Why doesn't Bean ever learn of Arkanian Delphiki?

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Why doesn't Bean ever learn of Arkanian Delphiki?

Postby beckymccauley » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:27 pm

I was wondering if there was any reason why Bean never mentions Arkanian Delphiki in Shadows in Flight. Any thoughts?

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Re: Why doesn't Bean ever learn of Arkanian Delphiki?

Postby Crash02 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:55 pm

I don't know the exact math of it all, i can do the research later, but Randy and Randall/Arkanian dont leave earth until quite a bit after Bean and the other kids. So depending on how much time has passed on Ganges when Bean finally dies, its possible that Arkanian has yet to do anything that would expose him (he arrived as a baby, so he would need at least a few years before he had access to the nets, and even still, that doesn't guarantee that he would do or say anything where Bean would know its him from reading an article or post in a forum etc... but i could have my timing right and that may not even be remotely close to being the case.
Could also be that he assumed the last child wasnt born and he wasn't really looking....

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