIME.
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Postby CezeN » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:33 pm

Sorry for earlier,

Now back on topic, who here is watching the Olympics. Micheal Phelps is a beast. And are yall talking about Dexters Lab????? I loved that show. And Eaquae Legit we don't really believe you. A kick, a punch, a knee, whats the difference.
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Postby powerfulcheese04 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:09 pm

This seems like a good place for:


Mizzou v. Illinois

USC @ Virginia

I'm excited Rice will be on national TV (Rice v. SMU on ESPN at 7 Central!) so I'll get to watch!

I'm also going to the Texas A&M Game (because I'm selling programs as a fundraiser for a club.)

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Postby locke » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:40 pm

a fun and misogynistic country song from Jamey Johnson, called "Women"

Can’t live with ‘em
And somehow you can’t ever live without

Can’t understand ‘em
But tryin’ to is what makes the world go ‘round

I’ve made a sad one laugh
And I’ve made a good one cry
I’ve made one scream my name to the good lord by and by
I’ve made ‘em go insane and I’ve made ‘em go away
Just can’t ever seem to make one stay

they’re all crazy
Some hide it well and some just let it show

Take it from me
I’ve been around enough of them to know

I’ve made a sad one laugh
And I’ve made a good one cry
I’ve made one scream my name to the good lord by and by
I’ve made ‘em go insane and I’ve made ‘em go away
Just can’t ever seem to make one stay

Ain’t no winnin’
When all they want to do is fuss and fight

Keep our heads spinnin’
But with any luck I’ll take one home tonight
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Postby daPyr0x » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:46 pm

ah, the truth; spoken in this country's most awful of mediums
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