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10 Things Christians and Atheists Must Agree On

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:34 am
by Eaquae Legit
Thanks to Jan, I was browsing around when I came across 10 Things Christians and Atheists Can (and Must) Agree On.

I think it's a pretty good article. There's plenty of room for both sides to get indignant, self-righteous, and offended. But if you take it with a spoonful of humility, I think that every point is spot-on.

Don't bother reading it if you're just interested in being right. But if you have any interest in actually talking with someone on the other side of the fence, go read it. Get offended. And then grow the heck up and admit we're all just human.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:32 am
by zeroguy
Most of this I only skimmed (hey, it's late), but from reading headings/random sentences, they all seemed like kinda "well, duh" points. Maybe it'd be funnier if I read more of it. [Edit: Now I'm certain it would be; I see it's written by David Wong.]

I disagree with one, though: "5. Your Point of View is Legitimately Offensive to Them". The author seems to state several times in that section that it is the voicing of the POV that is offensive.
After all, don't you get offended when a Muslim says you're going to Hell? Atheists. Same deal. It's irritating to you when they say you and your friends aren't going to Heaven because of your beliefs. But it's just as irritating to them when you say they're not going to Heaven, because there is no Heaven.
Yeah, I agree, people that would say something like that are dicks. But not everybody does that, and it seems to be that atheists have (slightly; possibly only in some cases) less of a reason to do so. So, going out shoving your beliefs in other people's faces is offensive, sure. (Legitimately? eh, hard to define.) But it's certainly not necessary, and not even ubiquitous. So, I'd contest that it's not the mere act of having a differing viewpoint that is inherently offensive, but rather the act of repeatedly telling people how wrong they are.

I loved the image macros, though. I at least smiled at every one of them.

Oh, and by the way, requoting above:
After all, don't you get offended when a Muslim says you're going to Hell?
No, I don't. Or when anyone of any other faith does, for that matter. I don't see why atheists would either; why would they care?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:07 am
by suminonA
No, in reality, if changing minds is your thing, there's only one way to do it:

Lead by Example.
If this is the only thing one learns from this article, it would be worth the while. :)


Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:37 pm
by KennEnder
I enjoyed the article, although I only skimmed it too. thanks for the heads-ups!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:16 pm
by SaintDrogo
Speaking of the macros, I always waffle back and forth on those weird hairless cats. I'm totally getting one now.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:32 am
by Dr. Mobius
Be sure it name it Furball.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:41 pm
by London
In response to 10# No, you will never harrass the other side out of existence. If you try to do that you are an idiot for thinking you can. What reasonable people are trying to do is change as -many- people as possible.

And why on earth does this guy have this idea of Christians as "Believe or burn" I know NOBODY who even does that anymore. Maybe a small child who doesn't know how to minister, but come on. I know people who try and have succeeded at converting lost people, and they sure as heck didn't use that method. Sure, there are people that cannot be converted by other people (save God himself) but some have changed through sheer examination and conclusion.