Possible Discrepancy

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Possible Discrepancy

Postby hawkeye612 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:01 am

So, I am rereading the series. I finished up the Ender portion and am just starting Shadow of the Hegemon in Bean's portion and think I have come upon a discrepancy. Either that or I am just missing something, which is very possible. What the discrepancy boils down to is the question of who is responsible for forcing Ender to leave earth. At the end of Ender's Game, Valentine says that Peter wanted Ender to come back to earth and she had to basically blackmail him to get Ender his freedom. However, in Shadow of the Hegemon, Peter has a point where in thoughts to himself he is talking about how Ender could never be allowed to return and why couldn't Val realize that. So, my question is: whose decision was it then? I don't think Val would lie, but I don't think Peter would lie to himself about that either; maybe to others but not in his thoughts.

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Re: Possible Discrepancy

Postby EAGLE » Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:37 pm

Who's to say Peter is lieing to himself. I think of it as his view of the situation. Think of the phrase: "from a curtain point of view". To you or I we might think of it as someone is lieing or that Val wants him away from Earth. But to Peter he could see it as Val wanting Ender back home. It's been a while since I read both, but just from your post I think Peter has his own view/ fantasy of the world around him. Not saying he's delusional and out of touch with reality; just that, how Peter sees reality might be different.

I've had and Ethics class in college that mentions a philosphical and ethical view of a person who would dismiss and deny every thing you concidered fact if to that person you where wrong, or the point you make is wrong; long before they would think that they are wrong. I can't remember the name of it for the life or me, but I think it applies here.

Peter feels and thinks that Val wanted him back regardless of Val herself actually manipulated Peter with black mail
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